First Announcement - Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

First Announcement of 17th ISME Conference on
Advances in Mechanical Engineering
October 3rd-4th, 2015
Organized by,
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016
Under the auspices of
Indian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME)
The Indian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME) is organizing a conference on
“Advances in Mechanical Engineering” from 3rd to 4th October, 2015 at Indian Institute of
Technology Delhi. In the new millennium, research in mechanical engineering has
progressed towards emerging areas such as processing of advanced materials, micro/nano
manufacturing, microfluidics, energy harvesting and utilization, biomechanics, medical
robotics and precision mechatronics. The purpose of this conference will be to bring
together the mechanical engineering community to explore, disseminate and strengthen
initiatives in such new directions under the broad areas of manufacturing, thermofluids and
mechanical design.
The conference will be divided into following tracks from Mechanical Engineering:
Track 1: Mechanical Design
Track 2: Manufacturing Sciences
Track 3: Thermofluids
The conference will be held at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.
Call for Papers
Original articles mainly within the above scope are welcome. The presenters should submit
an abstract of approximately one page (400 words) online at
with other relevant details. The abstract shall be reviewed by a peer committee.
Contributors will be notified about the acceptance of the proposed contribution by 20th
April, 2015. The format for manuscript will be sent along with the acceptance notification.
Selected manuscripts will be accepted for either oral or poster presentation.
Registration & sponsorship
The registration fees for attending the conference is as follows:
Participants from industry:
Participants from academic institutions and research centres:
Participants holding ISME membership:
Student participants:
Foreign Delegates:
Rs. 10,000/Rs. 5000/Rs. 4000/Rs. 2000/USD 300
Industrial organization and professional bodies can come forward and contribute
generously for this event where mechanical engineers and scientists will exchange research
and development from all over the country. Various sponsorship schemes are as under:
Amount (INR)
Free Delegates
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¼ page
Please fill-up the registration form online at the link Payment
towards registration fees/ sponsorship should be made by a demand draft in favour of
"ISME Conference 2015" payable at New Delhi.
Registration fee entitles delegates to a copy of the proceedings, registration kit and
all meals during the workshop days.
Delegates will be provided twin-shared accommodation in the Institute. This
accommodation is limited and will be available to registered participants on a first come
first served basis. Accommodation charges will be borne by the delegates. For student
delegates, accommodation will be provided at hostels on campus at nominal charges.
Organizers will extend the necessary assistance in securing suitable accommodation in
nearby guesthouses and hotels on request, by the registered delegates, well in advance.
Organizing Committee
Director, IIT Delhi
Chairman: P. V. Rao
Secretary: Prabal Talukdar
Joint Secretary: S. Aravindan
Treasurers: Amit Gupta, Supreet S. Bahga
Abstract Submission
Acceptance of Abstract
Submission of Manuscript
Notification of Acceptance
Submission of final Manuscript
Registration begins
31st March 2015
20th April 2015
1st July 2015
14th August 2015
1st September 2015
7th September 2015
Address for communication
Dr. Prabal Talukdar
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016
Phone: 91-11-2659-6337 Fax: 91-11-2658-2053
Dr. S. Aravindan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016
Phone: 91-11-2659-6350 Fax: 91-11-2658-2053