Poster Competition

Junior researchers, PhD (and prospective) students are invited to submit proposals for poster
presentations at the XXVI ISPIM Conference.
Poster submissions could be about recently completed work, important findings of research in
progress, or proposed implementation of practical solutions and applications, from different
perspectives of Innovation research and practice. Poster presentation is a beneficial strategy for
showcasing, getting feedback and development ideas on research/innovations that are yet to be
completed or publication-ready.
The poster sessions are an integral part of the conference, with interactive discussion between
presenters and attendees during the Junior Researcher Lab. The language of the submissions
should be in English. To apply, please submit a poster outline that follows the same structure as for
a research development outline (ARDS) in the ISPIM guidelines. The evaluation process will also
borrow the criteria for an ARDS) outline. Submissions (and questions) must be made by email with
the subject: “Poster Submission - ISPIM 2015” to and not via the website.
Call for Posters: Schedule-at-a-Glance
Call for Posters Opened
Call for Posters Closed
Final Notifications Sent By
Friday, January 09, 2015
Friday, March 27, 2015
Monday, April 6, 2015
For Accepted Posters
If the outline is accepted, please follow the poster specifications below in preparing your final
Contact: Full contact details of presenter
Title: 10 words at most
Description: The Poster should present what the attendee needs to take away upon viewing your
poster. (Recommended: Minimize the use of text as much as possible and when used make them
comprehensible at a glance.)
Dimensions: Make your poster in either a portrait or landscape format using these dimensions:
32" x 40" (82cm x 102cm). Give at least a 1” (2.5cm) margin around the poster edge.
Updated Outline: Prepare an updated outline following the research in progress guidelines
(ARDS) on the ISPIM website. This should give a clear presentation of what your topic is about
such that the Prize Committee can better comprehend the merits of your poster’s submission. Note
accepted posters will be pre-screened for the Junior Researcher Poster Competition and
considered for the Best Poster Awards.