INDIA SECURITY PRESS (A Unit of Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited) Wholly owned by Government of India Nashik Road – 422 101 (Maharashtra) Tel No 00 91 253 2402200 Fax No 00 91 253 2462718 EPABX: 00 91 253 2402200 Website: Not Transferable Security Classification: UNCLASSIFIED TENDER DOCUMENTS FOR PROCUREMENT OF REINFORCED TEAR AND WATER RESISTANT PAPER QTY:120 MT. Tender No. 07 /NCB/ReNT-P/ 2015-16 Dated: 06/04/2015 This Tender Document contains (22) pages. Tender Documents is sold to: M/s______________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________ Details of Contact person in SPMCIL regarding this tender: Name, Designation: V.KIRAN KUMAR, Deputy Manager (Materials) Address: India Security Press, Nashik Road-422 101 Maharashtra India Phone: 0253-2402219/2402321/2402319 Fax : 0253-2462718 Email Note- The word “SPMCIL” in this SBD hereinafter is referred to as “India Security Press, a unit of SPMCIL”. Page 1 of 22 Section I: Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) INDIA SECURITY PRESS (A Unit of Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited) Wholly owned by Government of India, Nashik Road – 422 101 (Maharashtra) Tel No 00 91 253 2402200 Fax No 00 91 253 2462718 Tender No. 07/NCB/ReNT-P/ 2015-16 Website: Dated 06/04/2015 ,, 1. Sealed tenders are invited from eligible and qualified tenderers for supply of following goods and services: Schedule Brief Description of Goods/ services No. 1 Reinforced Tear and water resistant paper. Quantity (with unit) Earnest Money(in Rs) 120 MT (±5 %) Rs.15,10,000/(Rs. Fifteen Lakh Ten thousand only) Remarks Type of Tender (Two Bid/ PQB/ EOI/ Two Bid (National Competitive Bidding) RC/Development/ Indigenization/ Disposal of Scrap/ Security Item etc) Dates of sale of tender documents From 17/04/2015 to 18/05/2015 during office hours Price of the tender document Rs. 5625/Place of sale of tender documents Purchase section, India Security Press, Nashik Road-422 101 Maharashtra, India. Closing date and time for receipt of tenders 19/05/2015 at 14:30 Hours Place of receipt of tenders Green Gate, India Security Press, Nashik Road-422 101, Maharashtra, India. Time and date of opening of tenders At 15:00 Hours on 19/05/2015 Place of opening of tenders Purchase Section, India Security Press, Nashik Road-422 101, Maharashtra, India. Nominated Person/ Designation to Receive Bulky Dy Manager(HR), Tenders ( Clause 21.21.1 of GIT ) India Security Press, Nashik Road-422 101, Maharashtra, India. Page 2 of 22 2. Interested Tenderers may obtain further information about this requirement from the above office selling the documents. They may also visit our website mentioned above for further details. 3. Tender documents may be purchased on payment of non-refundable fee of Rs. 5625/- (Rs. Five thousand six hundred twenty five only ) per set in the form of account payee demand draft/ cashier’s cheque/ certified cheque, drawn on a scheduled commercial bank in India, in favour of SPMCIL, Unit ISP, payable at Nashik. 4. If requested, the tender documents will be mailed by registered post/ speed post to the domestic tenderer, for which extra expenditure per set will be Rs 100 for post. The tenderer is to add the applicable postage cost in the non-refundable fee mentioned in Para 3 above. 5. Tenderer may also download the tender documents from the web site and submit its tender by utilizing the downloaded document, along with the required non-refundable fee as mentioned in Para 3 above. 6. Tenderers shall ensure that their tenders, duly sealed and signed, complete in all respects as per instructions contained in the Tender Documents, are dropped in the tender box located at the address given below on or before the closing date and time indicated in the Para 1 above, failing which the tenders will be treated as late and rejected. 7. In the event of any of the above mentioned dates being declared as a holiday/ closed day for the purchase organisation, the tenders will be sold/ received/ opened on the next working day at the appointed time. 8. The essence of this tender is Price, delivery and adherence to Technical Specification. This tender is not a Development Tender. Bidders having proven track record of having manufactured and supplied similar material for printing purpose can only participate. 9. As per Government of India guidelines, a 20% quantity of the tendered requirement shall be procured from participating and qualified MSME registered firms in the price band of L1 + 15% where L1 is a Non MSME registered firm. 10. The tender documents are not transferable. DEPUTY MANAGER (MATERIALS) FOR GENERAL MANAGER INDIA SECURITY PRESS, NASHIK ROAD Phone No 0253 2402219 Address for dropping the tender documents Green Gate, India Security Press, Nashik Road-422 101, Maharashtra, India. Page 3 of 22 Section II: GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS (GIT) Please refer the link Click here or for further details. Page 4 of 22 Section III: Special Instructions to Tenderers (SIT) The following Special Instructions to Tenderers will apply for this purchase. These special instructions will modify/ substitute/ supplement the corresponding General Instructions to Tenderers (GIT) incorporated in Section II. The corresponding GIT clause numbers have also been indicated in the text below: In case of any conflict between the provision in the GIT and that in the SIT, the provision contained in the SIT shall prevail. Sl No SIT Provision 1 GIT Clause Topic No 8 Pre-bid Conference 2 19 Tender validity The tenders shall remain valid for acceptance for a period of 120 days from the date of tender opening. Any tender valid for a shorter period shall be treated as unresponsive and rejected. 3 20.4 Number of copies of Single Tenders to be submitted 4 20.8 Submission of tender Page 5 of 22 Not contemplated Technical bid and financial bid are to be submitted in two separate envelopes on or before the due date of submission of tenders. It may be noted that the price is not to be quoted in technical bid. It shall only be quoted in financial bid. Non-adherence to this shall make tender liable for rejection. The envelopes containing bids shall be superscripted “Technical Bid” or Financial Bid as the case may be, for “Procurement of Reinforced tear and water resistant Paper Due on 19/05/2015 upto 1430 Hours (IST)”. Late tenders shall not be accepted. Tenderers shall submit their offers only on prescribed forms. Tender by / fax/ e-mail shall not be accepted. Tender by Post/ hand/ courier received on or before the due date and time shall be accepted. Postal delay/ dealy by courier service etc shall not be condoned. Tenders shall be submitted in parts as below: PART-I TECHNICAL BID: (a) The tenderer shall submit detailed technical offer as per list of requirement given in section VI of this tender document. (b) Earnest Money Deposit. Rs.15,10,000/(c) Tender Document Fee Rs. 5625/(d) The tenderer has to submit acceptance of all sections of this tender document (GIT, SIT, SCC, GCC, Quality control requirements, tender form, questionnaire etc). (e) The tenderer has to undertake by written guarantee that they will not supply the paper with mentioned specification (as per section VII of this tender document) to any other party. PART-II PRICE BID: The Tenderers shall quote the prices strictly as per the proforma given in Section-XI of the tender document. 5 20.9 E-Procurement Page 6 of 22 Not contemplated 6 34 Comparison on destination basis. 7 35.2 8. 40 Additional factors for Not applicable evaluation of offers Purchaser’s right to accept Supplement with the tender following : SPMCIL reserves the right to accept in part or in full any tender or reject any tender without assigning any reason or to cancel the tendering process and reject all tenders at any time prior to award of contract without incurring liability, what so ever to the affected tenderer or Tenderers 9 43 CIF Supplement with the following: Price bid evaluation: The prices quoted shall be compared on a total price basis (FOR ISP Nashik Road), including all taxes, duties, packing and forwarding charges, freight, insurance, etc. as per the price schedule. Parallel contracts The purchaser reserves the right to place parallel contracts on one or more firms up to maximum three firms, without any prejudice to the capacity of the L1 bidder, as given below. (a) The rate quoted by L1 bidder will be counter offered to L2 bidder and, if agreed, orders shall be placed at a ratio L1:L2=70:30 of the total tendered quantity. Non acceptance of counter offer by L2, the same shall be counter offered to L3 and so on at the sole discretion of the purchaser. Page 7 of 22 (b) Purchaser also reserves the right to place order on lowest quoted technically qualified bidder only. 10 50.1, 50.3 Tender for rate contracts Not applicable 11 51.1, 51.2 PQB Tenders Not applicable 12 Tenders involving Not applicable purchaser’s and preproduction sample 13 52.1, 52.2, 52.3, 52.5, 52.6 53 14 54 Tenders for disposal of Not applicable scrap 15 55 Development and indigenization tenders EOI Tenders Page 8 of 22 Not applicable Not applicable Section IV: GENERAL CONDITION OF CONTRACT Please refer the link Click here or for further details. Page 9 of 22 Section V: Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) The following Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) will apply for this purchase. The corresponding clauses of General Conditions of Contract (GCC) relating to the SCC stipulations have also been incorporated below. These Special Conditions will modify/ substitute/ supplement the corresponding (GCC) clauses. Whenever there is any conflict between the provision in the GCC and that in the SCC, the provision contained in the SCC shall prevail. Sr GCC Clause Topic SCC Provision No No. 1 19.3 Option clause The purchaser reserve the right to increase the ordered quantity by 25% at any time, till final delivery date of the contract, by giving reasonable notice even though the quantity ordered initially has been supplied in full before the last date of delivery period. 2 20.1 Price adjustment clause Not applicable 3 21.2 Taxes and duties If the tenderer fails to include taxes and duties in the tender, no claim thereof will be considered by purchaser afterwards. 4 25.1 Bank Guarantee and Insurance for material loaned to contractor Not applicable 5 36 Disposal/ Sale of scrap by tender Not applicable Page 10 of 22 Section VI: List of Requirements Schedule Brief description of Accounting No. goods and services Unit (Related Specifications etc are in Section -VII) 01 Reinforced tear and MT water resistant paper in reel width of 41 cm (± 5mm). 1. Quantity Amount of Earnest Money Rs.15,10,000/120 (± 5 %) (Rs. Fifteen Lakh Ten and thousand only) Required terms of Delivery: (a) Required Schedule Delivery i) : Adherence to delivery schedule is the essence of the contract. Deviation will not be accepted. ii) iii) i) Before effecting the bulk supply, the supplier shall supply at least 5 reels within 15 days of issue of letter of Intent for trial run on the machine at ISP, Nasik Road. iv) ii) Supplier has to supply 10 MT within 30 days of issue of Acceptance of trial supply in writing by ISP vide fax, letter or e-mail. iii) Thereafter a quantity of 10 MT each in every subsequent month till the completion of indent. Detailed delivery schedule with dates will be given in purchase order. Terms v) of : FOR ISP Nashik Road (b) Required Delivery (c) Destination : India Security Press, Nashik Road–422 101. Maharashtra, India (d) Preferred mode of transportation : By Road 2. All the copies of tenders shall be complete in all respects with all their attachments/ enclosures duly numbered and signed on each and every page. 3. The total cost inclusive of all elements as cited above on FOR India Security Press, Nashik Road (Maharashtra), India, basis should be indicated clearly both in words and figures in the price bid. 4. Price bid should be submitted as per section XI of this tender document. Page 11 of 22 Rate quoted should be on firm price basis. Vague offers like duties as applicable shall not be considered. 5. RISK PURCHASE: (a) If the supplier after submission of tender and due acceptance of the same, i.e. after placement of notification of award of contract fails to abide by the terms and conditions of these tender documents, or fails to supply the material as per delivery schedule given or at any time repudiates the contract, the purchaser shall have the right to: (i) Forfeiture of the EMD and (ii) Invoke the Security-cum-Performance Guarantee if deposited by the supplier and procure stores from other agencies at the risk and consequence of the supplier. The cost difference between the alternative arrangement and supplier tendered value will be recovered from the supplier along with other incidental charges, including excise duty, taxes, insurance, freight etc. (b) For all the purpose the Notification of award of contract will be considered acceptance of tender and formal contract pending signing of agreement. Supplier has to abide by all the terms and conditions of tender. (c) In case of procurement through alternative sources and if procurement price is lower, no benefit on this account will be passed on to the supplier. 6. FALL CLAUSE: If the contract holder reduces its price or sells or even offers to sell the contracted goods, following conditions of sale similar to those of the contract, at a price lower than the contract price, to any person or organization during the currency of the contract, the contract price will be automatically reduced with effect from that date for all the subsequent supplies under the contract and the contract amended accordingly. Any violation of the fall clause would be considered a serious misdemeanor under clause of the GIT and action, as appropriate, would be taken as per provision of that clause. 7. Bank Details: The bidder has to give Bank details as per format given as below: a) Beneficiary Name: b) Bank Account Number: c) Bank Name: d) Branch and Address: e) IFS Code: Page 12 of 22 8. The Bidder has to submit the Check list as per Format given below along with the Technical Bid Documents. Sr.No Description 1. Tender form fee 2. EMD 3. All pages of the tender documents (including GIT, GCC,SIT, SCC, List of requirements, Technical specification , quality requirements, etc.) duly signed and stamped by the Authorized signatory of the bidder. 4. Power of Attorney of the Authorized Signatory duly Authorized by a person not below the Director level of the bidder firm for signing this Tender document. 5. Adherence to the Technical Specification as per Section VII on Bidder’s Letter Head. 6. Adherence to the Quality Control Requirements as per Section VIII on Bidder’s Letter Head. 7. Adherence to the Delivery Schedule as per Section VI on Bidder’s Letter Head. 8. Documentary evidence towards Experience as per clause 1(i) of section IX 9. Documentary evidence towards capability as per clause 1(ii) of section IX 10. Documentary evidence towards Financial data as per clause 2(i) of section IX 11. Documentary evidence towards Financial data as per clause 2(ii) of section IX 12. Documentary evidence towards capability as per clause 2(iii) of section IX 13. Documentary evidence towards Manufacturer’s authorization letter as per clause 3 of section IX 14. Documentary evidence towards Black Listing Declaration as per clause 4 of section IX Page 13 of 22 Submitted /Not Submitted Page No. Section VII: Technical Specifications ITEM: REINFORCED TEAR AND WATER RESISTANT PAPER. SPECIFICATIONS 1. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: The paper surface shall be smooth, uniform and without any problem of plucking, fluff etc. suitable for printing in Offset/Intaglio process. The paper shall be suitable to retain the printing with Multicolour inks including fluorescent and invisible ink and longevity of the printing shall be life-long without any problem of fading, chalking etc. The surface shall be absolutely flat without any dent/depression and shall be free from pin holes, foam marks, specks and thread marks with uniform thickness in machine and cross direction. The paper shall be OBA (Optical Brightening Agent) free and inactive to U.V. light at (365 nm). The paper shall be able to cut into sheets easily in cutting unit of high speed web-fed printing machine under normal setting and on other Guillotine machines. 2. Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. PHYSICAL PARAMETERS: Properties Unit Measured Value Test Method GSM Micron Kg/Square Cm. mN 150 +/- 5 165 +/- 5 8.0 ISO-536 ISO-534 ISO-2758 4. Basic Weight Thickness Bursting Strength (minimum) Tear Resistance (Min) Tappi T-414 5. Tensile Strength (Min.) Kg/15mm 6. 7. Bendsten (Max.) Surface sizing - 8. 9. 10. 11. Ash Content(Max.) Opacity(Minimum) Brightness (Min.) pH Value % % % ISO - CD: 2000 mm MD: 1500 mm MD: 14.5 CD: 12.3 Top sie-100 ml/min. Wire side-150 ml/min. Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA) 2.0 90.0 92.0 6.5-7.5 12. 13. Rag Percentage (Minimum) Colour of the Paper % - - 14. Finish - 15 Moisture (Max.) % 20.0 White (Bluish), inactive under U.V. light (365 nm), OBAfree. The paper shall be supercalendered from both sides 5 Smoothness Ml/min Page 14 of 22 ISO-1924-2 OR ASTM-D 882 Tappi T 535 Tappi Tappi Tappi Tappi T 413 T 425 T 452 T 435 Tappi T 412 16 Cobb Value GSM 17. 18. Temperature Resistance Intaglio Printability - 3. SECURITY FEATURES :- A) Sensitivity : TOP : 18 +/-2 Tappi T-441 Bottom : 20+/-2 200ºC for 1 Min Should withstand printability at 80 MT pressure The paper shall be sensitive to the following chemicals: ACETONE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, TOULENE, 5% SOLUTION SULPHURIC ACID, ETHYL ACETATE, BUTYL ALCOHOL, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE, 5% SOLUTION SODIUM HYPOCHLORIDE, 2% SOLUTION SODIUM/POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE AND SIMILAR ALKALINE SOLUTIONS, METHYL ETHYL KETONE, ETHYLENE GLYCOL, BENZYL ALCOHOL, CHLOROFORM, XYLENE. B) Security Fibres: 4. SUPPLY IN REELS : (A) The paper shall contain UV fluorescent invisible fibres of Yellow, Blue & Green and number of all fibres shall be minimum 18 Nos. per 50 mm X 50 mm square size of paper. Width of the Reel : 41 cms. +/- 5 mm. (B) Winding : Reels shall be wound tightly without any bulging and without any piping effect. (C) Joint : Reel shall be preferably free from joints. In case of having joints, it shall not be more than 2 and it shall have BUTT Joint (i.e. edge to edge without overlapping) and shall be joint by 5 cms. width Self-Adhesive Coloured Cello tape. This is to facilitate joint to pass through the press without posing any problem. Joint shall be indicated by colour flag visible at outer edge. (D) Outer Dia. of Reel : 1000 mm ± 50 mm (E) Core The reels are to be supplied on paper core. The Inner diameter of Core shall be 78 mm +/- 2 mm. Core shall be strong enough to withstand the strain of reels in transportation and : Page 15 of 22 unloading. Inner diameter of the core shall not be in damaged or distorted condition. (F) Packing : Suitable wooden plugs on both sides of Core to be given, five-ply cover of suitable width of corrugated board shall be used on circumference and both side edge of reels to withstand sufficient impact of handling during transit. The side of reels shall be protected by three-ply thick cardboard protective disc kept on both sides of reel. Top of the reel shall be first wrapped in atleast two layers of corrugated Kraft paper and one layer of Polythene sheet and finally in Hessian Cloth or suitable material. A label showing the manufacturer’s name, date of manufacturing, lot number, weight, description of the paper, shall be pasted outside the Hessian Cloth and above the top sheet of each reel. 5. WRITTEN GUARANTEE:- The firm shall not supply paper with this specification to any other party and a written guarantee shall be given by them to this effect. 6. PRINTABILITY / PERFORMANCE ON PRINTING MACHINE : Paper shall have good printability with normal Offset and Intaglio printing ink, Double Sensitive Ink, Fluorescent Inks and other Security Inks also. Coating of the paper shall not obstruct in penetration of ink. 7. The Supplier shall submit test results of both physical and chemical properties for each batch to ISP along with supplies. 8. Before effecting the bulk supply, the Supplier shall supply at least 5(Five) Reels for trial run on machines at India Security Press, Nasik Road. Page 16 of 22 Section VIII: Quality Control Requirements The material supplied by the successful bidder will be accepted on manufacturer’s test certificate from its own laboratory or a laboratory of repute conforming to all parameters as per specification as stated above. The purchaser reserves the right to get the material supplied tested from in-house laboratory or any other laboratory of repute and in case the material is found not meeting the specification, then the supplier will have to replace the material free of cost to ISP or the purchaser shall be entitled to cancel the contract, and if so desired, purchase or authorize purchase of the stores at the risk and cost of the contractor. Page 17 of 22 Section IX : Qualification / Eligibility Criteria MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA 1. The following shall be the minimum eligibility criteria for selection of bidders technically. (i) Experience and Past Performance: The Bidder firm should have manufactured and supplied at least 36 MT of similar type of “Tear and water resistant paper for printing purpose” in any one year during last five years ending with March 2015. (ii) Capability: The Bidder firm must have annual capacity to manufacture and supply at least 36 MT of similar type of “Tear and water resistant paper for printing purpose”. Note: All experience, past performance and capacity/ capability related/ data should be certified by the authorized signatory of the bidder firm. The credentials regarding experience and past performance to the extent required as per eligibility criteria submitted by bidder may be verified from the parties for whom work has been done, hence copies of Purchase orders/experience certificates to be submitted. 2. Financial standing: (i) Average Annual Turnover of the Bidder firm during last three financial years i.e. 2011-2012, 2012- 2013 and 2013-2014 should be more than Rs. 2,26,21,000/-. (ii) Bidder firm should not have suffered any financial loss for more than one year during last three financial years i.e. 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 . (iii) The net worth of the bidder firm should not have eroded by more than 30% in last three financial years 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. Note: In Support of above all financial standings, the Bidder should submit the audited financial accounts for the last three financial years i.e. 2011-2012, 20122013 and 2013-14 duly signed and stamped by Auditor failing which offers shall be liable for rejection at Technical Bid Stage itself. 3. Manufacturer’s authorization letter: In case the bidder firm/ tenderer offers to supply “Reinforced tear and water resistant paper” which is manufactured by some other firm, the tenderer has to be duly authorized by the manufacturer of the stated material to quote for and supply the same to India Security Press, a unit of SPMCIL. The tenderer shall submit the manufacturer’s authorization letter to this effect as per the standard form provided under section XIV in this document. Page 18 of 22 4. The firm should give a declaration that they have not been black-listed/ debarred for dealing by Government of India in the past. 5. The bidder has to submit Power of Attorney of the person signing the bid documents for doing so. Note: 1. Bidders who submit tender on behalf of Manufacturer has to submit all the relevant & required documentary evidence as per para 1 to 5 of the Manufacturer only. 2. Bidders are requested to submit the documentary evidence as required above from para 1 to 5 along with the bid documents, Bid/ Tender documents and all the pages should be signed and stamped by Authorized signatory along with page numbering. 3. No correspondence beyond bid due date will be made for shortfall of documentary evidence. Such offers received with shortfall of documentary evidence will be summarily rejected. 4. One manufacturer can participate through one authorized agent or one agent can participate on behalf of one Principal / Manufacturer only. Page 19 of 22 SECTION X: TENDER FORM Please refer the link Click here or for further details. Page 20 of 22 SECTION XI: PRICE SCHEDULE SUMMARY OF PRICE SCHEDULE: PRICES SHOULD BE ON FOR, ISP, NASHIK ROAD BASIS. Tender No. 07/NCB/ReNT-P/ 2015-16 Sr No 1 1 Item description 2 Reinforced tear and water resistant paper In reel form UOM (Unit of Measur ement 3 MT Dated 06/04/2015 Basic price/ unit (Rs) Packing and forward ing charges (Rs), if any Excise duty (Rs), if any 4 5 6 CST against Form-C/ VAT @..... as applicable please specify (Rs) 7 Freight, Insurance, and other charges, if any, including delivery at works (Rs) 8 Total rate per unit (Rs) (FOR ISP, Nashik Road) inclusive of all taxes, duties, freight, and Insurance charges 9 Offered Quantit y 10 120 (± 5 %) Total Price for required quantity (Rs) (FOR ISP, Nashik Road) inclusive of all taxes, duties, freight, and Insurance charges 11 FOR ISP Nashik Road price in words……………… 1. We confirm that there would not be any price escalation during the supply period. 2. We confirm that we will abide by all the tender terms and conditions and we do not have any counter conditions Note: Price bids with conditions/ counter conditions are liable to be rejected. (Name and Signature with date) Office Seal/Stamp Page 21 of 22 SECTION XII: QUESTIONNAIRE SECTION XIII: BANK GUARANTEE FORM OF EMD SECTION XIV: MANUFACTURER’S AUTHORIZATION FORM SECTION XV: BANK GUARANTEE FORM FOR PERFORMANCE SECURITY SECTION XVI: CONTRACT FORM SECTION XVII: LETTER OF AUTHORITY FOR ATTENDING A BID OPENING SECTION XVIII: SHIPPING ARRANGEMENT FOR LINER CARGOES SECTION XIX: PROFORMA OF BILLS FOR PAYMENTS For section XII to XIX please refer the link click here or Page 22 of 22
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