Deerpark Diary Carlow Golf Club’s Monthly Newsletter Issue 1: 25th March 2014 The “Storm-Troopers” and the Big Clean-up In what was billed as the ‘storm of the decade’ strong February winds and rain lashed Ireland wreaking havoc across the country. Carlow Golf Club suffered considerable damage to the course with many of our beautiful landmark trees being literally wrenched out by the roots. On Saturday 15th February, in response to a rallying call from Captain, John Fitzgerald, a team of volunteers (with rakes in hand) tackled the biggest course clean-up that the club has ever witnessed. Despite the seriousness of the situation, the club spirit was at full tilt as evidenced by these wonderful photographs captured by Sylvester (Vesty) McGrath on the day. There was even time for a laugh and a few practical jokes when some ‘ancient’ golf balls were ‘discovered’ embedded in the roots of a fallen tree (see pic. below). Special thanks to the clean-up gang and to everyone else who helped to make the course playable again. We salute your commitment to the course clean-up and congratulate you on a job well done. In this Issue… “Storm-Troopers” – counting the cost of the storm of the decade. “Groundforce” – we talk to Tony Pender, leader of the team that keeps the course in tip top condition. Have you got a loan of a euro? No more scrambling for coins on competition days! Social Scene Lady Captain’s Drive-in Golf Update – the latest news about competitions, teams and rules Juvenile News Snooker Scene Countdown to the new Carlow Golf Club website Deerpark Diary: Page 1 of 8 Meet the Grounds Manager, Tony Pender and the Team While many courses are not yet open for 18 holes, despite the recent bad weather, Carlow Golf Club has once again earned its stripes as being one of the finest inland courses in Ireland. We coaxed Carlow Golf Club’s Grounds Manager, Tony Pender away from the tractors and mowers to give us an insight into what’s involved in keeping a championship course like ours in peak condition. Tony who hails from Killeshin trained in Green-keeping and Sports Turf Management in the Botanic Gardens in Dublin and qualified in Golf Course Management from Teagasc in Kinsealy. rd Tony (back row, 3 from left) with the Grounds Team: David Vaughan, Dermot Nolan, John Jackson, John Nelson, Francis Scully and Mark Doran. DD: How long have you been working as a Grounds Manager? TP: I started in Carlow on a part-time basis in 1983 and have been here full-time since 1985. I’m one of a team of eight grounds staff – five of us are here all year round and three team members join us for the summer season. DD: What do you enjoy about working on our courses? TP: I love being out in the open air and working with nature. Your work is visible and you can see the impact of what you do. DD: What was the impact of the February storm? TP: I’ve seen a lot of storms over the years but this one destroyed so many of our trees and we are still in the middle of a massive clear-up. We’ve lost over 100 trees and another 100 or so have been considerably damaged and are dangerous. We have taken up the trees that have blown over and are removing the roots. Two of our seasonal team are back with us early to help out. We’ve hired an excavator and have our own shredding machine – we can recycle the sawdust into the course. DD: What has the team learned this winter? TP: We’ve learned a lot about the types of trees that do well on the course. Our native trees are Ash, Beech and Oak – hence the name Oakpark. Thankfully none of our Oaks came down in the storm but we lost many Leylandii trees – they have shallow roots and can become unstable when they reach a certain height. DD: Carlow has a reputation for being one of the finest inland courses – is that reputation well deserved? TP: Yes absolutely. Our soil type and the topography of the land is very unique – it’s all natural and hasn’t been disturbed since the course was laid out over 100 years ago. We have an extraordinary landscape and we work with the natural flow of it, particularly on the 6th, 16th and 17th holes. We are probably the only club in Ireland that has not altered its natural landscape over the years. Our greens have also stood the test of time. In the past 10-15 years new golf course designers have been focusing on having lots of bunkers and large undulating raised greens. Our greens are sheltered and Deerpark Diary: Page 2 of 8 the putting surfaces are flat and slick. Every one of our greens is different – nothing predictable – the 1st is flat, the 4th is a nightmare and so on! This really challenges your short game. DD: Squirrels and hares – are they friends or foes? TP: Grey squirrels are vermin and do a lot of damage to trees, particularly at the 11th, so we don’t like to see too many of them. Hares come and go and don’t get up to too much mischief because they don’t burrow. The real troublemakers are the wild rabbits as they multiply at a dramatic rate and can damage bunkers and nibble the grass on the greens to nothing. I have often seen 40-50 rabbits on the 18th fairway. DD: What is your favourite part of the course? TP: That has to be the 16th. It’s so picturesque with nothing else in sight but the fairway and the green. DD: How does frost impact the course? TP: We have frost pockets on some parts of the course. On frosty days our course can be closed for a few hours longer than others – it’s just the landscape and the effects of the level of exposure to the sun. Sometimes members are disappointed by this and they say ‘Sure how could it be closed – there’s no frost in my back garden.’ DD: How do you make the greens fast or slow? TP: Once the growing weather comes we have reasonably fast greens. For the majors at the peak of the summer we try to have the greens as fast and slick as possible and we can speed them up by top-dressing them with sand and by cutting them closer. We irrigate them right throughout the Summer season. The grass on our greens is ‘Meadow Grass’ and although we weed it and reseed parts of it as needed, it’s the same grass that has been there since the beginning of the course. DD: How can members help with course maintenance? TP: Members can help by repairing pitch marks correctly, particularly on the 3rd and 10th greens and by replacing divots. If a divot is replaced immediately it will repair itself within a day or two but if it’s left exposed for a day it cannot be repaired. The 16th has an extra high divot count because it slopes upwards and the 2nd and 4th fairways suffer a lot too. DD: Have you ever found anything unusual on the course? TP: During the very bad snow in 2010 we found a stranded German Shepherd and her beautiful white pup. We brought them into the shed and gave them hot milk and eventually reunited them with their owner who was a local person. DD: What are the future plans for developing the course? TP: We are highly mechanised now in terms of maintenance and equipment and we have a computerised irrigation system. Course maintenance has become very sophisticated and TV Deerpark Diary: Page 3 of 8 coverage of courses like Augusta has raised everyone’s expectations of what a course should look like. As regards developments there will always be a need for tweaking and reshaping but the course is naturally laid out and we are very proud of our landscape. It’s the Club’s commitment to maintaining that natural beauty of the course that keeps Carlow consistently in the top ratings of Irish golf courses. DD: Thanks Tony for the interview and to the team for all the hard work. Winter Rules Until 31st March, winter tees are in play and placing on closely mown areas within 6” and not nearer the hole is permitted. Plugged balls in the semi rough may be lifted, cleaned and dropped within one club length, not nearer the hole, without penalty. Weather permitting the 1st of April should see the removal of the ropes from protected areas and the return of normal play but do watch the noticeboards for updates. The Digital Purse No more scrambling for coins on competition days – the Digital Purse is on its way. Soon you will be able to pay your competition sub when you make your reservation through the BRS system. Watch the noticeboards for further information. Social Scene Six Nations Glory There was heart-stopping excitement in the Clubhouse Bar on Saturday 15th March when over 150 members and friends gathered to watch the six nations match live from Stade De France. Oh the agony of that last French try and the ecstasy when it was disallowed. The electrifying action on the pitch was followed by a traditional music session with Eric Butler and Michael Bolton. And what can we say about the acoustical genius of Vesty on the Miller bottles – who needs spoons! It was wonderful to see so many members at a club social and your social organisers Paddy Carroll, Aine O’Shea, Rose McEvoy and Theola Mc Grath, have some terrific nights planned for the rest of the year. Watch this space for news of forthcoming midweek fashion shows, an Open Mike Night, Joint Drive-in fun and the return of “The Restaurant.” Quiz Night There is great interest in the 28th March Quiz night and if you haven’t booked your team table yet then there’s no time to lose. There will be great cash prizes and non-members are welcome as guests. It’s Daffodil Day too so it’s a really worthy cause. We’ll carry a full report of the Quiz Night fun in our next issue. Something’s Cooking in the Kitchen Our new catering team Eilish and James Murray are causing a stir. They tell us that bookings are pouring in for Mother’s Day lunch (Sun 30th March) – so much so that they have organised two sittings at 1.00 and 3.00 pm. It’s a long time since we’ve seen this level of activity in the Clubhouse Restaurant so thanks everyone for your support and Bon Appetit! Deerpark Diary: Page 4 of 8 Lady Captain’s (Jeannette Fitzgerald) Drive-in When Lady Captain Jeannette Fitzgerald announced that she had friends in high places she wasn’t joking – the glorious weather that we were blessed with on the 11th March for her Drive-in was all the evidence we needed. Once the morning frost thawed it was more Corfu than Carlow as the ladies teed off for a really exciting competition and a wonderful day’s golf. With the welcome sun on our shoulders and the course in remarkably good condition it was one of those days where you just didn’t want to be anywhere else. Excellent scores were racked up on the first 9 with reports of 48 and 49 points on the turn; but the second nine was to prove a tougher challenge for most teams. The evening saw over 80 lady members joining Jeannette and her committee for an excellent sit down meal prepared by our new Catering Team. Full marks to the Bar Staff and to Eilish and James for the great food. And what can we say about James’s fancy cakewalk or ‘Riverdance’ with the giant desert? Lady Captain Jeannette welcomed everyone, particularly the new members to the club for 2014 and thanked the ladies’ committee and the staff who had worked hard to make the day such a great success. Marese Grogan presented the prizes for the Drive-in and for the competitions to date – great to see some familiar faces and also some of our newest members featuring in the prizes. Our roving camera woman Cepta Burke took these smashing photos. Making an apt and eloquent acceptance speech on behalf of the winning team, Rosemary Tully thanked the Lady Captain and wished her and her committee well for the year ahead. When music maestro Ber Doyle began the entertainment the action moved to the dance floor and Dolores Lacey, Catherine Dempsey and Julie Long led the jiving. A truly great start to the year and a foretaste of the exciting golfing and social times ahead. Photocall Pic 1: “In the pink”( L-R) Mary Dillon; Carmel Roche; Lady Capt. Jeannette Fitzgerald; Theola McGrath; Lady Vice Capt. Ann Doyle and Mary Farrell. Pic 2: Jeannette presents the prizes to First Prize Winners Rosemary Tully, Stephanie Gillman and Mary Hughes. Pic 3: The 9-Hole Competition winners Siobhan Roberts and Nancy Redmond with Jeannette. Pic 4: Second Prize Winners, L-R Marese Grogan, Margaret Costello and Michelle Fanning with Lady Captain Jeannette. Pic 5: Third Prize Winners, Margaret McHugh, Eileen Brennan and Agnes O’Neill with Jeannette. Deerpark Diary: Page 5 of 8 Golf Update: Competitions, Teams and Rules Oak Park Foods Winter League 2014 The Oak Park Foods Winter League 2014 has now reached the Semi-Final stage with some of the hot favourites falling by the wayside and one or two dark horses emerging. The line out for the semifinals is: J. Moran and M. Hutchinson versus B. Fanning and M. O’Donoghue; and N. Kelly and K. Kelly versus M. Lennon and T. Small. These matches must be played before 5th April. Best of luck to all concerned and many thanks to our Winter League Sponsors Carmel and Nicky Finn of Oakpark Foods for their generous sponsorship of the league for the last number of years. I.L.G.U. Inter Club Match Play Date for your diaries. Carlow Versus Newbridge in the Minor Cup in Athy Golf Club on Saturday 5th April 2014 at 3.00 pm. All support would be very welcome! Marie Olwill, Team Manager. New Handicap and Competition Software The 2014 golf season sees the introduction of new handicap and competition software for both the men’s and ladies’ clubs. The old system has been replaced by HandicapMaster, who are the leading supplier of golf software. The system gives the flexibility to run all club and open competitions through the computer while managing members’ handicaps. Along with singles (which was the only competition the old software could handle) Fourballs, Foursomes, Team Events, Scrambles, Golfer of the Year and other competitions can now be managed by the system which also has the capability to run mixed competitions. The Pro Shop has the new software which will be used for all when signing-in to competitions. There are good reports from Andy and Colum and the sign-in time has been drastically reduced. The men’s and ladies’ locker rooms now have the touch screen score entry facility. All competition scores will now be entered through the computer and mixed scores can be entered in either locker room. Members can do handicap enquiries and also see their handicap record on screen. This will include all increases and decreases for the current year. The next time you are in the locker room have a look! Team Sheets There are still some opportunities for players of all standards to put their names down to play on a club team. So if you think you’d like to represent Carlow Golf Club, make some new golfing friends and help to get your team’s name on the leader board do put you name down on the sheet on the noticeboard in the locker room. Rebecca makes it in Morocco Congratulations to Rebecca Codd on a great week on the Ladies European Tour in Morocco. Rebecca finished on -5 after four rounds in the Lalla Meryem Cup 2014. Deerpark Diary: Page 6 of 8 Golf Rules Corner Two weeks ago I heard about a player who received a useful tip during a lesson from his Club Pro. It was to help him keep his head still during his stroke until after the moment of impact. The advice was to tuck his chin into his chest, take his shirt into his mouth and bite on it until his stroke was over. He was pleased at how well this worked for him and used the technique during his next medal competition with great results. However, he was less pleased when he was then disqualified from the competition for using equipment in an unusual manner. Part of Rule 14-3 states: “The player must not use… any equipment in an unusual manner: a. That might assist him in making a stroke or in his play; or b. For the purpose of gauging or measuring distance or conditions that might affect his play; or c. That might assist him in gripping the club, except that: (i) gloves may be worn provided that they are plain gloves; (ii) resin, powder and drying or moisturizing agents may be used; and (iii) a towel or handkerchief may be wrapped around the grip.” You’ve been warned! John Barry Juvenile News Carlow’s Young Golfers Blaze a Trail Congrats to the Gaelcholáiste Ceatharlach team who have progressed to the semi-finals of the Leinster Golf Inter-schools League Match Play 2014. All four players are members of Carlow Golf Club and they are: Craig Ó Bolgúir, Cian Ó Dubhghaill, James Ó Lionnaín and Mark Ó Duaig. The team has won 15 match play games in a row (seven in 2014 and eight in 2013) en route to the title. The semi-finals and finals of the match play will be played in Castlewarden on 10th April 2014. Gaelcholáiste Catherlach has drawn Newbridge College in the semi-finals and we wish them every success. Team Manager, Sean Kennedy has highlighted the fact that this is a great achievement for the team and it augurs well for the future of golfing in Carlow. Snooker Scene We are down to the last eight of the Captain’s Cup Snooker Tournament. The Bookies’ favourite has to be Jamie Lawlor and the odds are shortening by the day. The outside shot John Dillon will face the winner of the long awaited match between MJ Dowling and Mick Long. A major shock was the exit of crowd favourite John Webster who was beaten by John Ivory. When asked for comment after the match John said he was ‘driven to distraction’. Condolences Carlow Golf Club wishes to extend sincere sympathy to James Owen Kennedy on the death of his girlfriend, Sarah Dunphy. Condolences also to Pat Maher on the recent passing of his mother, Bridget, and also to Joe McDonald on the death of his brother, John F McDonald, Lucan. Deerpark Diary: Page 7 of 8 New Carlow Golf Club Website We’re nearly there! By the time this issue of Deerpark Diary reaches you we should have our new website up and running. Once it goes live, the website will be continually developed and enhanced by the PR team and we will welcome ideas and suggestions from the members. Deerpark Diary will also be available online and you’ll be able to see more photos like the ones in this issue in our new photo gallery. We’ll have a dedicated email address for you to send your news items to and in the meantime you can email your news to or Thanks for your support. The Editors, John Barry and Jean Cullinane. Deerpark Diary: Page 8 of 8
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