9th Earth System Modeling School EaSyMS15 - ISSMES

9th Earth System Modeling School
Contact via email, please: office.imprs@mpimet.mpg.de
Hamburg, Germany, Sep 7 - 11, 2015
The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) announces the
9th Earth System Modeling School (EaSyMS). EaSyMS15 will
take place at the Geomatikum building on the KlimaCampus in
Hamburg. Specifics will be announced soon on http://
In a series of lectures the school introduces to the major Earth
system components (atmosphere, ocean, land, carbon cycle) and
how they are represented in MPI-ESM (MPI Earth System
model). Supervised by experts from MPI, students perform MPIESM simulation experiments on a main frame computer and analyze these experiments in small groups during the week. With this
blend of theory and practice the schools aims at an improved understanding of global interactions in the Earth System relevant for
understanding climate change.
The school primarily addresses to IMPRS-ESM PhD candidates
though all PhD candidates, early-career scientists (post docs) and
professionals working on Earth system modeling topics are welcome to apply. Applicants are expected to be:
✦Highly interested in climate/Earth system research (e.g. a field
or scientific question to which configurations of the MPI-ESM apply)
✦Acquainted to high level programming languages like Fortran,
C, or C++ (preferably the participant should have some programming experience of model codes)
✦Familiar with LINUX / Unix (basic knowledge of Unix systems,
and scripts)
✦Proficient in English as a working language
Application & Registration:
Please register (IMPRS-ESM PhD
candidates) or informally request admission (all others) by sending an email to the IMPRS-ESM office until Friday May 29, 2015. Your E-mail should
include a brief statement (max. 0.5
pages) to inform us about your motivation to apply.
There are no registration fees. Travel
and accommodation expenses are to
the participants.
Registration starts
Registration ends
Final admission until
May 29, ´15
June 15, ´15
IMPRS-ESM office:
Cornelia Kampmann,
Tel.: 040 41173 467
MPI für Meteorologie
15th Floor, Seminar Rooms
Bundesstraße 51;
D-20146 Hamburg