Sponsorship Package
BEA 2015
Sponsorship Package
The Italian Chamber of Commerce of Ontario (ICCO) Business Excellence
Awards (BEA) are prestigious awards presented to the most outstanding
and innovative leaders from the business community. The Awards are a
means to celebrate and showcase those individuals who have changed the
economic landscape of Ontario, and given a competitive edge to their
As part of the celebration, ICCO members, friends, and prominent leaders
of business, politics, and culture gather together in order to celebrate the
engagement and leadership of the award recipients. It also serves as a
chance to thank them for their outstanding efforts towards our
community’s ongoing prosperity.
Sponsorship Package
The ICCO Business Excellence Awards were established in 2003 to recognize
and honour individuals in the business community who demonstrate
excellence in their field.
The award recipients are selected by a distinguished panel of community
leaders, who review all nominations received. The recipients are then
honoured at an annual dinner reception in May. For the past 12 years,
thanks to the support of many sponsors and supporters, the event has
been an incredible success; last year we attracted more than 800 people,
including VIPs as well as leaders from the business community and
government, making it the most successful Gala so far.
Not only are the Awards a great opportunity to honour those selected for
their excellence, but it is also the perfect occasion for informal networking
with top corporate executives and senior politicians.
Sponsorship Package
2015 Air Canada ICCO Business Excellence Awards
ICCO will host the 13th annual ICCO Business
Excellence Awards (BEA) on May 21st, 2015 at the
Liberty Grand.
More than 800 guests, including prominent
business, political and cultural leaders from the
Greater Toronto area get together to celebrate the
excellence of the Italian-Canadian community.
What: 2015 Air Canada ICCO Business Excellence
Awards Gala Event
Location: Toronto, at the Liberty Grand
Entertainment Complex
Date: Thursday, May 21st , 2015
Cocktails at 5:45pm
Dinner at 7:30pm
Sponsorship Package
2015 ICCO Business Excellence Award Winners
ICCO Business Excellence Award:
Mr. Carlo Baldassarra, Chairman & CEO, Greenpark Group of Companies
ICCO PwC Next Generation Award:
Mr. John Nalli, President, People Store Staffing Solutions Inc.
ICCO KPMG Community Building Award:
Mr. Domenic Meffe, President & CEO, Monte Carlo Hotel Motel Innternational
ICCO Masters Insurance Ltd and Coco Group, Arts, Science, and Culture Award:
Dr. Agostino Pierro, Division Head, Paediatric General and Thoracic Surgery, The
Hospital for Sick Children
ICCO Scotiabank Environmental Leadership Award:
Ms. Sharolyn Mathieu Vettese, President, SMV Energy Solutions
ICCO HSBC Italy-Canada Award:
The Di Donato Family, Faema Canada Inc.
ICCO RBC Businesswoman of the Year Award:
Honourable Sandra Pupatello
Title Sponsor – SOLD – AIR CANADA
$30,000 plus HST
Sponsor name incorporated in the title
A senior representative of your company will be given the
opportunity to address the audience with an up to 2 minutes
speech for both the lunch and dinner reception
Two representatives will be seated at the head table along with a
guest (2 seats)
One full-page ad in the evening’s programme, located on the back
Two reserved tables in a prime location at the dinner reception
event, with corporate logo displayed prominently
Logo recognition at the event, on the award and all
Recognition by the Master of Ceremonies from the event podium
Link to your company website from the ICCO website, where the
ICCO Business Excellence Awards are described
Logo recognition on the Awards invitation – distributed to over
3,000 individuals, including peers, Government officials, VIPs, and
ICCO Members
Partnership acknowledgement in all the ICCO communications
The right to use the event name and logo in promotions, provided
that the ICCO retains final approval on all artwork
Corporate logo to appear on audio/visual screens throughout the
event (logo rotation)
Promotional mention in the following event materials: media kits;
press releases; print and electronic media coverage.
Sponsorship Package
VIP & Dinner Reception Sponsor
SOLD – Unico Inc. & Primo Foods
$15,000 plus HST
A senior representative of your company will be given the
opportunity to address the audience with an up to 1 minute
speech for both the VIP and dinner reception and or a video
screen presentation
Two representatives will be seated at the head table along with a
guest (2 seats)
One full-page ad in the evening’s programme
One reserved table in a prime location at the dinner reception
event, with corporate logo displayed prominently
Recognition by the Master of Ceremonies from the event podium
Link to your company website from the ICCO website, where the
ICCO Business Excellence Awards are described
Logo recognition on the Awards invitation – distributed to over
3,000 individuals, including peers, Government officials, VIPs, and
ICCO Members
Corporate logo to appear on audio/visual screens throughout the
event (logo rotation)
Recognition as the Lunch & Dinner Reception Sponsor in all BEA
marketing and communications.
Sponsorship Package
Head Table Sponsor
$15,000 plus HST - SOLD – JK Overweel Ltd.
• You and your guest will be seated at the Head Table with the
2015 BEA winners, politicians and entrepreneurs
• One reserved table for ten of your guests with premium
seating at the dinner reception with corporate name
prominently displayed
• One full-page ad in the Annual Magazine to be distributed
that evening – Inside Back Page
• Corporate logo to appear on audio/visual screens throughout
the event (logo rotation)
• Logo recognition on Awards invitation – distributed to over
3,000 individuals including Peers, Government officials, VIPs,
and ICCO Members
• Link from the ICCO website where the event is listed
• Recognition as the Head Table Sponsor in all BEA marketing
and communications.
Sponsorship Package
Cocktail Sponsor
$10,000 plus HST - SOLD – Pizza Nova
• Prominent acknowledgment of your company during the
Cocktail Reception in the magnificent Artifacts Room
• Your products displayed during the cocktail (set up done by
• One reserved table for ten of your guests with premium seating
at the dinner reception with corporate name prominently
• One full-page ad in the Annual Magazine to be distributed that
• Corporate logo to appear on audio/visual screens throughout
the event (logo rotation)
• Logo recognition on Awards invitation – distributed to over
3,000 individuals including peers, Government officials, VIPs,
and ICCO Members
• Link from the ICCO website where the event is listed
• Recognition as the Cocktail Sponsor in all BEA marketing and
Sponsorship Package
ICCO Annual Magazine Sponsor - $10,000 plus
Ministry of Economic Development, Employment
and Infrastructure
• Special feature of your company in the ICCO Annual Magazine
• One reserved table for ten of your guests with premium seating at
the dinner reception and corporate name prominently displayed
• One full-page (Back Page) ad in the Annual Magazine to be
distributed that evening
• Corporate logo to appear on audio/visual screens throughout the
event (logo rotation)
• Logo recognition on Awards invitation – distributed to over 3,000
individuals including Peers, Government officials, VIPs, and ICCO
• Link from the ICCO website where the event is listed
• Recognition as ICCO Annual Magazine Sponsor in all BEA marketing
and communications.
Sponsorship Package
Entertainment Sponsor
SOLD - Nokia Solutions and Networks Canada Inc.
$10,000 plus HST
• Recognition as the Entertainment Sponsor in all BEA
marketing and communications
• One reserved table for ten of your guests at the dinner
reception with corporate name prominently displayed
• Two-page ad in the Annual Magazine to be distributed
that evening (artwork to be submitted by sponsor)
• Corporate logo to appear on audio/visual screens
throughout the event (logo rotation)
• Logo recognition on Awards invitation – distributed to
over 3,000 individuals including Peers, Government
officials, VIPs, and ICCO Members
• Link from the ICCO website where the event is listed.
Sponsorship Package
ICCO Next Generation Award Sponsor
$8,000 plus HST – SOLD – PwC
A representative of your company will hand the award to the
2015 award winner
One reserved table for ten of your guests with premium
seating at the dinner reception with corporate name prominently
One full-page ad in the Annual Magazine to be distributed that
evening (artwork to be submitted by sponsor)
Corporate logo to appear on audio/visual screens throughout the
event (logo rotation)
Logo recognition on Awards invitation – distributed to over 3,000
individuals including Peers, Government officials, VIPs, and ICCO
Link from the ICCO website where the event is listed
Recognition as the ICCO Next Generation Award Sponsor in all
BEA marketing and communications.
Sponsorship Package
ICCO Community Building Award Sponsor
$8,000 plus HST – SOLD – KPMG
A representative of your company will hand the award to the
2015 award winner
One reserved table for ten of your guests with premium
seating at the dinner reception with corporate name
prominently displayed
One full-page ad in the Annual Magazine to be distributed that
evening (artwork to be submitted by sponsor)
Corporate logo to appear on audio/visual screens throughout
the event (logo rotation)
Logo recognition on Awards invitation – distributed to over
3,000 individuals including Peers, Government officials, VIPs,
and ICCO Members
Link from the ICCO website where the event is listed
Recognition as the ICCO Community Building Award Sponsor in
all BEA marketing and communications.
Sponsorship Package
ICCO Arts, Science and Culture Award
$8,000 plus HST
SOLD – Masters Insurance Ltd. & Coco Group
A representative of your company will hand the award to the 2015
award winner
One reserved table for ten of your guests with premium seating at
the dinner reception with corporate name prominently displayed
One full-page ad in the Annual Magazine to be distributed that
evening (artwork to be submitted by sponsor)
Corporate logo to appear on audio/visual screens throughout the
event (logo rotation)
Logo recognition on Awards invitation – distributed to over 3,000
individuals including Peers, Government officials, VIPs, and ICCO
Link from the ICCO website where the event is listed
Recognition as the ICCO Arts, Science and Culture Award in all BEA
marketing and communications.
Sponsorship Package
ICCO Environmental Leadership
Award Sponsor - $8,000 plus HST
SOLD - Scotiabank
A representative of your company will hand the award to the
2015 award winner
One reserved table for ten of your guests with premium seating
at the dinner reception with corporate name prominently
One full-page ad in the Annual Magazine to be distributed that
evening (artwork to be submitted by sponsor)
Corporate logo to appear on audio/visual screens throughout the
event (logo rotation)
Logo recognition on Awards invitation – distributed to over 3,000
individuals including Peers, Government officials, VIPs, and ICCO
Link from the ICCO website where the event is listed
Recognition as the ICCO Environmental Leadership Award Sponsor
in all BEA marketing and communications.
Sponsorship Package
Italy – Canada Award
$8,000 plus HST – SOLD – HSBC
A representative of your company will hand the award to the
2015 award winner
One reserved table for ten of your guests with premium seating
and corporate name prominently displayed
One full-page ad in the Annual Magazine to be distributed that
evening (artwork to be submitted by sponsor)
Corporate logo to appear on audio/visual screens throughout the
event (logo rotation)
Logo recognition on Awards invitation – distributed to over 3,000
individuals including Peers, Government officials, VIPs, and ICCO
Verbal acknowledgment by Master of Ceremonies from the event
Link from the ICCO website where the event is listed
Recognition as the ICCO Italy-Canada Award Sponsor in all BEA
marketing and communications.
Sponsorship Package
ICCO Businesswoman of the Year Award - $8,000
plus HST – SOLD – RBC
A representative of your company will hand the award to the
2015 award winner
One reserved table for ten of your guests with premium
seating at the dinner reception with corporate name
prominently displayed
One full-page ad in the Annual Magazine to be distributed that
evening (artwork to be submitted by sponsor)
Corporate logo to appear on audio/visual screens throughout
the event (logo rotation)
Logo recognition on Awards invitation – distributed to over
3,000 individuals including Peers, Government officials, VIPs, and
ICCO Members
Verbal acknowledgment by Master of Ceremonies from the
event podium
Link from the ICCO website where the event is listed
Recognition as the ICCO Businesswoman of the Year Award
Sponsor in all BEA marketing and communications.
Sponsorship Package
Wine Sponsor
$5,000 plus HST
SOLD – Greenpark Group of Companies
Recognition as the Wine Sponsor in all BEA marketing and
One reserved table of ten of your guests at the dinner
reception with corporate name prominently displayed
Half-page ad in the Annual Magazine to be distributed that
evening (artwork to be submitted by sponsor)
Corporate logo to appear on audio/visual screens
throughout the event (logo rotation)
Logo recognition on Awards invitation – distributed to over
3,000 individuals including Peers, Government officials,
VIPs, and ICCO Members
Link from the ICCO website where the event is listed.
Sponsorship Package
Centerpiece Sponsor
$5,000 plus HST
SOLD – Monte Carlo Hotel Motel Innternational
• Recognition as the Centerpiece Sponsor in all BEA
marketing and communications
• One reserved table for ten of your guests at the dinner
reception with corporate name prominently displayed
• Half-page ad in the Annual Magazine to be distributed
that evening (artwork to be submitted by sponsor)
• Corporate logo to appear on audio/visual screens
throughout the event (logo rotation)
• Logo recognition on Awards invitation – distributed to
over 3,000 individuals including Peers, Government
officials, VIPs, and ICCO Members
• Link from the ICCO website where the event is listed.
Sponsorship Package
Corporate Table Sponsor including
a full- page ad in the evening
publication - $4,000 plus HST
Corporate Table Sponsor
$3,000 plus HST
• One reserved table for ten of your guests at
the dinner reception with corporate name
prominently displayed
• One full-page ad in the Annual Magazine to
be distributed that evening (artwork to be
submitted by sponsor)
• Corporate name to appear on audio/visual
screens throughout the event
• Mention on the ICCO website where the
event is listed
• Written acknowledgement on the menu card
to be distributed to the dinner attendees.
• One reserved table for ten of your guests
at the dinner reception seated with
corporate name prominently displayed
• Corporate name to appear on
audio/visual screens throughout the event
• Mention on the ICCO website where the
event is listed
• Written acknowledgement on the menu
card to be distributed to the dinner
Sponsorship Package
Table of 10 including a full
page ad in the evening
publication - $3,500 plus HST
• One reserved table for ten of your
• One full-page ad in the Annual Magazine
to be distributed that evening (artwork
to be submitted by sponsor)
• Written acknowledgement on the menu
card to be distributed to the gala
Table of 10
$2,500 plus HST
• One reserved table for ten of your
• Written acknowledgement on the menu
card to be distributed to the gala
Sponsorship Package
Individual Tickets
• ICCO members: $250 plus HST
• Non-ICCO member: $300 plus HST
Annual Magazine Advertising
 A full-color Annual Magazine, 8 ½” x 11”, will be
distributed to all dinner attendees
 Artwork to be submitted by sponsor:
 Full-page Ad – 8 ½” x 11” : $1,200 plus HST
 Full-page Ad if purchased with a table: $1,000 plus HST
 Half-page Ad – 7” x 4.75” : $600 plus HST
Sponsorship Package
5:00 PM – VIP Reception with the Winners
An intimate gathering of selected public of 50-100
attendees (BEA winners, event sponsors, VIP) to celebrate
the BEA Winners
5:45 PM - Cocktail Hour
Enjoy the opportunity to network with the best of the
Italian- Canadian Community
7:30 PM – Dinner Reception
Awards Reception and Entertainment
Sponsorship Package
Past sponsors include:
Sponsorship Package
2015 BEA Registration Form – MAY 21
Title Sponsor - SOLD
Cocktail Sponsor - SOLD
Head Table Sponsor - SOLD
ICCO Annual Magazine Sponsor - SOLD
Arts, Science, and Culture Award - SOLD
Next Generation Award Sponsor - SOLD
Community Building Award Sponsor - SOLD
Environmental Leadership Sponsor - SOLD
ICCO Italy Canada Award - SOLD
Businesswoman of the Year Award - SOLD
Wine Sponsor - SOLD
Centerpiece Sponsor - SOLD
Entertainment Sponsor - SOLD
Corporate Table Sponsor (incl. full page ad)
Corporate Table Sponsor
Table of 10 (including full page ad)
Table of 10
Individual Tickets
 ICCO Members
 Non-ICCO Members
Annual Magazine Advertising
 Full Page Ad
 Full Page Ad (if purchased with table)
 Half-Page Ad
[ ] Cheque [ ] MasterCard
Credit Card #
[ ] VISA
$30,000 + HST
$10,000 + HST
$15,000 + HST
$10,000 + HST
$8,000 + HST
$8,000 + HST
$8,000 + HST
$8,000 + HST
$8,000 + HST
$8,000 + HST
$5,000 + HST
$5,000 + HST
$5,000 + HST
$4,000 + HST
$3,000 + HST
$3,500 + HST
$2,500 + HST
$250 + HST
$300 + HST
$1,200 + HST
$1,000 + HST
$600 + HST
[ ] AMEX
exp. _____________
Name on Card: _______________________________________________
Name and Company Name:
ICCO Contact:
Faria Hoque
416-789-7169 ext . 21
Sponsorship: April 15,, 2015
Magazine Artwork: April 15 , 2015
RSVP: May 8, 2015
Participants are considered confirmed
registrants once payment is received.
Payment is due upon registration Cancellation after May 15th, 2015 will not
be refunded. No shows will be charged as
per RSVP.
Advertising Page Layout Specs
Mac compatible digital files will be received by the following methods:
live area: 7” by 9.5”
trim size 8.5” by 11”
bleed: 9” by 11.5
Deadline to
submit artwork
April 15, 2015
live area: 7” by 4.75”
no bleeds
E-mail - files under 10 mb to Denis De Klerck at or
Send cd-rom to Mansfield Press, 25 Mansfield Av. Toronto, ON, M6J 2A9
Please also copy Julia Kats in your e-mail when sending your artwork:
Please specify company, file name and method of delivery( E-mail, CD-ROM)
LOGO: High Resolution JPEG 300 dpi or EPS format to:
Mac compatible files will be received by the following methods:
EPS files - all fonts outlined (include all images)
PDF files - as press ready with fonts embedded
INDESIGN files - include all links and fonts
IMAGES - (JPEGS, TIFFS) - all images with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi at 100%
Denis De Klerck
Faria Hoque
416-789-7169 x 21
Sponsorship Package
For any additional questions:
Please contact Faria Hoque at
416-789-7169 x. 21 or