NATIVE AMERICAN WATER MASTERS ASSOCIATION NEW MEXICO CHAPTER MEETING April 22, 2015 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Hosted by the Pueblo of Sandia Sandia Pueblo, New Mexico MEETING & TRAINING OBJECTIVES: The Tribal Water Systems Program of the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. (ITCA) is pleased to announce continued meetings of the New Mexico Chapter of the Native American Water Masters Association (NAWMA). The NAWMA meetings serve as a forum for Tribal water operators to share and discus matters concerning their Tribal drinking water systems and for learning more about compliance with federal safe drinking water regulations. Additionally, NAWMA meetings serve as a gateway to customized technical assistance. The New Mexico Chapter of NAWMA was initiated in 2013, specifically for personnel of Triballyowned and operated public water systems located in New Mexico. Meetings of the New Mexico Chapter of NAWMA are held courtesy of federal funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and collaborative partnerships with the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP), and others. Through this collaborative project, the New Mexico Chapter of NAWMA (“NAWMANM Chapter”) will meet three separate times. This meeting is the second of three meetings. FOCUS OF THE EVENT: During this meeting, a guest speaker will provide a short training seminar on the importance of distribution operation and maintenance to maintain safe drinking water, and a hands-on-exercise on disinfectants/disinfection byproducts in drinking water – reduction/control and proper sampling. A roundtable discussion session will be held for Tribal water professionals to share with each other on matters of interest. You are encouraged to participate in the roundtable sharing session and bring ideas or suggestions to the meeting. The NAWMA-NM Chapter Meeting is your workgroup forum and all input and suggestions are welcomed. A tentative agenda for the NAWMA-NM Chapter meeting is attached. COST: Free. There are no fees for attending the NAWMA-NM Chapter meeting. LOCATION: The meeting is hosted by the Pueblo of Sandia at the Sandia Pueblo Tribal Police Department Training Room, which is located west of Interstate-25, off Roy Avenue (Tramway), behind the Tiwa 66 gas station, in Sandia Pueblo, New Mexico. The police department’s contact phone number is (505) 228-5159. Charles Barnett, Operations Supervisor with the Pueblo of Sandia Public Works, is available to answer any questions regarding the location. His telephone number is (505) 453-0369. DATES & TIMES: The meeting will begin at 8:00 AM on Wednesday, April 22, 2015, and will conclude at or before 5:00 PM. There will be a lunch break, with lunch on your own. ATTENDANCE & CONTACT HOURS: Attendance sign-in sheets will be administered for both the morning and afternoon sessions of the meeting. All attendees will receive written recognition of earned training contact hours based on attendance. Training contact hours may be applied towards the training requirements for new water operator certification or as Professional Development Hour (PDH) credit towards the renewal of existing water operator certification. REGISTRATION: The registration deadline is April 16, 2015 Seating space is limited. Please register as soon as possible, but no later than close of business on Thursday, April 16, 2015. TRAVEL AND LODGING: You are responsible for making your own travel and lodging arrangements. For your convenience, a few of the hotels within the area are listed below. This is a non-inclusive, non-endorsement listing. Travel expense reimbursement funding is NOT available for attending this meeting event. Sandia Resort & Casino Located 1.1 miles from the meeting facility 30 Rainbow Road NE Albuquerque, NM 87113 Phone: (505) 796-7500 Americas Best Value Inn & Suites Located 1.9 miles from the meeting facility 5601 Alameda Blvd NE, NM 87113 Phone: (505) 858-3297 Holiday Inn Express & Suites Albuquerque Located 2.1 miles from the meeting facility 5401 Alameda Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113 Phone: (505) 797-2291 Comfort Inn & Suites North Located 2.1 miles from the meeting facility 5811 Signal Ave. NE, NM 87113 Phone: (505) 822-1090 For additional information, please contact the ITCA Tribal Water Systems Program staff at (602) 2584822. Please Note: Photographs taken by ITCA staff at this meeting event may be used in publications by ITCA, RCAP, or the U.S. EPA including, but not limited to reports, brochures, websites, and social media. If you do not consent to have your photograph published, please notify ITCA staff at the meeting event. ____________________________________________________________________________________ This event is brought to you through a partnership project by the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. (ITCA) and the Rural Community Assistance Partnership Inc. (RCAP) for the purpose of improving compliance with regulatory requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act. This publication was developed under Assistance Agreement No. X6-83560701 awarded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It has not been formally reviewed by EPA. The views expressed in this document are solely those of ITCA and EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this publication. NATIVE AMERICAN WATER MASTERS ASSOCIATION New Mexico Chapter Meeting April 22, 2015 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Hosted by the Pueblo of Sandia Sandia Pueblo Tribal Police Department Training Room West of Interstate-25, off Roy Avenue (Tramway) Sandia Pueblo, New Mexico *Tentative* MEETING AGENDA Meeting facilitated by the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. (ITCA) 7:45 AM Sign-in 8:00 Welcome & Introductions NAWMA—overview and purpose Attendee Introductions 8:45 – 10:15 Guest Speaker Distribution System Operation & Maintenance – Maintaining Safe Drinking Water Presented by Nicole Mangin, MEC TEC Services, Inc. 15 minute Break 10:30 – 12:00 Guest Speaker Hands-On-Exercise: Disinfectants/Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking Water – Reduction and Control & Proper Sampling Presented by Nicole Mangin, MEC TEC Services, Inc. 12:00 PM LUNCH – (on your own) 1:30 – 2:00 Updates on the Tribal Water & Wastewater Operator Certification Program at ITCA Presentation by TWS Program Staff 2:00 – 2:45 Guest Speaker Important Updates from the IHS Division of Sanitation Facilities Construction Gretchen Tsosie, P.E., O&M Director, Albuquerque Area Indian Health Service 15 minute Break 3:00 – 4:30 Roundtable Discussion Tribal Water Personnel Sharing Session on Matters of Interest 4:30 – 5:00 Raffle / Adjourn Next Meeting of the NAWMA-New Mexico Chapter: September 10, 2015, in Santa Ana Pueblo, NM Please Note: Photographs taken by ITCA staff at the meeting event may be used in publications by ITCA, RCAP, or the U.S. EPA including, but not limited to, reports, brochures, websites, and social media. If you do not consent to have your photograph published, please notify ITCA staff at the meeting. REGISTRATION FORM NATIVE AMERICAN WATER MASTERS ASSOCIATION NEW MEXICO CHAPTER MEETING Hosted by the Pueblo of Sandia Sandia Pueblo, New Mexico April 22, 2015 Please Print Clearly Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ (First) (Last) Title/Position: ________________________________________________________________________ Tribal Utility/Organization: _____________________________________________________________ Business Address: ____________________________________________________________________ (Mailing) (Street/P.O. Box) _____________________________________________________________________ (City) (State) (Zip Code) Telephone Number: (______) ________-__________ Fax Number: (______)________-____________ E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Yes, I do plan on attending the NAWMA New Mexico Chapter Meeting at the Sandia Pueblo Tribal Police Department Training Room, located west of Interstate-25, off Roy Avenue (Tramway) in Sandia Pueblo, New Mexico. Yes, I understand that the ITCA will send me written confirmation of registration. Yes, I understand that I am responsible for making my own travel and lodging arrangements. Yes, I understand the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the meeting event due to lack of enrollment or funds. Please complete this registration form and return by mail, email, or fax by Thursday, April 16, 2014, to the following: Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. TRIBAL WATER SYSTEMS PROGRAM 2214 N. Central Avenue, Suite 100, Phoenix, AZ 85004 or Telephone: (602) 258-4822 Fax: (602) 258-4825 Please Note: Photographs taken by ITCA staff at the meeting event may be used in publications by ITCA, RCAP, or the U.S. EPA including, but not limited to, reports, brochures, websites, and social media. If you do not consent to have your photograph published, please notify ITCA staff at the meeting.
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