iTech Prep PTSA Newsletter M A Y Summertime!!! Website: Facebook: Vancouver iTech PTSA JUNE Vancouver Council PTA Awards Ceremony ...................... 3 General Membership Meeting, 7 pm @ JPCC .................. 4 High School social .................... 6 8th Grade Promotion ............... 8 2 hr Early Release .................. 15 Last Day of School / 2 hr Early Release.......................... 16 SEPTEMBER 1st Day of School .................... 2 No School (Labor Day) ............ 7 Well not quite, but we are very close to the finish line. I feel like I have been in a time machine and moved forward - for me this year has gone by so fast. I still clearly remember how I agonized over my first article for the newsletter. I must have retyped it five times. Now I am in the same situation with this article. This is my last letter as the iTech PTSA President. I want to use my letter to thank those who have been close to me this year in our efforts at connecting the school and iTech families. I want to thank the Executive Committee of Meridith Bartos (Secretary), Colby Black (VP), Theresa Ponce-Rankin and Mary Peck (Co-Treasurers). These women are amazing individuals who all work, volunteer and have many other activities going on in their lives, yet still committed many hours and much energy to our PTSA. Each one has improved our PTSA in their own special way and I know the effects of all of their efforts will be felt for years to come. I would also like to thank the PTSA Board of Directors. Kristi Winters, Howard Goff, Nancy Janney, Barbara Rehmen, Cindra Rehman, and Tracie Collins. I would love to list all of their contributions and efforts, but my letter would be pages long. They put in a lot time this year ensuring iTech PTSA supported the programs and activities that benefit our school and students. Thank you iTech staff and teachers! Nothing else really needs to be said. As you all very well know - they are wonderful! turn in PTSA things? Box Tops collected/Ink Cartridges, Fundraising order forms. etc... Middle School - in the green box labeled PTSA located near the stairs on the 1st floor. PTSA items only please! High School - in the PTSA box with Cedar at the iTech window. Box Tops/Ink Cartridges - in the library. Lastly I want to thank all of the parents who have been supportive this year. Our call for volunteers was always responded to. I highlight a special thank you to Michelle Weinmaster. She has assisted with every event and fundraiser, helped us keep watch on our bank accounts and has generally been our go to person. She is amazing! Thank you Michelle! Have a happy summer and hopefully I will see you all in the Fall. Cheers, Tammi Lockard President-iTech Prep PTSA 2 0 1 5 And The Award Goes To… Cyndy Hagin for Educator of the Year and Theresa Ponce-Rankin for Golden Acorn (Outstanding Volunteer)! Thank you both for all you do to support our kids at iTech Preparatory! Please take a moment when you see these two lovely ladies and thank them for all of their efforts. Ms. Hagin and Mrs. Ponce-Rankin will be recognized during an awards ceremony on June 3rd, organized by our Vancouver Council PTA. The information is below on how you can register to attend this event and help us celebrate our two award recipients. PTA Awards Ceremony Wednesday, June 3rd, 6-8pm Eisenhower Elementary 9201 NW 9th Avenue - 98665 Register online Thanks to all of you who took the time to nominate deserving educators and volunteers for these two awards. We had a lot of great nominations. We are lucky to have so many dedicated people among us! Congratulations again to Ms. Hagin and Mrs. Ponce-Rankin! Please Attend! iTech PTSA’s last General Membership meeting of the school year is Thursday, June 4th, 7 pm at JPCC. This is a VERY important meeting for our members to attend. The highlight of the night will be the approval of our 2015-16 fiscal year budget. We look forward to seeing you there! PAGE 2 Hospitality ~ Spring Conferences - Thank you again to all who helped our teachers and staff have a nice Thursday evening dinner and Friday morning breakfast during conferences. They really appreciated it! iTech PTSA is committed to encouraging collaborative efforts between home and the school, that parents and teachers may work together in the education of our children. Be a source of information for parents wishing to be involved in their students’ education. Build a unique, welcoming atmosphere that creates and encourages the relationship between the school, parents and community. Organize, promote and fund activities that enhance and support the advancement of our students’ academic, emotional, social, and physical well-being. Provide the teachers and school with the resources they need to educate our children. Staff Appreciation Week - We had another great year honoring our Teachers and Staff! We could NOT have done it without our awesome group of dedicated helpers! Each day's event was loved by all. Thanks a million to all who helped and brought food!! It’s Easy to Support YOUR iTech Student … by simply enrolling in the Safeway eScrip program and the Fred Meyer Community Rewards program. How, you ask? For eScrip: Enroll your Safeway Club Card on the website by clicking HERE (our Group Name is iTech Prep PTSA and our Group ID Number is 500043751) Dkfjsdlkfjsdlk -ORGet the eScrip form from the iTech front desk/window at the middle and high school. Fill it out and turn it back into the PTSA box (middle school - green PTSA box at the base of the stairwell / high school - PTSA box is with Cedar at the iTech window). Nancy Janney will take care of enrollment for you! s For Fred Meyer Rewards Program: Enroll your Fred Meyer Rewards number on the Fred Meyer rewards website by clicking HERE (Use iTech Prep PTSA’s non-profit number of 83002). President - Tammi Lockard Vice President - Colby Black Co-Treasurer - Theresa Rankin Co-Treasurer - Mary Peck Secretary - Meridith Bartos Website: Facebook: Vancouver iTech PTSA Once registered, every time you shop and use your Safeway Club Card or Fred Meyer Rewards Card at local stores you are helping iTech Prep PTSA earn a donation, and in turn supporting YOUR iTech students! If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Janney, Fundraising Chair for iTech Prep PTSA at Spotlighting some of our many awesome iTech students: Devon J., 11th grader at iTech, traveled to St. Louis, MO to compete in the Robotics World Championship Tournament. His team, the Cloverbots, ultimately made it to the quarter final rounds. Congratulations to the Devon and the Cloverbots! True F, Patrick H, Amelia M. and Jane L. had their work accepted and shown on the big screen at the Middle School Media Festival that occurred at the Hollywood Theater in Portland. Teacher’s Choice Award was presented to True F. for his Save the Sushi! production. Great job iTech students! NOTE: Last chance to purchase yearbooks! First come, first served until sold out (check/cash - cash only in June) Does your student know about … An Evening on the Island? High School Social - snacks, dancing, games and more. Cost $5 ($4 with ASB sticker). Saturday, June 6th at 7 pm @ JPCC. You can find out about this opportunity and more school related info on the iTech web site! ITECH PREP PTSA NEWSLETTER
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