Resource Persons: Dr.Basavraj Hooli - Graceful Growth Consultancy Experts from premium institutes Experts from Industry Dr. R.V.Pujeri, MIT COE , Pune Dr.A.A.Chandavale, Dept. of IT, MITCOE , Pune MAEER’S MIT COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ONE-WEEK FDP ON Internet of Things - Opportunities and Challenges (15th to 19th June 2015) Registration Form Registration Charges: Rs. 2000 /DD should be drawn in favor of “The Principal, MIT College of Engineering” payable at Pune. [Last date for registration: 5th June 2015] Full Name: ___________________________ Designation: ___________________________ MAEER’s MIT College of Engineering, Pune ONE WEEK FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM On Internet of Things - Opportunities and Challenges (15th to 19th June 2015) Department: ___________________________ Organization: __________________________ Postal Address: ________________________ Please submit soft copy of Registration form and Demand Draft on Contact: Prof. Omkaresh Kulkarni (+917798883600) Prof. Manisha Thakkar (+917028922148) For Any Other Queries: Cell No.: ______________________________ E mail ID: __________________________ Amount: ________________ DD Drawn on Bank: _________________ DD No.: ____________________________ Dated: _____________________________ Place: __________ Date: _________ Sign: ___________________ Sign/Seal of HOD / Head of Institute _____________________________________ 7th Institute Level Technical Event Organized by Department of Information Technology MIT College of Engineering Pune Survey No. 124, MIT College Campus, Ex-Serviceman Colony, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune 411038. Tel: + 91 020 3027 3615 Fax: + 91 020 2544 2770 ABOUT MAEER AND MIT COE Maharashtra Academy of Engineering & Education Research (MAEER), Pune was established in 1983 and is known for educational excellence in Engineering, Management, Pharmacy, Medicine and Polytechnic. More than 55,000 students study in various institutions of MAEER. The culture of value based education system is strictly followed to encourage good character building among the young generation. In recognition of the services rendered so far a UNESCO chair in human rights, democracy and peace is constituted at MAEER’s MIT. MITCOE is affiliated to University of Pune and is located at the MIT Campus, Kothrud, Pune. About The Information Technology Department The Department of Information Technology which was started in 2001 is well equipped with an excellent infrastructure. The department offers U.G (intake 180 students) and P.G. programs (intake 36 students) in Information Technology. Department's Program Education Objectives PEO I: To prepare students with Core Competence in mathematical and basic engineering fundamentals required to analyze, formulate and solve software/hardware engineering problems to fulfill IT Professional Needs PEO II: To strive for Intellectual Upbringing by providing good breadth of knowledge in core areas and recent research trends in Information Technology to face the challenges of technological development using analytical and logical abilities PEO III: To develop students with high professionalism by knowledge appliance i.e. technical knowhow, oral and written communication skills, ethical standards and impeccable character for solving real life problems using leadership skills, methodical and rational thinking. PEO IV: To provide our graduates with Congenial learning environment with awareness of life-long learning needed for a successful professional career and to encourage the inquisitive minds to question, promote self-reliance and demonstrate good citizenship. ABOUT THE FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAME (FDP) Internet of Things - Opportunities and Challenges The Internet of Things (IoT) is an integrated part of the Future Internet and could be defined as a dynamic global network infrastructure with self configuring capabilities. This is based on standard and interoperable communication protocols where physical and virtual “things” have identities, physical attributes, personalities and use intelligent interfaces. These are seamlessly integrated into the information network. Some future consumer applications and realistic sounding possibilities for the technology include: receiving warnings on phone or wearable device when IoT networks detect some physical danger is detected nearby self-parking automobiles automatic ordering of groceries and supplies automatic tracking of exercise habits and other day-to-day personal activity Potential benefits of IoT in the business world include: location tracking for individual pieces of manufacturing inventory fuel savings from intelligent environmental modeling of gas-powered engines new and improved safety controls for people working in hazardous environments The course structure for the FDP can be equally relevant to both students and researchers in domains of Networking, Cloud Environment, SOA and Web Engineering solutions. The objectives of the FDP are as follows: To train faculty, PG students and researchers in E & TC Computer and IT Engineering to Major components of IoT, Challenges for adoption of IoT, IoT Communication Protocol & Technology To enable them to develop Mobile Application Platforms and Databases for IoT, roll of smart phone in IoT and IoT pack. To be able to extend the combination of both above for better solution design, with XML/JSON,SOAP and REST,MQTT CHIEF PATRONS: Prof. Dr. V. D. Karad Founder President, MAEER’s MIT Pune Prof. Dr. Mangesh Karad Secretary and Executive Director, MAEER’s MIT Pune PATRON: Dr. M.S.Nagmode, Principal, MITCOE Dr. R.V. Pujeri, Vice Principal, MITCOE CONVENER: Prof. Dr.A.S.Hiwale Head, Department of Information Technology CO-ORDINATORS: Prof. Rashmi Phalnikar Prof. Priya Deshpande ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Dr. M.T. Kolte, Head, E&TC Dept Dr. R. K. Bedi,Head, Comp Dept Dr. B. S. Kothawale, Head, Mechanical Dept Dr. R. D. Dod, Head, Civil Dept Dr. Shalini Garg, Head, CEES Dept ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Department of Information Technology, MIT COE, Pune-38.
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