Manatisowin Cultural Society Modified Tournament Rules General 1. All Competitors must belong to a club, which has been invited to the event. 2. All competitors shall compete in a Traditional white Karate Gi, or traditional Uniform appropriate to their style of Martial Arts. 3. No rings, necklaces etc. may be worn by a competitor with the exception of medic alert. 4. Objectionable behaviour will result in ejection from the tournament. Kata 1. All Kata performed must be AUTHENTIC in origin. No modified or homemade Katas will be scored. Competitors will present Kata that is in keeping with their style and requirements of their rank. 2. Kata shall be judged by a chief referee and 4 Judges. A recorder shall keep track of all scores. Upon completion of the Kata, the chief referee shall signal the judges to render an autonomous decision based on the Kata presented. 3. Of the five scores given, the highest and lowest shall not be added. The remaining three figures shall be totalled to determine the score. 4. In the case of a tie, the lowest mark will be added in. If a tie still exists the high marks will be added in. If this does not resolve the tie the contestants will be required to perform a tiebreaker Kata. 5. Tiebreaker Kata must be a different Kata than the competitor's first presentation. 6. For Team Kata, only 3 competitors will be allowed per team. 7. Teams must present a Kata that is within the requirements of their rank. ie: White belt teams cannot perform Black Belt Kata. It will be left to the team’s Sensei/Sifu to determine if the kata is appropriate for the competitors. 8. In the Novice Division only, competitors who cannot complete their Kata will be allowed to start again, but only once. No score will be given to a contestant in the Intermediate and Senior Divisions if the Kata is not completed. 9. There will be one round of competition for Novice Divisions. Average score will be 5.0. 10. There will be one round of competition for Intermediate Divisions. Average score will be 6.0. 11. There will be two rounds of competition for Senior Divisions. Average score will be 7.0 in both rounds. 1st round will be a qualifying round based on one of the following Karate Kata: Bassai Dai, Sei-in-chin, Sanchin, or for the Kung Fu competitors, one of the Kata appropriate to the competitor’s rank. If the competitor does not know one of these Katas, a Judges meeting will take place to decide an alternate Kata for the competitor. All competitors will move to the second round. 12. Competitors will be called for their second Kata in ascending order of the results of round one. Page 1 of 2 Manatisowin Cultural Society – Annual Tournament Rules Page 2 of 2 Kumite 1. Cloth hand protectors are MANDATORY and must be worn by all competitors. Groin cups are MANDATORY for all Male competitors and optional for Females. Mouth guards are not mandatory, but recommended for all Competitors. Helmets are required for Competitors under the age of 16. No Body Armour or protective gear other than the above will be allowed in the competition. Shin and Arm guards must be to protect exciting injuries and must be preauthorized by the Chief Referee. 2. Pee Wee, Junior and Women Division matches shall be two minutes in durations, stop time. Men's Division shall be three minutes in duration, stop time. In the case of a draw, there will be a one minute/sudden victory match, in all divisions. If a draw still exists the judges MUST render a decision. 3. Contestants shall be grouped in accordance with official tournament information. Although officials reserve the right to reclassify Divisions and Categories based on competitor turnout. 4. Whenever possible, contestants form the same dojo shall not be paired with each other in their first matches. All competitors shall be matched by size when possible on the day of the tournament. 5. Novice Divisions must score two half points or one full point (Ippon) before the 2 minute time limit expires to decide the match. 6. Intermediate Divisions must score four half points or two full points (Nippon) before the 2 minute time limit expires to decide the match. 7. Senior divisions must score six half points of three full points (Sanbon) before the 3 minute time limit expires to decide the match. 8. For the Novice division, Target areas will be from the Navel to the top of the head, both front and back of body. HEAD AND NECK WILL BE TARGET AREAS with NO Contact! 9. Target areas for Intermediate and Senior divisions only will be from the hip joint to the top of the head WITH CONTROL! 10. Excessive Contact to the Head will NOT be tolerated and will result in an immediate penalty. (See Rule # 12 i below) 11. A point is scored when a contestant delivers a controlled, unblocked technique to any of the target areas, while he/she is looking at their opponent. A scoring technique must be delivered with good form, balance, proper distance, controlled force and retraction. 12. A foul is committed in one of the following manners: i. A Excessive Blow that contacts the head, face, throat or groin ii. A deliberate strike, kick or punch below the navel iii. Objectionable behaviour, inside or outside of the ring. iv. Uncontrolled technique, landed or otherwise v. Deliberate movement out of the contest area 13. Depending on the severity of the infraction the judges can issue any penalty they deem fit. Normally, warnings and penalties will be given as follows: 1st time –Verbal Warning 2nd time - Half Point Penalty 3rd time - Full Point Penalty 4th time - Disqualification 14. Immediate disqualification occurs if a competitor draws blood from his opponent. Competitor’s safety is our primary concern. All Judges will be cognisant of this throughout the tournament. Manatisowin Cultural Society – Annual Tournament Rules
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