Center of Composite Technology TUPOLEV KAZAN NATIONAL RESEARCH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY-KAI CENTER OF COMPOSITE TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF NEW PROCESSES OF REINFORCEMENT STRUCTURES MANUFACTURING AND COMPOSITE PARTS USING THESE STRUCTURES Vladimir Batrakov Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Head of Process Department, Center of Composite Technology TUPOLEV KAZAN NATIONAL RESEARCH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY-KAI Center of Composite Technology Tupolev Kazan National Research Technical University was established in 1932. Till 1992 it was known as Kazan Aviation Institute (KAI). In 1973 it was named after outstanding aircraft designer Andrei Nikolayevich Tupolev. Aircraft Manufacturing Department was established in 1934. Since 1999 the Department has been a part of Aviation, Surface Transport and Power Engineering that was founded the same year. GRADUATED FROM KAI: Ivan S. Silaev 5th Minister of Aircraft Industry, USSR Mikhail P. Simonov Lead Designer of Sukhoi Experimental Design Office Center of Composite Technology Boris I. Gubanov Lead Designer of “Energy” rocket FUNCTION OF THE CENTER Center of Composite Technology Research and Development in the area of Composite Technology Development of New Technology Engineering Solutions Transfer of new processes into batch production A wide range of materials and prototypes studies Training (advanced training) of industrial employees EDUCATION: Training. Courses are as follows: • Aircraft Construction 160100; • Material Science and Technology 150100 Major – Composite Parts Design and Manufacturing Advanced Training for employers of universities and industrial enterprises Center of Composite Technology Center of Composite Technology EDUCATION Training. Courses are as follows: • Aircraft Construction 160100; • Material Science and Technology 150100 Major – Composite Parts Design and Manufacturing Advanced Training PERIODS OF CENTER DEVELOPMENT Center of Composite Technology 1991 – development of sound absorbing structures (for Kuznetsov SNTK, Samara) 2001 – working for Airbus, EADS, Diehl Aircabin GmbH 2009 – Program of National Research University Development 2010 – working for Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, JSC AeroComposit, etc. Center of Composite Technology STRUCTURE OF CENTER OF COMPOSITE TECHNOLOGY Center of Composite Technology CCT LABORATORIES Материаловедения Material Science Компьютерного Design and Simulation моделирования Composite Технологии КМ Technology Центр CENTER OF COMPOSITE Композитных TECHNOLOGY Технологий Sandwich Многослойных Sandwich Sandwich конструкций Structures Structures Structures Испытаний Testingна статику и удар Processing Подготовки Tooling технологической Manufacturing оснастки Transfer Molding Трансферного формования Innovative Equipment Инновационного оборудования Center of Composite Technology CCT LABORATORIES Материаловедения Компьютерного Design and Simulation моделирования Технологии КМ Центр CENTER OF COMPOSITE Композитных TECHNOLOGY Технологий Многослойных конструкций Испытаний на статику и удар Подготовки технологической оснастки Трансферного формования Инновационного оборудования Center of Composite Technology GENERAL IDEA – IMPLEMENTATION OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY Structural Analysis and Processes Simulation Parts and Tooling Design Clean Zone working with composites, cutting, layup and preforms manufacturing Tooling Manufacturing INTEGRATED DIGITAL DATABASE Transfer Molding Autoclave Molding Geometry and Quality Control Material Properties Center of Composite Technology SOFTWARE PACKAGES INTRODUCTION Achieving new level of development and organization of composite parts production processes through integrated digital environment. ESI Group Software Impregnation, shaping and autoclave molding simulation FiberSim Software Cutting, layup maps generation, draping evaluation and operation management using digital software SOFTWARE APPLICATION Designing composite parts in FiberSIM Software • Simulation of layerwise reinforcement material layup • Rendering of the areas with folds and cuts on reinforcement material • Obtaining initial data for calculation software (ANSYS, PAM-RTM, etc) • Creation of cutting pattern and layers projection on the tooling • Design of mating mold surface Center of Composite Technology PART MANUFACTURING SIMULATION IN ESI GROUP SOFTWARE Center of Composite Technology Part impregnation scheme «spar to tail» Part impregnation scheme «sides to center» Part impregnation scheme «center to sides» Macro and micro voids content in non-optimized scheme Center of Composite Technology CCT LABORATORIES Материаловедения Material Science Компьютерного моделирования Технологии КМ Центр CENTER OF COMPOSITE Композитных TECHNOLOGY Технологий Многослойных конструкций Испытаний на статику и удар Подготовки технологической оснастки Трансферного формования Инновационного оборудования Center of Composite Technology MATERIAL SCIENCE LABORATORY Study of physical and chemical properties Rheometer HAAKE RS6000 (ThermoScientific) IR Fourier Spectrometer (Bruker Tensor 27) Polylite 507-574+Peroxid-2 Eta = f (t) Polylite 507-574+18Peroxid Eta = f (t) 5,0 4,5 4,0 3,5 Eta in Pas 3,0 DSC 204 F1 Phoenix (Netzsch) 1 2,5 2 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 DMA 0 0 7,4 14,8 22,2 t in min 29,6 37,0 Center of Composite Technology PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF COMPOSITES № 1. Type Rheology of resins and compositions Equipment/ Method Standards Dynamic rotational rheometer (viscosity of compositions subject to temperature, shear velocity, rheokinetics of cure) 2. Cure kinetics study Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) ASTM D 3418 (ΔH, cure initiation temperature, maximum therm temperature) 3. Glass transition temperature Dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA) 4. Retention Modulus (E') and Loss Modulus (E"), tan delta Dynamic mechanical analyzer ASTM D 4065 (DMA) 5. Liquid Density Bottle Method Solid Density ГОСТ 15139-69 Hydrostatic Weighing Method ГОСТ 15139-69 6. ASTM D 1475 ASTM D 792 Electronic Balance 7. Water Absorption MATERIAL SCIENCE LABORATORY Center of Composite Technology Determination of compressibility and permeability of reinforcement fabric Flow monitoring system Determination of compressibility and permeability of reinforcement fabric Center of Composite Technology CCT LABORATORIES Материаловедения Компьютерного моделирования Composite Технологии КМ Technology Центр CENTER OF COMPOSITE Композитных TECHNOLOGY Технологий Многослойных конструкций Испытаний на статику и удар Подготовки технологической оснастки Трансферного формования Инновационного оборудования PROCESSING LAB Complex for cutting, layup and preforms manufacturing Center of Composite Technology Clean Zone (ISO Grade 7 & 8 ) Digital Plotter ZUND 3D Laser Projector LAP Thermal Vacuum Press PROCESSING LAB Clean Zone «Clean zone». Range of purity ISO 7, 8 Provides conditions required for handling composites Total area: 70 sqm. Clean zone is equipped with the following machinery: Main equipment: -Laser 3D projector – digital methods of layup of reinforcement materials. - Cutter (Zünd, Switzerland) – cutting of reinforcement materials Center of Composite Technology PROCESSING LAB Equipment for TFP preforms manufacturing Center of Composite Technology PROCESSING LAB Ultra-violet curing of composite parts Center of Composite Technology PROCESSING LAB Center of Composite Technology Radial braiding and tufting machine Manufacturing preforms by circular braiding PROCESSING LAB Complex for autoclave and press molding Panini autoclave (Italy) Hydraulic press Pneumatic press Center of Composite Technology Center of Composite Technology CCT LABORATORIES Материаловедения Компьютерного моделирования Технологии КМ Центр CENTER OF COMPOSITE Композитных TECHNOLOGY Технологий Многослойных конструкций Испытаний на статику и удар Подготовки технологической оснастки Transfer Molding Трансферного формования Инновационного оборудования Center of Composite Technology TRANSFER MOLDING LAB RTM Complex (Press + Wolfangel RTM machine) Automated thermal infusion center (SAT + Isojet) TRANSFER MOLDING LAB Infusion machine Vacmobile (Italy) Center of Composite Technology RTM and Light-infusion machine Wolfangel (Germany) (polyether resins) TRANSFER MOLDING LAB Center of Composite Technology Equipment for material state-based on-line control and optimization of composite parts molding Center of Composite Technology CCT LABORATORIES Материаловедения Компьютерного моделирования Технологии КМ Центр CENTER OF COMPOSITE Композитных TECHNOLOGY Технологий Sandwich Многослойных конструкций Structures Испытаний на статику и удар Подготовки технологической оснастки Трансферного формования Инновационного оборудования SYNTHESIS OF FOLDED CORES Designing sandwich structures with light cores; development and optimization of manufacturing technology Center of Composite Technology Center of Composite Technology CCT LABORATORIES Материаловедения Компьютерного моделирования Технологии КМ Центр CENTER OF COMPOSITE Композитных TECHNOLOGY Технологий Многослойных конструкций Испытаний на статику и удар Подготовки технологической оснастки Трансферного формования Innovative Equipment Инновационного оборудования EQUIPMENT FOR SYNCHRONOUS FOLDING Center of Composite Technology 33 EQUIPMENT FOR CYCLIC FOLDING Development of sample equipment Center of Composite Technology Center of Composite Technology CCT LABORATORIES Материаловедения Компьютерного моделирования Технологии КМ Центр CENTER OF COMPOSITE Композитных TECHNOLOGY Технологий Многослойных конструкций Испытаний на статику и удар Processing Подготовки Tooling технологической Manufacturing оснастки Трансферного формования Инновационного оборудования MANUFACTURING AND CONTROL OF PROCESSING TOOLING Center of Composite Technology CCT LABORATORIES Center of Composite Technology Материаловедения Компьютерного моделирования Технологии КМ Центр CENTER OF COMPOSITE Композитных TECHNOLOGY Технологий Многослойных конструкций Испытаний на Testing статику и удар Подготовки технологической оснастки Трансферного формования Инновационного оборудования LABORATORY OF STRENGTH AND IMPACT RESISTANCE TESTING Universal electric mechanical machine Instron 5882 (USA) (100 kN) - Environmental camera Temperature range от -150°С … +350°С - Contact extensometers EPSILON - Tensometric Station - Tooling ASTM D-3410, D-3039, D 6641, D 7137, D-5379 ISO 1209-2 Center of Composite Technology TYPES OF TESTING Tensile Testing (ASTM 3039М, GOST 25.601-83): At normal, high and low temperatures Ultimate Tensile Strength σ+, MPa Tensile Modulus Е+, MPa Elongation at Break ε, % Poisson Ration μ12 μ21 Compression Testing (ASTM 3410М, GOST 25.602-80): At normal, high and low temperatures Simple Compression Testing (ASTM 6641M) (нестесненное сжатие): Ultimate Compression Strength σ -, MPa Compression Modulus Е-, MPa Center of Composite Technology TYPES OF TESTING THREE POINT BENDING GOST 25.604-82, ASTM D 790 ISO 1209-2 SHORT BEAM SHEAR GOST 25.604-82, РД 50-075-88, ASTM D 2344 FOUR POINT BENDING GOST 25.604-82, ASTM D 6272, ISO 14125 IN-PLANE SHEAR ASTM D 3518 Center of Composite Technology IMPACT RESISTANCE TESTING Vertical impact machine Instron 9200 Dynatype (USA) Test Methods: ASTM D-7136, ASTM D-256, ASTM D-6110 Center of Composite Technology POLYMER IMPACT ELASTICITY TESTING Center of Composite Technology Izod and Charpy impact tests: ASTM D-256, ASTM D-6110, ISO 179, 180 Pendulum impact machine (мах 25 J) Instron CEAST (USA) Instrumented pendulums for resins and polymers testing up to 5 kN NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING OF COMPOSITES Ultrasound crack detector Omniscan MX2 Manual scanner A set of ultrasound sensors on phaselocked array 64 elements 3,5 and 5 MHz Center of Composite Technology Center of Composite Technology WORK EXPERIENCE with domestic and foreign Customers WORK EXPERIENCE We are cooperating in the field of research and development with leading domestic and foreign companies from aircraft industry 1. AIRBUS SAS (Toulouse, France) since 2001 2. EADS (Munchen, Germany) since 2006 3. Diehl Aircabin GmbH (Germany) 2010 4. VIAM (All-russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials) (Moscow, Russia) 2005, 2007 5. OJSC KAMAZ 2010-2012 6. CJSC AVIASTAR-SP (Ulyanovsk) since 2008 7. CJSC INUMIT (Moscow) since 2009 8. JSC NPP Rubin (Penza) 2010 9. JSC Aviadvigatel (Perm) 2010 10. Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (Zhukovskiy) since 2010 11. CJSC AeroComposit (Moscow) since 2011 12. JSC Kazan Helicopters (Kazan) since 2012 13. JSC NPO Saturn (Rybinsk) since 2012 Center of Composite Technology Center of Composite Technology WORKING FOR AIRBUS SAS «FOLDED CORES» CONTRACT DEVELOPMENT OF FOLDED CORE MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Center of Composite Technology VESCO PROJECT Center of Composite Technology Development of structure and method of synchronous manufacturing of Nomex folded core with single curvature for fuselage panels. VESCO Project (Airbus GIE (Germany)) AIRBUS SAS, SAS, EADS, EADS, Diehl Aircabin GmbH DETERMINATION OF STRENGTH, IMPACT RESISTANCE AND DURABILITY OF SANDWICH PANELS Center of Composite Technology Center of Composite Technology FULL-SIZE PANELS TESTING Full-size testing sample VeSCo2 (Germany) Test Facility (IMA Dresden) Center of Composite Technology WORKING WITH DOMESTIC CUSTOMERS DEVELOPMENT OF CORES FOR ACOUSTIC PANELS FROM AIR-PERMEABLE MATERIALS AND THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITES Center of Composite Technology Center of Composite Technology OPTIMIZATION OF AUTOCLAVE MOLDING MODES AND STUDY OF NEW POLYMER COMPOSITES Напряжение при растяжении (MPa) 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.014 Осевая деформация (Видео) (mm/mm) ИНУМИТ ЗАО, (МГУ, Москва) DEVELOPMENT OF PROCESSES FOR INTEGRAL AIRCRAFT PARTS MANUFACTURING Center of Composite Technology Spoiler - RTM Passed static and fatigue testing Spoiler with integral racks Customer - AeroComposit Impregnation scheme simulation SPOILERS MANUFACTERED IN CCT Center of Composite Technology CONCEPTS OF INTEGRAL STRUCTURES Center of Composite Technology ФГУП ЦАГИ ОАО «Авиадвигатель» DEVELOPMENT OF AIRCRAFT PARTS AND POLYMER TOOLING MANUFACTURING PROCESSES ANSAT helicopter with composite tail rotor fairing manufactured by CCT MAKS-2013 exhibition Center of Composite Technology TECHNOLOGY FOR AIRCRAFT ENGINE COMPOSITE PARTS MANUFACTURING SATURN R&D production facility (Rybinsk, Russia) Center of Composite Technology DEVELOPMENT OF PROCESSES FOR LARGE COMPOSITE PANELS PRODUCTION Infusion and Light-RTM for large composite automobile parts production Stages of Light-RTM manufacturing process Infusion impregnation Center of Composite Technology DEVELOPMENT OF PROCESSES FOR LARGE COMPOSITE PANELS PRODUCTION Assembly of pilot batch of cabs, KAMAZ Center of Composite Technology DESIGN OF AIRCRAFT HOLDING FRAME Customer – JSC AVIASTAR-SP Center of Composite Technology DEVELOPMENT OF NEW SOUND ABSORBING AND SOUND INSULATING FOLDED CORE FOR AIRCRAFT SANDWICH PANELS Samples of sound absorbing structures and equipment for acoustic properties study (Kundt’s pipe) Center of Composite Technology SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTAL TESTING OF SANDWICH STRUCTURES DESTRUCTION MECHANISMS Simulation in ANSYS\LS-DYNA Software Center of Composite Technology Center of Composite Technology DEVELOPMENT OF COMPOSITE ANTI-MINE PROTECTION BASED ON FOLDED ENERGY ABSORBING PANELS S1 S2 Area ratio S1 S2 Multilayer folded panel Target: weight reduction of armoured vehicle due to application of authentic structure and new materials = 4 ÷10 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Center of Composite Technology ADDRESS: CONTACT: TUPOLEV KNRTU-KAI K. Marx St., 10 420111 Kazan Russia Head of Aircraft Manufacturing Department Professor Valentin I Khaliulin, Doctor of Engineering Tel/Fax: (843)-236-64-94, Tel :236-52-42 E-mail:
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