INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS IEEE ITS SOCIETY NEWSLETTER Editor: Prof. Javier Sanchez-Medina, Vol. 17, No. 2 April 2015 In This Issue Society News and Announcements Message from the Editor ................................................................................ 2 Message from the President ........................................................................... 3 ITS Magazine selected for coverage in JCR .................................................. 5 Conference Report: IEEE ITSC 2014 ............................................................ 6 2015 IEEE ITS Awards Call for Nomination .............................................. 16 2015 IEEE ITSS Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award Call for Application ....... 17 ITS Podcast .................................................................................................. 18 Conferences and Call for Papers 2015 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference - CFP ............. 20 IEEE SOLI’2015 - CFP ............................................................................... 22 IEEE RFID-TA 2015 - CFP ......................................................................... 23 IEEE ICVES 2015 - CFP ............................................................................. 24 Conference Calendar .......................................................................................... 25 Forthcoming papers at Transactions on ITS ...................................................... 28 Forthcoming papers at ITS Magazine ................................................................ 32 Most popular papers/episode at T-ITS, ITS Mag. and ITS Podcast .................. 33 Officers and Committee Chairs ......................................................................... 34 ©2015 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. Web Archive and Electronic Newsletter Subscription Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief The IEEE ITS Society Newsletter is pubJavier Sanchez-Medina lished quarterly the first Wednesday of Jan- ................... uary, April, July, and October, reaching ————————— more than 15000 subscribers. You can Associate Editors download any issue for free, here: IEEE T-ITS and IEEE ITS-Magazine Report and Abstracts Simona Berté SUBSCRIBE TO THIS MAIL LIST: mailto:LISTSERV@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG with the following text in the body: Conferences, Workshops, and Journals SUB ITSSNEWS [Your Full Name Massimo Bertozzi and Paolo Grisleri Here] ————————— You can also UNSUBSCRIBE here: Follow our Society’s Activities: mailto:ITSSNEWS-SIGNOFFFacebook Twitter Linked-in Youtube Information for Contributors Announcements, feature articles, book and meetings reviews, opinions, letters to the editor, professional activities, Abstracts of reports, and other material of interest to the ITS community are solicited. Please submit electronic material for consideration in any of the following formats: Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, plain ASCII, rich text format (rtf), or portable document format (pdf) to the Editor-in-Chief at You can also use this Google form: SOCIETY NEWS From the Editor Javier Sanchez-Medina Hello everyone! Spring is coming, finally! We have good stuff in this new issue. We have great news coming form our sister publication the IEEE ITS Magazine, and its inclusion in the JCR index report. We have also some wrapping up comments from our last record beating IEEE ITSC2014 conference in QingDao, China. We are eager to listen your suggestions for contents of this Newsletter. We have enabled a Google form for you to send them here: You can send us ITS related conferences, news, etc. We are aiming at making this Newsletter the publication you need! Javier Sanchez-Medina EiC of the ITS Newsletter 2 Message from the President Social Implications of Intelligent Transportation Systems I have been spending a lot of time lately talking with some of the key individuals who helped established our IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Society so many years ago. I was amazed that a number of different IEEE societies were involved when our ITS society emerged, including the controls society, communications society, vehicular technology society, robotics and automation society, and the systems-man-cybernetics society. When I attend the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) meetings, I get to interact with the different presidents of these sister societies and they often comment how ITS continues to be a fun, exciting, and growing area of research. Indeed, many of these societies often have ITS themes in their own activities. During the latest IEEE TAB meeting, I also got a chance to meet the president from the Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT), an IEEE society that we really never interacted with previously. Based on one of our conversations, I quickly thought about the social implications of ITS. As we all well know, the primary goals of ITS are to improve vehicle safety, traffic mobility, and to reduce environmental impacts. All three of these goals have a significant social impact: we are saving lives, improving economics through greater efficiencies, and reducing air pollution and greenhouse gases. But there is a lot more social implications that we often don’t think about, especially when we talk about the emerging fields of connected and automated vehicle systems. A few examples: Individual privacy is certainly a concern as we make our vehicles increasingly “connected”. By having GPS tracking and connecting vehicles to each other and the Internet, there are a number of potential privacy issues that crop up, with whole host of societal implications. There has been a lot of discussion on how vehicle automation will impact society as a whole. In addition to the usual questions such as “will they be safe?” and “will traffic congestion be reduced?”, we are now understanding that vehicle automation will likely open up new mobility options for the young, elderly, and disabled. This will certainly improve our societal quality of life; however, will it lead to an increase of vehicular trips with potential increased traffic congestion? Time will certainly tell. 3 Cybersecurity is certainly an important issue in everyday life, dealing with our computers and other devices. Not a week goes by without hearing how someone’s latest server got hacked and private information has been compromised. However, there could even be far worse safety ramifications in the realm of connected vehicles, if we don’t have the proper cybersecurity safeguards. If some entity maliciously broadcasted false basic safety messages, potentially dangerous crashes would likely occur. I believe that as our ITS society continues to grow, we will likely have to deal with an increasing number of social implications related to ITS technology. As such, I am now taking steps to affiliate our ITS society with the SSIT society, designated a liaison from our society to be actively involved in SSIT. Again, our role is not to simply conduct ITS research and advance ITS technology, it’s also about understanding the policy and social implications of what we do. Matt Barth IEEE ITSS President, 2014-2015 4 ITS Magazine selected for coverage in JCR I am pleased to inform you that the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine has been selected for coverage in Thomson Reuter’s products and services. Beginning with V. 1 (1) 2009, the ITS Magazine will be indexed and abstracted in: Science Citation Index Expanded, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, and Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology. The amount of articles, reports and news that we have included in the latest issues of the Magazine is getting gradually increased, something that goes hand in hand with the increasing activity of the ITS Society and its members. Our purpose is to continue our path of growth and quality in an attempt to provide our readers with the most innovative information in the field of ITS. In this issue of the ITS Magazine we include a challenging Special Issue on Connected Vehicles technologies. This Special Issue covers aspects such as integration of vehicular networks and traffic infrastructure, cooperative vehicle localization techniques, gamification tools for fuel saving, and the use of 5G antennas in very fast moving vehicles. In addition, our regular feature articles deal with a variety of different technical aspects of ITS. Thus, in a first article the authors approach the design of a data-driven geospatial-enabled transportation digital platform aiming at improving the analysis of freeway performance on the grounds of big data techniques. A second feature presents a study on the potential impact of vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-tosensor communications in urban parking areas, with a view to decreasing the parking cruising time for individual drivers by means of information provision. A third feature article introduces a unifying framework for understanding and applying different robust network designs based on the context of design goals and traffic disturbances, such as increase in demand or drop in network capacity. As usual, I would like to encourage prospective authors to share their research, innovation, and recent results with our society by submitting high-quality articles and tutorials that are of strong practical relevance to the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems. Let me remind you that the ITS Magazine intends to focus on papers with a strong link to applications, surveys, technology reviews, future trends, and reports on successful implementations. It is also open to policy, or educational issues. I am looking forward to receiving your contributions. Please, consider the ITS Magazine as the vehicle to make the scientific community aware of your research. Miguel Ángel Sotelo Editor in Chief IEEE ITS Magazine 5 Conference Report: 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems By General Chairs: Nanning Zheng, Fei-Yue Wang Program Chairs: Daniel Zeng, Christoph Stiller, Azim Eskandarian The 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2014) was successfully held on October 8-11, 2014 at Hyatt Regency in Qingdao, China, a beautiful coastal city. Over 600 participants from 37 countries participated in the conference. As a premier gathering of the ITS community, ITSC 2014 covered a wide range of ITS topics, including basic ITS research, new technologies, a variety of ITS applications, and societal/ environmental impact of ITS. There is no doubt that ITS research and the ITS research community are expanding around the globe. ITSC 2014 attracted a record number (834) of submissions. Following the rigorous peer-review process, a total of 501 full papers and 38 extended abstracts were accepted for presentation and publication in the proceedings. China led with the largest number of submissions (217), followed by Germany (64), and the United States (49). The ITSC 2014 Award Committee selected 3 Best Student Papers and 2 Best Papers. ITSC 2014 Best Student Papers The "Floor-Wall" Traffic Scenes Construction for Unmanned Vehicle Simulation Evaluation Li, Yaochen; Liu, Yuehu; Zhang, Chi; Zhao, Danchen; Zheng, Nanning Influence of Information Flow Topology on Closed-Loop Stability of Vehicle Platoon with Rigid Formation Zheng, Yang; Li, Shengbo; Wang, Jianqiang; wang, Le Yi; Li, Keqiang Pedestrian Crossing Prediction Using Multiple Context-Based Models Bonnin, Sarah; Weisswange, Thomas H.; Kummert, Franz; Schmuedderich, Jens ITSC 2014 Best Papers Index Modulated OFDM with Interleaved Grouping for V2X Communications Cheng, Xiang; Wen, Miaowen; Yang, Liuqing; Li, Yuke Recursive Conflict Resolution for Cooperative Motion Planning in Dynamic Highway Traffic Schwarting, Wilko; Pascheka, Patrick ITSC 2014’s technical program included 63 parallel sessions, 2 tutorials, 9 workshops, and 9 special sessions. ITSC 2014 also experimented with a new category of papers with strong application flavor, presented in a newly-created industry track. This industry track has attracted a good number of submissions and was very well-received at the conference. 6 On Oct. 8 of 2014, more than 200 participants attended pre-conference workshops and tutorials covering merging research and technological areas in ITS. Among these events, workshops on “Intelligent Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperation Systems” and “Intelligent Vehicle in China” organized on-site intelligent vehicle demonstrations, which attracted many participants. In the morning of Oct. 9, Prof. Fei-Yue Wang, the conference General Co-Chair, opened the conference. Dr. Xiaoming Liu, the Director General of Transportation Department, Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China, and Mr. Zhenxi Xu, the Vice Mayor of Qingdao City, made welcome remarks, respectively. In the morning of Oct. 9, Prof. Fei-Yue Wang, the conference General Co-Chair, opened the conference. Dr. Xiaoming Liu, the Director General of Transportation Department, Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China, and Mr. Zhenxi Xu, the Vice Mayor of Qingdao City, made welcome remarks, respectively. The plenary keynote session included three presentations. The first keynote speaker was Prof. Xiaoming Liu, the Director General of Transportation Department, Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China. He presented a talk on “The Development Status and Prospect of Transportation Information Intelligence in China.” Prof. Matthew J. Barth, Yeager Families Professor at the College of Engineering, University of California-Riverside presented the second keynote, “The Role of Connected Vehicles in Sustainable Transportation: Issues and Research Opportunities.” Finally, Prof. Bin Ning, President of Beijing Jiaotong University delivered a speech titled “The Key Issues of Intelligent Control for Rail Systems.” This diverse set of influential ITS leaders shared with the participants both academic and practitioner perspectives of state-of-the-art technological advancements and future trends. 7 8 The plenary keynote session included three presentations. The first keynote speaker was Prof. Xiaoming Liu, the Director General of Transportation Department, Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China. He presented a talk on “The Development Status and Prospect of Transportation Information Intelligence in China.” Prof. Matthew J. Barth, Yeager Families Professor at the College of Engineering, University of California-Riverside presented the second keynote, “The Role of Connected Vehicles in Sustainable Transportation: Issues and Research Opportunities.” Finally, Prof. Bin Ning, President of Beijing Jiaotong University delivered a speech titled “The Key Issues of Intelligent Control for Rail Systems.” This diverse set of influential ITS leaders shared with the participants both academic and practitioner perspectives of state-of-the-art technological advancements and future trends. 9 Most of the parallel sessions were very well attended. In the evening of Oct. 9, the ITSC 2014 Conference Banquet and Award Ceremony were held. First, the Deputy Secretary-General of Qingdao Municipal Government, Mr. Xinzhu Zhang, welcomed all the participants and proposed a toast. Second, Prof. Matt Barth, the President of IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, gave a “state of the society” speech. 10 Next, the winners of three IEEE ITSS Awards (i.e., IEEE ITS Outstanding Research Award, IEEE ITS Outstanding Application Award, and IEEE ITS Institute Lead Award), the Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award, as well as the ITSC 2014 Best Paper Awards were announced and presented. 11 As the former IEEE ITS Fellow Evaluation Chair, Prof. Fei-Yue Wang recognized three distinguished colleagues who have made extraordinary contributions to ITS research and was elected as the IEEE Fellow in its class of 2014. 12 Dr. Weiqiang Chen, the CEO of HiSense Transtech Co., Ltd, the conference sponsor, gave a short presentation. As an ITSC tradition, the handover ceremony was held towards the end of the conference banquet. Mr. Xinzhu Zhang, the Deputy Secretary-General of Qingdao Municipal Government, handed over a bell to Prof. Javier Sanchez Medina, the General Chair of ITSC 2015, who welcomed everyone to Spain for ITSC 2015. 13 In the morning of Oct. 10, a plenary award presentation session took place. The winners of the IEEE ITSS Awards and the Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award delivered presentations to showcase the best ITS research that our community offers. In the afternoon of Oct. 10, nearly 40 authors presented their research work in the poster session. 14 A special ITSC Student Activities event was organized in the evening of October 10, hosted by Prof. Brendan Morris, the IEEE ITS Society Student Activities Chair. Over 50 people attended the event, meeting their colleagues from around the world, and learning about ITS and ITS Society. ITSC 2014 attracted a record number of paper submissions and participants. As a proxy indicator of the quality of the technical program, ITSC 2014’s paper acceptance rate is markedly lower than that in recent past years. The newly-created industry track showcased recent advances in ITS research with direct industry relevance, discussed emerging trends and challenges with practical implications, and facilitated interactions between academic researchers, industry researchers, and practitioners. Additionally, the IEEE ITSC 2014 Conference Smart App allowed participants to easily access the conference program, and read conference papers on their mobile devices. We are very delighted that ITSC 2014 was a success overall! Before concluding this report, we would like to thank the members of the International Program Committee, authors, reviewers, session chairs, and organizers of the affiliated workshops and tutorials, for making the technical program a success. The entire ITSC 2014 local team who helped put the conference together deserved our sincere gratitude. Our special thanks go to Xueliang Zhao, Nan Zhang, Hongxia Zhao, Chengrong Zhang, Tan Wang, Xuejing Li, and many other volunteers and staff members for their hard work. Finally, we would like to thank all ITSC 2014 participants to make the event a productive and enjoyable one. 15 IEEE ITS Outstanding Research Award IEEE ITS Outstanding Application Award IEEE ITS Institutional Lead Award Call for Nominations The prestigious IEEE ITS Outstanding Research Award, IEEE ITS Outstanding Application Award, and IEEE ITS Institutional Lead Award are conferred annually to honor ITS researchers, practitioners, and research/development teams who have made significant contributions to research in ITS related fields (for ITS Research Award), developed and deployed successful ITS systems or implementations (for ITS Application Award), and demonstrated leadership in promoting ITS technologies (for ITS Institutional Lead Award). These awards have been established to recognize, promote, and publicize major research contributions, application innovations with real-world impact, and ITS institutional leadership. Nomination Materials Each nomination must consist of the following materials: (1) A 5-page summary statement providing sufficient detail for evaluation of the innovations and impact of the work. (2) At least 3 letters of recommendation from the recognized peer researchers, customers or users of the developed application, and organizations attesting to the work’s significance and impact. Evaluation A dedicated selection committee will evaluate all qualified nominations for these IEEE ITS Awards. Awards will be announced in September 2015 at the ITSC 2015 conference in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, where the recipients will give featured presentations of their work. Submission Deadline Please email nominations before June 1, 2015 to ITSS Vice President for Membership at Brendan Morris VP for Membership 16 IEEE ITSS Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award Call for Applications IEEE ITSS Best Dissertation Award is given annually for the best dissertation in any ITS area that is innovative and relevant to practice. This award is established to encourage doctoral research that combines theory and practice, makes in-depth technical contributions, or is interdisciplinary in nature, having the potential to contribute to the ITSS and broaden the ITS topic areas from either the methodological or application perspectives. Application Materials Each application must consist of the following materials: 1. A doctoral dissertation written by the applicant in any language, no more than 18 months prior to the submission deadline. 2. A summary of the dissertation in English of up to 3 pages in length written by the Ph.D. candidate, highlighting the significance of the problem, the technical approach taken, application context and potential, and the scope of the dissertation. 3. Sample published paper(s) in English based on the dissertation written primarily by the Ph.D. candidate in scientific journals such as the IEEE Transactions on ITS or the IEEE ITS Magazine. 4. Listing of all publications by the applicant in the related field(s). 5. A letter of recommendation from the applicant’s dissertation advisor that assesses the significance of the research, attests to the originality of the work, and comments on the engagement of the applicant in the ITS field and the IEEE ITS Society. Prize and Presentation The winners will receive a cash prize and invitation to be recognized and present their work in September 2015 at the ITSC 2015 conference in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. Awardees’ work will be featured in ITSS Transactions, ITS Magazine, and ITS Newsletter, when approPlace Prize Amount (USD) priate. st 1 Evaluation 2 A dedicated selection committee will evaluate all qualified applications for the IEEE ITS Best Ph.D. Dissertation Awards and make selections. nd 3rd $2000 $1000 $500 Submission Deadline Please submit the application materials by email before June 20, 2015 to ITSS Vice President for Membership at Brendan Morris VP for Membership 17 ITS Podcast ITS Podcast New Episodes Please, circulate this! We have a few interesting new episodes online for your enjoyment! ITS Podcast Episode 22: First Distinguished Lectures Series Event in Japan, with Tsuguo Nobe and Shinpei Kato Last November, the IEEE ITS Society started its Distinguished Lecture Series with an event organized by our Japanese Chapters, the Nagoya Chapter and the Tokyo Chapter. They organized a super attractive event, aiming in particular to our future colleagues, in the University of Tokyo. They could attend to a lecture by Mr. Tsuguo Nobe, from Intel, and professor Shinpei Kato, from Nagoya University, on Autonomous Driving. For this special occasion we have interviewed both of them, so all our selected community can learned better how was it. ITS Podcast Episode 23: Map-aided Evidential Grids for Driving Scene Understanding, with Prof. Bonnifait and Dr. Kurdej We have prepared a new episode for our very special community. We have a very interesting interview with Prof. Philippe Bonnifait, Professor in Robotics and Automation at the University of Technology of Compiègne and Head of the research group “Automation, Embedded Systems and Robotics, in France. We also have Dr. Marek Kurdej, who was PhD candidate at Bonnifait’s centre when we recorded this interview and is now Doctor and Researcher at quasardb. We talked about Driving Scene Understanding and a recent publication of this group in the Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. ITS Podcast Episode 24: Traffic Modeling, Control and Optimization, Theory and Applications with Prof. Papageorgiou For this new episode, the central content is an amazing interview with our very renowned and successful colleague, professor Markos Papageorgiou. This interview has been recorded by our new volunteer, the young brilliant professor Hilmi Berk Celikoglu. Please, check it out and feedback the show with your comments at the podcast website or at our social networking accounts: LinkedIn, Twitter (@ITSPodcast), Facebook, Google+ or by email: 18 ITS Podcast ITS Podcast Follower-get-a-follower We are running a new contest to celebrate the second anniversary of the ITS Podcast next May, 2015. The follower that can get the largest amount of new followers to subscribe to the ITS Podcast email list, will win an i-Pad to better enjoy the ITS Podcast. How to contend? He or she has to provide with a list of the email addresses of the new followers attracted and the approximate date of their subscription. To participate, you have to attract at least 30 new subscribers. Fist step: Go and find as many potential ITS Podcast followers you can find. Second step: Send them the email list subscription link, inviting them to subscribe Very important: when they use that link to intro their email addresses, they will have to confirm their intention to join our distribution through a confirmation email they will receive in their inboxes. Unverified emails will not count as valid. Third step: When you know they subscribed, send an email and subscription date list to with “Follower-get-a-Follower” as abstract. Please, help us! You can win an i-Pad. The winner will be published and interviewed at the May 2015 ITS Podcast episode. Thanks for your support and help! Javier Sanchez-Medina EiC IEEE ITSS ITSPodcast 19 The 18th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 15 – 18 September 2015 The IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference is the annual flagship conference of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society. IEEE ITSC 2015 welcomes articles in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems, dealing with new developments in theory, analytical and numerical simulation and modeling, experimentation, demonstration, advanced deployment and case studies, results of laboratory or field operational tests, under the general theme of Smart Transportation for Safety and Sustainability. IEEE ITSC 2015 is organized by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria located in the Canary Islands (Spain), last known stop to Christopher Columbus’ first voyage to the Americas. General Chair Javier Sánchez-Medina Program Chair Miguel Ángel Sotelo Program Co-Chairs Cristina Olaverri Monreal Jeffrey Miller Alberto Broggi General Vice-Chair Alexis Quesada Arencibia Important Dates Here we have the Important Dates: Regular and Special Session submissions DEADLINE: April, 15. Workshop and Industry Track submissions DEADLINE: May, 15. Please visit the conference website at for news and updated deadlines. You can also follow us at Twitter (@ITSC2015) and Facebook (ITSC2015). Paper Submission Submit your paper here: Complete manuscripts in PDF format must be electronically submitted for peer-review, following the standard IEEE conference proceedings format. Detailed submission instructions can be found here: Best Paper Award and Best Student Paper Award A “Best Paper Award” and a “Best Student Paper Award” will be conferred to the author(s) of a full paper presented at the conference, selected by the Awards Committee. Best Reviewers and Best Associate Editor We will give a "Best ITSC2015 Reviewer Award" and a "Best ITSC2015 Associate Editor Award" to those volunteers that show the best performance during the reviewing process. The scientific quality of ITSC2015 depends almost entirely in our volunteers' efforts and we want to pay tribute to them like this. Keynote Speakers (tentative)( Philip T. Krein, Professor and Grainger Endowed Director's Chair in Electric Machinery and Electromechanics, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, IL, USA Tsuguo Nobe, Chief Advanced Service Architect and Director at Intel Corporation, Japan Markos Papageorgiou, Director of Dynamic Systems & Simulation Laboratory, Technical University of Crete, Greece Hermann Winner, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany Journal and Magazine Publication of Selected Papers Selected papers of exceptional quality will be invited for submission to a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on ITS or the IEEE ITS Magazine. Authors will be asked to revise their papers according to the standards of the Transactions or the Magazine. WWW.ITSC2015.ORG Special Sessions, Tutorials, Workshops and Demonstrations (tentative) Special Sessions (http:/ SS1. Human Factors in Urban Traffic – Characteristics, Challenges and Solutions of Prospective Assistance Systems SS2. Wireless Vehicular Communications SS3. Automated Driving SS4. Intelligent Pedestrian traffic and Evacuation dynamics SS5. Urban Transport Systems: Modelling and Control SS6. ITS for Public Transport SS7. Computer Vision and Imaging Systems in Transportation SS8. Parallel Transportation Management Systems Workshops and Tutorials (http:/ Workshops: WS1. The First International Workshop on Intelligent Public Transports – Toward the Next Generation of Urban Mobility WS2. Intelligent Transportation Systems for Multimodal Operations WS3. Advanced Traffic Signal Systems on the Crossroads between Past and Future WS4. Advancing the Microscopic Traffic Simulations Towards Realistic Modelling of Driver Behavior and Reliable Evaluation of Safety WS5. New Tendencies of Artificial Intelligence in Dynamic Modeling and Optimization of Traffic Network WS6. Data-Enabled Advancements in Transportation Theory and Application WS7. Mapping the Landscape of Social Media/Big Data for Transportation Systems Analysis WS8. Education in ITS Tutorials: Tut1. Tutorial on SUMO - Simulation Urban Mobility (by Prof. Peter Wagner (DLR)) Demos: We plan to have the Verdino Project ( demonstrated in ITSC2015. More to come... Proposals for special sessions, tutorials, and workshops should be submitted via the conference submission website (Deadline: April 1, 2015). Detailed submission instructions can be found here: Proposals for organizing Demonstrations can be send to Registration Fees Please check-out our registration fees site (! We have a few innovations there that may be of your interest, especially to recognize volunteers’ efforts and to help colleagues in developing countries to attend IEEE ITSC2015. Topics - The technical areas include but are not limited to the following: Transportation Networks Advanced Public Transportation Management Ports, Waterways, Inland navigation, and Vessel Traffic Management Modeling, Simulation, and Detection of Vulnerable Road Users and Animals Air, Road, and Rail Traffic Management ITS User Services Emergency Management Artificial Transportation Systems Transportation Electrification Emissions, Noise, Environment Management of Exceptional Events: Incidents and Evacuation Security, Privacy and Safety Systems Transportation Smartification Commercial Vehicle Operations Intelligent logistics Sensing, Detectors and Actuators Connected and Probe Vehicles Big Data and Naturalistic Datasets Communication in ITS Cooperative Techniques and Systems Intelligent Vehicles Vision, and Environment Perception Electric Vehicle Transportation Systems Electronic Payment Systems Smart Mobility Traffic Theory for ITS Modeling, Control and Simulation Human Factors, Travel Behavior ITS Field Tests and Implementation Driver and Traveler Support Systems WWW.ITSC2015.ORG 22 Conference Calendar By Massimo Bertozzi and Paolo Grisleri This section lists upcoming ITS-related conferences, workshops, or exhibits. Contributions are welcome; please send announcements to Massimo Bertozzi / Paolo Grisleri 2015 June 28 - July 1 The 2014 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Coex, Seoul, Korea September 15-18 ITSC2014: The 18th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain Submission due by: April 15 MMarch 11-14 VISIGRAPP 2015: 10th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphic Applications Berlin, Germany March 17-27 ITS Cooperative Mobility Services Event 4 Helmond, Netherlands March 26-27 7th ETSI ITS Workshop Berlin, Germany April 5-8 Intertraffic Amsterdam 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands April 21-23 SAE 2015 World Congress & Exhibition Detroit, Michigan, USA 25 April 28-29 19th International Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications (AMAA 2015) Harnack House, Berlin, Germany May 11-14 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2015-Spring) Glasgow, Korea May 20-22 International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Systems Lisbon, Portugal May 21-23 20th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society REAL CORP 2015 Ghent, Belgium May 25-30 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2015) Seattle, WA, USA June 3-5 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2014) Buzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil June 7-12 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2015) Boston, MA, USA August 5-7 International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory - ISTTT Kobe, Japan August 9-12 NRITS National Rural ITS Conference Snowbird, UT, USA September 7-11 International Conference on Imahe Analysis and Processing (ICIAP 2015) Genova, Italy 26 September 6-9 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2014-Fall Boston, MA, USA Submission due by: March 16 September 21-23 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control Novotel Manly Pacific, Sidney, Australia Submission due by: April 1 September 28 - October 3 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2015) Hamburg, Germany October 5-9 ITS World Congress 2015 Bordeaux, France October 30 - November 6 25th World Road Congress Seoul, Korea November 8-13 Seminar on Vision for Autonomous Vehicles and Probes Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 27 Forthcoming papers on IEEE Transactions on ITS A model-based joint detection and tracking approach for multi-vehicle tracking with lidar sensor FORTIN, BENOIT; LHERBIER, RÉGIS; NOYER, JEAN-CHARLES A multiple train trajectory optimization to minimize energy consumption and delay ZHAO, NING; ROBERTS, CLIVE; HILLMANSEN, STUART; NICHOLSON, GEMMA An Autonomous Driving System for Unknown Environment using a Unified Map SHIM, INWOOK; CHOI, JONGWON; SHIN, SEUNGHAK; OH, TAE-HYUN; LEE, UNGHUI; AHN, BYUNGTAE; CHOI, DONG-GEOL; SHIM, DAVID HYUNCHUL; KWEON, IN SO Analysis of Traffic Performance of a Merging Assistant Strategy Using Cooperative Vehicles SCARINCI, RICCARDO; HEYDECKER, BENJAMIN; HEGYI, ANDREAS Automated Extraction of Urban Road Facilities Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data YU, YONGTAO; LI, JONATHAN; GUAN, HAIYAN; WANG, CHENG City Vehicle Routing Problem (City VRP): A Review KIM, GITAE; ONG, YEW SOON; HENG, CHEN KIM; TAN, PUAY SIEW; ZHANG, ALLAN Coordinated Adaptive Cruise Control System with Lane-Change Assistance DANG, RUINA; WANG, JIANQIANG; LI, SHENGBO; LI, KEQIANG Design of robust and energy efficient ATO speed profiles of metropolitan lines considering train load variations and delays FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ, ADRIÁN; FERNÁNDEZ CARDADOR, ANTONIO; CUCALA, ASUNCIÓN; DOMÍNGUEZ, MARÍA; GONSALVES, TAD Design of Traffic Safety Control Systems for Emergency Vehicle Preemption Using Timed Petri Nets HUANG, YI-SHENG; WENG, YI-SHUN; ZHOU, MENGCHU Designing huge repositories of trajectories for efficient extracting semantic data D'ACIERNO, ANTONIO; SAGGESE, ALESSIA; VENTO, MARIO 28 moving vehicles Development of a Deceleration-based Surrogate Safety Measure for Rear-end Collision Risk TAK, SEHYUN; KIM, SUNGHOON; YEO, HWASOO Development of a Driver Lateral Control Model by Integrating Neuromuscular Dynamics into the Queuing Network-based Driver Model BI, LUZHENG; WANG, MINGTAO; WANG, CUIE; LIU, YILI Development of efficient nonlinear benchmark bicycle dynamics for control applications WANG, EVERETT; ZOU, JUNCHENG; XUE, GENGPING; LIU, YIJUN; YANG, LI; FAN, QUN Driver Gaze Tracking and Eyes Off the Road Detection System VICENTE, FRANCISCO; HUANG, ZEHUA; XIONG, XUEHAN; DE LA TORRE, FERNANDO; ZHANG, WENDE; LEVI, DAN Dynamic prediction of vehicle cluster distribution in mixed traffic: A statistical mechanics-inspired method JERATH, KSHITIJ; RAY, ASOK; BRENNAN, SEAN; GAYAH, VIKASH Efficient Sampling based Motion Planning for On-road Autonomous Driving MA, LIANG; XUE, JIANRU; KAWABATA, KUNIAKI; ZHU, JIHUA; MA, CHAO; ZHENG, NANNING Establishing style-oriented driver models by imitating human driving behaviors XU, LI; HU, JIE; JIANG, HONG; MENG, WUQIANG Evaluation of the Effects of a Personal Mobility Vehicle on Multiple Pedestrians Using Personal Space PHAM, THAI; NAKAGAWA, CHIHIRO; SHINTANI, ATSUHIKO; ITO, TOMOHIRO Exponential Contrast Restoration in Fog Conditions for Driving Assistance NEGRU, MIHAI; NEDEVSCHI, SERGIU; PETER, RADU Feedback Coordinated Ramp Control of Consecutive On-Ramps using Distributed Modeling and Godunov Based Satisfiable Allocation AGARWAL, SHAURYA; KACHROO, PUSHKIN; CONTRERAS, SERGIO; SASTRY, SHANKAR Frailty Models for the Estimation of Spatiotemporally Maximum Congested Impact information on Freeway Accidents CHUNG, YOUNSHIK; RECKER, WILL Learning to Detect Vehicles by Clustering Appearance Patterns OHN-BAR, ESHED; TRIVEDI, MOHAN 29 Machine Learning Transportation Mode Recognition using Mobile Phone Sensor Data JAHANGIRI, ARASH; RAKHA, HESHAM Managing Emergency Traffic Evacuation with a Partially-Random Destination Allocation Strategy: A Computational-Experiment-based Optimization Approach LV, YISHENG; ZHANG, XIQIAO; KANG, WENWEN; DUAN, YANJIE Measurements and Analysis of Large-Scale Fading Characteristics in Curved Subway Tunnels at 920 MHz, 2400 MHz, and 5705 MHz GUAN, KE; AI, BO; ZHONG, ZHANGDUI; LOPEZ, CARLOS; ZHANG, LEI; BRISO, CESAR; HROVAT, ANDREJ; ZHANG, BEI; HE, RUISI; TANG, TAO Modeling Traffic Control Agency Decision Behavior for Multi-modal Manual Signal Control under Event Occurrences DING, NAN; HE, QING; WU, CHANGXU; FETZER, JULIE Multi-objective Optimization for Train Speed Trajectory in CTCS High-speed Railway with Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm SHANGGUAN, WEI; YAN, XIHUI; CAI, BAIGEN; WANG, JIAN Multiple Concentric Gating Traffic Control in Large-Scale Urban Networks KEYVAN-EKBATANI, MEHDI; YILDIRIMOGLU, MEHMET; GEROLIMINIS, NIKOLAS; PAPAGEORGIOU, MARKOS Neuro-adaptive Fault-tolerant Approach for Active Suspension Control of High Speed Trains LI, DANYONG; SONG, Y. D.; CAI, WENCHUAN On Curve Negotiation: from Driver Support to Automation BOSETTI, PAOLO; DA LIO, MAURO; SAROLDI, ANDREA Prediction of Railcar Remaining Useful Life by Multiple Data Source Fusion LI, ZHIGUO; HE, QING Queue Length Estimation Using Connected Vehicle Technology for Adaptive Signal Control TIAPRASERT, KAMONTHEP; ZHANG, YUNLONG; WANG, XIUBIN; ZENG, XIAOSI Reading the Road: Road Marking Classification and Interpretation MATHIBELA, BONOLO; NEWMAN, PAUL; POSNER, INGMAR Real-Time Detection of Traffic from Twitter Stream Analysis D'ANDREA, ELEONORA; DUCANGE, PIETRO; LAZZERINI, BEATRICE; MARCELLONI, FRANCESCO 30 Reducing the Cost of the High-Speed Railway Communications: from Propagation Channel View HE, RUISI; ZHONG, ZHANGDUI; AI, BO; GUAN, KE Smooth and Controlled Recovery Planning of Disruptions in Rapid Transit Networks CADARSO, LUIS; MARÓTI, GÁBOR; MARÍN, ÁNGEL Stability and Scalability of Homogeneous Vehicular Platoon: Study on Influence of Information Flow Topologies ZHENG, YANG; LI, SHENGBO; WANG, JIANQIANG; CAO, DONGPU; LI, KEQIANG The Driving Safety Field Based on Driver-vehicle-road Interactions WANG, JIANQIANG; WU, JIAN; LI, YANG Tracking With a High Resolution 2D Spectral Estimation Based Automotive Radar ASKELAND, STEIN-ARNE; EKMAN, TORBJÖRN Traffic signal optimization for oversaturated urban networks: queue growth equalization JANG, KITAE; KIM, HYUNGJOO; JANG, IN GWUN Vehicle Detection Techniques for Collision Avoidance Systems: A Review MUKHTAR, AMIR; XIA, LIKUN; TANG, TONG Vehicle Logo Recognition System Based Networks With A Pre-Training Strategy On Convolutional Neural HUANG, YUE; WU, RUIWEN; SUN, YE; WANG, WEI; DING, XINGHAO Vehicle Type Classification Using Semi-Supervised Convolutional Neural Network DONG, ZHEN; WU, YUWEI; PEI, MINGTAO; JIA, YUNDE Vehicle Verification Using Features from Curvelet Transform and Generalized Gaussian Distribution GUO, JING-MING; PRASETYO, HERI; FARFOURA, MAHMOUD; LEE, HUA 31 Forthcoming papers on IEEE ITS Magazine A New Decentralized Bayesian Approach for Cooperative Vehicle Localization based on fusion of GPS and VANET based Inter-vehicle Distance Measurement ROHANI, MOHSEN; VIGNERON, VINCENT; GRUYER, DOMINIQUE; GINGRAS, DENIS An Enhanced Histogram of Oriented Gradients for Pedestrian Detection ZHAO, YONG; ZHANG, YONGJUN; CHENG, RUZHONG BUS-VANET: A Bus based Vehicular Network Integrated with Traffic Infrastructure JIANG, XIAOXIAO; DU, DAVID Chinese license plate localization in multi-lane with complex background based on concomitant colors DUN, JINGYU; ZHANG, SANYUAN; YE, XIUZI; ZHANG, YIN Computer assisted analysis of drivers' body activity using a range camera KONDYLI, ALEXANDRA; SISIOPIKU, V; ZHAO, LIANGKE; BARMPOUTIS, ANGELOS In the Passenger Seat: Investigating Ride Comfort Measures in Autonomous Cars ELBANHAWI, MOHAMED; SIMIC, MILAN; JAZAR, REZA Making 5G adaptive antennas work for very fast moving vehicles PHAN-HUY, DINH-THUY; STERNAD, MIKAEL; SVENSSON, TOMMY Multimedia Services in Cloud-based Vehicular Networks JIAU, MING-KAI; HUANG, SHIH-CHIA; HWANG, JENQ-NENG.; VASILAKOS, ATHANASIOS The Impact of Cooperative Perception on Decision Making and Planning of Autonomous Vehicles KIM, SEONG-WOO; LIU, WEI; ANG JR., MARCELO; FRAZZOLI, EMILIO; RUS, DANIELA 32 Most popular papers on IEEE Transactions on ITS 1. Challenges Toward Wireless Communications for High-Speed Railway Bo Ai ; Xiang Cheng ; Kurner, T. ; Zhang-dui Zhong ; Ke Guan ; Rui-Si He ; Lei Xiong ; Matolak, D.W. ; Michelson, D.G. ; Briso-Rodriguez, C. 2. Wireless Sensor Networks for Condition Monitoring in the Railway Industry: A Survey Hodge, V.J. ; O'Keefe, S. ; Weeks, M. ; Moulds, A. 3. Looking at Vehicles on the Road: A Survey of Vision-Based Vehicle Detection, Tracking, and Behavior Analysis Sivaraman, S. ; Trivedi, M.M. 4. Artificial Co-Drivers as a Universal Enabling Technology for Future Intelligent Vehicles and Transportation Systems Da Lio, M. ; Biral, F. ; Bertolazzi, E. ; Galvani, M. ; Bosetti, P. ;Windridge, D. ; Saroldi, A. ; Tango, F. 5. Video-based lane estimation and tracking for driver assistance: survey, system, and evaluation McCall, J.C. ; Trivedi, M.M. Most popular papers on IEEE ITS Magazine 1. Experience, Results and Lessons Learned from Automated Driving on Germany's Highways Aeberhard, M. ; Rauch, S. ; Bahram, M. ; Tanzmeister, G. ; Thomas, J. ; Pilat, Y. ; Homm, F. ; Huber, W. ; Kaempchen, N. 2. Driver Behavior Profiling Using Smartphones: A Low-Cost Platform for Driver Monitoring Castignani, G. ; Derrmann, T. ; Frank, R. ; Engel, T. 3. Three Decades of Driver Assistance Systems: Review and Future Perspectives Bengler, K. ; Dietmayer, K. ; Farber, B. ; Maurer, M. ; Stiller, C. ;Winner, H. 4. Learning Driver Behavior Models from Traffic Observations for Decision Making and Planning Gindele, T. ; Brechtel, S. ; Dillmann, R. 5. A Tutorial on Graph-Based SLAM Grisetti, G. ; Kümmerle, R. ; Stachniss, C. ; Burgard, W. Most popular episode on IEEE ITS Podcast 1. ITS Podcast Episode 21: NOTICE. Traffic Incidents Reporting Prof. Samy El-Tawab 33 Officers and Committee Chairs Officers President: President-elect: VP Admin Activities: VP Conference Activities: VP Financial Activities: VP Member Activities: VP Publication Activities: VP Technical Activities: Transactions Editor: Magazine Editor: Newsletter Editor: Committee Chairs Standing Committee on Awards: Standing Committee on Conferences and Meetings: Standing Committee on Constitution and Bylaws: Fellow Evaluation Committee: Standing Committee on Finance: ITSS History Committee: Long-Range Planning Committee: Member Activities Committee: Nominations and Appointments Committee: Standing Committee on Publications: Standards Committee: Student Activities Committee: Standing Committee on Technical Activities: Matt Barth, University of California, Riverside, CA, USA Daniel Zeng, U. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA Daniel J. Dailey, U. of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA Wei-Bin Zhang, U. of California, Berkeley, CA, USA Alberto Broggi, Università di Parma, Parma, Italy Brendan Morris, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, USA Jason Geng, Galax LLC, Rockville, MD, USA Yaobin Chen, Purdue U. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Fei-Yue Wang, Chinece Academy of Science Miguel Angel Sotelo, U. of Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Spain Javier Sanchez-Medina, U. of Las Palmas de G. C. Spain Brendan Morris Wei-Bin Zhang Daniel J. Dailey Bin Ning Alberto Broggi Umit Ozguner Christoph Stiller Daniel Zeng Alberto Broggi Jason Geng Christoph Stiller Brendan Morris Yaobin Chen INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS Editor: Prof. Javier Sanchez-Medina, Vol. 17, No. 2 April 2015 34
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