15-17 APRIL 2015 MA DRID-SPAIN THE RIGHT PLACE, AT THE RIGHT TIME #vendingexperiences EXHIBITOR´S GUIDE S P E C I F I C A N D A S S E M B L I N G R E G U L AT I O N S TURNKEY STAND PACKAGE CHARACTERISTIC S CALENDAR ORGANISED BY 1 DATES AND OPENING HOURS 1.1 VENDIBÉRICA will be held in Feria de Madrid, from the 15th to 17th April of 2015. "Exhibitors area" (on www.vendiberica.ifema.es) to consult and manage the information related to the participation in the trade fair. 1.2 Opening hours: from 10.00 am. to 7.00 pm. The cost of this service is €120 + VAT (1) and It is included in both participation fees Premium and Basic stands. 2 EXHIBITOR APPLICATION FORM 2.1 All companies whose activities are included in the sector of the trade fair can apply to participate. 2.2 The admission of applications, as well as the space allowance will be approved by the Organizing Committee and ratified by the Management of the trade fair. 2.3 VENDIBÉRICA management shall reserve the right to take the final decision about the definitive allocation of the stands 3 5.2 SERVICES CATALOGUE Once exhibitor has been allocated, any complementary services (if wished) can be hired through "Exhibitors Area”. These services hired via on-line will have a discount of 15%. 5.3 ADVERTISING SERVICES A set of services which allow you to maximize your participation in the trade fair and obtain the maximum return on your investment. Consult different options on publicidadexterior@ifema.es or on the telephone number (34) 91 722 53 08 / 40. HOW TO PARTICIPATE? 3.1 To apply as an exhibitor, you will have to fill in the on-line exhibitor application form available on the trade fair web: www.vendiberica.ifema.es 3.2 The presentation of this application form constitutes the acceptance of the General Rules on Participation of IFEMA and other general dispositions which may be introduced by the exhibition organizers. 3.3 The cancellation of participation by any exhibitor will be in accordance to the General Rules on Participation of IFEMA. 3.4 In case the EXHIBITOR COMPANY designates other bank to carry out the payments for its participation, it shall provide all the data necessary for billing. In case the designated bank does not execute the payments within the stipulated deadlines, the EXHIBITOR COMPANY, will execute them, when requested by IFEMA. 4 Exhibitor holder will have the option of including any of its co-exhibitor firms in promotional items by paying €120 + VAT (1) each one. PROMOTIAL MATERIAL 6 6.1 Direct sale of products exhibited in the stand is totally forbidden. In case you violate this regulation, you will automatically lose all the participation rights for next editions. 6.2 The maximum allowed sound level is 60 decibels, thus, it is forbidden to install individual sound systems, whose range goes beyond the stand and always providing that it does not disturb other exhibitors or visitors. 7 Stands up to 50 sq.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 passes Stands from 50.5 to 100 sq.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 passes Stands of more than 100 sq.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 passes • Unlimited digital invitations for its clients. 5 COMPLEMENTARY SERVICES 5.1 INCLUSION IN THE PROMOTIONAL SERVICES AND MATERIAL The fact of being exhibitor implies the inclusion of the exhibitor company in the promotional materials, advertising and other services offered by the Fair Organization in order to advertise and promote the exhibitor and its products/services. It includes the incorporation in the Exhibitors on-line Official Catalogue and the Preview of the Exhibitors List on www.vendiberica.ifema.es; Visitors Guide, interactive information points and Planner - guides in the Fair halls; promotion via Social Nets, On-line and Off-line Media, and monthly Newsletter; usage of the Virtual Press Centre in order to publish press releases or the exhibitor company novelties; as well as other specific services available in the TO BRING IN AND REMOVE GOODS DURING THE TRADE FAIR If the exhibitor applies for it, he /she will receive a permit, issued by the Exhibition Services Department, to allow to bring in and remove objects and material during the Fair. The entry/exit of these objects and materials has to be carried out between 9.30-10.00 am and between 7 and 7.30 pm. Each exhibitor will receive: • Exhibitor passes according to the following conditions: ACTIVITIES 8 ASSEMBLY AND DISMANTLING GOODS DURING THE TRADE FAIR 8.1 DELIVERY OF STANDS: BASIC: 13th April at 8.30 am. PREMIUM: 12th April at 8.30 am. 8.2 TO BRING IN GOODS AND DECORATION MATERIALS: BASIC: 13th and 14th April from 8.30 am. to 9.30 pm. PREMIUM: days 12th, 13th and 14th April from 8.30 am. to 9.30 pm. 8.3 TO REMOVE OF MERCHANDISE AND DECORATION MATERIAL: 17th April from 7.30 pm. to midnight and 18th April from 8.30 am. to 9.30 pm. 8.4 Exhibitors will not be allowed to occupy stands if the payment has not been made in full for the rental of the space and the services requested. 8.5 Exhibitors will not be allowed to remove exhibiting material if the payment has not been made in full for any additional expenses incurred during the exhibition. (1) For companies established in the Spanish territory (excluding Canaries, Ceuta and Melilla): 10% VAT not included. For the rest of the companies, this operation is not subject to Spanish VAT. For European Union Companies, the exhibitor will be responsible for paying the applicable VAT in the country of incorporation. 9 TURNKEY STAND PACKAGE DESCRIPTION 9.1 BASIC TURNKEY STAND PACKAGE (of 16 sq. m.all included) ef rr Fo nc e er e 9.2 PREMIUM TURNKEY STAND PACKAGE (of 64 sq.m. all included) ly on STAND DESCRIPTION: • Stand open to aísles. • Aluminium frame structure. • Hardboard wallspainted in white colour and built according to the design. • Storeroom with door as follows: Up to 16 sq.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 x 1 From 16.5 to 32 sq.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 x 1 Over 32,5 sq.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 x 1 • Furniture per each 16 sq meters (2 groups max.): 1 table, 4 chairs, 1 stool and 1 counter. • Green standard trade fair carpeting. • Daily stand cleaning. LIGHTING • General lighting based on 300W halogen spotlight in rails, one spotlight every 4 sq meters of stand. • Electrical switchboard equipped with magnetotherm differential and with an outlet of 500 W prepared for up to 130 W /sq meters. LETTERING • Sign in standard letters with the name of the exhibitor and the stand number, placed on the front facing each passageway. (maximum 20 characters ). 10 ly ce on feren For re STAND DESCRIPTION: • Stand open to aísles. • Hardboard walls painted in white colour. • Cloth frame as front part. • Stand ceiling covered with cloth. • Storeroom of 3 x 2 meters with a door. • Furniture: 2 tables, 8 chairs, 2 stools and 2 counters. • White melamine flooring laminate. • Daily cleaning. LIGHTING • Lightening with 150w halogen spots at the rate of 1 spot each 3 sq. meters of stand. • Electrical installation consisting of an electrical switchboard equipped with a magnetotherm and a 500 W outlet each 16 sq meters, prepared for up to 130W/sq meters. LETTERING • Lettering with the exhibitor image and logotype and the stand number on each front facing a corridor. EXHIBITORS AREA IN INTERNET Set of services available for the exhibitor, which you may access on www.vendiberica.ifema.es. IFEMA allows the access to the "Exhibitors Area" with user name and password.. • If you have been previously exhibitor, please use the user name and password in your possession (contact the IFEMA CALL CENTER, if you do not keep your password) • If this is your first time as exhibitor, IFEMA will notify you the user name and password, when your stand has been allocated. The information available in the "Exhibitors Area" and the access ID are confidential. It is responsibility of the signatories avoid the misuse of third person. IFEMA accepts no liability in this regard. EXHIBITOR CALENDAR WHEN HOW CONTACT Complete the Exhibitor Application Form. • On-line application form: www.vendiberica.ifema.es BEFORE March 13th, 2015 • Second payment of the total contracted space and services. • Payment of the 50% of the stand. The booking will not be confirmed until the corresponding payment of the 50% has been done. • Basic and Premium turnkey stand: Sending the stand assembling plan to the IFEMA Technical Department. • Sending the Applications forms of services or improvements for the turnkey stand to SERVIFEMA. • If you contract any service through the Exhibitor´s Area, you will get a discount of the 15% on the price. Please, remember that any contractings made from 15 days before the beginning of the assembling of the trade fair will have a surcharge of the 25%. APRIL, 12th and 13th, 2015 • Delivery of Stands: Turnkey Basic: April, 13th at 8.30 am. Turnkey Premium: April 12th at 8.30 am. APRIL, 12th, 13th and 14th, 2015 • Goods and decoration material entrance: From 8.30 am. to 9.30 pm. Turnkey Basic: April 13th and 14th , 2015. Turnkey Premium: April 12th, 13th and 14th, 2015. Commercial Department Fax: (+34) 91 722 58 03 vendiberica@ifema.es Servifema servifema@ifema.es Fax: (+34) 91 722 57 95 Technical Department stecnica@ifema.es Fax: (+34) 91 722 51 27 Servifema servifema@ifema.es Fax: (+34) 91 722 57 95 To obtain the merchandise entrance permit it is necessary to have paid the total amount of the stand. APRIL 15th - 17th, 2015 • Celebration of the trade fair: from 10 am. to 7 pm. APRIL 17th - 18th 2015 • To remove goods and decoration material: April 17th: from 7.30 pm. till midnight. April 18th: from 8.30 am. till 9.30 pm. Promoted by: Commercial Department Fax: (+34) 91 722 58 03 vendiberica@ifema.es Coinciding with: IFEMA CALL CENTRE Collaborators: CALLS FROM SPAIN INFOIFEMA INTERNATIONAL CALLS vendiberica@ifema.es 902 22 15 15 (34) 91 722 30 00
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