here - Itta Roussos

Kundalini Yoga – a Yoga of
Healing the Heart Chakra
30 & 31 May, 2015 in Luanda, Angola
THE STUDIO – n. 70 rua igreja de s.joaquim do bispo
Itta Roussos (Ravi Kaur) has
a post graduate degree in
psychology; she is an
internationally qualified
Kundalini yoga teacher, and
teacher trainer, who
specialises in treating
mental and emotional
health issues using
Kundalini yoga, mindfulness
and somatic psychotherapy.
Itta is a counsellor,
relationship system and
team coach, and yoga
therapist. She uses
techniques from various
healing paradigms and is
trained in the use of
Western verbal and
nonverbal healing methods.
Her background in many
different forms of yoga and
meditation therapy and
philosophy is extensive.
In addition she combines
the use of Shamanic and
dream-state processes, and
family constellation practice
with the above forms of
healing. The study of the
flow of energy within the
energy bodies of both
individuals and groups
forms a central theme in her
healing practice.
Itta Roussos visits Luanda for the first
time, introducing her work with
Kundalini Yoga and meditation, and
somatic psychotherapy.
Using the power of physical posture, movement, breath, sound,
visualisation and meditation we explore the range of the heart
chakra. Kundalini Yoga processes emotions and energy blockages,
passing them through the “eye of the needle”. It enhances acute
states of awareness and knowledge, promoting a connection
between the finite and infinite Self and allowing an embodied
experience of the inner marriage. In the process we pass beyond the
turbulent ego issues of the finite Self into an Open Heart and a
capacity to love and be loved, to be kind to one’s self, and to live in
Itta will be available for individual consultations and/or family
constellating on 1st and 2nd June. If you are interested in a family
30 -31 May 2015
constellation using representatives, please gather a group (between 5
and 10 people) for this purpose. For bookings please contact Itta
9am – 5pm
n. 70 rua igreja de s.joaquim
do bispo Luanda, Angola
936 819 511/ 938 956 368
Hamilton and Xila
Doreen Williams
Please bring:
Your journal, coloured pens,
yoga mat and meditation
shawl and a vegetarian dish
to share each day for lunch.
More information
and bookings for
individual sessions:
Itta Roussos