The Girl Scout Cookie Program is a hallmark of a girl’s Girl Scout experience and an eagerly awaited event by millions of Girl Scout cookie lovers and Girl Scout supporters. It is also important to Girl Scout troops and to Girl Scout councils. For troops, the sale provides funds to support troop activities such as field trips, camping, and service projects. For councils, the sale subsidizes all activities; including providing funds to operate and maintain Girl Scout camps, organize and support Girl Scout troops, provide council-wide programs such as science, outdoor skills, community service opportunities, and other events, and provide financial assistance so all girls have access to the opportunities Girl Scouting has to offer. In addition, girls can earn Girl Rewards and Cookie Dough Reward Cards based on the number of packages sold. 2013 Cookie Sale Figures: 21,633 girls sold over 3.2 million packages of cookies throughout Western Washington. Troops earned over $2.1 million in troop proceeds. Girls received over $450,000 in girl rewards . *Chart is based on 2013/2014 budget. Girl Rewards include: girl recognitions, patches, Cookie Dough and vouchers for items earned. Goal Setting: Because your Girl Scout sets cookie sales goals and develops a plan to reach them. Decision Making: Because your Girl Scout helps decide how her troop/group will spend their cookie money. Money Management: Because your Girl Scout takes cookie orders and handles People Skills: Because your Girl Scout learns how to talk and listen to all kinds of people while selling cookies. Business Ethics: Because your Girl Scout is honest and responsible at every step of the cookie sale. customers’ money. Booth site sales are an opportunity for your girl to reach her goals by selling to more people than just family and friends. This is a time for her to reach out to the public and ask, “Do you want to buy Girl Scout Cookies?” Typically booth sales are set up in front of frequently visited locations, such as grocery stores. Ask your Troop Cookie Manager about which locations have been chosen for your troop, how you can sign up your girl to participate in booth sales, and for any details you need to know if you’ll be at the store with her. If you know a good location that isn’t being utilized, be sure to pass along the information to your TCM, so it can be shared with the Service Unit Cookie Manager. Remember, if you volunteer to be an adult at a booth sale, please set an example for the girls by following these rules of etiquette! Do help girls design a nice display. take an Operation Cookie Drop table tent. by using posters, goal charts, balloons, table cloth, etc. Do Do leave other children at home. Only Girl Scouts can sell cookies at booth sales. Do encourage the girls to wear Girl Scout uniforms, clothing and/or Girl Scout pins. Do print and take the “Booth Sale Signups” sheet from eBudde to EVERY booth sale. It is your confirmation that your troop can be at the booth. Do have adults present at the booth sale location at all times. Do refrain from shopping, sitting in your car, or smoking during the Booth sale. Do conduct yourself respectfully and professionally. Remember, you and the girls are representing the Girl Scouts of Western WA and we appreciate it if you: Please refrain from using derogatory and abusive language. Please refrain from physical contact with the girls or adults. Do remind the girls to ask customers for the sale only as they are leaving the store. Do remind the girls not to block doorways. Do be considerate of patrons. Do let the girls answer questions on their own (it is good practice and builds confidence). Do let the girls handle money and make change, etc. (with adult supervision). Do have the girls pick up any garbage or cookie cartons before they leave (leave things better than we found them). Do thank the store manager before you leave. Do Inform your Troop Cookie Manager as soon as possible if for any reason you need to cancel a booth sale. Your troop can find another girl from the troop to cover the booth or release the booth for another troop to use. Do be careful with the money. Please Don’t accept large denomination bills. Ask the customer to go into a store and get change larger bills. Please Don’t use a money box. Put the money in an adult fanny pack or pocket. Please Don’t accept a check unless it is printed with a name, address and phone number. Remember to have customers make checks out to: GSWW. Do not accept checks for more than $144.00 from anyone, including parents. (Checks from a business are the only exception.) Remember that ALL booth sale sites must be scheduled in advance through your Troop Cookie Manager. Only the Service Unit Booth Sale Manager can arrange for booth sites. If you have a location that you would like to establish a booth site at please ask your Troop Cookie Manager to contact your Service Unit Booth Sale Manager. If you arrange for a booth site on your own and it is not approved by either your Service Unit Cookie Manager or council, you will be asked to leave. Cookie Dough Reward Card Expiration Date Cookie Dough cards will expire two (2) years after the sale year the card is earned. 2014 Cookie Dough cards expire April 15, 2016 Combining Sisters Option Guidelines for families with multiple girls selling Cookies: If your girls choose take Cookie Dough, each girl will receive an individual Cookie Dough card reflecting her actual sales. Cookie Dough will not be combined for sisters. To participate in Combining Sisters, each sibling must sell a minimum of 250 packages (the same number as in recent years.) If girls choose Girl Rewards other than Cookie Dough, sisters can choose to combine their packages sold in order to qualify for rewards at the 1300, 1600, 2000, and 3000 levels. Combining Sisters are still eligible to receive their individual non-Cookie Dough rewards earned at the 500 level or below, even if they are combining for a higher level prize. If your girl sells 250 or more packages… She would be eligible to earn Cookie Dough Rewards! Cookie Dough Reward Cards are pre-loaded with dollar amounts girls can use to cover costs for: Service unit events Council Series and Events Council Resident Camp and Council Day Camp Community Resident Camp at Camp Lyle McCloud and Community Day Camp Merchandise at the Council Girl Scout Stores (excluding camp Trading Posts) GSUSA destinations fees Council approved extended Troop/Group Travel* * Using Cookie Dough for Council Approved Extended Troop Travel Extended troop/group travel must be 3 nights or more. Only specific aspects of trips can be covered: commercial or public modes of transportation, lodging, program fees-such as GSUSA events, World Centers, other Girl Scout council events, and travel packages. Cookie Dough Reward Cards must be applied to the specific trip expenses prior to the expiration date on the card. Requests to use Cookie Dough for travel along with all required documents must be received by GSWW at least 6 weeks prior to travel dates. Due to IRS directives, GSWW must pay the vendor directly. GSWW will NOT be able to reimburse for expenses incurred by the girl or the troop. Packages sold 175 Preorder Troop PGA 275 Pre-sold Pre-order Girl Rewards Goal Getter Patch for all girls in the troop that take pre-orders and the Troop Per Girl Average is 175 packages. Only girls that took pre-orders will be in the formula. (The troop’s extras ordered are included in the PGA as well.) Cookie Star Patch/Pin (Replaces the Cookie Queen from previous years.) Final Girl Rewards All items listed from 20–500 packages are cumulative (excluding Cookie Dough.) At 250 packages sold, girls have the option to Opt Out of the items from 50 to 200 for additional Cookie Dough. All girls will receive any patches earned. 20 50 80 Participation Patch Light Switch Cover * Bandana * 100+ Bar Patch 100 130 180 200 250 Girls will receive the highest earned bar patch for every 100 packages sold. All 1100+ or higher patches will be given out at 1000+ Club Ceremony. Design-a-Sign* Coin Purse* Luna the Artic Fox Plush* $25 Cookie Dough Opt out of the above stared * items and receive an additional $10.00 in Cookie Dough. Can choose this option with any rewards over 250 packages sold. 300 $50 Cookie Dough AND 400 $75 Cookie Dough 500 $100 Cookie Dough AND Journal OR Additional $10.00 Cookie Dough Heart Pillows OR Additional $10.00 Cookie Dough Girls will receive an extra $50 Cookie Dough for each additional 100 packages sold over 500 packages. OR they can choose Reward offered at the following levels. These rewards are NOT cumulative. 600 800 $150 Cookie Dough OR White Pass Ski Package (One day equipment rental, lift ticket and beginner ski group lesson) $250 Cookie Dough OR Private Event at American Girl® Seattle and your choice of doll (Sunday 5/18/14 9am-11am; Alderwood Mall Lynnwood, WA) OR Camp Gear Package—Outdoor education event with choice of Camp Gear (date & location to be determined) Packages sold 1000 1300 1600 2000 3000 Final Girl Rewards (continued) $350 Cookie Dough 1000+ Club Ceremony (date & location to be determined) Choice of a 1000+ plaque OR a 1000+ Club hoodie Girls can receive both the plaque and hoodie by paying $25.00. Cookie Dough can be used or a payment made to GSWW. $500 Cookie Dough OR Juliette Gordon Low iPod Touch package—includes iPod Touch, Juliette Gordon Low app, and book about Juliette Gordon Low $650 Cookie Dough OR Wii Game System & Just Dance game $850 Cookie Dough OR Horseback party at Camp River Ranch or Camp St Albans for girl & 10 friends. Includes pizza party and goody bag. $1350 Cookie Dough OR Laptop If a girl sells 800 packages, she would receive the Participation patch and an 800+ bar patch, plus she would have these choices: Reward items from 50 to 200 OR $10 Cookie Dough AND Journal OR $10 Cookie Dough AND Heart Pillows OR $10 Cookie Dough AND White Pass Ski Package AND $100 Cookie Dough OR American Girl Experience OR Camp Gear Package OR $250 Cookie Dough If a girl sells 1000 packages, she would receive the Participation patch, 1000+ bar patch, an invitation to the 1000+ Club Ceremony, 1000+ plaque and/or 1000+ Club hoodie, plus she would have these choices: Reward items from 50 to 200 OR $10 Cookie Dough AND Journal OR $10 Cookie Dough AND Heart Pillows OR $10 Cookie Dough AND White Pass Ski Package (600 pkgs) AND $200 Cookie Dough OR American Girl Experience (800 pkgs) AND $100 Cookie Dough OR Camp Gear Package (800 pkgs) AND $100 Cookie Dough OR $350 Cookie Dough Here are some examples of the choices girls have when they sell more than 600 packages. Be sure to communicate with your girl about her goals. And let your Troop Cookie Manager know exactly what options your girl has chosen at the end of the sale. If a girl sells 1700 packages, she would receive the Participation patch, an 1700+ bar patch, an invitation to the Top Cookie Seller Ceremony, and a 1000+ plaque and/or 1000+ hoodie, plus she would have these choices: Reward items from 50 to 200 OR $10 Cookie Dough AND Journal OR $10 Cookie Dough AND Heart Pillows OR $10 Cookie Dough AND White Pass Ski Package (600 pkgs) AND $550 Cookie Dough OR American Girl Experience (800 pkgs) AND $450 Cookie Dough OR Camp Gear Package (800 pkgs) AND $450 Cookie Dough OR White Pass Ski Package (600 pkgs) AND American Girl Experience (800 pkgs) AND $150 Cookie Dough OR White Pass Ski Package (600 pkgs) AND Camp Gear Package (800 pkgs) AND $150 Cookie Dough OR American Girl Experience (800 pkgs) AND Camp Gear Package (800 pkgs) AND $50 Cookie Dough OR iPod Touch Package (1300 pkgs) AND $200 Cookie Dough OR Wii Game System & Just Dance game (1600 pkgs) AND $50 Cookie Dough OR $700 Cookie Dough 2014 Cookie Sale Program As a parent/guardian, your role is very important. We ask your help in agreeing to the following: I agree to adhere to the dates of the Cookie Program. Pre-sale (taking orders but no money will be collected at this time): January 24 – February 19, 2014; Cookies in Hand (cookies may be delivered as soon as received): February 19-March 16, 2014; Booth sales: February 28-March 16, 2014. I agree to sell cookies at $4 per package. This includes all “Gift of Caring and/or Operation Cookie Drop” cookies. I agree to be responsible for initial cookie orders, all cookie re-orders, and the money. I agree that only the adults who have signed this form will be allowed to sign for and pick up cookies. I agree to get signed receipts for all cookies taken and for all money turned in. I understand that unsold cookies cannot be returned to the troop or council. Once signed for, the cookies are the responsibility of the person signing the cookie receipt. I will make sure my girl is properly supervised by an adult while selling. I will make sure my girl will adheres to the Booth Sale Etiquette. I will be responsible for turning in all money to the Troop Cookie Manager on a weekly basis with final payments due by March 17, 2014. [Prompt payment enables the council to take advantage of price discounts from the bakery.] I understand that I will be charged a $40 late charge if full payment is not made by March 27, 2014. Debts remaining after this date will be sent to collection. If collection action is needed, I agree to pay reasonable attorney fees and costs of collection. I understand that all checks are to be made payable to Girl Scouts of Western Washington (GSWW). Checks are restricted to no more than $144 each. I agree that collecting money for cookies on a website on the internet is prohibited at all times. I agree that Cookie Dough will be held until full payment is received. My Troop Cookie Manager’s Name: ———————–———————–——————————————–———————— Phone # E-mail ———————–—————————–————–———————————————— She may deliver her ordered cookies as soon as she receives them. Take a few extra pack- ages along when delivering in case customers wish to purchase additional cookies. She may also go door to door at this time, however she must wait until February 28th to begin booth sales. Turn in cookie money frequently and make sure you get a receipt every time. Girls should not be carrying large amounts of cash. Do not send money with girls to school. For safety's sake, make sure your girl is accompanied by an adult who is visible to the cus- tomers and close to the girl at all times while participating in the Girl Scout cookie sale. Do not sell to customers in vehicles (except at council approved booth sites, such as the ferry docks). If she has taken orders from your co-workers, perhaps she could ask permission and sched- ule a time to deliver cookies and to collect the money in person. If this is not possible, encourage her to write thank you notes for her customers. “Thank you for helping me reach my goals. Because you bought cookies, my Girl Scout troop gets to….” Let your girl do the selling. Don't pass up this chance for her to learn life skills such as mak- ing change, customer service, etc. She won't learn if you do it for her! Parents and other adults are there to provide support and to keep the girls safe. ———————————————————–-—TEAR ALONG THIS LINE——————–————————————— As a parent/guardian, your role is very important. We ask your help in agreeing to the following: TEAR ALONG THIS EDGE I agree to adhere to the dates of the Cookie Program. Pre-sale (taking orders but no money will be collected at this time): January 24 – February 19, 2014; Cookies in Hand (cookies may be delivered as soon as received): February 19-March 16, 2014; Booth sales: February 28March 16, 2014. I agree to sell cookies at $4 per package. This includes all “Gift of Caring and/or Operation Cookie Drop” cookies. I agree to be responsible for initial cookie orders, all cookie re-orders, and the money. I agree that only the adults who have signed this form will be allowed to sign for and pick up cookies. I agree to get signed receipts for all cookies taken and for all money turned in. I understand that unsold cookies cannot be returned to the troop or council. Once signed for, the cookies are the responsibility of the person signing the cookie receipt. I will make sure my girl is properly supervised by an adult while selling. I will make sure my girl will adheres to the Booth Sale Etiquette. I will be responsible for turning in all money to the Troop Cookie Manager on a weekly basis with final payments due by March 17, 2014. [Prompt payment enables the council to take advantage of price discounts from the bakery.] I understand that I will be charged a $40 late charge if full payment is not made by March 27, 2014. Debts remaining after this date will be sent to collection. If collection action is needed, I agree to pay reasonable attorney fees and costs of collection. I understand that all checks are to be made payable to Girl Scouts of Western Washington (GSWW). Checks are restricted to no more than $144 each. I agree that collecting money for cookies on a website on the internet is prohibited at all times. I agree that Cookie Dough will be held until full payment is received. November-January: Attend a Parent Meeting January: Talk to your girl about the Cookie Program and the 5 skills. Check out the Little Brownie website at for program activities. Work with your girl to establish an individual goal. Decide on a number of packages for her to sell to meet her goals. January 24: Girls start taking orders for cookies from families and friends. Do not collect money now unless a customer orders only Operation Cookie Drop or Troop Gift of Caring cookies. Girls can take orders door to door with adult supervision. Girls can use Cookie Club to take customer promises for orders over the internet. Your Troop Leader or Troop Cookie Manager will provide details. Feb 10: Cookie orders due to Troop Cookie Manager (TCM). February 19-23: Pick up cookies from your Troop Cookie Manager. Girls may deliver pre-ordered cookies now, and sell cookies door to door. No Booth Sales until Feb 28th. Remember to turn in money to the TCM regularly and before you receive more cookies. February 28—March 16: Girls can sell cookies door to door and at booth sales. Families should turn in collected money regularly to the TCM. March 17: Deadline to turn in all remaining money to your TCM. March 27: For Combining Sisters- Submit information to to combine sisters who all together sold 1300 or more packages and want to share a reward at 1300, 1600, 2000, or 3000. Cookie Dough will not be combined for sisters. Before April 15: Use any remaining Cookie Dough issued in 2013. May: Pick up your girl’s rewards from her troop. Cookie Reward Cards and vouchers for items earned over 600 packages sold will be mailed to girls directly. Bar patches for 1100+ or higher will be distributed at 1000+ Club Ceremony or mailed to girls. ———————————————————–-—TEAR ALONG THIS LINE——————–————————————— I have reviewed the information included in the 2014 Cookie Handbook, and agree. My girl, ___________________________________________________________, a member of Troop #______________ or Pathway/IRM_____ has my permission to participate in the 2014 Cookie Program. I agree to accept financial responsibility for all the cookies and money she receives ($4 per package). I understand that I may not return cookies to the troop or council. I will see that Scout Promise and Law, and that she has adult guidance at all times. Parent/Guardian Name(s): __________________________________________________________ Signature:____________________________________________________Date:_____________ Signature:____________________________________________________Date:_____________ Home Phone: ( ) Cell Phone: ( )_____________________________ Address:____________________________________________ City_______________________________Zip_____________________ Email address:___________________________________________ REMEMBER, you cannot pick up cookies unless this form is signed and on file with your Troop Cookie Manager. TEAR ALONG THIS EDGE she sells cookies at $4 per package, sells within Cookie Program dates, adheres to the Girl
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