Graduate Student and Postdoc Exchange Program

Call for Applications
Graduate Student and Postdoc Exchange Program
Supported by the Schulich Ocean Studies Initiative
Version April 13, 2015
The Schulich Ocean Studies Initiative is a new collaboration supported by The Schulich Foundation that
brings together marine scientists and researchers from Israel and Dalhousie University in Canada to
undertake joint marine research projects, student internships and field courses in both countries
( The differing ocean environments of the Red
Sea and the North Atlantic, together with similar phenomena (strong vertical mixing, spring blooms,
animal migration and dispersal among rich benthic communities, etc.), as well as shared interests and
expertise between Dalhousie and Israeli researchers in both basic marine science and aquaculture, indicate
a high potential for innovative science.
1) Scope
This call is made to solicit applications for funding for short and long-term research exchanges
between graduate students and post-doctoral fellows of Dalhousie University and the Interuniversity
Institute for Marine Sciences (IUI) for the purpose of studying the North Atlantic and/or the Red Sea
ocean environments.
Short-term Exchanges: Each year for three years (2015-2017), support will be provided for two graduate
students (masters, PhD) or postdoctoral fellows to travel in each direction for short (2-4 week) research
trips. The goals of these short-term exchanges are to support Dalhousie-Israeli research collaboration and
to support specific research/training opportunities relevant to the applicant’s graduate or Postdoc research.
Long-term Exchanges: Over the three years of the program (2015-2017), support will be provided for ten
PhD students or postdoctoral fellows (five in each direction) to undertake long-term research exchanges
(4-6 months). The goal of these long term exchanges is to develop and support long-term collaboration
between Dalhousie and Israeli researchers studying the North Atlantic and the Red Sea. The long-term
exchanges will be expected to take place within the 12 months following the announcement of the award.
All exchanges must be completed before the end of the Schulich Ocean Studies Initiative.
2) Eligibility
This call for applications is open to current graduate students and postdoctoral fellows actively
engaged in research relating to the North Atlantic/Red Sea at Dalhousie University or from any of the
seven Israeli research universities. Evidence of home and host supervisor support for the exchanges must
be provided (see Application section, below). Note that the short-term exchanges are available to both
Masters and PhD students (as well as postdoctoral fellows), while the long-term exchanges are available
to PhD styudents and postdoctoral fellows only.
3) Expectations
All participants will be expected to produce a short summary report including any scientific results
and will be expected to acknowledge the Schulich Foundation in all relevant publications and
presentations. Participants may also be invited to attend the Schulich Red Sea Ocean Science Conference,
which will be held in the final year of the program, at which time research results and opportunities for
future collaboration will be presented.
4) Application
The application will consist of 1 pdf file containing the following information and documents:
 Cover page: containing your name, e-mail, your university name and departmental affiliation,
academic status (i.e. MSc, PhD or Post-Doc), year of study, title of the proposed research, name
of your thesis or Post-Doc supervisor and e-mail, name of your local host supervisor and e-mail,
dates of requested visit.
 Curriculum Vitae (max 2 pages)
 A brief description of your thesis or Post-Doc research (max 1 page)
 Proposed research:
o Research plan for the visit (max 4 pages)
o Relevance to research at the IUI and/or Dalhousie University (max 1 page)
o Contribution to IUI-Dalhousie collaboration (max 1 page)
o Expected outcome and significance (max 1 page)
 Proposed budget:
o The initiative will cover the costs of travel and living expenses (accommodations, meals,
incidentals). In addition, up to C$250 per week may be requested as a contribution to
identified research costs, such as local bench fees, diving, boat use, and consumables.
Receipts for all such costs will be required.
The pdf file should be sent via e-mail to both Ms. Catherine MacNeil ( and Simon
Berkowicz (
In addition, two letters of support are required. One letter, provided by the applicant’s supervisor at
his/her home institution, should describe the candidate’s academic qualifications and his/her potential to
achieve the scientific objectives of the proposed visit. The second letter, provided by the applicant’s Host,
should agree to accept and supervise the applicant and describe the expected scientific outcome of the
requested visit and its contribution to the aforementioned objectives of the Schulich Initiative. Those
providing the letters should send them directly by email to Ms. MacNeil and Mr. Berkowicz.
5) Selection Process
Participants will be selected by a committee of faculty and project staff from Dalhousie and IUI based
on the following criteria:
 Strength of academic record
 Scientific impact of visit
 Contribution to Dal-IUI collaboration
6) Timeline
This is an open Call with no fixed deadlines. Applications will be reviewed and decisions made
within one month after submission. We anticipate that about 8 individuals per year will be supported.
7) Contact coordinators
In Canada:
Catherine MacNeil
Project Coordinator
Dalhousie Research Services
International Research & Development
+1 902 494 1738
In Israel:
Simon Berkowicz
International Projects Coordinator
The Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences of Eilat
+972 54 8820 073