Ivao Romania STANDARD PHRASEOLOGY “THE ONLY VALID CLEARANCE IS A CORRECT READ BACK!” ALWAYS REMEMBER: - Use STANDARD phraseology - Keep it short - Don’t tell stories - Use correct phraseology - NOT everything you hear on the radio is correct, besides radio is NOT an official document ICAO Correct phraseology is defined in Annex 10 Aeronautical Telecommunications Vol II REMEMBER: Air Traffic Controllers Officers GIVE INSTRUCTIONS! Wrong Ex “ROT007 you can climb to FL70 and please turn right 220, then proceed to FLR VOR” Correct Ex “ROT007 climb to FL 70, turn right heading 220, direct to FLR” - Use full callsign on initial contact “YR-KDP, Yankee Romeo – kilo delta papa” Abbreviation callsign only after a good communication has been established YR-KDP will be YDP, Yankee Delta Papa, not YRP” Or name of the aircraft manufacturer in place of first character “Cessna DP” Use correct pronunciation “ROT007 will be Tarom ZERO ZERO SEVEN” REMEMBER: Use only ICAO designator of the aircraft operator “ROT007, BAW207, AFR214, DLH213 etc” DO NOT use IATA designator “RO, BA, AF, LH” , you are not a luggage handler nor a tour operator. CLEARANCE REQUEST: Always include in clearance: - callsign (ex ROT007) - ATIS information (ex E , ECHO) - Position (ex A01, Alfa 01) Pilot Wrong Ex “ROT007 request clearance” Correct Ex “ROT007 information ECHO, stand Alfa 1, request clearance to Constanta” ATC : Wrong Ex “ROT007 you are cleared to Constanta via IDARU3A ,runway in use is 08R” Correct Ex “ROT007 cleared to Constanta RW08R,after departure follow IDARU3A, climb to FL130, SQ4010” Pilot Wrong Ex”cleared to Constanta,ROT007 “ Correct Ex “ROT007 cleared to Constanta via IDARU3A RW08R, climb to FL130, SQ4010” ATC : Wrong Ex ”correct,ROT007 “ Correct Ex “Read back correct push and start approved for RW08R,local QNH 1022 ” REMEMBER : The following shall always be read back : - ATC route clearances ; - Clerances and instructions to enter ,land or take off from ,hold short of…,cross and backtrack on any ruway; - Runway-in-use ,altimeter settings,SSR codes,level instructions,headings and speeds instruction and wheather issued by the controller or contained in ATIS broadcast ,transition levels. The only clearance an ATC must to confirm is correct received by the pilots is the route clearance, for the other clearances such as push-back,taxi,line-up the ATC will just correctthe pilot in case he make any mistakes . TAXI: Pilot Wrong Ex “ready for taxi” Correct Ex “ROT request taxi” or good practice ADD your location “ROT007 on A1 request taxi” ATC Wrong Ex “taxi to RW08R “ Correct Ex “ROT007 taxi to holding point A runway 08R, via India and Alfa, QNH 1021” TAKEOFF Pilot: Wrong Ex “ROT007 ready for takeoff or worse ROT007 request takeoff “ Correct Ex “ROT007, holding point Alfa, ready for departure” ATC: Wrong Ex “The winds are from 100 degrees with 9kts, you are cleared for takeoff” Correct Ex “ROT007 winds 100 degrees 9kts, runway 08R, cleared for takeoff or Behind landing traffic Boing737 , line-up behind and hold “ Wrong Ex “Behind landing traffic Lufthansa ,cleared to line-up “ REMEMBER: ALWAYS include in readback the runway ,never use airline company in clearance and always use behind twice ! REMEMBER: NO READBACK for wind information! REMEMBER: Always include runway in takeoff clearance Pilot: Wrong Ex “copy the winds or winds copied, cleared for takeoff” Correct Ex “Cleared for take-off RW08R,ROT007” CLIMB OUT On initial contact use the following: - Full callsign - Altitude - Clearance - SID/Vectors Pilot Wrong Ex “ROT0007,airbourne” Correct Ex “ROT007, passing 2000ft, climbing for FL120, RWY heading ,name of the SID or FIX (NAVAID )” ATC Wrong Ex “ROT007,Radar contact “ Correct Ex “ROT007, Identified on departure, continue as cleared (or any other instruction you want to give to the pilot) ENROUTE REMEMBER: ATC Decide for FL climb/descend, as a pilot you don’t have to worry about conflicting traffic, restrictions or requirements Correct Ex “ROT007request climb” “ROT007 request descend” - On initial contact - Callsing - Position - Altitude - Clearance Correct Ex “ROT007, 20nm inbound MOBRA, on FL200 climbing for FL240” UNICOM ALWAYS REMEMBER: UNICOM IS NOT an ATC active position so it is impossible to “Contact him” Wrong Ex “Contact UNICOM 122.8, Switch to UNICOM 122.8” Correct Ex “Radar services terminated, frequency change approved” or “Frequency change approved monitor UNICOM 122.800” LANDING ATC: Wrong Ex “The winds are 20 degrees, at 9 kts, you are cleared to land” Correct Ex “ROT007, winds 20 degrees 9kts, runway 36 cleared to land “ REMEMBER: 20 is TWO ZERO not TWENTY! Pilot Wrong Ex “Copy the winds” Correct ex” ROT007 runway 36, cleared to land” AT GATE: REMEMBER: Flight plan is AUTOMATICLY closed at landing !!! VFR pilots are responsible to close their Flight Plan otherwise SAR will be informed and dispatched ! Correct Ex” ROT007 Frequency change approved” As a good practice change your sq to 2000 Frequency ALL 6 digits must be pronounced ! Ex 129.275 ONE TWO NINER decimal TWO SEVEN FIVE 128.050 ONE TWO EIGHT decimal ZERO FIVE ZERO 122.025 ONE TWO TWO decimal ZERO TWO FIVE EXECPT when 5th and 6th digit is ZERO Ex 129.450 ONE TWO NINER decimal FOUR FIVE 129.400 ONE TWO NINER decimal FOUR 129.000 ONE TWO NINER decimal ZERO For VFR Flights : Pilot Wrong Ex “YR-DPC, request clearance” Correct Ex “ Y-PC information ECHO, stand Alfa 1, request clearance to Constanta” *Note : For VFR flights always use only the first and the last two letters of the aircraft registration mark !! ATC : Wrong Ex “Y-PC , you are clear to Constanta via vectors runway in use is 08R, SQ code is 4010, initial climb to FL120, report 2000 ft after airborne” Correct Ex “Y-PC, cleared to Constanta VFR flight, runway 08R, when airbourne leave CTR to the East SQ 1210 ” or “Y-DP cleared to Constanta VFR flight, runway 08R, when airbourne leave CTR inbound OPT ,SQ 1210” Pilot Wrong Ex”Y-PC Cleared to Constanta,SQ1210 “ Correct Ex “Y-PC cleared to Constanta VFR flight, runway 08R, when airbourne leave CTR to the East SQ 1210 ” *Note : Taxi and take-off instructions are the same for VFR as IFR clearance! Leaving CTR : Pilot Wrong Ex . ”Y-PC ,exiting CTR “ Correct Ex “Y-PC ,request permission to leave Otopeni CTR via Bravo inbound OPT “ ATC Wrong Ex “ Y-PC ,approved “ Correct Ex “Y-PC,leaving Otopeni CTR approved via Bravo ,contact FIC on Freq. 123.450 “ Pilot Wrong Ex “FIC ,Y-PC with you “ Correct Ex “FIC,Y-PC leaving Otopeni CTR at 1800Ft inbound OTP vor ,destination Constanta “ On route ATC ( FIC ) Wrong Ex “Y-PC,Roger,radar contact “ Correct Ex “Y-PC ,good day ,maintain on separation and report estimated time of arrival ( ETA ) at Constanta “ *Note : VFR flights are not subject of radar vectoring or other IFR flights method of separation ,they are responsible for their safety and visual separation during flight .On the other hand the ATS unit must know the ETA in case of radio failure. Entering CTR Pilot Wrong Ex “Y-PC,Roger,entering CTR “ Correct Ex “Y-PC ,10Nm West at 1200Ft ,inbound CND vor ,request permission to enter Kogalniceanu CTR “ ATC Wrong Ex “Y-PC, permission granted “ Correct Ex “Y-PC , enter Kogalniceanu CTR approved join righ- hand downwind ,RW 36 ,report on downwind “ Pilot Wrong Ex “Y-DP,roger “ Correct Ex “Enter Kogalniceanu CTR approved, righ- hand downwind ,RW 36, wilco ,Y-PC “ ATC Wrong Ex “Y-PC, Report ready for Final “ Correct Ex “Y-PC Cleared for Base and Final RW36, report RW36 in-sight” Pilot Wrong Ex “Y-PC, Final “ Correct Ex “On final RW36 in-sight ,Y-PC” *Note: Landing clearance ,taxi instructions are the same as IFR flight . Version 1.1 References : Icao Doc.9432 – Manual of Radiotelephony Ion Dragomir RO-DIR,LRBB-CH
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