12th Hawai`i International Training Summit Preventing, Assessing & Treating Trauma Across the Lifespan March 31- April 2, 2015 Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawai`i COLLABORATION AGREEMENT Organization: Contact Name: Title: Mailing Address: Phone: Fax: Email: Website: We would like to be considered a collaborator for the IVAT conference below: □ 12th Hawai’i International Training Summit: Preventing, Assessing & Treating Trauma Across the Lifespan (2015 only) As a collaborator, please indicate the services you are providing by checking the boxes below. Display and handout information about the trainings at our events/trainings/meetings Help publicize & disseminate conference information & materials through newsletters, mass mailings, etc Exchange website links to advertise the Training Summit and/or other events or information Distribute and post flyers around the community Send information to email lists or post to listservs Provide in-kind services (e.g., copying handouts and conference materials, active participation in the planning committee, providing volunteers, loaning LCD projectors, etc.) - Please specify type of service offered:_______________________________________________________________________ Others_______________________________________________________________________ In recognition of your support, IVAT will provide the following: Recognition as a collaborator on all Training Summit printed materials A link to your website in the IVAT’s collaborators page 10% registration discount when sending 1-4 delegates from your organization 20% registration discount when sending 5 or more delegates from your organization A free space at the Training Summit “take one” table for dissemination of your materials or 50% discount on a reserved exhibit table Emailing in-text announcements to our large list (13,000 people) periodically to promote your events Recognition as a collaborator on the IVAT website. o Please write a 40-word description of your organization/agency that will be posted on IVAT website ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Agreement and Signature: By signing below, we agree that when in cooperation with an IVAT event, the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and other accrediting organizations will be upheld. This agreement signifies a collaborative relationship and does not in any way have additional legal ramifications or hold the collaborator responsible for conference results or any financial liability. By signing below, we agree to be a collaborating organization to help support the goals of the Hawaii conference. Signature:_________________________________________Date:_______________________________________ Submit Agreement to: Amy Gentling – Conference Assistant ivatcc@alliant.edu or mail to: Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT) at Alliant International University 10065 Old Grove Road, San Diego, CA 92131 Ph: 858 527-1860 x4550 Fax: 858 527-1743 www.ivatcenters.org Thank you. We appreciate your support!
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