Heavy metal pollutants in environment, effects on animal and

he participants will be
paid for the journey, to
and fro, restricted to AC IItier train fare or bus. TA will
be paid from the place of
duty to the Summer School
location and back by the
shortest route. Facilities for
boarding and lodging will
be made available for the
participants free of cost
at institute guest house
on sharing bases. Local
participants are not eligible
for boarding and lodging,
however, local hospitality
i.e. working lunch, tea,
etc. will be provided. The
weather in Bareilly in the
month of June will be hot,
temperature ranging from
38 to 420C
Note: Please do not bring
your spouse or family
member during the course
as there is limited space in
guest house.
Fluorosis in man and
animal reported from 19
out of 29 states of India
Ground water of many
states contain higher
than WHO permission
level of Fluoride and
Attrition, mottling and decay of teeth in fluorotic buffalo
available round the clock
both at bus stand and
railway station.
Note: Selected candidate
are advised to send
their detail travel plan in
advance through email
Registration fee for
Summer School
s per ICAR guidelines a
registration fee of Rs.50/per participant has to be paid
by the participants. The fee
may be paid through DD in
favor of The Director, Indian
Veterinary Research Institute
payable at SBI branch CARI
(07027), Izatnagar, Bareilly.
How to reach
areilly city is almost
equidistance from
New Delhi and Lucknow
and is well connected
to major cities of India
b y ra i l a n d ro a d . T h e
railways station (Bareilly
Junction) and bus stand
are approximately 8 and
5 km, respectively from
the Institute. Taxi, autorickshaws are readily
Gr A (Unexposed healthy control group)
Gr B (Exposed to Lead without therapeutic
Gr C, Gr D (Animal exposed to lead intervened with different therapeutic agents)
Brochure A4 copy.indd 1
Every living creature
are exposed daily to
heavy metal through
inhalation or ingestion of
contaminated food and
Heavy metals are
capable of producing
subtle health hazards
such as genotoxicity,
immunotoxicity neuronal
deficit and cancer
at very low level of
Heavy metal pollutants
in environment,
effects on animal and
3rd to 23rd June, 2015
Course Director
Dr. Sahadeb Dey
For more detail and quires
please contact:
Effect of lead toxicity on ALAD
activity in red blood cells of Rats
and therapeutic intervention
Fluorosis affected zones in India
Heavy metals
contaminate human food
chains through residues
in milk , egg fish : a
matter of concern
Toxic metals can severely affect neurological functions, development, and overall health
Some Facts on
Travel and
1 Dr. Sahadeb Dey
Principal Scientist & Course Director
Division of Medicine
ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research
Izatnagar, Bareilly 24322, (UP)
email: ivrisummerschool2015@gmail.com
Division of Medicine
ICAR- Indian Veterinary Research Institute
Izatnagar, Bareilly-243 122(U.P), India
30/04/15 4:13 pm
Spot Light
Heavy metal pollution--an emerging challenge for health in the country...
About this
eavy metal pollutants in the
environment have become a
matter of concern as the concentration
of these toxic metals is increasing
day by day in biotic and abiotic
environment of India. Anthropogenic
emission of these toxic metals is
more alarming in the developing
countries like India where rapid growth
in urban and industrial sectors has
occurred in a very short period and
to a great extent in an unscientific
manner. Being a cumulative and nonbiodegradable poison, chronic heavy
metal exposure is more detrimental
to man and animals. Moreover, food
chain contamination with heav y
metals (vegetation, animal products
such as milk, meat and eggs etc)
has emerged recently a matter
two herbs
on fluoroticfor
in bone and
B: Untreated
F exposed
animal health. Due to extensive
research in the subject in last
two decades, it has become
possible to detect subclinical as
well as subtle health hazards of
toxic metal in biological system.
The same effort has resulted
in identification of number of
strategic approaches to mitigate
these subclinical toxic effects,
specifically, when use of metal
chelators is contraindicated.
hrough the present summer
school, the Education
Division of Indian Council of
Agricultural Research (ICAR)
a n d I CA R - I n d i a n Ve te r i n a r y
Research Institute (ICAR-IVRI)
plan to provide an opportunity
to approximately 25 entr y
level or senior level scientists
and assistant professors the
required training for freshening
the knowledge in the subject
area and empower them with
required hands on experience
to handle the issue in day to
day professional career. In turn,
t h e p ro g ra m m e ex p e c t s to
contribute human resources of
required expertise in heavy metal
toxicity to the national pool for
development of future strategies
About IVRI
he ICAR-Indian Veterinar y
Research Institute (ICAR-IVRI)
is one of the premier research
institutions in South East Asia.
This institute was established in
1889. The institute has currently
faculty strength of more than
275 with a major mandate of
research, teaching, consultancy
and technology transfer activities.
ICAR-IVRI imparts quality postgraduate education to students
from various parts of the country,
and also from overseas. The
institute currently offers degree
p r o g ra m m e f o r m a s t e r a n d
doctoral research in more than
20 disciplines of veterinary and
animal sciences. Institute has
a strong committed research
p ro g ra m m e f u n d e d b y b o t h
national and international funding
agencies. The research in the area
andidate holding the
rank of Scientist/
Assistant professor and
above or equivalent in
the Nati onal Agr i cul ture
Research System (NARS)
including SAUs/SVUs
,DUs, CUs, Agricultural and
allied science faculties of
other university possessing
masters or doctoral degree
in subject of Medicine,
Pharmacology, Toxicology,
Pathology, Biochemistr y,
Biotechnology, Nutrition,
Zo o l o g y, E n v i r o n m e n t a l
science and other related
biological sciences.
needed for the nation.
C: Treated with
200mg of T indica
Osteofluorosis in femur of rat
IVRI Lead Center 2008
Important dates:
4 Faculty of Division of Medicine & allied disciplines of ICAR-IVRI.
4 Guest faculty of distinguished Indian
Important Instructions:
J Last Date of Application: 20-05-2015 (Wednesday)
J Communication to participants: 22-05-15 (Friday)
J Commencement of Training program: 03-06-2015 (Wednesday)
Brochure A4 copy.indd 2
of environmental pollution and
its effect on animal health was
initiated in 7th five year plan in
the Division of Experimental
M e d i c i n e a n d S u r g e r y.
Subsequently, the research
programme on environmental
pollution continued in the
newly emerged independent
Division of Medicine since
1993. The Medicine Division
has the distinction of
completion of 4 research
programmes and has the
credit of Mapping of lead,
cadmium, arsenic and fluoride
pollution pockets in different
industrial and urban areas
in the country. The research
programmes also studied
toxic effects of heavy metals
at cellular level and identified
their amelioration with the use
of eco-friendly safer drugs
including those from herbal
system of medicine.
1 Correspondence or quire may be made through email: ivrisummerschool2015@gmail.com
1 Application to be filled only by online mode through
www.iasri.res.in/cbp, and signed hard copy of the same may be submitted through proper channel before last date.
1 Only 25 participants will be selected for the course by screening committee as per ICAR guidelines.
30/04/15 4:13 pm