HJUNE, 2015 Note From The Pastor Growing up in California, summer meant freedom from the constraints of the rest of the year. When June arrived, we would burst from the classrooms and swarm towards the season of endless barbeques, swimming pools and birthday parties. My parents live on 11 acres comprised of deeply wooded ravines and golden hillsides dotted with the live oak trees that dominate the Northern California landscape. My sister and I would spend whole summers out in the foothills of San Jose, replacing our education in the school with the classroom of creation. We knew every nook and cranny – where to find the best wild blackberry bushes, and how to identify the poison oak that loved to grow beside it. We discovered an endless supply of cast-off antlers, mysterious animal skeletons, and owl pellets in the hills that we called home. After a morning of hunting, we would gather these wild treasures up and take them home for further exploration. Of course, eventually we had to grow up, and our summers in the wild were replaced with summer jobs, internships and extracurricular activities. Playing in the ravines seemed like “wasted time,” so I stopped going out. Instead, I spent hot summer days in air-conditioned rooms, gaining a different sort of knowledge, the kind that promised to make me into a responsible adult capable of thriving in the “real world.” I no longer had time to explore the hills of my childhood. As a result, I think that I spent less time marveling in the glory of God’s creation, and my sense of the awe for the world in which we live and dwell was lost. I’m sure you have stories like that too. Perhaps you spent your childhood fishing in the Fire Dam, sledding down Gough Avenue, or biking through the countryside. Maybe you grew up tramping through mountains, or bodysurfing on the shore. Whatever it was, do you still make time to “waste time” out in creation? Because what I came to realize as an adult was that, so often, the work I do is for someone else, but the time I “waste” in the garden, in the woods, or at the beach is time for myself. Which means it isn’t wasted, but rather a treasure to hold fast to. But I can only “waste time” if I make it a priority—nobody else will make that time for me. Perhaps it is this instinct—that we as people tend to be quick to throw away the treasure of time for ourselves—that inspired the people of Israel to enshrine the Sabbath into their practices. “Six days you shall labor, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during the plowing season and harvest you must rest” (Exodus 34:21). According to the Word of God, we need time away from our labor, unscheduled time for rest and for seemingly “wasteful” indulgences of our time that bring us back to the sense of gratitude and awe that we naturally enjoyed as children. For when we make time for aimless recreation, we open ourselves to the opportunity to be re-created, brought back to the knowledge that we and everything around us is made and loved by God. My prayer for you is that you might find time this summer to “waste” on pursuits that make your soul sing. And that you might encourage your loved ones, be they 9 or 99, to do the same. Because it is never to early or too late to discover that the world around us can be a source of life and rest. It is never too late to experience re-creation. Shalom, Pastor Sarah (preachsarah@gmail.com) The Mission of Ivyland Presbyterian Church •To Share the Love of Jesus Christ. •To Worship God •To Grow in Faith •To Care for One Another •To Reach Out to People in Need. Inside This Mouse Pastor’s Note 1 Deacon’s Notes 2 Session Report 2 Christian Education 3 Acolytes3 Confirmation Class 3 Pub Theology 3 Vacation Bible School 4 Women’s Bible Study 4 Summer Book Club 4 Birthdays 4 Dinner Club 4 Calendar5 …is published monthly (except in summer), it is sent to our church’s email list, posted on our web site, and linked to the Ivyland Church Facebook page. Printed copies may be placed in the church mailbox slots. If you want your copy there, or sent by U.S. Mail, let the office know. If you have articles, family news, or other notes for The Mouse, email them by the 21st of the previous month to Bob Severn at: rsevern@severnet.com. Please put the word “Mouse” in the subject line to help prevent us from missing it Help us to provide care for vulnerable, open hearts to others, and to be aware of needs which are great or small The deacons thank you for your continued financial support. Because of your generous gift we are able to do our work to support those in need. This month the Deacons allocations are as follows: Gift Cards to community friends of church $ 200 Warminster Coordinating Council $500 BE STRONG (CHOP toiletries baskets) $200 Cystic Fibrosis $200 Presbyterian Relief $ 500 Swaziland Bridge Community Church $200 IPC Arts initiative $1,000 Total from budget: $ 2600 The deacons would like to thank Ginny Ferry for sharing her talents and insight while serving on the Deacons as the Moderator. We appreciate the service of Madison McAllister as well. Please keep the deacons in prayer. We will continue to be in prayer and support of them both as they step away from leadership on the board of deacons. If you are aware of any needs that require our deacon’s attention, please contact any Deacon, Cyndi DiChiara, Maria DiChiara, Ann Hotham, Krista DiPaolo, Lorraine Zulpko, Miriam Warfield, or Dottie Rose Brennan. Session Report Ivyland Church will be hosting the Northeast Regional Presbytery Meeting on Tuesday, June 9, 2015 at 7:00 pm. Elders Sal DiPaolo and Bob Severn were elected the commissioners to the meeting from Ivyland Church. The Session approved having Maria DiChiara preach the sermon on Sunday, June 21, 2015 with assistance from Rev. Weisiger to prepare her message. The Session approved the adoption of the changes which have been made to the Church By-Laws. The Session approved asking any ordained Elder to assist Rev. Weisiger in serving communion to shut-ins on communion Sundays. Ivyland Presbyterian Church 51 Gough Avenue, Ivyland, PA 18974 Remembering Gwen: On Saturday, May 30th, The Ivyland Presbyterian Church celebrated the life and legacy of the irreplaceable Gwendolyn Gutekunst. What words can describe a person like Gwen? Many of us remember her as the one who was always willing to pitch in and help with what needed doing. Her infectious optimism, open spirit, and warm hospitality led her to give generously of herself, whether the task was raising her family, fostering 23 children, baking furiously for church Peach Festivals and potlucks, or playing the bells and singing in choir. She was always smiling, always quick with a kind word, always filled with hope for what the future might bring. As we remembered Gwen together, there were many laughs, a few tears, but also a sense that though we will miss her terribly, she would want us to be the sort of church family that aspires to live as loudly, brightly, and generously as we can. We honor Gwen’s legacy when we live as she did: hopefully, joyfully, and brimming with hospitality. The church lost a saint, but we will never forget her. Ivyland Presbyterian Church 51 Gough Avenue, Ivyland, PA 18974 215-672-2266 • www.ivylandchurch.org Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Ministers of The Church All the Members of the IPC Family The Reverend Sarah Weisiger, Minister Phone: 408-772-6216 email: sarah.weisiger@gmail.com The Session Gary Krout, ‘15 Ruth Kurtz, “17 Sara Peleggi, ‘16 Ellen Bergamasco, ‘15 Fred DiChiara, Jr., ‘15 Robert Severn, ‘17 Paul Faranda, ‘17 Dolly Mcginn, ‘16 Sal DiPaolo, ‘16 Cyndi DiChiara, ‘16 Lorraine Zlupko, ‘14 Maria DiChiara, ‘16 Krista DiPaolo, ‘16 Anne Hotham, ‘15 Miriam Warfield, ‘17 Dottie Rose-Brennan, ‘17 Deacons Dolly Maginn, Clerk of Session Susan den Outer, Minister of Music David DeKorte, Treasurer Paul Faranda, President of the Corporation Dolly Maginn, Secretary of the Corporation 2 Christian Education Confirmation Class Sunday at 7pm, June 7 at IPC Our confirmation class has been such a wonderful opportunity to learn an grow in fellowship with our younger folks. Please be in prayer for them. On May 31st, our kids appeared before the sessions to present statements of faith. This was their opportunity to share what they love best about the church, what matters to them, and why they would like to join us. Please also be in prayer (and in worship!) on June 14th, as they officially join our membership as full, active participants in the life of the local congregation. We are so proud of them! Congratulations to Emma Jones, Nolan Pope, Hannah Stone, and Robby Yotko! We can’t wait to see what God has in store for your lives! End of the Class Party – June 14 Acolytes Sharing the light of Christ as we grow and learn together at IPC Sundays at 9:15 am It is hard to believe it is already June! Acolytes Class will continue through the month of June; please let us know if you plan on being away, so that we can plan accordingly. Our kids will continue to meet for fellowship, community, and exploration of worship themes. DateAcolyte Reader 6/7 Alexa DiPaolo 6/14 Leila El Gharaffi 6/21 Emelia Yotko 6/28 Peter Yotko 7/5 Lauren Jones Leila El Gharaffi Pastor Sarah Lauren Jones open- sign up Alexa DiPaolo Pastor Sarah Emelia Yotko Pat Lyons Addie DiPaolo Pastor Sarah Breakfast At the Pope’s House (Kirk Road) Adult Education Seekers Class Sundays following worship in the library Interested in learning more about the Bible? Consider joining our long-running Seeker’s Class, led by friend of the church Skip Gaffga. The Seekers class works its way through various books of the bible and subjects of Christian Faith. If you have questions about the class, please speak with Anne Hotham, Nancy or Bill Garrett, or Linda and John Koch. Pub Theology …conversations that matter Wednesday, June 24, 8 - 9:30 pm at the DeKorte House THEOLOGY Join us for an evening of fellowship, good food and drink, and deep conversation about stuff that matters. Sunday School Sundays during worship (there is no Sunday School on Communion Sundays) Sunday School classes officially break for the summer on June 14th! Sunday School was a great success this year – we had a great group of kids! But none of it would have been possible without the efforts of our wonderful Sunday School Teachers! Many thanks to all of the adults who gave so generously shared their love of God and learning with our Sunday School this fall: Kathy Bagwell Al Bumford, Jr. Krista DiPaolo Paul Faranda Lauren Layer Dolly Maginn Steffany McGee Patrick McGee Renee Pope Alex Weisiger Ginny Ferry Sunday School will be celebrating our teachers during and after worship on June 14th. Please join us, and let us give thanks, for God is Good and God has blessed us with loving adults and children to learn together! Mission Learning Broad Street Ministry June 20th, 9:30am-2:30pm Shoprite Receipts! ALERT! Please remember that receipts you put into the red collection box in Fellowship Hall must be from the Warminster ShopRite. They will not accept receipts from any other store but their own, and pharmacy receipts are also excluded. Reimbursements to our church are based on a percentage, so all receipts help us get a bigger refund. The amount of receipts submitted has recently declined, Please remember to bring them to church each 3 week. Thank you. Join us for a trip to the city to serve some of our regions most vulnerable population. We will serve a meal and be in fellowship with staff and guests of Broad Street Ministry’s Saturday Lunch. We only have ten slots so register soon! Ivyland’s Biggest Sporting Event! The Hatboro Federal Ivyland 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run returns on August 22th. Save The Date! Start Training! Mark your calendars! Vbs Is Coming! Vacation Bible School at IPC will be July 27-31 It will start with Dinner at 6 pm and the program is from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, designed for kids between 6 and 12. The Theme is “Taking Care” Each day will focus on “taking care” of a different aspect of our lives – caring for creation, for ourselves and our bodies, our neighbors, and our gifts. Friday night we will “take care” of our community with a talent show celebration. We will provide a simple dinner at 6 pm, followed by time for music, a lesson, and a craft or activity that reinforces the lesson, ending by 8:30. Right now we are looking for volunteers to help, especially teens who would like to help with set-up and support for games and activities, as well as possibly providing babysitting, so that younger kids and their parents could also be involved. Pat Lyons is also planning to organize a separate but related late afternoon program through Ivyland Community Arts that would lead directly into VBS. Please let us know if you are interested in helping with planning, teaching, or if you would like to register your children for VBS. To get more information please see Renee Pope, or contact Alex Weisiger – weisiger@sas.upenn.edu Summer Book Club First Gathering: Tuesday, June 30th at 7pm Are you the sort of person who likes to read books and talk about them with your friends? Consider joining us for summer book club! We will read a book for June, July, and August, and then gather together to talk, reflect, and explore the themes of the book together. A light meal will be included. The book for June is “Tattoos on the Heart” by Gregory Boyle. There are copies available in the Bucks County Library system. It can also be purchased from Amazon or Pastor Sarah. To RSVP, please email Pastor Sarah at: preachsarah@gmail.com Aluminum Can Tabs Collection 4 An on-going fund raiser for Ronald McDonald House. A container these tabs is on the table near the mailboxes in Fellowship Hall. Annual Women’s Picnic Tuesday, June 16, at 7 pm Please consider attending our annual end-of-year Women’s Picnic on Tuesday, June 16, at 12 noon, sponsored by the Women’s Bible Study. All women are invited. You need not be a participant of the Bible study to attend – just come on out and enjoy some great fellowship and food. This is also the time we say “goodbye” to our past year’s secret pals and pick a new pal for 2015-2016. If you’re not in this group but want to know all about it, see Martha Labonoski or Nancy Garrett for more information. Birthdays June 1 11 14 15 16 18 19 21 29 27 Skip Gaffga Stacy Wertman Joy Merrick Beth Voelker McKenzie Merrick Dottie Rose-Brennan Peg Crouthamel Tony Pileggi Brandon Layer 18 Dave DeKorte Patrick McGee 19 Brandon Coffman July Bryan Coffman 3 Maria DiChiara Gavin McCoy 8 Michael DiChiara 22 Sean Pope Debie Pileggi Miriam Warfield 12 Adeline DiPaolo 24 Jacob Finch Joe Miller 25 Catherine Ferdinand 13 Jon Severn 26 Mary Parks 24 Anne Hotham September 27 Lydia Grace Pope 1 Michelle Cass 28 Erin Cass Paul Parks Hannah Stone 2 Mike McAllister 31 Debbie Bumford August 3 Alyssa Hillman Tyler Voelker 2 Bill Garrett 5 Janet Fischer 6 Christine Anderson Emma Severn Sophia Layer 9 Jim Wertman 7 Gerri Ruggero 10 Susan Hoy 10 Emma Jones 11 David Cass 11 Kevin Voelker 17 Daniel Garrett Hillman 13 Bruce Duncan 20 Ellwood Allen Betty Sykes 26 Jim Maginn 16 RJ Merrick 27 Dot Wiest Ruth Kurtz 28 Leila El Gharrafi Robby Yotko 30 Mason Wertman June 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 9:00 T.O.P.S Arts Initiative Kids 4-6 pm Adults 6:30 to 8:30 pm 7 pm Steward. 2 3 Arts Initiative 7:00 pm Kids 4-6 pm AA Big Book 6:30 Woman’s Step 7:30 pm Session 4 Arts Initiative Kids 4-6 pm 6:30 pm AA 7 pm Choir 5 6 7 9 am Acolytes 10:00 am Worship Communion After worship: Seekers 7 pm Confirm. Class, IPC 8 9:00 T.O.P.S Arts Initiative Kids 4-6 pm Adults 6:30 to 8:30 pm 7 pm Christian Education 9 Arts Initiative Kids 4-6 pm 6:30 Woman’s Step 10 7:00 pm AA Big Book 11 Arts Initiative Kids 4-6 pm 6:30 pm AA 7 pm Choir 12 13 14 9:00 Acolytes 10:00 Worship Christian Ed Sunday After worship: Deacons, Seekers 3 pm Girl Scouts 7 pm Conform. Popes house 15 9:00 T.O.P.S Arts Initiative Kids 4-6 pm Adults 6:30 to 8:30 pm 16 Arts Initiative Kids 4-6 pm 6:30 W. Step 17 7:00 pm AA Big Book 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9:00 Acolytes 9:00 a.m. 10:00 Worship T.O.P.S 3 pm Girl Scouts Arts Initiative Kids 4-6 pm Adults 6:30 to 8:30 pm Arts Initiative Kids 4-6 pm 6:30 W. Step 7:00 pm AA Big Book Arts Initiative Kids 4-6 pm 6:30 pm AA 7 pm Choir 28 30 29 9:00 a.m. 9:00 Acolytes 10:00 Worship T.O.P.S Arts Initiative After worship: Kids 4-6 pm Seekers Adults 6:30 3 pm Girl Scouts to 8:30 pm Arts Initiative Kids 4-6 pm 6:30 Woman’s Step 7 pm Book Club 8 pm Pub Theology DeKorte house Arts Initiative Kids 4-6 pm 6:30 pm AA 7 pm Choir 9:00 am Men’s Breakfast 9:30am - 2:30 pm Broad Street Mission trip 26 27
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