2015 Parent Registration Packet - Jackson Hole Classical Academy

Jackson Hole
Classical Academy
August 3rd - 15th, 2015
Welcome to Summer Academy with JHCA
Here you will find all the vital information you need to register your child for 2 weeks filled with fun and
learning. Take a tour through our brochure, and be sure to read the course descriptions near the end. We
look forward to having your child join our talented staff this August!
Here is What We are Offering
Kindergarten Readiness/ Kindergarten Camp (For Rising Kindergarteners Only):
This is a program offered for incoming kindergarten students at Jackson Hole Classical Academy, and
incoming kindergarten students from the broader Jackson Hole community. During this course, students will
be introduced to the curriculum that we use at JHCA. In the mornings, students will have basic instruction in
Spalding Phonics, Singapore Math, and classical literature. In the afternoons, students will have a chance to
participate in more project based instruction, and active games.
1st- 4th Grade Courses (For Rising 1st - 4th Grade Students Only):
These courses are offered for students of Jackson Hole Classical Academy and any youth in the broader
Jackson Hole community. All classes are designed to provide a fun environment, where students can learn
through active participation, creating, and exploring. There are a variety of courses offered, ranging from
sports and games, science, history, drama, literature and art.
General Information
JHCA Summer Academy will run for 2 separate weeks: August 3-7, 2015 & August 10-14, 2015
Students may sign up for full day or half day for one week, or two weeks
Only (8:30am - 12:00pm)
*Drop off between 8:00 and 8:30/ must be picked up by 12:15
Only (12:30pm - 4:00pm)
*Drop off between 12:15 and 12:30/ must be picked up by 4:15
*Drop off between 8:00 and 8:30/ must be picked up by 4:15
!!! Day (8:30am - 4:00pm)
# of Children
Half Day/ 1 Week
1 Child
Full Day/ 1 Week
JHCA Summer Academy will be located at the campus of Jackson Hole Classical Academy: 3255 W. High
School Road, Jackson, WY 83001.
Student to Teacher Ratio:
All classes will have a student to teacher ratio of 15 : 1.
Dress Code:
Boys must wear plain colored white, navy blue, or red polo shirts or t-shirts. Boys may also wear the JHCA
Summer Academy Shirt (for purchase at at registration and will be given on first day of Summer Academy).
Boys must wear khaki or navy blue pants or shorts. Shoes must be close-toed.
Girls must wear plain colored white, navy blue, or red polo shirts or t-shirts. Girls may also wear the JHCA
Summer Academy Shirt (for purchase at registration and will be given on the first day of Summer Academy).
Girls must wear khaki or navy blue pants, shorts, skirts, or jumpers. Shoes must be close-toed.
Jewelry is only allowed for religious purposes. Any religious jewelry must be worn under clothing.
No popular-culture references are allowed at JHCA Summer Academy (spiderman, spongebob, etc.).
Lunch and Snacks:
Lunch and snacks are NOT provided by Summer Academy; please be sure to send lunch & snacks with your
Both the morning session and the afternoon session will include 2 recess/snack breaks. JHCA has a
wonderful outside playground, and indoor gym for inclement weather.
Drop Off and Pick Up:
The morning session is from 8:30-12:00; drop-off is as early as 8:00, and pick-up is no later than 12:15. The
afternoon session is from 12:30-4:00; drop-off is as early as 12:15, and pick-up is no later than 4:15. Full-day
students may be dropped off as early as 8:00 and picked up no later than 4:15.
Students with Allergies and/or Medications:
Please be sure to accurately and thoroughly fill out all allergy information on the “Parent/ Student
Information Form” (part of the required registration packet). Please note that we do NOT administer any
medication except those for emergency/life-threatening conditions (Epi-pens, inhalers, etc.). You must
provide the Director with any medication (clearly labeled with name and instructions) prior to attending.
Students are expected to behave in a manner consistent with the behavioral expectations of Jackson Hole
Classical Academy. Students removed from a class or activity for disciplinary reasons will jeopardize their
continued enrollment in the program. No refunds will be issued for students who are asked to leave Summer
Academy due to poor behavior.
All JHCA Summer Academy teachers are staff at Jackson Hole Classical Academy. We strive to offer classes
taught by teachers who are experts in their field.
Contact Information
If you have any questions please contact the Summer Academy Director:
Seth Rutt ~ srutt@jhclassical.org ~ (907)-957-0511
Course Offerings
Week 1 (Aug. 3-7)
Week 2 (Aug. 10-14)
Week 1 AM (8:30 - 12:00)
Week 2 AM (8:30 - 12:00)
Kindergarten Readiness 1
!Ecosystem Exporation (Grades 1-4)
!Young Thespians (Grades 1-4)
Kindergarten Readiness 2
Week 1 PM (12:30 - 4:00)
Week 2 PM (12:30 - 4:00)
Kindergarten Camp 1
Kindergarten Camp 2
!Wyoming Wildlife Art (Grades 1-4)
!Sports and Games (Grades 1-4)
!Great Explorers (Grades 1-4)
!Sports and Games Around the World (Grades 1-4)
!Taking Flight (Grades 1-4)
!Reading, Writing & Performance (Grades 1-4)
Course Descriptions
Kindergarten Readiness (1 &2)
Course Description: The kindergarten readiness program will give students early exposure to
kindergarten and will allow new students time to learn about and adjust to their new school
environment. Students will have an opportunity to practice phonograms and math concepts taught
early in kindergarten. Additionally, students will have an opportunity to engage with their teachers
and other incoming kindergarteners through small and large group activities that address academics,
fine motor skills, and social skills.
Kindergarten Camp (1 & 2)
Course Description: This course is a great way for your rising kindergarten child to be creative and
develop skills to help them in Kindergarten. It is a hands-on course with the goal of building a love of
learning as well as developing fine motor and social skills. Students will participate in crafts,
projects, and activities that correlate with books and stories.
Ecosystem Exploration
Course Description: In Ecosystems, we will be discovering and exploring different plants, animals,
and environments from around the world. We will analyze how they depend on each other and how
different our planet would be without the different types of life. We will use crafts, books, and even
do some outdoor exploring around our own school campus.
Young Thespians
Course Description: Young Thespians will be an introduction to the stage and the dramatic arts. We
will look at the development of drama from the Greeks, through Shakespeare, and to the modern
classics. This will include learning famous names and writers. Students will be introduced to stage
production, costume design, and basic acting skills. Students will learn and practice lines and the
week will conclude with a short, age-appropriate production.
Wyoming Wildlife Art
Course Description: In this class students will draw animals native to Jackson Hole. We will look at
pictures of eagles, moose, and trout and think about the basic shapes we can use to draw these
creatures. We may be fortunate enough to see one of the animals around the grounds of our school!
Students will explore a number of drawing exercises and practice contour drawings. Each student
will finish the week with a body of drawings depicting Wyoming wildlife.
Great Explorers
Course Description: This course is designed to teach students about the famous explorers of
different time periods and places from around the world. This class is meant to be informative but
most importantly it should be fun and inspiring. Students will be listening to stories about the
different adventures of these famous explorers while also participating in an array of different
activities from creating maps to planning out their very own exploration.
Sports and Games
Course Description: In this course, students will have the opportunity to participate in various
sports and games, which may include: basketball, soccer, baseball, football, and dodgeball. Students
will spend some time learning basic rules and skills, but the majority of the time will be spent
actively playing games.
Sports and Games from Around the World
Course Description: In this course, students will have the opportunity to learn and participate in
various sports and games which are popular around the world. Sports and games may include:
cricket, rugby (non-contact), Australian rules football (non-contact), bocce ball, team handball, and
badminton. Students will learn the basic rules and skills, but the majority of the time will be spent
actively playing games.
Taking Flight
Course Description: In this course students will learn the different processes behind the many
flying objects of our world. We will explore aerodynamics, propellers, lift, pressure, temperature, and
propulsion. We will learn important historical figures, events, and inventions in the world of aviation
from the Wright Brothers to NASA. We will experiment with paper planes, projections, propellers,
balloons, water propulsion, and finish the week with a rocket launch.
Reading, Writing, and Performance
Course Description: In this course, students will engage with great works of literature in creative
ways. We will read and discuss various texts, as well as complete projects and activities in response
to the text, including creative writing and performances. Reading wonderful books takes us on
thrilling journeys and inspires a love of learning which they can carry with them the rest of their
To Register Your Child(ren):
Fill out “Course Registration Form”
Fill out “Parent/ Student Information Form”
Attach check for full amount for all your children, made out to Jackson
Hole Classical Academy, with Summer Academy in the memo line.
Return all of the above to the Jackson Hole Classical Academy campus
(3255 W. High School Road, Jackson, WY 83001) or mail to: P.O Box 7466,
Jackson, WY 83002 (note: mailed registration forms must be received before the
camp start date for your child to be registered)
Course Registration Form
(Please fill out 1 Course Registration Form per child. 1 check may be written for multiple children.)
Student Full Name: _____________________________________________ Grade Entering (Fall 2015): _______
Week 1 (Aug. 3-7)
Week 2 (Aug. 10-14)
Week 1 AM (8:30 - 12:00)
Week 2 AM (8:30 - 12:00)
Select 1:
___Kindergarten Readiness 1
!___Ecosystem Exporation (Grades 1-4)
!___Young Thespians (Grades 1-4)
!___No Class For My Child For Week 1 AM
Select 1:
Week 1 PM (12:30 - 4:00)
Week 2 PM (12:30 - 4:00)
Select 1:
Select 1:
!___Kindergarten Camp 1
!___Wyoming Wildlife Art (Grades 1-4)
!___Sports and Games (Grades 1-4)
!___No Class For My Child For Week 1 PM
!___Kindergarten Readiness 2
!___Great Explorers (Grades 1-4)
!___Sports and Games Around the World (Grades 1-4)
!___No Class For My Child For Week 2 AM
!___Kindergarten Camp 2
!___Taking Flight (Grades 1-4)
!___Reading, Writing & Performance (Grades 1-4)
!___No Class For My Child For Week 2 PM
Payment (Mark one (x) for all 3 below):
1) Week 1 (Aug. 3-7)
Half Day ($175)_______
2) Week 2 (Aug 10-14)
Half Day ($175)_______
3) Summer Academy T-Shirt
Full Day($300)_______
No Registration_______
Full Day($300)_______
No Registration_______
No T-Shirt_______
Total Amount Due (Week 1 + Week 2 + T-Shirt) = $_______________
Payment is due at time of registration. Please attach 1 check for the full registration
amount to the Course Registration Form and Student/ Parent Information Form. Summer
Academy space is limited, and registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served
basis. Registrations will be accepted up until the start of each camp (assuming space is
available), but NO refunds will be issued after July 1st (any refunds issued prior to July
1st will be less $50 per student).
Continue to Student/ Parent Information Form
Student/ Parent Information Form
Student Full Name:___________________________________________________________________________________________
Age (as of August, 2015):_____________________________ Grade (for 2015-2016 school year): _______________
City:____________________________________________________ State:____________ Zip:____________________
Parent/Guardian 1: _________________________________________________________________ □ Male □ Female
Cell #:_______________________________Home #:______________________________Work #:___________________________
Parent/Guardian 2: _________________________________________________________________ □ Male □ Female
Cell #:_______________________________Home #:______________________________Work#:___________________________
□ In addition to Parent/Guardian names listed above, these person(s) have permission to pick up my child
from Summer Academy. I understand that my child will not be allowed to leave with any other person
without authorization from me:
Name:________________________________________ Phone #:_____________________ Relation:_______________
Name:________________________________________ Phone #:_____________________ Relation:_______________
The following individual(s) do not have permission to pick up my child:
Name:________________________________________ Phone #:_____________________ Relation:________________
Health History
□ Asthma
□ Bleeding/clotting disorders
□ Convulsions
□ Ear infections
□ Other ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Allergies: □ Pollen □Penicillin □ Insect stings (type?)______________________________________________________
□ Food (list)______________________________________________________________________________
□ Other allergies (describe)__________________________________________________________________
Recent operations, serious injuries, diseases, or restrictions on physical activity:
Current medication and purpose: Please note that we do NOT administer any medication except those for
emergency/life-threatening conditions (epi-pens, inhalers, etc.). You must provide the Director with any
medication (clearly labeled with name and instructions) prior to attending:
Learning disabilities, behavioral conditions, or problems of which staff should be aware:
Parent Authorization/Medical Release: The information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge.
The child listed on this form has my permission to engage in all Summer Academy activities, except if noted
by me.
I (we), the undersigned, understand that Summer Academy staff will first contact me directly after contacting
emergency services in case of a life-threatening emergency. I (we) authorize Summer Academy staff members
(in the event they cannot reach me [us]) to serve as agent(s) for the undersigned to consent to any medical or
surgical diagnosis or treatment, anesthetic, X-ray exam, along with treatment and/or hospital care which is
deemed advisable by, and is to be rendered under the general or special supervision of any physician or
surgeon licensed under the provisions of the Medical Practice Act on the medical staff of any accredited
hospital, whether such diagnosis or treatment is rendered at the office of said physician or at said hospital. I
(we) understand that I (we) will be responsible for expenses for such services.
I (we) understand that this authorization is given in advance of any specific diagnosis, treatment, or hospital
care being required, but is given to provide authority and power on the part of our aforesaid agent(s) to give
specific consent to any and all such diagnosis, treatment, or hospital care which the aforementioned
physician in the exercise of his/her best judgment may deem advisable. This form may be photocopied for
use away from the main program site.
My child has medical insurance. □ Yes □ No
Name of insurance company:_________________________________________________________________________________
Policy number:_______________________________________________________________________________________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________________________________