April 2015 | Volume 15 Number 4 Featured Item Business at its Best in Jacksonville and Onslow County 23 rd Jacksonville•Onslow Chamber of Commerce Business Expo See pages 4 & 5 for more photos from Expo 2 C hamber C onnection - April 2015 - Volume 15 - #4 Welcome to the Chamber Officials: Laurette Leagon, President president@jacksonvilleonline.org Jeff Clark, Chairman Staff: Million Heir-Williams, Vice President Minority Small Business Services and Workforce Advisory Committe vpresident@jacksonvillonline.org Janet Bowen Director of Operations and Governmental Affairs operations@jacksonvilleonline.org Christina Fernandez Membership Manager sales@jacksonvilleonline.org Dawn Jensen Military Affairs Manager mac@jacksonvilleonline.org Sabrina Thomas Special Events Manager specialevents@jacksonvilleonline.org Melissa Maloney Receptionist receptionist@jacksonvilleonline.org Tourism: Theresa Carter Tourism Director tourd@jacksonvilleonline.org Stephanie Key Tourism Assistant toura@jacksonvilleonline.org 910.347.3141 1099 Gum Branch Road, Jacksonville NC 28540 The Jacksonville•Onslow Chamber of Commerce’s mission is to be the voice of business in collaborative partnership that work to build and enhance a healthy business climate and a vibrant quality of life. The Jacksonville•Onslow Chamber of Commerce’s vision is to be recognized as a model in building collaborative partnerships that encourage business growth and sustainable community development. www.jacksonvilleonline.org New Members A R T ’S L A N D S C A P I N G Jacksonville, NC 28540 Mr. Arturo Alvarado @ 910-299-6995 artslandscaping@gmail.com Landscaping R E A L O D I S CO U N T D R U G S 2680 Henderson Drive, Unit 1 Jacksonville, NC 28546 Mr. Scott Smith @ 910-455-9982 Pharmacy I N S U R E ENC P.O. Box 1921 Newport, NC 28570 252-347-1076 insureenc@gmail.com Ms. Alyse Meserve Life Insurance TA K E TH E S TAG E NC E N T E R TA I N M E N T Jacksonville, NC 28540 910-382-8451 Mr. John Rodney Priester rodneypriester@gmail.com Entertainment/Music & Video P H I L I P P I A N S P L AC E 109 Trudie Lane Jacksonville, NC 28540 910-650-6530 Lenize@philippiansplace.com Ms. Lenize Patton Non Profit Organization TC & E C L E A N I N G S E R V I C E S P.O. Box 842 Jacksonville, NC 28540 Ms. Yolanda Petteway @ 910-320-2651 Kick off Celebration is the Duke Energy Citizenship and Service Award presentation and Luncheon which will be held at Montford Point Marine Association 148 Brynn Marr Rd. Jacksonville, 28546 on May 15, 2015 at 12:00 noon $15 per person - Seating is limited, so please RSVP by calling 910 347 3141. tcecleaning@yahoo.com Cleaning Services P R U I T T H E A LT H 810 Kennedy Avenue New Bern, NC 28560 Mr. DJ Rhodes @ 252-633-4311 djrhodes@pruitthealth.com Hospice & Home Health UNIT Y CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER P.O. Box 7052 Jacksonville, NC 28540 678-521-3508 Pastor Richard A. Sheats pastorrasheats@yahoo.com Church S U N TA N C I T Y 1250 Western Blvd., Suite C Jacksonville, NC 28546 Ms. Brittany Vick @ 910-578-8027 bvick@suntancity.com Tanning Salon Z A X B Y ’S 4120 Western Blvd. Jacksonville, NC 28546 Ms. Stacey Dawson @ 910-238-2450 ourguestscomefirst@gmail.com Restaurant J A N E N E S M I T H , I N D E P E N D E N T C O N S U LTA N T F O R P A M P E R E D C H E F Holly Ridge, NC 28445 Ms. Janene Smith @ 910-233-3579 jansmithrn@gmail.com Pampered Chef Member Renewals A Dog’s Dream A Storage Inn ADT Security Services American Dream Cakes Bath Fitter Bayonet Enterprises, LLC Bayshore Animal Hospital, PLLC Bellagurl, Inc. Best Buy Carolina Basket Case Caro-Vettes, Inc. Century 21 Cherie Schulz Realty Firm Convergys Cree & Jalen Candies Cunningham & Company Mortgage Bankers Dunkin’ Donuts (Marine Blvd) Eric Kopka, Attorney at Military Law Farm Bureau of Jacksonville Ty Hart Col Robert L. Hayes, USMC (Ret) Heartland Payment Systems Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Hope for the Warriors Jacksonville, Conference Center Jacksonville Host Lions Club Jacksonville Physical Therapy Center Small Business Week Honoring Small Business “Dream Big – Start Small” Jacksonville Rotary Club Col John Kopka, USMC (Ret) Lee’s Landscaping Lifetime Celebrations Living Water Christian School MED First Immediate Care & Family Practice Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Montford Point Marine Association North State Mechanical, Inc. Onsite Computer Services, Inc. Onslow Hispanic Latino Association, Inc. Secure Background Screeners Semper Fi Fund Shepard Floors Southeastern Steel Construction, Inc. Southern Leisure Builders, Inc. Grant Sparks Special Olympics Onslow County The Flame Catering & Banquet TownePlace Suites by Marriott UNCW Onslow Extension Site Vzent Logistics Solutions, LLC WNCT-Channel 9 Woleslagle Enterprises Established Local Cleaning Company is for Sale! Military Housing Under Contract Commercial and Residential Jobs Under Contract Pressure Washing, Floors: stripping/waxing/buffing, Home organization, home cleaning & laundry folding (all supplies, tools and office equipment included) This business has experienced a 57% growth rate in 2013 No debt or loans to take over Appraised at $96K, All serious inquiries are welcomed! Call 855-730-MAID(6243) April 2015 - Volume 15 - #4 - C hamber C onnection www.jacksonvilleonline.org Chamber’s Training Of Tomorrow’s Leaders Continues The Jacksonville Onslow Leadership class held two sessions in March. On March 5th they visited the Onslow County Schools System. Thank you Dr. Leslie Eason for a very enlightening tour. Thank you also to Angela Brown for her assistance with the visit. The class was very impressed with the quality of our School System. 3 Saturday, May 16, at 8:00 am - 10:00 am at Longhorn Steakhouse, 3510 Western Blvd, Jacksonville, NC. The meal includes steak, bacon, eggs, fruit, and beverage - Price; Ages 8 and older $10/ Ages 7 and under $7. Tickets will be available at the Commerce Center. On March 12th the class had the Military session; again a very informative and impressive day. Thank you to our Camp Lejeune “tour guide” Fernando Schiefelbein, to Tim McCurry and to all the personnel on Camp Lejeune for their time and expertise. Thank you to our “tour guide” on the Air Station, Mark Bettler, to Col Salmon for his brief, and to all the personnel on the Air Station for their time and expertise. Chamber’s Leadership Community Project This year’s class is renovating the kitchen and dining area of the Onslow County Women’s Shelter. One of their fundraisers will be a Longhorn Camp Fire Breakfast scheduled for Ribbon Cuttings For more information, please call 910-347-3141 or visit us online at www.jacksonvilleonline.org • www.jaxonslowexpo.com • www.onlyinonslow.com Februar y March C OASTAL R ESTAURANT E QUIPMENT S UPPLY CA BI C LOTHING 2721 Bldg. 3 Commerce Road, Jacksonville, February 23, 2015 danashrout@hotmail.com, 910-389-3813; March 24, 2015 Februar y March J ANINE S MITH , I NDEPENDENT C ONSULTANT 910-233-3579, February 28, 2015 WITH P AMPERED C HEF B ELLA C ASA C IGARS 334 Henderson Drive, Jacksonville NC 28540 910-355-0480, March 25, 2015 4 C hamber C onnection - April 2015 - Volume 15 - #4 www.jacksonvilleonline.org Tap Snap Phototainment Coastal Carolina Community College Reserve of Jacksonville Mission BBQ Woleslagle Enterprise Extreme Outfitters April 2015 - Volume 15 - #4 - C hamber C onnection www.jacksonvilleonline.org A Dog’s Dream Brown Properties D•R•Horton Ward and Smith, P.A. WITN JFG Inc. Thank you to our Sponsors, We could not do the Expo without you! Party Suppliers Sams Club And thank you to Krispy Kreme for providing the fuel! Thank you to Joe Houle and his group of volunteers for assisting with the Business Expo. Randy Broyhill, Jeffrey Dishaw, Kory Dittbrenner, Drake Ewing ,Joseph Feria, Eric Field, Alec Gaither, Dawson Garcia, Jason Gutierrez, Dylan Jones, Ethan Jones, Tyler Jones, Kory Neal, Hunter Overbey and Dakota Riley 5 6 C hamber C onnection - April 2015 - Volume 15 - #4 www.jacksonvilleonline.org February’s Service Member of the Month Hospital Corpsman Third Class (Fleet Marine Force) Michael R. Butts was born in The Colony, TX on 01 January 1991. After being homeschooled he received his high school diploma in June 2009. He continued his education at Brookhaven College where he received his Associates of Sciences in General Sciences on April 2011. HMS Butts reported to Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes on April 11, 2011 and graduated on June 13, 2011. HM3 Butts reported to Naval Hospital Corps School in San Antonio TX at Fort Sam Houston on June 14, 2011 and graduated on September 30, 2011. After graduating, he attended Field Medical Training Battalion East from 3 January 2012 to 6 March 2012. He reported to 2nd Battalion 8th Marines, 2d Marine Division, with whom he deployed to Helmand Province, Afghanistan from 12 May 2013 to 06 November 2013 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. During this deployment he was the line corpsman for Scout Sniper Platoon, Headquarters and Support Company, with whom he went on daily patrols and provided medical care for his marines as well as Afghan Nationals. While at 2/8, HM3 Butts earned his Fleet Marine Force Warfare qualification. HM3 Butts reported to 10th Marine Regimental Aid Station 15 January 2014 where he is currently Picture Left-to-Right: Kevin McConnell, Chairman, Military Affairs Committee, Michael R. Butts Hospital serving as the Preventative Medicine Petty Officer. In addition to his collateral duties, he also holds Corpsman Third Class (Fleet Marine Force), Laurette Leagon, President Jacksonville Onslow Chamber of Commerce responsibility for the medical readiness of the 10th Marines Headquarters Battery. HM3 Butts is a field Medical Technician for 10th Marine Regiment, who is a driving force behind the health, well being, medical readiness and overall Force Health protection of the 600 Marines and Sailors in Headquarters Battery in garrison and austere field training environments. His personal awards and medals include: Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, Navy Good Conduct Medal, Sea Service Deployment Ribbon, as well as other unit and campaign awards. HM3 Butts currently resides in the Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. March’s Service Member of the Month Sergeant Figarodishmey was born on 15 February 1991 in Sanchez, Dominican Republic to Luis and Miguelina Figaro. He graduated Hayfield Secondary School in Alexandria, Virginia, enlisted in the Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, South Carolina on 01 July 2009. Upon Graduation from recruit training, Private Figarodishmey attended the Automotive Organizational Mechanics Course at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina and was assigned the Military Occupational Special, 3521. Upon graduation in 2010, he was promoted to Private First Class and assigned to Combat Assault Battalion at Camp Schwab, Okinawa, Japan. While Serving at Combat Assault Battalion Motor Transport Platoon, Private First Class Figarodishmey held the billet of floor mechanic. In April 2010, Private First Class Figarodishmey was assigned for deployment with the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit. From April 2010 to January 2011, Private First Class Figarodishmey deployed aboard the USS Essex (LHD-2) in support of humanitarian relief efforts. During this deployment he served as an Organizational Maintenance Liaison for the combat engineer platoon. During this tour he was promoted to Lance Corporal August 2010. Lance Corporal Figarodishmey returned to Combat Assault Battalion on January 2011 where he was assigned the quality control billet. Later that year Lance Corporal Figarodishmey was promoted to Corporal June 2011. In April 2012 he received orders to 10th Marines, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. While at 10th Marines he served as Quality Control Chief for Headquarters Battery. In 2012 Corporal Figarodishmey attended Non-Commissioned Resident course, Staff Academy, Camp Lejeune, NC. In February 2013 he was meritoriously promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Picture Left-to-Right: Kevin McConnell, Chairman, Military Affairs Committee, Sgt Luis Figarodishmey, L.M., USMC, Laurette Leagon, President Jacksonville Onslow Chamber of Commerce Sergeant Figarodishmey transferred to 2nd Maintenance Battalion, Motor Transport Company, to attend the Martial Arts Instructor Course October 2014, where he graduated as the Gung Camp Lejeune, June 2013, where he served as first platoon Floor Chief. August 2013 he attended Ho recipient for the class. Sergeant Figarodishmey returned to Motor Transport Maintenance the Staff Academy for Sergeant’s Course in Camp Lejeune, NC He graduated as the class iron man Company where he currently serves as First Platoon, Floor chief. and a distinguished graduate. Sergeant Figarodishmey’s personal awards are Good Conduct Medal, two Certificates of In May 2014 Sergeant Figarodishmey attended Automotive Maintenance Technicians Career Commendation,, one Meritorious Mast, one Certificate of Appreciation, and one Letter of Course in Camp Lejeune, NC. Upon his return to 2nd Maintenance Battalion he was slated Appreceiation. April 2015 - Volume 15 - #4 - C hamber C onnection www.jacksonvilleonline.org Kudos to the new Ophthalmic Coding Specialist at Office Park Eye Center On March 21, 2015 he Jacksonville•Onslow Chamber, along with its partners Onslow County Home Builders Association, Coastal Carolina Community College, National Dodge, Eastern Carolina Workforce Development Board and Onslow County Schools were proud to present the 8th Annual Trades Day: Champions at Work! Competition. Office Park Eye Center would like to recognize Ashley Wrench for her outstanding achievement in striving for her certification as an Ophthalmic Coding Specialist through the JCAHPO (Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology.) We are grateful to have such a hard working, dependable, headstrong individual as a part of our OPEC Team, and would like to thank her for her services. Way to go Ashley! Come visit our Membership page at jacksonvilleonline. org and check out all that the Jacksonville•Onslow Chamber of Commerce has to offer! To find out more about what’s happening in Onslow County visit www.onlyinonslow.com This event gives students in vocational education a chance to compete and show off their skills as well as earn some great prizes and money. This year there were 90 high school students from both Onslow and Jones Counties that participated in six different categories: automotive repair, construction, drafting, electrical, masonry and welding. Thank you to all the volunteers and parents who helped support this fantastic event. Follow us on TWITTER! Corporate Sponsor: National Dodge Coastal Carolina Community College Executive Sponsors Onslow County Home Builders Association. Eastern Carolina Workforce Development Board Jacksonville Builder’s Supply Adams Products Garris Evans Lumber Co. Guy C Lee Building Materials Mine Safety Appliances Sander’s Ford Lowe’s Home Improvement Golden Corral Associate Sponsors: Modern Exterminating Butler Trieu D.R Horton Check out the Competition pictures on the Chamber Facebook page facebook.com/jvilleonslowcoc 7 8 C hamber C onnection - April 2015 - Volume 15 - #4 www.jacksonvilleonline.org U TILITIES U TILITIES : S OURCES : C ITY OF T RANSPORTATION J ACKSONVILLE & ONWASA P UBLIC TRANSPORTATION : S OURCE : OUTS, JTS O NSLOW N EW V ECH S ALES : S OURCE : O NSLOW C OUNTY City of Jacksonville & ONWASA Water Connects How to read the Charts: The Airport Passengers Chart, Tax Reports, Healthcare Stats and Utilities Connect and Disconnects are shown as monthly or quarterly comparisons on the specific rows. The totals shown at the bottom are the Year to Date totals for each year and does not include the numbers shown in Italics. 2014 2015 2014 2015 1st Qtr 6,069 4,260 3,000 2,024 2nd Qtr 6,749 3,319 3rd Qtr 7,156 3,664 4th Qtr 5,968 3,255 YTD Total *YTD Total does not include numbers in Italic H EALTHCARE OMH ER: S OURCE : O NSLOW M EMORIAL H OSPITAL OMH B IRTH : S OURCE : O NSLOW M EMORIAL H OSPITAL N AVAL H OSPITAL ER: S OURCE : N AVAL H OSPITAL , C AMP L EJEUNE N AVAL H OSP B IRTHS : S OURCE : N AVAL H OSPITAL C AMP L EJEUNE T AX R EPORTS M ONTHLY TAXABLE S ALES : S OURCE : NC D EPARTMENT OF Taxable Sales 13-14 Taxable Sales Sep-14 $162,896,557 3.97% Oct-14 $158,677,454 3.84% Nov-13 $146,756,264 Nov-14 $153,156,220 4.36% Dec-13 $148,864,447 Dec-14 $154,649,563 3.89% Jan-14 $185,220,782 Jan-15 $173,899,975 -6.11% Feb-14 $114,033,456 Feb-15 Mar-14 $142,352,884 Mar-15 18,487 -9.0% 39,542 -7.2% nd th 2015 9,617 July 32,053 August 30,724 Onslow Memorial Hospital Live Births September 25,268 October 25,203 2014 2015 November 25,498 264 December 24,962 YTD Total 42,649 YTD Total 9,617 1 Quarter 422 2nd Quarter 448 st *YTD Total does not include numbers in Italic H OUSING 264 Naval Hospital Camp Lejeune Emergency Room Visits 2015 7,929 11,599 ≤ $150,000 2 $150,001 - $200,000 2 $200,001 - $250,000 $251,001 - $300,000 $300,001 + 2 2nd Quarter August $303,450.44 $321,615.10 5.99% 3rd Quarter 11,909 September $136,849.11 $154,353.03 12.79% 4th Quarter 12,560 $63,808.96 -1.91% $66,474.76 $64,940.02 -2.31% February $76,724.55 March $86,242.00 YTD Total Price of Home # of # Months Sold Sales Rate Per Month # Currently Active* 70 35 413 11.8 35 17.5 262 14.97 2 11 5.5 93 16.91 2 6 3 50 16.67 3 1.5 101 67.33 125 TOTAL # of # Months Sold 4.5 46 10.22 29 215 7.41 34 17 145 8.53 6 3 63 21 4 2 30 15 1 Quarter 484 299 ≤ $150,000 2 9 2 Quarter 498 $150,001 - $200,000 2 58 509 $200,001 - $250,000 2 466 $251,001 - $300,000 2 $300,001 + 2 May $123,193.25 3rd Quarter June $244,329.24 4th Quarter Total: $1,108,486.12 YTD Total *YTD Total does not include numbers in Italic 299 TOTAL 919 # of Month’s Of Inventory 2015 New Construction Price # of Month’s Of Inventory # Currently Active* 2014 nd 3.08% 7,929 Naval Hospital Camp Lejeune Live Births st $99,171.42 Information provided by Coldwell Banker Fountain Realty, William Sanders. As of 3/3/15, info obtained from the Jacksonville Board of Realtors MLS. These numbers do not include: REO, Short Sales, & Townhomes. 2014 -0.67% $65,049.35 Onslow County Absorption Rates 2014 10,636 $341,648.89 January O NSLOW A BSORPTION R ATES : S OURCE : J ACKSONVILLE NC M ARKET C ENTER 1st Quarter $343,955.32 December 1,661 27,154 July -5.86% 958 20,331 2014-2015 $77,271.84 824 Total March 2013-2014 $82,085.77 837 Albert J Ellis Airport Total Passengers *YTD Total does not include numbers in Italic November 482 February May-15 7.43% 446 2014 440 $1,142,649.56 131,165 Cars Trucks -5.6% YTD Total $118,837.82 703 % Change 4 Quarter $110,621.37 958 Year to Date 2015 Apr-15 October 342 21,055 605 Occupancy Tax Report 482 2014 th *YTD Total does not include numbers in Italic 361 Trucks 22,318 3 Quarter 1.39% Feb 15 476 January rd *YTD Total does not include numbers in Italic 13,746 15,989 $152,809,523 April Total 4 Quarter $156,671,698 $1,130,356,782 13,862 30,549 Oct-13 Jun-15 1,721 % Change Sep-13 YTD Total Military Express 29,182 0.51% Jan 15 Cars Total June 1.04% $157,786,414 61,325 15,692 $159,460,546 $1,103,473,435 6,194 3rd Quarter $167,616,467 Jun-14 Jacksonville Transit System 27,847 Jul-14 YTD Total 55,978 May Aug-14 $150,827,256 5,831 April $158,659,108 May-14 Onslow United Transit System 15,319 $165,893,420 Onslow County New Vehicle Sales Fiscal YTD February 15 2 Quarter Jul-13 $168,788,701 System 14,415 Aug-13 Apr-14 Public Transportation Riders 1st Quarter Monthly Report of Taxable Sales 13-14 A LBERT E LLIS A IRPORT : S OURCE : A LBERT J E LLIS A IRPORT Onslow Memorial Hospital Emergency Room Visits R EVENUE O CCUPANCY T AX : S OURCE : O NSLOW C OUNTY Disconnects 111 Sales Rate Per Month 499 April 2015 - Volume 15 - #4 - C hamber C onnection www.jacksonvilleonline.org B USINESS S TATS U NEMPLOYMENT F IGURES S OURCE : NC D EPT C OUNTY P ERMITS : S OURCE : O NSLOW C OUNTY C ITY P ERMITS : S OURCE : C ITY OF OF C OMMERCE J ACKSONVILLE City of Jacksonville Building Permits Unemployment rates from Division of Employment Security - NC Dept of Commerce Febuary 2015 # Value Area Name Onslow County Residential 5 $456,260 Year 2014 Commercial 3 $47,350 Month December Other 188 $376,255 Labor Force 66,904 Total 196 $879,865 Employed 63,127 Unemployed 3,777 Unemployment Rates 5.6% County Building Permits FY2013-14 Res BPs Com BPs 1st Qtr Totals 402 132 $48,503,748 2nd Qtr Totals 188 50 $36,043,696 3rd Qtr Totals 232 60 $49,141,659 4th Qtr Totals 591 105 $65,007,207 1,413 347 $198,696,310 Res BPs Com BPs 1st Qtr Totals 483 126 $26,359,758 2nd Qtr Totals 381 89 $21,414,861 3rd Qtr Totals 244 58 $18,161,464 FY Totals FY2014-15 Total Value Total Value O NSLOW C OUNTY R EGISTER 1,108 273 $65,936,083 C AMP L EJEUNE & MCAS NR G OVERNMENT AND E XTERNAL R ELATIONS (GER) C AMP L EJEUNE , NC. Camp Lejeune Area Active Duty USN/USMC Statistics Location 10/15/2014 01/15/2015 Camp Lejeune 32,982 32,541 MARSOC 2,190 2,147 New River 7,036 7,018 TECOM Schools 3,994 4,870 Total 46,202 46,576 USMC Deployed Total 5,896 6,327 Do you like being in the know? Do you like networking and events? Like us and get the scoop at facebook.com/JvilleOnslowCoC D EEDS 588 2012 720 2013 679 2013 710 2014 595 2014 751 Touch a Truck 10am-2pm @ Swansboro Municipal Park 910-326-2600 Jumping Run Creek Mud Race 12pm @ 555 Riggs Rd. Hubert NC http://promud.com/ Marriages 2012 4,128 2012 2,776 2013 3,980 2013 2,765 2014 3,948 2014 2,599 E DUCATION FOR April 11th Run the Brigde 10K, 5K, One Mile Fun Run 8am-11am @ New Bridge Middle School Jacksonville runsignup.com/Race/NC/Jacksonville/RuntheBridge? Swansboro Riverview 5k 8am @ Swansboro Municipal Park 910-326-2600 2012 S OURCE : O NSLOW C OUNTY P ARTNERSHIP April 10th Swansboro Rotary Beach Bash 5pm-10pm @ Swansboro Rotary Civic Center 910-326-6175 FOR THE Deaths Births FY Totals OF Register of Deeds 4th Qtr Totals Tourism Calendar of Events: APRIL Vine and Dine: A Taste of the Town 6-10pm @ Discovery Church, Jacksonville 910-347-2646 A SSUMED B USINESS N AMES , D EATHS , B IRTHS AND M ARRIAGE C ERTIFICATES PREVIOUS 3 YEARS . S OURCE : O NSLOW C OUNTY R EGISTER OF D EEDS Assumed Names 9 C HILDREN Onslow County: Child Care Snapshot February 2015 (State Regulated for children birth to 12) License Type # facilities # slots # enrolled Capacity # staff NC 5 star 28 3089 2,818 91% 484 NC 4 star 15 684 561 85% 104 NC 3 star 25 687 555 81% 115 NC 2 star 3 21 19 91% 3 NC 1 star 18 141 98 70% 18 NC Religious 6 447 421 94% 82 Totals 95 5,073 4,383 85.3% 806 April 18th Onslow County Art Block 10am-4pm @ 826 New Bridge St, Jacksonville www.jaxarts.com Save the Day 5K 8am @ Jacksonville Commons Rec Center www.jacksonvilleonslowsports.org/ OPERATION: Scavenger Hunt Onlsow County 9am-6pm @ Bowlarena, Jacksonville 910-545-2887 April 24th-25th Onslow County Relay for Life 4:30pm-Until @ Northside High School www.RelayForLife.org/OnslowNC April 25th MARSOC Mud, Sweat and Tears Run 9am @ Stone Bay, Camp Lejeune 910-450-1342 Swansboro Historic Homes Tour 10am-4pm @ Downtown Swansboro http://swansborohistoricsite.org/ Jumping Run Creek Mud Race 12pm @ 555 Riggs Rd. Hubert NC http://promud.com/ FOUNTAIN REALTY 910.455.2977 May 1st-3rd SFCT Presents “Play On!” by Rick Abbott Fri&Sat 8pm, Sun 3pm @ 126 Park Lane, Sneads Ferry http://sneadsferrycommunitytheatre.com/ 10 C hamber C onnection - April 2015 - Volume 15 - #4 www.jacksonvilleonline.org SMALL BUSINESS WEEK HONORINGSMALLBUSINESS “DREAMBIG–STARTSMALL” MAY11Ͳ15,2015 AwardpresentationheldatOnslowMemorialHospital(Cafeteria)May15,2015@8:00am($10perpersonͲpleaseRSVPͲlimitedseating) SMALLBUSINESSPERSONOFTHEYEAR In recognition of the achievements and contributions of this local small business owner/manager, I would like to nominate the following person for consideration to the First Citizens and the Small Business Committee’s Small Business Person of the Year Nominees will be evaluated using the following criteria: 9 Demonstrates excellence of knowledge and integrity in their business or professional field 9 Provides a valuable business / service / profession to the Community 9 Is an active Chamber Member and demonstrates the Small Business Committee’s Mission of support to our citizens, the military and local business community 9 Has been a Chamber Member in good standing for at least five years 9 Exhibits initiative, creativity, and a can-do attitude 9 Owns or manages a business with 25 employees or less Ifyouwishtonominatesomeoneforthisaward,please,includeabriefdescriptionoftheircommunityinvolvementonthenominationform below.Wewillcontactthenomineeformoredetails.NominationsmustbereceivedbycloseofbusinessonTuesdayApril6,2015. NomineeName:____________________________________________________________________ (First) (Last) NomineeAddress:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ NomineePhone:(Home)_____________________ (Work)________________________ (Please,typeinabriefdescriptionoftheactivityoractivitiesfornomination,ifadditionalspaceisneeded,pleaseattachadditionalsheets.) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SubmittedBy:_____________________________ Returnthisformto: ContactPhoneNumber:_________________________ MillionHeirͲWilliams,VicePresident Jacksonville•OnslowChamberofCommerce,1099GumBranchRoad,Jacksonville,NC28540 Phone:910Ͳ347Ͳ3141,ext.251 Fax•910Ͳ347Ͳ4705Email:vpresident@jacksonvilleonline.org April 2015 - Volume 15 - #4 - C hamber C onnection www.jacksonvilleonline.org Diana Reyes Coastal Carolina Community College Small Business Center 2014 Administrative Professional of the Year Janice Phillips First Citizens Bank 2013 Administrative Professional of the Year “Springing Forward and Accepting Change” 12th Annual Administrative Professionals’ Breakfast April 21, 2015 at Martson Pavilion, Camp Lejeune 8:30am registration, 9:00am Program begins Register early– Limited seating Tickets: $16 Kathy Zerba Commanding Officer’s Secretary, Marine Corps Air Station New River 2012 Administrative Professional of the Year Jodie Ramsey Onslow County SchoolsSuperintendent’s Office 2011 Administrative Professional of the Year Thank you to our Sponsors 11 12 C hamber C onnection - April 2015 - Volume 15 - #4 www.jacksonvilleonline.org O n s l ow C o u n t y To u r i s m F ROM THE D ESK OF … T HERESA L. C ARTER I am just back from my 16th year of attending the Governor’s Conference on Tourism. This year it was held in Pinehurst, NC and next year we will travel to Cherokee. Each year it changes regionally from mountains, to piedmont, to coast – then does it all over again. I have been to Boone, Asheville (2), Winston-Salem, Greensboro (2), Charlotte (3), Raleigh (2), Wilmington (2), Sunset Beach (2), New Bern, Fayetteville, and now Pinehurst. Because of the number of attendees (500 to 600) the location has to have a very large meeting space and hotels close enough to get everyone to all the sessions in a timely manner – so that leaves Jacksonville out for now! However, I don’t want to leave you out on some of the sessions that took place this year. Every year I usually come back with an idea or two, re-energized and ready to take on a new project. This year was just outstanding! There is so much I want to share, so over the next couple of months I am going to slip in some of the sessions, conversations, and Keynote speakers that attended this years event. I decided to start with my favorite speaker of the conference – Shawn Achor, Harvard University Professor and now full-time lecturer on the topic of the “Happiness Advantage”. It seems I, and many people my age; have been under an illusion, we may have been accidently misled –conventional wisdom holds that if we work hard we will be successful, and if we are more successful, then we will be happy. If we find a great job, lose 5 pounds, win the next promotion – happiness will follow. Instead of hard work and success leading to happiness it turns out it may be the complete opposite – that happiness leads to hard work and success! It happened just like that – sitting quietly listening to the first speaker of the day – out of the blue -bam! It hit me like a ton of bricks! What in the world! As he talked about the trials and studies, all the results show that optimistic people are more successful than pessimistic people – those that did not put off happiness, but made their day happy sold more, got promoted more, had more money…. Successful! Shawn then told us about five “actionable” things to do to be happier in 21 days: it will take less than half an hour a day – happiness leads to better productivity, better relationships, and a more harmonious work place! It is worth a try! 1. Start the morning by listing three things you are grateful for from the last 24 hours. 2. Write a two minute email to someone and tell them only positive things about why you like, respect, or appreciate them. 3. Take two minutes during your day and just clear your head and breathe in and out! 4. At some point in your day exercise for 15 minutes – your choice of activity. 5. ??? – you tell me – check at his book “The Happiness Advantage” by Shawn Achor Service Rewards A community is only as good as the citizens that live and work within its borders. This month we celebrate the frontline employees that go the extra mile to make your visits an above average experience in Swansboro, Sneads Ferry, Richlands, and Jacksonville! The five individuals, representing five area businesses; have performed their duties with a positive outlook, a kind word, and valued information for our visitors and citizens - they went the extra mile! Onslow County Tourism and the Jacksonville•Onslow Chamber of Commerce want to thank them for their efforts and encourage you to do the same. Good service is good business! Dawn Zbikowski Firehouse Subs Jennie Gaskins Sam’s Club Lucinda Seymore Old Chicago Marilyn Duverney Krispy Kreme Monica Miehaux Hobby Lobby
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