Creek Street Christian College Newsletter 6th March 2014 PUPIL FREE DAY FRIDAY - 7TH MARCH TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY PUPIL FREE DAY MONDAY – 10TH MARCH LABOUR DAY HOLIDAY COLLEGE SWIMMING SPORTS 2014 Congratulations to all who participated in our Annual College Swimming Sports. It was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for swimming. During the day the Prep and Year 1 students enjoyed lots of games in the junior pool including a favourite which is the whirl pool. The Year 2 to Year 10 students enjoyed the senior pool and they participated in a range of events from the money scramble and rescue relay with life jackets, to the 100 metre events. A number of school records were broken during the day and records set this year included: Junior Boys Freestyle 50m ‐ T Raikounov 49:97, 11 Girls Freestyle 50m ‐ E Chris e 42:56, 11 Boys Freestyle 50m ‐ B Keck 46:56, 13 Boys Freestyle 50m ‐ T Hawke 31:06, 16 Girls Freestyle 50m ‐ H Hawke 30:88, 16 Boys Freestyle 50m ‐ L Cherry 31:22, Open Girls Freestyle 100m ‐ H Hawke 1:07.41, Open Boys Freestyle 100m ‐ T Hawke 1:12.19, 11 Boys Backstroke 50m ‐ B Keck 58:44, Girls Backstroke 50m ‐ E Howell 46:31, 13 Girls Backstroke 50m ‐ L Aus n 43:31, 13 Boys Backstroke 50m ‐ T Hawke 37:32, 14 Girls Backstroke 50m ‐ M Brown 57:03, 11 Boys Breaststroke 50m ‐ B Keck 58:38, 12 Girls Breaststroke 50m ‐ M Kleyn 49:88, 13 Girls Breaststroke 50m ‐ M Kleyn 48:22, 13 Boys Breaststroke 50m ‐ T Hawke 44:10, 16 Girls Breaststoke 50m ‐ H Hawke 43:96, Senior girls bu erfly 50m ‐ H Hawke 34:40, Senior boys bu erfly 50m ‐ T Hawke 34:81. Overall the winning team for the day was Red House. The last time Red House were victorious was back in 2011. Red House: 385 points Green House: 381 points Gold House: 330 points Blue House: 304 points Congratulations to all of our young people. They are fantastic students and all participated to the best of their ability. The House Captains carried out their duties admirably and demonstrated great leadership skills. One favourite event for this year was the House Chant. All the students from Year 2 to Year 10 were able to join together to cheer for their team. The inaugural event winning house was Blue House. Well done to them for their enthusiasm, volume, choreography, words, dress and especially the splash into the pool at the end. Thank you to the many parents who came out to support their children, the college staff who made the running of the events possible and especially those staff directly involved in the planning and coordination of the day. Everyone’s contributions were greatly appreciated and helped to make the day a very successful one. A special thank you to everyone who helped with the BBQ. By holding this fundraiser we were able to raise $541.13. This year the money raised in all fundraising events will go toward the development of our yard area, particularly the Hargreaves St grass area and places where the Year 3 to Year 10 students spend their time. We look forward to being able to develop these areas for our older students. In addition to our own sports event a number of our Junior students also competed in Melbourne yesterday representing CSCC at the Christian Schools Sports Network and next week some of our Middle and Senior students will have their opportunity to represent us. It is great to see our young people doing so well and having a good time competing at these high levels. Their willingness to represent the school in such an admirable way is a credit to them. Seek Truth : Love Mercy Creek Street Christian College 2014 COLLEGE SWIMMING SPORTS 2014 Seek Truth : Love Mercy Creek Street Christian College 2014 CSSN SWIMMING 6th March in Melbourne Seek Truth : Love Mercy Creek Street Christian College 2014 NETBALL The netball season is fast approaching and no ces have gone home to those girls who wish to play. These notes are s ll being accepted but need to be returned to the College ASAP. Please note that both the team fee and the VNA fee need to be paid. VNA fees are an annual cost. It is important, while we are represen ng our College, that our girls wear the correct uniform. They are required to wear their College PE shirt, College approved runners and socks and a navy blue netball skort. These skorts are available at Target and other department stores. The pleated netball skirts are no longer part of our netball uniform, and will need to be replaced by a skort. Our girls are also required to meet the College standards for hair accessories. Jewellery should be removed to play netball, this includes earrings. If you have any ques ons please contact Mrs Muston. ENROLMENTS 2014/15 Thank you to all of our current families who have sent in their forms for 2015 enrolments. If there are any others please make sure your names are put down by the end of this term. At any me in the year if you know of any Chris an families who would like to have their children taught in a Chris an environment please feel free to let them know that they can contact the college office for an informa on pack and make a me to have a tour. There are currently one or two places available at Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 6, Year 7 and Year 10. CONGRATULATIONS: Belinda Bailey Belinda competed last weekend in the Victorian Championships and won gold in the cycling flying 200m, 500m me trial and the 2000m scratch race at the Darebin Interna onal Sports Centre velodrome. Well done Belinda! A wonderful effort. STUDENT IMMUNISATIONS ‐ YEAR 7, 9 AND 10 Next Thursday the 13th of March Year 7, 9 and 10 students will have immunisa ons. The Year 7 students are offered Human Papillomavirus x 3 doses plus Chickenpox x1 dose. The Year 9 boys are offered Human Papillomavirus x3 doses. The Year 10 students are offered Boostrix (Dipheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) x1 dose Please remember that you need to return these cards even if you do not choose to have your child immunised at the College. These cards are due back NOW. PARENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS Thank you to all of the parents who took up the opportunity on Tuesday or will do tonight to speak with teachers. These discussions are always helpful and we are so thankful to those parents who make the me on these par cular nights to see staff. Thank you for being considerate of our teacher’s me. Obviously if they can see all the parents they need to see on these two nights then they can finish their work hours on other nights at an appropriate me. Seek Truth : Love Mercy Creek Street Christian College 2014 RUBBISH FREE LUNCH AND SCHOOLS CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY Thank you to the very large number of students and staff who helped out last Friday to dy our yard and to create less rubbish by bringing along a rubbish free lunch. During the day we collected 1.3kg of rubbish in our yard. Obviously we do not have a very large yard and it is very well maintained so our task for the day was not a major one. For those that like sta s cs though we had some of our students weigh the rubbish and then we could determine that on average the Junior School students le 4.21grams of rubbish during the day, the Middle School students le 6.6 grams of rubbish and the Senior School students le 5.05 grams of rubbish during the day. That is a whole school average of 5.1 grams per student. Our Preps were busy out and about during the day and extended their rubbish collec on out around the perimeter of the school block. REMINDERS: Focus this week is on Manners. This week we will be talking to students about saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and being considerate of their peers and adults. Sharing of lunches There are s ll some students who are sharing their lunches even a er being asked not to do so. We trust they will not be surprised if there is a consequence from their teachers. Zooper Dooper Sales‐ Each Friday ‐ 50c each Prep full days Our Prep students start a full school week next week. We look forward to having them with us every day just like all of our other students. Sport socks and shoes A reminder that all students are to wear plain white socks (or girls the white with blue stripe sock) with their sports uniform. Logos and wri ng on socks is not permi ed and neither are socks which do not cover the ankle. Sport days are not the me to show off the latest brands. Students should also have predominantly white runners. Here again this enables us to keep an even and fair base for all students, whose reputa ons on the spor ng field have nothing to do with who has the latest gear. Thank you to all of our parents for being so suppor ve in this area. We really appreciate your help which shows our young people that everyone is working together at the school and happy to do what is specified in these areas. Seek Truth : Love Mercy Creek Street Christian College 2014 Junior School News MEMORY VERSE ‘And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind & strength.’ Mark 12:30 STUDENT OF THE WEEK Congratulations to the following students for being awarded the Student of the Week for their classroom. Prep Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 - Year 4 - t u d en No S h t of t ek a e We ward Mo ed o n . nday Middle School News MEMORY VERSE ‘Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.’ James 1:12 STUDENT OF THE WEEK Congratulations to the following students for being awarded the Student of the Week for their classroom. Year 5 - Jeremiah for his positive attitude towards his schoolwork and good listening skills. Year 6 - Hannah for consistent work habits that help her to achieve highly. Year 7 - Jakob for good application and making a real effort to improve and make the most of school. FOOD AND HEALTH Year 5 How can we look a er our health? Year 6 Kitchen Safety posters due. Year 7 Variety of vegies to share. Seek Truth : Love Mercy Creek Street Christian College 2014 Senior School News MEMORY VERSE ‘Choose for yourself this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.’ Joshua 24:15 Congratula ons to Grace ‐ Year 8 for being Senior Student of the Week. YEAR 9 SCIENCE ‐ BOOMERANG REPORT On Tuesday the 25th of March, our class went to Quarry Hill to test our handmade boomerangs. In class we have been studying indigenous aboriginal science, and as an assignment we made our own boomerangs. We tried out the boomerangs and found there was a lot of technique involved in throwing it, some of us found this very challenging. Some groups managed to get their boomerang to come back, yet other groups had a lot of trouble ge ng it to curve back to them. From this experience we learnt to appreciate the art of throwing a boomerang, and see the aerofoil principle in ac on. By Sarah YEAR 9/10 PHOTOGRAPHY WEEKLY CHALLENGE “Makes me smile” By Vanessa FOOD AND HEALTH Year 8 ‐ Sizzling schnitzel meal Food Technology ‐ Meal Service ‐ the Dessert course ‐ S cky Date Pudding Seek Truth : Love Mercy Creek Street Christian College 2014 The Year 8 Science class completed their Rocket Car build this week. We tested all groups’ vehicles in the stadium. The previous record of 9.1 meters was smashed this year. Mitchell, Ben and Tahlia a ained a distance of 12.6 meters just edging out Chris, James and Nathan with 12 meters. Well done to all groups, a lot of effort and good ideas all‐round. SENIOR ASSEMBLY ‐ Guest Speaker This week Damian Drum, MLC for Northern Victoria, spoke at our senior assembly about his poli cal and football career. Mr Drum encouraged students to be aware of what is happening in poli cs and how he came to be our local member. It was probably his football career that most students were interested in. Mr Drum spoke about playing for Geelong in the 1980s alongside Gary Able Snr. At the end of his playing career he became the assistant coach of the Sydney Swans under Ron Barassi. It was here that he had a lot to do with a new homesick indigenous player – Adam Goodes. He was then offered the coaching jobs of Collingwood and Freemantle and had two days in which to make a choice. He chose Freemantle. Mr Drum used these events to encourage student to work hard at whatever they do and the importance of being ethical ci zens. Seek Truth : Love Mercy Creek Street Christian College 2014 Community Notices CHOSEN KIDS CLUB WEDNESDAY NIGHTS All students Prep to Year 6 are welcome. Offering is taken each week. Program includes: Bible stories, worship, afternoon tea. 3:15pm - 5:00pm Seek Truth : Love Mercy Creek Street Christian College 2014 Community Notices Spring Gully United Soccer Club registra on day Registra ons for under 6 to under 10 players on Saturday 15th March at the soccer clubrooms in Stanley Ave, Spring Gully from 11am ‐ 1pm. Players in the under 11 to 16 age groups who missed the registra on day on Sunday 2nd March can s ll register, but must check with the club immediately as registra ons for these age groups may have closed or close soon. Players MUST Register On‐line at BEFORE registra on day. There is an op on to pay on‐line when comple ng your registra on. If you don’t pay on‐line you can a end the registra on day to make payment and please bring your invoice. Further details can be obtained at, including access to the myfootballclub website. Payment Op ons: Cash/Cheque/Card There will also be a club fun day on Saturday 15th March from 1pm‐4pm. Please see club website for details of the 5‐a‐side tournament on that day. HOPE FOR A VILLAGE FIJI GARAGE SALE Monster Garage Sale this Saturday, 8th March. WHERE: 207 Sullivans Road, Strathfieldsaye TIME: 8:00am , running throughout the day. Huge amount of donated items, sausage sizzle. All proceeds to Hope for a Village Fiji. Seek Truth : Love Mercy Creek Street Christian College 2014 College Coming Events 2014 Term 1 March 7 CSCC Staff Professional Development Day - CSCC will be hosting ISV Dyslexia PD for Regional Victoria. THIS IS A PUPIL FREE DAY. March 10 Labour Day Holiday March 11 CSSN Secondary Swimming Carnival Junior School Chapel - ‘Vegetails’ DVD March 12 Senior School Chapel - Speaker Mr Mike Peautagitama March 13 Year 7 boys & girls, Year 9 boys & Year 10 boys & girls immunisations Middle School Chapel - Speaker Mr Tim Maxwell March 14 F1 - GP Auto Tech Excursion March 21 Koorong Kids Book Club due March 22 Working Bee Friday April 4 Final Day of Term 1 (Note: all dates are subject to change) Term 2 April 21 Easter Monday Tuesday April 22 Day 1 of Term 2 April 25 ANZAC Day April 30 Year 6 GRIP Leadership Day May 7 Year 7 - 10 Team Sports Day - Bendigo May 13 - 15 NAPLAN Tests May 17 Working Bee May 20 OPEN DAY May 21 - 23 Year 5 & 6 Urban Camp May 26 Year 7 boys and girls, Year 9 boys Immunisations May 27 Year 10 Science and Engineering Challenge May 29 Casual Dress Day Year 6 & 7 Gym May 30 College Photos June 2 Mother/Daughter night June 3 Father/Son night June 5 Year 6 & 7 Gym June 7 Working Bee June 9 Queen’s Birthday Holiday June 10 - 12 Year 9 and 10 Exams June 12 Year 6 & 7 Gym June 13 Report Writing Day June 19 Year 6 & 7 Gym Friday June 20 Final Day of Term 2 (3 week break) Sunday June 22 - Thursday July 3 Fiji Missions Trip Creek Street Christian College 2014 College Coming Events (Note: all dates are subject to change) Term 3 Term 4 Wednesday July 16 Day 1 of Term 3 July 22 CSSN Secondary Cross Country July 29 - Aug 1 Year 9 and 10 Snow Camp August 2 Working Bee August 4 - 8 Year 10 Work Experience week August 5 Parent/Teacher Interviews August 7 Parent/Teacher Interviews August 12 Year 7 - 10 Team Sports Day - Geelong August 30 Working Bee September 8 and 9 Prep 2015 Interviews September 9 CSSN Primary Athletics September 11 CSSN Secondary Athletics Friday September 19 Final Day of Term 3 Tuesday October 7 Day 1 of Term 4 Year 7 boys and girls, Year 9 boys Immunisations October 22 Year 7 - 10 Team Sports Day - Ballarat October 25 Working Bee October 29 Bendigo Cup Day Holiday 21 – 25 November Year 9 and 10 Exams November 22 FINAL Working Bee December 4 Report Writing Day December 5 Orientation Day December 8 Activity Day JUNIOR School Celebration Final Day Junior Students Tuesday December 9 SENIOR and MIDDLE School Awards Night Final Event Senior & Middle School students As we are able to give early notification of holiday periods for 2014 we would ask that parents make every effort to ensure that their children are at school at all times during the year. It is our college request that families do not take holidays during school terms. Seek Truth 91 Creek St. Bendigo, 3550 ph. (03) 5442 1722 fax (03) 5441 7782 email: ABSENTEES ph. 5441 2442 : Love Mercy
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