' JPD/nules- JAIPUR VIDYUT VITRAN NICAM LIMITED Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan,Janpath,Jyoti Nagar, Website: www.iaipurdiscom.com No. JPDlcAo(lA)/AO/Rules/F. 10 o / D. 38 qq iaipur {!$ 302005 Jaipur, dated:- 2tl .oq ,Zol5 ORDER Sub :- Grant of Dearness R€rlief to the Pensioners of Nigam. ln exercise of the powers conferred vide order No. J PD/CAO(lA) /F.90lD 3203 dated 20.01.2014, the Managing Director, Jaipur Discom is pleased to adopt Stat€ Government's order No. F.12(3) FD(Rules)/ 2013 dated 13.04.2015 issued by the Finance Department (Rules Division) regarding grant of Dearness Relief to State Government's pensioners from LOTY, lo 113% w.e.f.01.01.2015. Accordingly, the existing rate of Dearness Relief payable to the Nigam Pensioners, as mentioned in order No. I PD/CAO(IA)AO/Ru les/ F.100/D.1549 dated 18.09.2014 (JPD/Rules- 963) shall be revised from lo1yo to 113% w.e.f. 01.01.2015. Payment of Dearness Relief involving a fraction of a rupee shall be rounded off to next higher rupee. The provisions of this order shall also be applicable to the pensioners of erstwhile RSE ll. The amount of Dearness Relief at increased rates for the month of April, 2015 and onwards shall be paid alongwith Pension for respective month and the arrears of increased from 01.01.2015 to 31.03.2015 will be arranged/ released in one installment with the pension for the month of April, 2015 payable Dearness Relief i,e. 707% to II3% lor 1:he period in Mav, 2015. By order, 2.4i chief Accounts off icer(lA) Copy submitted/forwarded to the followine for information and circulation in various offices under their jurisdiction and control:13. The Chief Engin ee(lzonal Chief Engineer ( ), JPD 14. The Dy. Chief Engineer { ), JPD, 15. The Chief Personnel Officer, JPD, Jaipur. 16. The Secretary (Admn.)/Company secretary, Jl'D/RVPN, Jaipur. 17. The Chief Accounts Officer ( FM-W&M/ Control)/oSD(ArR),JPD, Jaipur. 18. The Addl. Superintendent of Police (Vig.), JPD, Jaipur. 19. The Superintending Engineer ( ), JPD, 20. The Superintending Engineer (lT), JPD, Jaipur. He is requested to upload this order indicating JPD/Rules No. on the Jaipur Discom's website. 21. The Sr. Accounts Officer ( ), JPD, )/ Dy. Director of Personnel ( ( -------JPD, officer Accounts 22. The Accounts Officer/Asstt. ), 23. P.A to the chairman, JWNL, AWNL & Jd.VVN L/Managing Director, JWNL, Jaipur. 24. P.A to the DireCtor (Finance/Technical), JPD/RVPN/AWNLld.VVN L, Jaipur/ Ajmer/ Accounts Officer(Rules)
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