JAIPUR VIDYUT VITRAN NIGAM LIMITED CIN : U40109RJ2000SGC016486 Regd. Office : Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur Jaipur Discom invites quotations from eligible practicing company secretary firms, having minimum 5 years experience to conduct the Secretarial Audit of the Company for the Financial Year 2014-15. The Technical and Financial bids are to be submitted in separate envelopes on or before 17th April, 2015 before 03:00P.M. at Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited, Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur. Please visit our Website www.jaipurdiscom.com for further details. Company Secretary nte JAIPUR VIDYUT VITRAN NIGAM LIMITED CIN: U40109RJ2000SGC016486 Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur – 302005 Website: www.jaipurdiscom.com Tender No. JVVNL/CS/SA/01 Date: 20.03.2015 Sub: Inviting bids for Appointment of Practicing Company Secretary / Firm of Company Secretaries for carrying out Secretarial Audit of Jaipur Discom for the Financial Year 2014-15. Pursuant to Rajasthan Power Sector Reforms Act, 1999, the erstwhile Rajasthan State Electricity Board was unbundled and five successor entities were formed, one for Generation, another for Transmission and three for Distribution i.e. Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd., Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd., Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd., Jaipur Discom was incorporated on 19.06.2000 under the Companies Act, 1956 for Distribution of Power in earmarked areas in state of Rajasthan. After notification of Companies Act, 2013 Jaipur Discom is mandatorily required to carry the Secretarial Audit for the Financial Year 2014 -15.Therefore, Jaipur Discom invites quotation from Practicing Company Secretary firms to carry out the Secretarial Audit of the Company for the Financial Year 2014-15. 1. SCOPE OF THE AUDIT: Jaipur Discom is an unlisted Company .The scope of the Audit is as required under the Companies Act 2013, Rules made there under and as per prescribed format of Secretarial Audit Report. A Secretarial Auditor will be required to check compliances under the following laws and rules made there-under as provided under Companies Act, 2013 as far as applicable to the Company, including the following :i. ii. The Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) and the rules made there-under; Secretarial Standards issued by The Institute of Company Secretaries of India; iii. Any other laws / regulations/ rules as applicable to the company. 2. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR SUBMISSION OF TECHNICAL BID :Qualifying Criteria for Appointment of Practising Company Secretary (PCS) / Firm of Companies Secretaries is as under:i. The Lead Partner / Proprietor / Individual, under whose supervision the Secretarial Audit of Jaipur Discom will be carried out, should have minimum continuous experience of 5 years or more in full time practice and; ii. Practising Company Secretary (PCS) / Firm of Companies Secretaries should have minimum one active partner / employee in full time practice who is the member of ICSI and ; iii. Practising Company Secretary (PCS) / Firm of Companies Secretaries is eligible to conduct Secretarial Audit of the Company and fulfilling all criteria under laws of land/ Rules/ ICSI Guidelines & Regulations and not disqualified to carry out Secretarial Audit. 3. TECHNICAL BIDS AND FINANCIAL BIDS a) Technical Bid: - The bidder has to provide the details, as per Performa available at “Annexure A”. b) Financial Bid:-The bidder should give an all inclusive lump sum Profession Fees excluding Service Tax, where applicable, as per Performa available at “Annexure B”. 4. TERMS AND CONDITIONS:i. Tenure of Appointment: The appointment is for conducting Secretarial Audit in respect of the Financial Year 2014-15 only. ii Completion of Audit: The Secretarial Audit shall be completed within 60 days from the date of appointment. The Secretarial Audit Report should be submitted as per the format prescribed (Form MR-3) under Rule 9 of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014. iii. Place of Audit: The Audit shall be conducted at the Registered Office of the Company i.e. Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur – 302005. However, Secretarial Auditor may visit other places, if required. iv. Payment Terms: Payment will be released within 30 days from the date of submission of bill by the Practising Company Secretary / Firm after issuance of Secretarial Audit Report to the satisfaction of Jaipur Discom. v. Disputes: In case of any disputes arising during execution of contract, an appropriate solution may be arrived at with discussions. However, in case of dispute remains unresolved, decision of Managing Director, Jaipur Discom will be final. Practicing Company Secretary (PCS) / Firm of Company Secretaries, satisfying / fulfilling above criteria may download the Tender Documents (“Annexure A” & “Annexure B”) for Technical Bid and Financial Bid respectively, from our website www.jaipurdiscom.com Last date for submission of Technical Bid & Financial Bid: Technical Bid and Financial Bid formats are available at www.jaipurdiscom.com and should be duly signed and submitted in separate sealed envelopes as 'Technical Bid' and 'Financial Bid' for "Offer for conducting Secretarial Audit for the Financial Year 2014-15” and should reach on or before 17th April, 2015 before 03:00 P.M. at the following address:Company Secretary JAIPUR VIDYUT VITRAN NIGAM LIMITED Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur – 302005. Opening of Technical Bid: Technical Bids will be opened on 17th April ,2015 at 03.30 P.M. at Vidyut Bhawan in the presence of applicants, who desire to be present there. The Technical Bids received after the specified date / time, incomplete / unsigned, in open envelope will not be considered and will be rejected. Opening of Financial Bid: After evaluation of technical bids on predetermined criteria, Financial Bids will be opened of eligible bidder only on 17th April, 2015 at 04.00 P.M at Vidyut Bhawan in the presence of bidders, if they desire so. The successful and eligible Bidder who will quote the lowest fee would be considered for conducting Secretarial Audit of Jaipur Discom. In case equality of fee, the experience criteria of (Senior most Partner of Firm, who may conduct Secretarial Audit) will be considered. In case of any clarification/doubt in this regard, the undersigned may be contacted. Yours faithfully, (Girish Goyal) Company Secretary “ANNEXURE A” PERFORMA FOR TECHNICAL BID (For conducting Secretarial Audit of Jaipur Discom) To, Company Secretary, Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited, Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur 302005. S.NO. 1 2. 3 4 Paticulars Name of the Practicing Secretary(PCS)/Firm of Secretaries (Firm): Reply Company Company Whether Partnership/ Proprietorship / Individual Name of the Lead Partner/ Proprietor/ Individual/ In-charge Name(s) of the Contract person (s) and the Contract details Date of commencement of Practice as Practicing Company Secretary Date of approval of name of the Firm from ICSI Certificate of Practice (COP) Number/ Registration Number. (Please attach Documentary evidence ) Details of office(s) Address: Telephone Nos. : Fax No : Email : Website :Post Qualification Experience in full time practice of Lead Partner/Proprietor/Individual under whose supervision the Secretarial Audit of Jaipur Discom will be conducted. (Please Attach Documentary evidence i.e. COP etc.) 5 6 7 8 PAN No. Service Tax Regn. No. (Please Attach Documentary evidence ) Number of active Partners in the Firm and/or Number of employees with PCS, who are qualified Company Secretaries and/or members of ICSI. (Please attach details including name, membership no., experience etc. of active partner/employee.) Average Annual Turnover of the PCS/ Firm in preceding three Financial Years based on ITR/ Balance Sheet (Please Attach Documentary evidence ) Details of Secretarial Audit allotted 9 Details of work undertaken during last 3 Years. 10 Any other relevant information (Please Attach separate sheet, if required). Declaration 1 All the information provided by me/us herein above is correct. 2 I/We have no objection if enquiries are made about the work listed by me/us in the accompanying sheets/annexure. 3. I/We have read all the terms & conditions of bid and the instructions and these are acceptable to me/us. Signature: ------------------------Name & Designation of the Authorized Signatory: -------------------------Stamp of the PCS/ Firm: -----------------------Date: ---------------Place: --------------- “ANNEXURE B” PERFORMA FOR FINANCIAL BID (For conducting Secretarial Audit of Jaipur Discom) To, Company Secretary, Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited, Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur 302005. (PRICE BID) Schedule of Rates S.NO A Description Lump sum Price Lump sum Amount (Inclusive of all expenses ,excluding of Service Tax, where applicable ) Total Amount Payable Amount in Words Note : a) The bidder should give an all inclusive lump sum Profession Fees excluding Service Tax, where applicable. Signature: -----------------------Name & Designation of the Authorized Signatory: -------------------------Stamp of the PCS/ Firm: -----------------------Date: ---------------Place: ---------------
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