Spring Concert 2015 The week of May 12th begins our Spring Concert/Recital week! This is a very exciting time for all of us as we celebrate our dance year. As a reminder, there is no admission charge at Dana Auditorium. In addition to our five Saturday Dance Concerts, we have a Friday night showcase at 7:00 p.m. featuring all of our “Company Dancers”. These 6th through 12th grade dancers audition every year after dance concert week to be a part of this dedicated group. It is sure to be enjoyable entertainment and we welcome you to attend if your schedule allows. All seating at all of our shows is first come, first served, and we ask that you refrain from taping off the seats in advance. We get numerous complaints about this. If you have a special need, please let us know and we will make arrangements for you. We also ask that you stay in your seats for the entire show. It is very distracting to the other audience members who are trying to watch their dancers on stage when people are walking up and down the aisles throughout the performance. We have added the 5th show on Saturday to make all shows shorter so that everyone will remain in their seats until the show finale. Rehearsal – General Instructions Your teachers will have given you a rehearsal instruction sheet along with your dancer’s costume for each class. Please read it carefully. You will soon receive an email telling you what time your specific rehearsal time is within the Dress Rehearsal time on the instruction sheet. Dress rehearsals are mandatory and our plan is to be exactly on schedule. At dress rehearsal the children learn what to do at the actual performance and they practice on stage in full costume / hair / makeup. Rehearsals will be ongoing throughout the afternoon and evening. Please arrive before your specified time; dressed and ready to dance. Dancers please sit with your class in the auditorium. There will be a row of seats in the auditorium assigned to each class. Read the signs posted on the sides of the aisles to find your designated place to sit. When it is your time to rehearse, dancers will be led to the stage by a staff member, rehearse with their teacher, take a group picture, and then you are free to go. There will be a stage manager in the auditorium facilitating the rehearsal process. Please pay attention to what he/ she directs you to do. Rehearsal Time Slots – your class will have a specific start time for your dress rehearsal. Please refer to your email from the office as to your specific ‘in seat time” to be ready to dance on stage. Show orders with your class “in seat time” rehearsal day and time will also be posted in the studio and on the JMSD homepage. Photos – Group and Individual There will be a professional photographer in the lobby taking individual photos during the dress rehearsal. Group pictures will be taken immediately following the class’s respective rehearsal. Dancers will be led as a group to Suzanne Little Recital Hall for the group picture, and will be delivered to the lobby to parents afterwards. To help us stay on schedule, please wait to have individual pictures taken after your dance has rehearsed. Regular classes during recital week Due to the rehearsal schedule above, we will be having normal classes at the studio only on Monday and Tuesday of dance concert week. Everything the rest of the week will be at Dana Auditorium. SATURDAY INSTRUCTIONS Queens University Security officers will be in place to direct and assist with drop-off and parking. We encourage you to park in the deck off of Wellesley or in the Myers Park Traditional School lot off of Wellesley. We will be selling bottled water and roses in the lobby. Please no food or drinks other than water inside the auditorium. 9:00 and 11:00 preschool shows: Please arrive 30 minutes before show time and bring your dancer to Suzanne Little Recital Hall to join his/her classmates. There will be adults supervising. You can drop off and go find your seat in auditorium for the show. At the end of the show, we will bring all dancers back up on stage for their final bow and be presented with a commemorative participation ribbon. You will be able to pick up your dancer on the stage at the end of the show. 1:00 show for K-3rd graders: We will have an intermission in this show. If your dancer is in the first half of the show, please come to Suzanne Little Recital Hall at 12:30 to join their classmates. At intermission, dancers can go to the auditorium with their parents to watch the second half of the show. If your dancer is in the second half of the show, dancers may sit in the auditorium with their parents to watch your friends who are dancing in the first half. At intermission, please go directly to Suzanne Little Recital Hall to join your classmates and prepare to perform. At the end of the show, we will bring all dancers back to the stage for a final bow and be presented with a commemorative participation ribbon. Parents will pick up dancers on stage. 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. show dancers: There is no intermission in these shows. On Saturday, all dancers should arrive 30 minutes before show time and go to Suzanne Little Recital Hall to line up for the show. If you have more than one dance in the show, please pre-set your costumes where you can get changed quickly. We will not let you miss your dance! At the end of the show, we will bring all dancers back to the stage for a final bow and be presented with a commemorative participation ribbon. DVD copy of show The shows are being professionally videotaped and you may purchase a DVD of your child’s performance. Order forms are available in the studio, now, will be printed in the dance concert program book, and available on our homepage. If you use the online choice, you can pay online. Please be sure to note that it is for a DVD. 5-10-15 year dancers: You will be able to pick up your awards in the lobby during the shows or at the studio after concert weekend. Questions: Email office@jamimastersschoolofdance.com and we will contact your teacher if needed. Thank you for a great dance year! We truly hope you and your dancers have had an enjoyable and rewarding dance experience with us. Enjoy the performance week! It is our celebration of the love of dance! Hope to see you in the studio this summer. Dancingly Yours, Jami
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