MMAO GRADUATE MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME Thank you for your interest in our Graduate Management Development Programme. Your application to our programme Consists of four parts 1. A completed MMAO’s Graduate Management Development Programme application form 2. A cover letter that reflects your interest / passion for the marine industry 3. A clearly structured resume that gives us an overview of your academic background, working experience and any special qualifications. 4. Certified copies of your academic transcripts and reference letters that may support your application Please submit all applications with supporting documents by 30 April 2015 to Please indicate “Application for MMAO Graduate Management Programme – (Your Name)” in the subject field. Applications done via email should be in PDF Page | 1 MMA Offshore Asia Pte Ltd APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT POST APPLIED FOR : MANAGEMENT TRAINEE PERSONAL DATA Statutory Name Ethnic Characters ( if any ) Gender Address NRIC / Passport No. Race Email Contact Number (Mobile ) Date of Birth ( dd/mm/yy) Contact Number (Home) Contact Number (Office ) Place of Birth Marital Status Religion Nationality Possess Vehicle Other, please specify SPR Date of Issue Driving Licence Previous Employee of Jaya/MMA Other, please specify FAMILY PARTICULARS NAME RELATIONSHIP AGE OCCUPATION NAME OF COMPANY / SCHOOL ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS NAME OF INSTITUTION YEAR FROM Please attach supporting education documents. Page | 2 TO HIGHEST STANDARD PASSED ( NAME OF CERTIFICATION ) DO YOU HAVE ANY FRIENDS / RELATIVE WORKING IN JAYA/MMA GROUP OF COMPANIES ? NAME DESIGNATION RELATIONSHIP MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL & OTHER SOCIETIES NAME OF PROFESSIONAL BODY POSITION REMARKS LANGUAGES / DIALECTS SPOKEN AND WRITTEN NATIONAL SERVICE Are you liable for National Service? Vocation Details Period Last Rank Held SPOKEN To OTHER INFORMATION HEALTH What is your present state of health? Have you ever had any serious illness, accident and/or physical handicap? If yes, please provide more details Are you presently suffering from an disease, illness and/or undergoing treatment for such disease or illness? If yes, please elaborate PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT Have you ever been dismissed from any previous jobs? Have you ever been charged and charged in court? EMPLOYMENT WITH MMAO Minimum Basic Salary Expected Allowance Conflict of Interest Declaration Page | 3 GETTING TO KNOW YOU To help us get to know you better, please answer the questions below in no more than 70 words each. Please tell us your preferred track and tell us more about your career aspirations and goals Business Track ☐ Engineering Track ☐ Please tell us why you want to work for MMAO ? Why do you think you would be the right person for our management training programme ? What leadership experience have you had and how will this enable you to succeed in this programme ? Describe a difficult situation that you have had to resolve and how you reached a successful outcome. Describe a project that you have undertaken telling us how you planned and executed it. Tell us about an event you have arranged and how you persuaded other people to get involved. Page | 4 REFEREES Name Company Designation Email Contact Number Name Company Designation Email Contact Number DECLARATION I understand and agree that any omission, false statement, misleading statement, or answer made by me on my application or any supplements to it and in any interviews will be sufficient grounds for rejection and termination of my employment. I authorise investigation of all statements contain herein and the references listed above to give you and all information concerning my previous employment and any pertinent information they may have, personal or otherwise. I declare that all information given in this application for employment is to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and correct. This declaration shall, if I am employed, constitute an integral part of any contract of service between the company and myself. Date : Page | 5 Signature :
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