JBG Reston Properties Electronic Tenant® Portal PDF

JBG Reston Properties
Electronic Tenant® Portal
Created on July 4, 2015
Building Amenities: Property Amenities
All of the JBG Reston buildings are located only minutes away from Reston Town Center and are within
walking distance to bus service, hotels and restaurants.
The JBG Management Office is located in Suite LL100 at 2000 Edmund Halley Drive.
11720 Sunrise Valley Drive
Parking is located on the premises.
1831 Wiehle Avenue
Parking is located on the premises. A men’s and women’s locker room with shower facilities are available to
all office building tenants.
Building Security: Access Control
During the hours of 7:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to
1:00 p.m., Reston Properties is open to tenants, visitors and the general public. For the purpose of “access
control,” all other times are considered “after-hours.”
In order for an employee to access the building after-hours, the individual must be assigned an access card
(available through the Management Office at the direction of the Tenant Contact). Once activated, the
access card will enable access into the building.
Obviously, it is important that the Tenant Contact retrieve access cards from employees who leave their
office, and return them to, or promptly notify, the Management Office for deactivation of the card to prohibit
access into the building.
Utility Closet Access
You must call the JBG Commercial Management office at (703) 620-0105 in order to have the Building
Engineer access any Utility Closet for the purpose of a contracted vendor performing repairs or
maintenance for your suite.
Building Security: Deliveries
All deliveries for tenants must take place in the service freight elevator as it is equipped with protective
padding. Deliveries must be made using the loading dock on the lobby level and the freight elevator.
Tenants must sign for and accept all deliveries; they must also arrange for immediate transport of those
items to their suite.
All oversized/large deliveries (those requiring more than one hour or involving pieces with any dimension
greater than 5 feet) need to be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance with the Building Management, and
shall take place during non-business hours. All small deliveries can be arranged during non-peak times with
Building Management (see scheduled times below). Elevator scheduling is on a first-come, first-served
basis. A representative from your firm must be present to accept any delivery made after-hours.
All delivery companies must bring Masonite to protect lobby floors. Walls, corners, and doorframes must
also be treated with appropriate protection to avoid damage. The schedule for small weekday deliveries only
is as follows:
Monday – Friday:
Before 8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.
1:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m.
After 6:00 p.m.
Weekend deliveries may be made at times pre-scheduled with the Management Office.
Building staff will not accept or allow after-hours deliveries without prior arrangement and approval through
the Management Office. After-hours deliveries may not be scheduled before 6:00 p.m. Further, neither the
JBG Commercial Management, building engineering staff or security personnel can accept any type of mail
or packages (i.e., general mail, certified or registered mail, FedEx packages, UPS packages, etc.) from
couriers coming into or exiting tenant suites. Property insurance requirements prohibit this activity.
Incoming deliveries should be referred directly to the tenant’s premises.
Building Security: General Office Security
As our society seems to have grown more dangerous, so has the need for all of us to be more security
conscious - corporately and individually. It is important for tenants to recognize that Reston Properties offers
a level of security generally comparable to other first class office buildings in the Reston, VA area. This
means that we seek to secure the building, while tenants retain the responsibility for their space and the
safety of their employees. Each individual needs to be security conscious, responsible and aware of his or
her belongings and office area.
Tenant Precautions
Building security needs your full cooperation in order to effectively secure your premises. We recommend
that your company implement these simple, but effective policies:
1. Do not leave your reception area unattended.
2. Keep valuables in secured areas (locked desks, file cabinets, etc.) when not attended and out of sight
when attended.
3. Keep safes locked when unattended, and don’t leave the combination information where it is likely to
be found.
4. Record serial numbers of all valuable office equipment.
5. Solicitation is not permitted within Reston Properties. Report all unauthorized or suspicious persons
immediately to the Security Guard in the lobby or the JBG Commercial Management office at (703)
620-0105. Provide a full description of the person(s) and the last area in which they were observed,
and, if possible, the direction in which they were headed.
6. Require identification from repairmen who come to work in your office suite. Messengers must also be
prepared to show identification and delivery papers at all times.
Security experts have found that the receptionist position is the best line of defense against potential
perpetrators. The receptionist should be trained to be the best “security” employee in the company.
When an employee leaves your office space, his or her need for vigilance continues. Remind your
employees that whether leaving the building to go to a meeting, retrieving a car in the parking garage, or
walking about the public areas of the building, move with a purpose and be reasonably on guard. This is
particularly true during the dark hours.
Meanwhile, do what you can to heighten the level of security awareness, and remind everyone to keep
valuables locked and out of sight.
Equipment Removal
It may be necessary from time-to-time for someone from your office to remove property (i.e., boxes,
computers, typewriters, furniture, copier, etc) from the premises. Prior to this taking place, we ask that you
notify Building Management with the information listed below. Building Management or Security can stop
anyone leaving the building with equipment and request identification. If the party is unable to produce
proper or matching identification, they may not be permitted to remove the property from the building. This
procedure is for your protection. Information that is to be provided to Building Management includes:
Tenant’s name
Tenant’s phone number
Date materials are to be removed
List of all items and quantities to be removed (e.g., two boxes, one chair, one computer, etc)
Serial number of property, if applicable
Company or personal property
Name of individual(s) who will be removing property
Signature of tenant authorized party
Date authorization is given
Vendor/Contractor Access
There may be times when vendors or contractors need to perform work in your suite during non-business
hours. In such instances, please provide written notification to Building Management, including the name(s)
of the individual(s), the company, date and approximate time they will be arriving, the nature of the work to
be performed, and a Certificate of Insurance. Please note that all work and contractors must be
pre-approved by Building Management. This information is requested for informational purposes only. Under
no circumstances will Security and/or Building personnel provide access to anyone into any tenant
premises. A tenant representative must be available to let vendors and contractors into their space.
Theft and Insurance
Any suspected theft, no matter how small, should be reported to Building Management, after having called
the police to file a report. Police need to be kept informed of any thefts in the building to establish a pattern
to the thefts and to effectively complete an investigation. The insurance policy for Reston Properties does
not cover the personal belongings of tenants. Personal property insurance is the responsibility of each
tenant and must be evidenced by an insurance certificate.
Incident Report
To provide an accurate record of every incident, Security Personnel are required to write an incident report
for any accident, theft, or other incident occurring on the property. We appreciate your cooperation in
answering any questions building staff may have.
Building Security: Key and Lock Policy
Special Keying
All keys for Reston Properties are keyed to a Building Master Key System. This key system is necessary so
that building staff has access to all areas in the event of any emergency. Additional keys may be obtained
through Building Management at a nominal charge.
Lock Outs
In the event a tenant forgets his or her key, or locks themselves out of their office, the JBG Commercial
Management Office should be notified by calling (703) 620-0105. Access will only be granted once the
person who signed the lease or the assigned Tenant Contact person(s) has been reached and approval
Building Security: Lost and Found
Please contact the Management Office at 703-620-0105 to claim items that have been lost or found in the
Building Security: Property Removal
To assist in the protection of your personal property, we have generated a Property Removal Pass for your
use. This pass must accompany furniture, equipment, cartons, etc. being removed from the premises. The
property pass must be presented to security at the time of removal and checked for appropriate
authorization, which will assure them that the items being removed are being done so with the full
knowledge and permission of the Tenant. A memorandum listing all property authorized for removal must
accompany the Property Removal Pass.
Building Security: Solicitation
In order to relieve tenants of the burden of uninvited soliciting on the premises, soliciting is prohibited at
Reston Properties. If someone is soliciting on your floor or in your suite, please notify the Security Guard or
the JBG Commercial Management Office at (703) 620-0105 and the appropriate personnel will be sent to
request that the solicitor leave.
Building Security: Visitors
If you are expecting a visitor during security hours, you need to inform them of the suite that you are in.
Building Services: Cleaning
All office spaces and common areas are cleaned on a daily basis, Monday through Friday. Tenants should
contact the Management Office for any special cleaning needs, or to report any cleaning deficiencies.
In situations where a tenant would like a box of trash disposed of, please write “TRASH/ BASURA” on the
box. All empty moving boxes should be flattened.
All cleaning is to be performed after tenant working hours. Any daytime cleaning requirement will be at an
additional charge to tenant.
The following schedule describes the level of services intended:
Common Area:
Empty trash receptacle and ashtrays.
Sweep/vacuum entrances, lobbies and corridors.
Clean drinking fountains.
Clean and disinfect restrooms – restock restroom supplies.
Dispose of all trash generated in the building.
Dust horizontal surfaces that are readily available and visibly require dusting.
Remove carpet stains in main corridors.
Dust all fire extinguisher cabinets.
Sweep, mop and buff lobby marble.
Clean composition floors and maintain uniform gloss finish.
Damp wipe all elevator doors, cab walls, doorframes and switches.
Damp mop and buff granite floors in elevators.
Daily (continued)
Office Space:
Dust all furniture and convectors and grills.
Remove trash and recyclable materials.
Sweep/vacuum carpets.
Clean all glass furniture tops.
Clean all counter tops in kitchen areas.
Sweep and mop all non carpeted areas and maintain uniform gloss finish.
Clean doors, frames, walls and switch plates to remove fingerprints and markings.
Common Area:
Sweep or vacuum stairways.
Wash partitions in restrooms to remove streaks, stains and smudges.
Dust ventilation diffusers and light lenses.
Flush floor drains.
Polish elevator wood panels, clean light diffusers, polish granite floors.
Weekly (continued)
Office Space:
Dust all window frames and sills, chair rails, pictures and hangings.
Edge vacuum all carpeted areas.
High dusting of all areas above 60” from floor.
Common Area:
Machine scrub ceramic flooring in restrooms.
Office Space:
Office Space:
Dust all window blinds.
Machine scrub, strip and wax all composition floors
Building Services: Directory Board & Signage
An effective directory & signage program with consistently applied standards tends to create the most
professional overall image for the building and its tenants. The Management Office will typically provide the
initial signage for the suite and directory. Any future changes to the tenant’s suite or directory sign will be
billed to the tenant’s account. A Signage Request Form will need to be filled out and faxed to the JBG
Commercial Management Office at (703) 620-0157.
The Signage form requests the:
Tenant’s name and suite number, contact person and how they would like the suite’s or individual(s) name
to appear on their suite or directory strips.
All suite entry signage is building standard and consistent within the building. If a tenant requests additional
signage other than building standard, a written request must be submitted in advance to the Management
Office, and must be approved by the Landlord prior to any signage installation.
Building Services: Energy Conservation
Your company’s employees can help reduce operating costs and conserve energy by ensuring that lights,
office machines and coffee makers are turned off at the close of each work day. Further, remembering to
turn off lights in private offices when they are unattended for several minutes or more can practice
conservation. These simple ideas make sense - we all save money and our environment benefits as well.
Better Water
As with many large office buildings, it is always a good idea to allow water at the drinking fountains to flow
for a short period of time before drinking. You should find the water to be cooler (and healthier) if you purge
a small amount of water before you drink.
Building Services: Forms
For your convenience, we have included downloadable and printable PDF document forms that will expedite
various building management service requests. Hard copies of all forms are available from the Property
Management Office as well. To view and print PDF files, you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader software. If
not already installed on your computer, it can be obtained for free at www.adobe.com.
Tenant Contact Form
Vendor Insurance Certificate Requirements
11720 Sunrise Valley Drive
12700 Sunrise Valley
1831 Wiehle Avenue
Request for Signage
New Tenant Information Move-In Letter
Tenant Move-Out Information
Move In - Move Out and Deliveries
Contractor Rules & Regulations
Bomb Threat Checklist
Workspeed Setup Information Sheet
Building Services: HVAC
Heating and air conditioning is not regularly provided after 1:00 PM. on Saturdays, all day Sundays and
holidays, or after normal business hours. Tenants desiring after-hours and holiday HVAC services must pay
an hourly rate for these services. Please submit all Overtime HVAC request via Workspeed, the Tenant
Services Request System. Requests should be submitted at least 24 hours prior to the date the services are
Building Services: Landlord/Tenant Communication
For the purpose of effective communication, two contacts are established within each tenant company. The
individual from a tenant company who interfaces with The JBG Commercial Management office on issues,
which are day-to-day in nature, is referred to as the “Tenant Contact”. The individual from a tenant
company who holds the most senior position (e.g. Doctor(s), Office Manager, Executive Assistant, etc.) is
referred to as the “Principal Representative”. Kindly ensure that all official communications to the JBG
Commercial Management office comes directly from either the Tenant Contact or the Principal
Representative. Please reference the Tenant Contact Form.
Building Services: Mail Service
Mail is delivered & picked up daily by a US Postal Service mail carrier to each individual tenant Monday
through Friday.
Address Format
For best mail results, incoming mail should be formatted as follows:
(Your Company's Building Address)
Suite ___
Reston, VA 20191
Building Services: Maintenance Requests
For your convenience, Reston Properties has implemented a web-based work order system for all of your
maintenance requests and repairs. In addition, you can reach the management office at (703) 620-0105.
These requests should be made by the Facilities contact person for your organization only. The following
information will enhance timely response, and help establish trend information useful in correcting recurring
problems. Kindly provide:
Facility contact person’s name
Phone number
Floor/Area/Suite number
Relevant specifics applicable to the problem (i.e., too hot, too cold, area affected)
Building Services: Telecommunications
Locate System Within Leased Space
Each tenant’s phone system must be situated within its leased space, and NOT in the building’s core and
shell telephone or electrical rooms. This allows for ease of access as needed, and less chance for damage
to systems due to overheating situations. From a building manager’s perspective it alleviates much of the
overcrowding situations that would otherwise tend to occur in a core telephone closet. The telephone closets
are intended only to accept the main cable “feed” which extends from the building’s riser cables to your
Code Issues: “Plenum Rated” Cable and Independent Supports For Cable
As with most other modern office buildings, the space above your ceiling is used as a return-air plenum.
Various code requirements affect plenum spaces. It is therefore essential that you instruct your cabling
company (phone, data and other) to use “plenum rated” cable for all cabling which will run above the ceiling.
The building code also requires that cables be independently supported, rather than sharing plumbing
supports or wires installed to hold ceiling systems or electrical conduits. Many cabling companies do not
abide by this requirement without specific instructions and follow-up by the tenant. Remedial work to correct
improper installation can be costly and have serious time delay considerations.
No Alternative Access Provider Without Landlord’s Approval
Technological advances in the area of telecommunications are having a profound impact on office buildings
throughout the country. Tenant’s demands for more sophisticated building provisions such as fiber optics
and competition among access providers has placed a greater burden on buildings to try to keep pace with
this modernizing industry. Most buildings are limited by the space available for competitive access providers
to establish a “minimum point of presence,” as well as the size of each floor’s telephone closet and shaft
space for riser cables. Other issues include access to equipment, safety and security.
Presently, it is important for all tenants to recognize that no alternative access provider may be permitted a
point of presence or riser cable space in the building without the Landlord’s prior written approval.
Emergency Procedures: Emergency Preparedness
The strategies for addressing fire emergencies, bomb threats, medical emergencies, natural disasters and
other potentially dangerous situations are reflected on the following pages. Each tenant is required to
complete an Emergency Evacuation Plan and fax the completed plan to the Management Office at (703)
Also, please familiarize yourself with the following:
Fire Alarm and Evacuation Procedures
Evacuation for Individuals who are Physically Challenged
Tornado Procedures
Natural Disaster
Elevator Malfunction
Accident or Illness
Bomb Threat
Emergency Procedures: Bomb Threat
All bomb threats must be taken seriously. Remain as calm as possible. Notify the Police Department at 911,
and then notify Building Management. In the event that a bomb threat is made to your office, there are
certain procedures you can follow that will be helpful to Building Management and the Police in determining
the appropriate course of action.
Click here to view a Bomb Threat Checklist
Emergency Procedures: Civil Disturbance
Should a riot or civil disturbance start outside the Building, the security guards will immediately lock all
entrances to the building. The police will be notified. We will keep you informed.
If a disturbance should occur in the main lobby, all elevators will be turned off at the first floor and the police
will be summoned.
Emergency Procedures: Elevator Malfunction
Elevators are a safe mode of transportation. However, like all other devices, they do malfunction. Be
prepared for such an occurrence. In order to repair sophisticated automatic controls, time is necessary, so
you may be detained in the elevator. The most important factor to remember is to REMAIN CALM!!!
In Case of Elevator Malfunction:
1. Push the “ALARM” button on the elevator panel.
2. Push the button to activate the “hands free” telephone. It will automatically ring to a Central Monitoring
3. Give the person who answers the phone your location and the number on the elevator cab panel.
4. Do not panic! There will only be a short delay until the elevator controls are corrected. The elevator is
secure -- it will not fall. Do not attempt to escape by forcing open the door.
Emergency Procedures: Emergency Contacts
Management Office
Management Office – Facsimile
After Hours Call Service
Police Emergency
Fire Emergency
Medical Emergency
Poison Control Center
Fairfax County Fire Department
Fairfax County Police Department
(703) 620-0105
(703) 620-0157
(703) 385-4140
(800) 222-1222
(202) 625-3333
(703) 246-2126
(703) 246-2126
Emergency Telephone Contact
In the event of any emergency, such as theft, fire or other incident, which occurs after normal business
hours, we will notify a designated emergency contact from your office. This procedure allows us to alert
tenants as soon as possible in the event of any unforeseen circumstance. Building Management will
periodically distribute forms to tenants to update contacts and telephone numbers. Your cooperation in
supplying this information in a timely manner is appreciated.
Emergency Procedures: Evacuation
The Emergency Warden will maintain an up-to-date list of all physically challenged persons on his or her
floor (a copy must be immediately provided to Building Management each time the list is modified). This list
will include the following information about physically challenged person(s):
Telephone Extension
Suite/Room Number
Type of Disability
Type of Equipment needed to vacate
The Emergency Warden will assign an assistant (buddy) to the physically challenged person(s). The
physically challenged person(s) will be moved to the Refuge Area (stairwell landing or, if stairwell landing is
too small, just outside the stairwell landing) to await instructions (relocation or evacuation) from the Fire
Emergency Procedures: Fire and Life Safety
Fire Alarm and Evacuation Procedures
Reston Properties are protected by a bell and voice alarm system with visual strobes. When a manual fire
alarm on a floor is pulled, the alarm will automatically ring throughout the building. Our fire alarm system is
monitored by DataWatch Systems, and they will automatically call the Fire Department. The Building
Engineer will investigate the situation.
Smoke and heat detectors are located in areas that might be prone to fire - those areas with electrical
equipment and wiring such as mechanical rooms, electric rooms, telephone closets, elevator lobbies and
janitorial closets. When activated, these will also initiate the alarm system on that floor, as well as the floor
above and floor below.
When a pull station, smoke detector, or heat detector is activated due to a fire condition, all elevators will be
recalled to the lobby level and parked.
Use only the stairwells to evacuate the building in the event of a fire.
All tenants should familiarize themselves with the location of fire extinguishers and fire alarm manual
stations. Tenants should also know the location of the exits, recognize the sound of the fire alarm, know how
to activate the fire alarm and notify the Fire Department. Proceed directly to the exit whenever the fire alarm
is heard. Prior to opening a door, feel the door front to determine if there is heat behind it. If the door is hot,
do not open it. Find another means of egress.
Upon Discovering a Fire
1. Alert personnel who may be immediately endangered and proceed to the nearest pull station to
activate the alarm system. Sound the fire alarm, no matter how small the fire seems to be.
2. Notify the Management Office at (703) 620-0105.
3. Close all doors behind you, especially the door to the burning room.
Evacuation of the Building
1. Upon hearing the alarm system, immediately evacuate the building in an orderly manner, using the
designated evacuation routes and stairwell exits. When exiting, avoid crowding or undue haste, a fall
might spell disaster for those who follow. Descend the stairs carefully, when you reach the ground
floor, exit in an orderly fashion. DO NOT RUN! DO NOT USE ELEVATORS!
2. Tenant must assign an aide for physically challenged people to assist with their evacuation. Your
designated Floor Monitors should notify the Management Office of all physically challenged persons
or persons who may require assistance (e.g., pregnant employees, employees recovering from a
recent illness, etc.,) so that we can account for these employees after the building is evacuated or
notify a fire fighter of their location in the building.
3. When out of the building, employees should report to their meeting place that is designated by their
Emergency Warden in order to allow full access to the building by the fire department.
4. Upon evacuation each designated Floor Monitor must report to Building Management to confirm that
all personnel have been evacuated successfully.
What to do if your exit route is blocked by smoke
1. Stay calm; crawl low in smoke; the air is easier to breathe near the floor.
2. If trapped in a room, close all the doors between you and the smoke and seal the cracks around the
doors and vents.
3. Signal at the window to rescuers. If there is a phone in the room, give the Fire Department your exact
location, even if they are on the scene.
All Clear Signal
The Fire Department will inform the Building Engineer and/or Building Management when it is safe for
employees to return. The Building Engineer/Manager will give an “all clear” and notify the employees that
they may return to the building. Please re-enter the building in an orderly fashion.
Fire Prevention Rules
All employees shall observe the following fire prevention rules:
1. Keep stairwell doors closed at all times except during evacuation to minimize spreading of fire due to
the “chimney effect”.
2. Keep aisles clear of obstacles. Do not store equipment in aisles or block doorways. Do not block exits.
3. Safeguard all flammable materials.
4. Do not plug in an excessive quantity of electrical equipment. Continuous overloading of electrical lines
causes insulation to become brittle and fall away from the wires. The lack of adequate insulation may
cause wires to become overheated, which can readily ignite, causing a fire. Avoid overloading plugs
or power strips. (The circuit is probably overloaded if fuses or circuit breakers repeatedly blow out).
Request an electrician through the Engineer’s office to determine the possible deficiency.
5. Maintain good housekeeping in all areas of the building, since this is one of the most effective means
of preventing fire.
6. Avoid installing and using unauthorized and uninspected coffee makers, heating plates, microwave
ovens, personal fans and similar items. Electric space heaters are prohibited.
7. Obey “No Smoking” signs. All areas in which smoking is prohibited will be clearly marked with “No
Smoking” signs.
8. Do not use trashcans or paper disposal areas for cigarette ashes or butts.
Life Safety Program
Emergencies can and do occur in even the finest office buildings. The best we can do is to anticipate them
where we can, and be prepared so as to minimize their effect.
At Reston Properties, the life safety program centers around a “Floor Warden” program, where a few
individuals on each floor are trained to lead the other occupants through emergency situations. Tenants are
taught where to seek safety for different life-threatening situations. The program should include quarterly
meetings and annual drills, often with the involvement of the Fairfax County Fire Department.
It is in every company’s best interests to have its employees learn and understand the property’s
Emergency Preparedness guidelines, not only as a responsible employer, but to avoid OSHA fines for each
employee found to be untrained to deal with various emergencies.
Emergency Procedures: Flooding
In the event of a flood that may cause damage to tenant property or affect the normal operation of the
building, designated tenant representatives will be contacted by Building Management personnel,
regardless of the time of day.
The first priority is to ensure that no personal injury occurs as the result of a flood. The second priority is to
discover the cause and prevent or minimize additional flooding.
Once the flooding has been contained, clean-up operations will commence. Tenants will need to contact
their insurance carrier for any damage to their property.
Emergency Procedures: Medical Emergency
In the event an accident or sudden illness of an employee or visitor takes place in your office, we
recommend that you:
1. 1. Call 911
Building address –
Floor or location of emergency
Any and all details available on the accident or illness
2. Do not move injured or ill person(s).
3. Have someone meet the emergency unit at elevators in the main lobby and on the emergency floor.
4. Notify the Management Office at (703) 620-0105 of the situation. Inform them that you have called
911 and briefly describe the nature of the emergency.
5. An emergency unit will arrive as promptly as possible and will administer necessary medical
Emergency Procedures: Natural Disaster
Disasters and emergencies affecting large areas and many people can sometimes develop quickly. Flash
floods and earthquakes, for example, can strike with little or no advance warning. There are certain things
you do that will help you prepare and cope with an emergency.
In the Event of a Natural Disaster
1. Whenever a major storm or other peacetime disaster threatens, keep your radio or television set
tuned to hear weather reports and forecasts (issued by the National Weather Service) as well as
other information and advice that may be broadcast by your local government.
2. Use your telephone only to report disaster events to authorities or Building Management. If you tie up
phone lines simply to get information, you may prevent emergency calls from being completed.
3. Stay away from disaster areas.
Emergency Procedures: Pandemic Preparedness
What you Need to Know
An influenza (flu) pandemic is a worldwide outbreak of flu disease that occurs when a new type of influenza
virus appears that people have not been exposed to before (or have not been exposed to in a long time).
The pandemic virus can cause serious illness because people do not have immunity to the new virus.
Pandemics are different from seasonal outbreaks of influenza that we see every year. Seasonal influenza is
caused by influenza virus types to which people have already been exposed. Its impact on society is less
severe than a pandemic, and influenza vaccines (flu shots and nasal-spray vaccine) are available to help
prevent widespread illness from seasonal flu.
Influenza pandemics are different from many of the other major public health and health care threats facing
our country and the world. A pandemic will last much longer than most flu outbreaks and may include
"waves" of influenza activity that last 6-8 weeks separated by months. The number of health care workers
and first responders able to work may be reduced. Public health officials will not know how severe a
pandemic will be until it begins.
Importance and Benefits of Being Prepared
The effects of a pandemic can be lessened if you prepare ahead of time. Preparing for a disaster will
help bring peace of mind and confidence to deal with a pandemic.
When a pandemic starts, everyone around the world could be at risk. The United States has been
working closely with other countries and the World Health Organization (WHO) to strengthen systems
to detect outbreaks of influenza that might cause a pandemic.
A pandemic would touch every aspect of society, so every part of society must begin to prepare. All
have roles in the event of a pandemic. Federal, state, tribal, and local governments are developing,
improving, and testing their plans for an influenza pandemic. Businesses, schools, universities, and
other faith-based and community organizations are also preparing plans.
As you begin your individual planning, you may want to review your state's planning efforts and those
of your local public health and emergency preparedness officials. State plans and other planning
information can be found at www.pandemicflu.gov/plan/checklists.html.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and other federal agencies are providing
funding, advice, and other support to your state. The federal government will provide up-to-date
information and guidance to the public if an influenza pandemic unfolds.
Pandemic Flu Resources
There are many publicly available resources in place to help communities, companies, and individuals plan
for a possible pandemic flu outbreak. A few of the most useful sites are linked below:
This is the official U.S. Government site for information on pandemic and avian influenza. The material on
this site is organized by topic for easy reference.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
The CDC Web site is another primary source of information on pandemic influenza. They also have a
hotline—1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636)—that is available in English and Spanish, 24 hours a day, 7
days a week (TTY: 1-888-232-6348). Or, if you prefer, questions can be e-mailed to inquiry@cdc.gov.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS):
DHS is working on a “Business Planning Guide,” which will be posted on the DHS home page and on
www.Pandemicflu.gov as soon as it is completed. Also, for business-specific questions, the DHS has
created an emailbox - DHSPandemic@dhs.gov.
Pandemic Flu Resources (continued)
BOMA Resources:
BOMA/Greater Toronto Pandemic Flu Report
The report addresses the threat to commercial buildings from an avian flu pandemic.
The resources on the previous page will provide a lot of information, but we also encourage you to:
Listen to local and national radio.
Watch news reports on television.
Read your newspaper and other sources of printed and Web-based information.
Look for information on your local and state government Web sites.
Consider talking to your local health care providers and public health officials.
Emergency Procedures: Power Failure
All Reston Properties office buildings and common areas are served by emergency generators. In the event
of power failure, these generators will provide emergency power for certain basic building functions. Those
functions include:
Activating emergency lights on each floor throughout the building, including all exit signs.
Activating all stairwell lighting.
Activating the building’s emergency Fire, Life and Safety Systems as well as the building’s
communication systems.
Recalling all elevators to the ground floor lobby. (One elevator will remain operative for use by
security to assist handicapped persons or to take service crews and equipment into the building, as
It is seldom necessary to evacuate the building during a power failure. Unless you are directed to do
so through the emergency communication system, please remain in your offices.
Please…DO NOT CALL the Management Office unless you need to notify us of the location of a
disabled employee.
Emergency Procedures: Tenant Training
The JBG Companies would like to present our tenants with the Floor Warden Training video. The safety and
security of our tenants is of the highest priority. This video generally reviews safety while in your building
and specifically the key roles Wardens will play in responding to both fire and non-fire emergencies. The
video is broken down into 3 sections.
1. Systems: Know your buildings systems
2. Team: Building staff management and floor warden teams
3. Procedures: Fire, earthquake, medical etc.
Please take time to watch the video and familiarize yourself with the emergency procedures outlined. If you
have any questions please direct them towards your Property Manager.
The JBG Companies
Emergency Procedures: Tornado
By definition, a tornado warning is an alert by the National Weather Service CONFIRMING A TORNADO
SIGHTING AND LOCATION. The Weather Service will announce the approximate time of detection and
direction of movement. Wind could be 75 mph or greater.
Public Warning
A public warning will come over the radio and/or television.
In Case of a Tornado:
1. Move away from the perimeter of the building and exterior glass. Close the drapes or blinds.
2. Exit from exterior offices and close the doors.
3. Stairwells are the safest place on each floor.
4. Go to a stairwell and calmly move to basement level if safe to do so.
5. Sit down in a corridor or stairwell and protect yourself by putting your head as close to your lap as
possible, or kneel protecting your head.
6. DO NOT go to the first floor lobby or outside the building.
Emergency Procedures: Toxic Hazards
If there is a toxic spill or exposure, proceed immediately to an area where you are no longer exposed. Call
9-1-1. Provide the building’s address, your floor and phone number, and also what type of spill has
occurred. Take appropriate action to contain the hazard; close doors behind you, and always follow all
safety procedures when working with toxic materials.
Introduction: Welcome
The information provided in this Electronic Tenant® Handbook is meant to provide you with a better
understanding of Reston Properties and to facilitate your company’s operations. There is a great deal of
information contained within this handbook; take the time to familiarize yourself with this handbook and it will
become a valuable resource for you and your company. Please note that the Building Management Office is
available to help in any way possible. Your first call for any problem or question can be directed to the
Building Management Office, and we will assist you from there.
Every attempt has been made to provide current and accurate information in this handbook, but it is
possible that some items will change over time. The Building Management Office will promptly notify you of
any such changes. Please feel free to contact the Building Management Office with any questions you may
have. We are here to serve you.
Welcome to the Reston Properties, a premier JBG property.
Introduction: About The JBG Companies
The JBG Companies
The JBG Companies are a group of related entities engaged in the acquisition and development of
significant office, hotel and mixed-use projects. The firm develops and manages retail real estate through
JBG Rosenfeld Retail Properties, LLC and residential real estate through JBG Properties subdivision.
Since its founding in 1962, JBG has served as owner, developer and/or manager of over 20,000,000 square
feet of office space, 4,000,000 square feet of retail space, 4,000 residential units and five of the top hotel
properties in the Greater Washington, DC area.
Introduction: Operating Instructions
You move through The Electronic Tenant® Handbook just as you would a traditional Internet site. It’s as
simple as pointing and clicking. The main page features a Table of Contents that provides links to each
Chapter. Upon entering a Chapter, you will find links to the specific information provided in that chapter’s
Sub-Sections. You may return to the Table of Contents or Chapter Overview at any time by clicking the
clearly labeled link on every page.
Special Features
This Electronic Tenant® Handbook has special features, such as a Forms Section and Search engine. In
order to take advantage of these useful features, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your
computer. This software is free, and can be obtained by clicking here.
The Electronic Tenant® Handbook is updated on a regular basis, therefore it is suggested that you
periodically check in for updates and new information. This Handbook includes a Building Calendar and
Announcement Board, where you will find information regarding scheduled maintenance and other events
taking place at the Building.
If you are having trouble accessing the Electronic Tenant® Handbook or need assistance, please e-mail or
call the Management Office.
Introduction: Mobile Property
Go Mobile...With Mobile Property!
Your Electronic Tenant Portal is now in the palm of your hand! By downloading / bookmarking JBG Reston
Properties' Mobile Property app to your Smartphone, you can add an icon to the ‘home screen’ of your
mobile device and have all the information and features of your Electronic Tenant Portal wherever you go.
Simply follow these 2 steps to add Mobile Property to your Smartphone’s home screen:
Step 1: Access the Mobile Site:
Type, or copy and paste, the Portal URL into your Smartphone’s Web browser:
The Portal will automatically redirect to the mobile site.
Step 2: Add the App to your Mobile Device’s home screen:
iPhone / iPad:
1. When you have the mobile property app displayed in your web browser, click on the share icon
(bottom/center - box with arrow icon) and choose “Add to Home Screen.”
2. Choose a name for the new application, or leave as is, and click “Add.”
1. When you have the mobile property app displayed in your web browser, use the menu button and
choose "Add to Home Screen."
2. Choose the name and location for your application, or leave the default settings, and press "Add."
1. When you have mobile property app displayed in your web browser, use the menu button and choose
"Add Bookmark."
2. Go to your desktop / home screen and hold down a finger on any blank area until prompt comes up.
At this prompt - select shortcuts - Bookmarks - Mobile Site.
Personnel: Accounting
Please see your company’s building address below for rental payment remittance information:
11720 Sunrise Valley Drive:
JBG/Rockwood Sunrise Valley, LLC
P.O. Box 601335
Charlotte, NC 28260-1335
1831 Wiehle Avenue
JBG/1831 Wiehle, LLC
P.O. Box 601776
Charlotte, NC 28260-1776
For all accounting questions, please contact the Accounting Administrator at 703-527-7400.
Personnel: Property Management
The Management Office is currently located at 2000 Edmund Halley Drive, Suite LL100, Reston, VA 20191.
Normal office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and closed Saturdays, Sundays,
and some holidays. To contact the office, please call (703) 620-0105. During non-business hours, please
call the answering service at (703) 385-4140.
Both the management team and building engineers are available for emergencies on a 24-hour 365
day-a-year basis; however, after normal business hours, all tenant requests for engineering services will
result in a charge to the tenant of at least 4 hours overtime per engineer, plus equipment and/or supply
Other building services are provided through contracts with firms specializing in the disciplines needed to
support the property.
The following personnel are available to address your needs:
Assistant Stefanie
Manager Anderson
620-0105 jmaxey@jbg.com
620-0105 sbrescia@jbg.com
Personnel: Building Hours
Normal building operating hours of Reston Properties is 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Access into the building at all other times requires use of a DataWatch or Sonitrol Card. Security procedures
are reviewed in detail later in this Section.
Subject to individual lease provisions, Reston Properties will follow the U.S. Government standard building
closing on the following holidays:
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
President’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veteran’s Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Should you require cleaning, heating, ventilation, air conditioning or other special services on any of the
above holidays, please contact Building Management at least 24 hours in advance. Building staff and
contractors observe these holidays; therefore, you will be charged for any building services rendered on
these days unless your lease stipulates otherwise. Management can provide you with an estimate for any of
the above services.
Personnel: Important Contacts
Management Office
Management Office – Facsimile
After Hours Call Service
Police Emergency
Fire Emergency
Medical Emergency
Poison Control Center
(703) 620-0105
(703) 620-0157
(703) 385-4140
(800) 222-1222
(202) 625-3333
Fairfax County Fire Department
(703) 246-2126
Fairfax County Police Department
(703) 246-2126
Metrobus and Metrorail Schedule Information(202) 637-7000
Compliments, Complaints and Suggestions (202) 637-1328
Transit Police
(202) 962-2121
Post Office
Dominion Virginia Power
(703) 689-9874
(888) 667-3000
(800) 826-2355
Your area code + 936-1212
Your area code + 844-4444
Personnel: Landlord/Tenant Communication
For the purpose of effective communication, two contacts are established within each tenant company. The
individual from a tenant company who interfaces with The JBG Commercial Management office on issues,
which are day-to-day in nature, is referred to as the “Tenant Contact”. The individual from a tenant
company who holds the most senior position (e.g. Doctor(s), Office Manager, Executive Assistant, etc.) is
referred to as the “Principal Representative”. Kindly ensure that all official communications to the JBG
Commercial Management office come directly from either the Tenant Contact or the Principal
Personnel: Leasing
The leasing company for Reston Properties is CB Richard Ellis, located at in McLean, Virginia. The main
phone number is 703-821-6900 Listed below is the contact information for the authorized representatives.
Senior Associate
Senior Vice President
Ryan Miller
Terry Reiley
Phone Number
Policies and Procedures: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
The JBG Companies strives to maintain ADA building compliance at Reston Properties. Compliance will be
ongoing based on new regulations, priorities and budgetary allowances. Tenants are reminded that they are
responsible for ADA compliance within their premises.
In the interest of meeting the intent of the ADA, all tenants are advised of the following four policies
designed to make Reston Properties as accessible and safe as possible where the property may not
physically be in compliance with the ADA:
ADA Policy #1: General
Reston Properties Building Management continues to evaluate the building with respect to the Americans
with Disabilities Act, and take measures to be in compliance.
In addition to that action being taken, it is policy at this property that the building’s staff will assist disabled
individuals as reasonably needed in the building’s public areas. Such assistance is to be provided upon
request, or where observed to be needed by building staff.
ADA Policy #2: Rescue Assistance
Out of concern for life safety, Reston Properties Building tenants must notify Building Management of any
and all physically challenged persons using the tenant’s premises. Notification must include the nature of
the disability and the normal location (floor and general area) of each individual.
As changes occur (e.g. in the event that the individual’s office is reassigned or use of the premises is
terminated, or a new physically challenged person begins to use the premises) Building Management must
be notified accordingly.
Strict adherence to this policy will help enhance proper, timely and efficient rescue assistance in the event of
an emergency. Without proper adherence, a disabled individual could be placed at significantly higher risk
with respect to life safety.
ADA Policy #3: Rescue Assistance Education
To be safely prepared for a building emergency (e.g. fire, tornado, etc.), physically challenged individuals
must receive special advance education/training. The nature of a person’s specific disability is likely to
dictate a particular response based on the physical nuances and its emergency reaction plan. It is each
tenant’s responsibility to ensure that their employees, both the physically challenged and those who may
assist the physically challenged, are properly educated in this regard.
Concerned tenants should contact Building Management to request help with rescue assistance education.
Tenants are responsible for ensuring that this education is reviewed periodically, and are welcome to
request Building Management’s assistance in this regard. This policy applies to physically challenged
employees within the tenant office space, as well as physically challenged visitors.
ADA Policy #4: Elevator Access
In order to meet the intent of the ADA, it is policy at Reston Properties that the building’s staff will assist
physically challenged persons where they are restricted by elevator accessibility. Such assistance is to be
provided upon request or where observed to be needed by building staff.
Policies and Procedures: Animal Admittance
Animals are not permitted inside Reston Properties; with the exception of service animals providing
assistance to physically challenged persons.
Policies and Procedures: Building Rules and Regulations
Rules and regulations are important for the safety, appearance and integrity of any property. The JBG
Companies strives to enforce the Reston Properties building rules and regulations with the best interests of
the building and its tenants in mind. Please ensure that your suite’s employees abide by these rules and
regulations accordingly.
1. Neither the whole nor part of the sidewalks, plaza areas, entrances, passages, courts, elevators,
vestibules, stairways, corridors or halls of the Building or Property shall be obstructed or encumbered
by any Tenant or used for any purpose other than ingress and egress to and from the Premises of
such Tenant.
2. No awning, canopy, sign or other projection shall be attached to the outside walls or windows of the
Building without Landlord’s prior written consent. No curtain, blind, or screen (other than those
furnished by Landlord as Building standard) shall be attached to, hung in, or used in connection with
any window or door or the Premises of any Tenant. All electrical ceiling fixtures hung in spaces along
the perimeter of the Building must be fluorescent and/or of a quality, type, design and bulb color
approved by Landlord.
3. The sashes, sash doors, skylights, windows, and doors that reflect or admit light and air into the halls,
passageways or other public places in the Building shall not be covered or obstructed by Tenant, nor
shall any bottles, parcels or other articles be placed on the windowsills.
4. No Tenant shall mark, paint, drill into, or in any way deface any of the Building or its Premises. No
boring, cutting, or stringing of wires or driving of nails or screws shall be permitted.
5. Tenant shall not permit the Premises to be occupied or used in a manner offensive or objectionable to
Landlord or other occupants of the Building or neighboring Buildings, nor shall Tenant mark, or permit
to be made, any unseemly or disturbing noises or disturb or interfere with other Tenants or occupants
of the Building or neighboring Buildings whether by the use of any musical instrument, radio,
television, or other audio device or in any other way.
6. Tenant shall not alter any lock or install any new or additional locks or bolts on any doors or windows
of the Premises without Landlord’s prior written consent. Two keys will be furnished by Landlord for
the Premises, and any additional keys required by Tenant must be obtained from Landlord at a
reasonable cost to be established by Landlord. Each Tenant must upon the termination of its tenancy
restore to Landlord all keys to rooms either furnished to, or otherwise procured by, such Tenant.
7. Landlord has provided an electronic access system to facilitate all Tenants’ after-hours access to
Building. Landlord reserves the right to alter, discontinue, or modify said service if such action in
Landlord’s sole judgment is consistent with the prudent management of the Building. Tenant
acknowledges that Landlord is in no way guaranteeing the security of the Building or Tenant’s
Premises. Furthermore, Landlord shall have no liability in connection with any breach of security.
8. Landlord reserves the right to control and operate the public portions of the Building and Property, as
well as facilities furnished for the common use of the Tenants, in such manner as it deems best for
the benefit of the Tenants generally, including, without limitation, the right to exclude from the
Building, except during the hours the Building is open to the public, all persons who do not present
suitable identification satisfactory to Landlord.
9. Each Tenant, before closing and leaving its Premises at any time, shall see that all entrance doors
are locked and that all electrical appliances are turned off. Suite and entrance doors shall remain
closed at all times except for normal ingress and egress.
10. No cooking shall be done or permitted by any Tenant on the Premises, nor shall the Premises be
used for the storage of merchandise, for lodging or for any improper, objectionable or immoral
purposes. Notwithstanding the foregoing. Underwriters’ Laboratory-approved equipment and
microwave ovens may be used in the Premises for heating food and brewing coffee, tea, hot
chocolate and similar beverages, provided that such use is in accordance with all applicable federal,
state and city laws, codes, ordinances, rules and regulations, and does not cause odors which are
objectionable to Landlord or other Tenants of the Building.
11. Canvassing, soliciting, and peddling in the Building are prohibited.
12. There shall not be used in the Building by any Tenant or their agents or contractors, in the delivery or
receipt of merchandise, freight or other matter, any hand trucks or other means of conveyance,
except those equipped with rubber tires, rubber side guards, and such other safeguards as Landlord
may require.
13. No animals of any kind shall be brought into or kept about the Building by any Tenant.
14. No furniture, freight or equipment of any kind shall be brought into or removed from the Building
without prior notice to Landlord. All moving of the same into or out of the Building shall be scheduled
without prior notice to Landlord. All moving of the same into or out of the Building shall be scheduled
with Landlord and done only at such time and in such manner as Landlord shall designate. Landlord
shall have the right to prescribe the weight, size and position of all safes and other heavy property
brought into the Building and also the times and manner of moving the same in and out of the
Building. Safes and other heavy objects shall, if considered necessary by Landlord, stand on supports
of such thickness as is necessary to properly distribute the weight. Landlord will not be responsible for
loss of or damage to any such safe or property in any case. All damage done to any part of the
Building, its contents, occupants or visitors by moving or maintaining any such safe or other property
shall be the sole responsibility of Tenant and any expense of said damage or injury shall be borne by
15. No furniture, packages, supplies, equipment or merchandise will be received in the Building or carried
up or down in the elevators, except during such hours and in such specific elevator as shall be
designated by Landlord. No Tenant shall place, or permit to be placed, on any part of the floor or
floors of its Premises a load exceeding the floor load per square foot which such floor was designed
to carry and which is allowed by law.
16. No vending machines shall be permitted to be placed or installed in any part of the Building or
Premises by any Tenant without the prior written consent of Landlord. Landlord reserves the right to
place or install vending machines in any of the common areas of the Building.
17. No plumbing or electrical fixtures shall be installed by any Tenant without the prior written consent of
18. Bicycles, motorcycles, or any other type of vehicle shall not be brought into the Building, other than
the Parking Garage if expressly permitted by the Lease or into the Premises of any Tenant.
19. Tenant will refer all contractors, contractor’s representatives, installation technicians, rendering any
services on or to the Premises of Tenant, to Landlord for Landlord’s approval and supervision before
performance of any service. This provision shall apply to all work performed in the Building, including
installation of telephones, telegraph equipment, electrical devices and attachments, and any
installation of any nature affecting floors, walls, woodwork, trim, windows, ceilings, equipment, or any
other physical portion of the Building. Such approval, if given, shall in no way make Landlord a party
to any contract between Tenant and any such contractor, and Landlord shall have no liability
20. Tenant shall store all its trash and garbage within the interior of the Premises. No material shall be
placed in the common trash boxes or receptacles of the Property if such material is of such nature
that it may not be disposed of in the ordinary and customary manner of removing and disposing of
trash and garbage in the area in which the Property is located without violation of any law or
ordinance governing such disposal. All trash, garbage and refuse disposal shall be made only through
entryways and elevators provided for such purposes and at such times as Landlord shall designate.
No trash or other objects shall be placed in the public corridors or sidewalks of the Building.
21. Tenant, its employees and agents shall not loiter in the entrances or corridors of the Building, or in
any way obstruct the sidewalks, lobby, halls, stairways or elevators of the Building, and shall use the
same only as a means of ingress and egress for the Premises.
22. Tenant shall comply with all safety, fire protection and evacuation procedures and regulations
established by Landlord or any governmental agency.
23. Landlord shall not be responsible to clean or maintain suite finishes which are non-standard, such as
kitchens, bathroom, wallpaper, special lights, etc. However, should the need arise for the cleaning or
repair of such items, Landlord may arrange for the work to be done at Tenant’s sole expense.
24. Landlord reserves the right to exclude or expel from the Building any person who, in the judgment of
Landlord, is intoxicated or under the influence of liquor or drugs, or who shall in any manner do any
act in violation of any of these Rules and Regulations.
25. All deliveries to the Premises shall be made through loading dock and freight elevator.
26. Landlord may waive any one or more of these Rules and Regulations for the benefit of any particular
Tenant or Tenants, but no such waiver by Landlord shall be construed as a waiver of such Rules and
Regulations in favor of any other Tenant or Tenants, nor prevent Landlord from thereafter enforcing
any such Rules or Regulations against any or all Tenants of the Building.
27. Landlord reserves the right, at any time and from time to time, to rescind, alter or waive, in whole, or
in part, or to add to any of these Rules and Regulations when it is deemed necessary, desirable or
proper, in Landlord’s judgment, for its interest or for the interests of Tenants generally. Landlord shall
not be responsible to Tenant or to any other person for nonobservance of the Rules and Regulations
by another Tenant or other person.
Policies and Procedures: Contactors Rules & Regulations
Click Here to view Contractor Rules & Regulations
Policies and Procedures: Insurance
Prior to moving into the building, and at all times during your tenancy, each tenant must have on file in the
Management Office a Certificate of Insurance evidencing the coverage types and amounts stipulated in the
lease agreement. Reston Properties Investors, L.L.C. and JBG Commercial Management, L.L.C., must be
included as additional insureds. The building Management’s copy of your suite’s insurance certificate must
be kept current at all times while your lease at Reston Properties is in effect.
Certificates representing current insurance coverage must also be on file in the Management Office for each
contractor (construction, remodeling, moving, etc.) that performs work for your suite in the building before
the work begins, and at all times while the work is underway.
Please reference Insurance Certificate Requirements.
Policies and Procedures: Moving Procedures
In an effort to act in the best interest of the tenants and to protect the property, the following policies
regarding movement of office furniture and equipment into or out of the Building must be strictly adhered to.
Before engaging a moving or delivery company, please contact the Building Management Office no later
than one week prior to any move to discuss your arrangements. All correspondence concerning your move
is to be directed to:
JBG Commercial Management Office
2000 Edmund Halley Drive
Suite LL100
Reston, VA 20191
General (continued)
A pre-move and follow-up walk-through should be coordinated with the Building Management Office in order
to document the condition of the affected areas of the building before and after the move. Any damage
caused by the movers will be repaired by a contractor of the Building Management’s choice, and paid for
promptly by the tenant or the moving contractor. To help avoid such damage, movers must protect all
flooring with Masonite, and walls, corners and doorframes are to be treated with appropriate protection.
The actual relocation of a tenant’s offices begins with the tenant’s ideas on how the space is to function.
Relocation ends when the Building Engineer hands the tenant the keys to the front door of the premises. In
the interim, there is a tremendous amount of planning, estimating, and decision-making that must be
completed within the time frame set forth in the lease. Many different people are involved in the process.
Building Management will assist in every way possible to ensure a smooth and efficient relocation.
Moving Into the Building
All tenant move-ins must be coordinated with Building Management. Information concerning move-in
procedures is included later in this section. Building Management should also be notified at least twenty-four
(24) hours in advance regarding any arrangements made for various trades, such as telephone installation,
copier installation, etc. Many of the items needing to be addressed prior to a move are listed below:
1. Change of address information to the U.S. Post Office.
2. Contact Phone Company to arrange for installation of new phones and equipment.
3. Provide Building Management with Certificates of Insurance for all contractors (i.e., movers, general
contractors) providing services on behalf of the tenant.
4. Certificates of Insurance requirements are specific to each building. Please select your company’s
building address below to view the guidelines:
11720 Sunrise Valley Drive
1831 Wiehle Avenue
Moving Into the Building (continued)
5. As soon as a move-in date has been determined, provide Building Management with the information
referenced in New Tenant Move-In Information.
6. Adherence of the Moving Procedures discussed later in this section.
Moving Out of the Building
All tenants moving out of the building should do the following:
1. Contact the telephone company to discontinue telephone service at the building.
2. Turn over all keys and building access cards to Building Management prior to leaving the building.
3. Follow the Moving Procedures discussed later in this section.
Move Procedures At A Glance
The following procedures are provided for quick reference to help facilitate all tenant moves into or out of
the building. Please be sure to provide a copy of these procedures to all moving companies bidding on your
1. It is absolutely necessary that the Building Management office be notified in writing, at least one week
in advance of any intended moves into or out of the building so that the freight elevator can be
2. Provide Building Management with a Certificate of Insurance from the moving company evidencing
the coverage(s) in effect, and naming the building owner, Reston Properties Investors, LLC, and
Manager, JBG Commercial Management, LLC as additional insured.
3. Weekday deliveries requiring the freight elevator are scheduled on a first come, first served basis.
The freight car cannot be reserved or used exclusively during the week, except before or after normal
business hours. Use of the freight elevator on weekdays will be prohibited for any moves or large
deliveries between the hours of 8:00am-6:00pm.
4. Larger moves (those requiring more than one hour or involving pieces of furniture or equipment with
dimensions greater than 5 feet) must be scheduled after 6:00pm on weekdays or on weekends.
5. Masonite must be placed on all lobby floors, and walls, corners and door fames must also be treated
with appropriate protection.
6. The tenant is responsible for taking every precaution to safeguard the building from damage (i.e.,
through means of crating and padding). In addition, materials should be removed from shelves, and
file cabinets and desks should be emptied with drawers taped shut.
7. Moving or delivery companies and tenants are responsible for leaving the building and premises
clean by removing all cartons and other trash generated during the move. If clean-up assistance is
desired, building personnel can be provided on a time and material basis. To arrange for this service,
please contact the Building Management office at least 48 hours in advance.
8. Should tenant wish to dispose of waste material or large, bulky items in the building dumpster,
arrangements are to be made through the Building Management office at least 48 hours in advance.
Again, any costs related to special use of the dumpster or removal of such materials will be charged
to the tenant.
9. Any and all damage to the building, including lobbies, hallways, elevator, loading areas, and grounds,
which is caused by the tenant, moving company or its employees or agents will be the responsibility
of tenant. The Landlord will perform required repairs and all costs associated with such repair will be
billed to the tenant for reimbursement.
Policies and Procedures: Regulatory Conformance
It is in the best interest of the building and its tenants that all federal, state and local regulations governing
Reston Properties are in practice at this property. Compliance with building codes, fire codes, health codes
and other ordinances often seems too inconvenient, difficult or costly, but in fact is essential for life safety
and well-being. Reston Properties is operated so as to abide with regulations to the best of Building
Management’s knowledge, and it is important that each tenant acts in the same fashion to avoid
jeopardizing the safety of the other tenants.
The “18-Inch Rule”
The “18 inch rule” is commonly overlooked in office buildings. In order for fire detection and suppression
systems to perform properly, nothing may be placed within 18 inches of the ceiling. This typically involves
items stored on high shelving. Please monitor this carefully so as to prevent this occurrence in your
This regulatory issue (and many others as well) is inherently relevant to your safe occupancy in this
building. Please call Building Management if you have questions in this regard.
Policies and Procedures: Remodeling Procedures
Before Construction:
Remodeling/redecorating work can be either minor or major, and may include any of the following:
Installing electrical or phone outlets
Installing or relocating light fixtures
Relocating doors
Repairing carpets
Installing new carpet
Adding or moving walls
Painting or wallcovering
Telephone or computer system cabling
As your office contemplates remodeling work for your suite at Reston Properties, several factors involving
the Landlord’s interface should be considered.
1. The Landlord must evaluate even the smallest change for its impact on the building. Written design
approval by Building Management is required prior to the commencement of work. For most projects
this can be accomplished in five (5) business days or less.
2. Be sure to provide two (2) copies of all applicable plans and specifications, so that we can return one
copy to you with our comments, and keep one copy for our files. The Landlord’s review helps ensure
that the proposed project will conform to the building’s core and shell systems, as well as the
standard construction practices and appropriate materials for the building.
3. The scope of various projects will require that the Tenant engage a licensed architect and/or
engineer. Check with Building Management to discuss our requirements in a specific instance.
4. Landlord reserves the right to withhold the approval of any contractor who cannot provide insurance
coverage, is not licensed, or has previously caused problems.
During Construction:
The Landlord will require that all work that takes place comply with all governmental authorities with
jurisdiction over the project. It tends to simplify matters if contractors are selected from a Management’s
Approved Contractor List, though the tenant may still go through whatever process it feels necessary to
ensure that the contractor is qualified for the work.
1. No contractor will be allowed to begin work until a Certificate of Insurance naming the additional
insureds has been received by the Management Office, and contractor has returned a signed copy of
the back page of the Contractor Rules and Regulations acknowledging that it has read and agrees to
all terms and conditions.
Please reference Contractor Rules and Regulation in this manual.
2. A pre-construction meeting with the Contractor, Tenant, Property Manager, and Lead Engineer is
strongly encouraged to ensure all parties are clear on the work to be performed and fully understand
the rules and regulations.
3. No loud noise is to take place during normal business hours, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday
through Friday. If a construction project is deemed to be disruptive to existing tenants and/or the
Landlord, the General Contractor shall reschedule work so as to eliminate disruption to the
satisfaction of Landlord at no additional cost to the Landlord.
After Construction:
Upon completion of the work, and depending on the nature of the project, the contractor must be required to
furnish certain items to the Landlord to assist with the Landlord’s future maintenance of the suite; to help
prove that the work was completed satisfactorily, and to demonstrate that the property will remain free of
liens. We suggest that final payment be withheld from the contractor until the applicable project close-out
items have been obtained from the contractor and forwarded to the Landlord to ensure suitability (not all of
these will be required for many small projects - ask Building Management).
Final Inspection Approval Certificate and Certificate of Occupancy from Fairfax County Government.
As-built drawings depicting accurate field conditions in areas affected by the work.
Updated electrical panel schedules.
Lien releases from the General Contractor, subcontractors and suppliers.
Operating and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals.
HVAC Test & Balance Reports.
Written one (1) year warranty on all completed work and installed equipment.
Floor Load
Code requirements restrict placing loads upon floors that exceed the load per square foot for which the floor
was designed. The floor load for Reston Properties is 100 pounds per square foot – 80 pounds per square
foot live load, plus 20 pounds per square foot partition load. Should you find it necessary to utilize
equipment that exceeds this rating, you must receive prior written approval from Building Management. The
Landlord’s structural engineer shall review documentation provided by the tenant, and shall have the right to
prescribe the weight, size and position of all equipment, materials, furniture or other property brought into
the Building.
Tenants will be invoiced for the structural engineer’s services. Heavy objects shall stand on such platforms
as determined by Landlord to be necessary to properly distribute weight.
Floor Covering
All floor coverings should be approved through Building Management.
Electrical Requirements
Prior to any alterations of electrical wiring, specifications must be submitted to Building Management for
review and approval by the building electrician to avoid any code violations.
Window Covering
Reston Properties is equipped with building standard blinds in all office suites. While blinds are provided
initially to all tenants, repair or replacement of blinds is provided through Building Management at an
additional charge. The blinds serve an insulating function both in the retention of heat in the winter months,
and the exclusion of heat in the summer months. We recommend blinds be kept drawn at all times.
Policies and Procedures: Season Decorations
Holiday decorations (including trees and wreaths) set up in any tenant space or lobby shall be in
conformance with the following specifications:
For safety purposes, only artificial trees may be displayed in Reston Properties
Artificial trees shall not be set up before December 1st, and must be removed by January 2nd or the
first business day after the holiday.
Trees must be placed so they do not in any way block an exit door, nor obscure an exit sign.
Only decorations of non-flammable material are to be used.
Electrical wiring shall NOT be used on metallic Christmas treesMetallic trees may be illuminated by
use of spotlights placed a safe distance away.
Any electric lights used on trees must conform to electric code and be U.L. approved.
All artificial trees must be flame-proofed to the satisfaction of the Fairfax County Fire Marshall.
Use of any candle or flame decorations is prohibited.
Policies and Procedures: Smoking
All public aspects of Reston Properties have been declared “Non-Smoking Areas.” This includes restrooms,
stairways, loading dock, corridors, lobbies, and elevators, etc.We ask all smokers’ cooperation in properly
extinguishing and disposing of cigarette butts in the ash urns provided for this purpose. This will help
Building Management maintain the cleanliness of the exterior of the property, and make for more pleasant
surroundings for everyone.
Tenants’ assistance in self-enforcing this policy is important in order for meaningful regulation. This sort of
arrangement is generally consistent with the other first class office buildings in the Washington, DC area.
Properties: 11720 Sunrise Valley Drive
11720 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, VA 20191
Class B office building with 150,087 rentable square feet
Floor Size
6 tenant floors (Garden Level – 11,133 s.f., 1st floor - 13,316 s.f., 2nd floor – 14,148 s.f., 3rd floor – 13, 442
s.f., 4th floor - 9,290 s.f., 5th floor – 6,295 s.f., 6th floor– 1,356 s.f.)
Specifications (continued)
The HVAC system is floor-by-floor; water-cooled, self-contained, perimeter heat pumps. The system allows
for independent operation on each floor. Floors B-3 have two, 10-ton water cooled heat pumps for the core
areas. Floors 4 and 5 each have one,10-ton unit for the core areas with open plentum return air system.
Fresh air is provided to each mechanicalroom via fresh air intake consistent with current ASHRAE
A roof mounted cooling tower provides condenser water to risers with valved taps at each floor for future
tenant 24 hr/7 day supplemental units. There are approximately 150 tons of capacity dedicated to all office
tenant prospective needs. The condenser water will be metered for each tenant.
Hours of Operation: 8:00 - 6:00, M-F; 9:00 - 1:00, Sat., Federal Holidays excepted. Overtime-hourly rate $45.00 per hour with a two-hour minimum per floor.
Two (2) traction passenger elevators, 400 feet per minute, with 3,500 lb. capacity. The elevators are battery
supported that recall to the 1st floor during a power interruption.
Specifications (continued)
8’ 8” finished ceiling (approximately).
Original Construction
Building Hours
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Saturday
DataWatch Systems, Inc. - Perimeter Card Access
Building access is available twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week using your DataWatch
access card.
Fire & Safety
The building is fully sprinklered on all 6 floors. Fire extinguishers are provided in keylocations on all floors.
The building has an Emergency generator that provides emergency back up power for life safety systems.
Site Amenities
There is parking on the premises. The building is located only minutes from the Reston Town Center and is
within walking distance to bus service, hotels and restaurants.
Building Owner
JBG/Rockwood Sunrise Valley, L.L.C.
Building Manager
JBG/Commercial Management, L.L.C.
Properties: 1831 Wiehle Avenue
1831 Wiehle Avenue
Reston, VA 20191
Class B Office Building with 75,191 rentable square feet
Floor Size
Ground Level Storage - 1,319 s.f.
1st Floor – 23,466 s.f.
2nd Floor – 25,254 s.f.
3rd Floor – 25,152 s.f.
Specifications (continued)
The HVAC system consists of two McQuay rooftop direct exchange air cooled air handling units. Each
having two, two-staged compressors. Heating is provided by a 1.85 MMBuh Peerless hot water boiler with a
circulation pump for perimeter and vestibule radiant heating. The circulation pump supplies heated water to
the hot water radiant elements within each unit. Units are floor mounted along the perimeter walls.
The existing elevator system consists of two direct lift hydraulic installed in 2007. The system is maintained
by Quality Elevator. Cab 1 services all floors including the basement and Cab 2 serves the first through third
Specifications (continued)
The typical floor-to-floor height is 9’-0”.
Original Construction
Building Hours
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Saturday
DataWatch Systems, Inc. - Perimeter Card Access
Building access is available twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week using your DataWatch
access card.
Fire & Safety
The building is fully sprinklered. It is provided with an automatic, wet standpipe, fire sprinkler system. There
is no fire pump. The system is driven by firewater pressure from the street. Flow and tamper switches,
inspector test valves, and drain connections are provided at the stairway landings. Flow and tamper
switches are monitored by the main fire alarm systems. Fire hose connections are located at each landing
in the stairwells and within the elevator lobbies. Exterior fire department connections were observed on the
ground level and on the roofs.
Site Amenities
There is parking on the premises. The building is located only minutes from the Reston Town Center and is
within walking distance to bus service, hotels and restaurants.
Building Owner
JBG/1831 Wiehle, L.L.C.
Building Manager
JBG/Commercial Management, L.L.C.
Properties: 12700 Sunrise Valley Drive
12700 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, Virginia 20191
Class B, 95,660 rentable square feet
Floor Size
4 tenant floors (1st floor - 21,275 square feet, 2nd floor - 24,792 sf, 3rd floor - 24,801 sf, 4th floor - 24,792
The Neighborhood: Driving Directions
11720 Sunrise Valley:
To Union Station
To Ronald Reagan National Airport
To Dulles International Airport
To Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport
To Silverline Metro
To Reston Town Center
1831 Wiehle:
To Union Station
To Ronald Reagan National Airport
To Dulles International Airport
To Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport
To Silverline Metro
To Reston Town Center
12700 Sunrise Valley:
To Union Station
To Ronald Reagan National Airport
To Dulles International Airport
To Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport
To Silverline Metro
To Reston Town Center