Joseph S. Bruno Montessori Academy April Bruno Broadcast Reflections From Ms. Rebecca A P RIL 20 15 Strategic Planning Update to the Community Inside this issue: April 2015 Members of the varying JBMA stakeholder groups have served on the SIP/ Strategic Planning committee for the 2014-2015 school year and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has participated this year. It is the goal of the SIP team to review previously set goals and monitor progress, as well as to look forward and plan for the future of Bruno Montessori Academy. Over the past few years, we have been working on improving student use of technology. We are pleased with the increase in student use of technology via various formats including the PTO purchased Chromebooks. Students are actively using the SMART boards, slides and spreadsheet programs, as well as creating videos for educational use. The Montessori curriculum lends itself to crosscurricular learning and teachers have worked together to promote a more detailed implementation of learning across curricular areas. Increasing the number of opportunities for teachers to pursue professional development has been another area of focus. JBMA teachers have participated in numerous professional development opportunities both on and off campus. There have been many opportunities to connect that learning to student achievement in the classroom. Teachers continue to come together in professional learning communities and peer learning groups to view AMS webinars, engage in books studies and share knowledge. JBMA has worked to develop systems and processes to enhance existing procedures in the areas of goal setting, data collection, professional development and future planning. As we are near completion on meeting our existing goals, the SIP team has been engaged in an ongoing process to identify future goals. We welcome participation in our process of continuous improvement. We encourage any parent who would like to participate in one of our committees to e-mail me at Toddlers Young Family Moving 2 The Magic Flower by Yasmine Ferzli 2 The Light Bulb by Surabhi Neverkar 2 Typewriter by Kiana Ascarzadeh & Nivedha Goli 2 Day At the Office by 3 Shahin Kooshiar Saim’s Chameleon Poem by Saim Siddiqui 3 A Liger by William Poe 3 Dolphin by Alonna Ford 3 Last week, the Toddlers 2015 Student Art Show 4 had their very own Earth Day! They planted Gerber Daisies, Sweet Basil, Orega- Announcements: no, Aloe Vera, and Straw- Don’t forget - school disberries! Digging in the dirt misses at 2:00 on Monwas so much fun! days for staff meetings. Look Out Savannah, Here Come the Youngs THE MAGIC FLOWER BY YASMINE On Friday, March 20th, Erica Young got the good news that she would be training at Memorial University Medical Center in Family Medicine. The Young family will be relocating to Savannah, GA this summer. Adam has been JBMA’s PE Coach for 7 years and we have watched Eden and Alice grow. JBMA wishes the Young’s all the best in their new adventure and expect them to visit us whenever they are in the area. Once there was a little girl. She went to play outside. She went to the garden. She and her mom planted flowers. The next day, the little girl went back to the garden. She went to check on the flowers. There was one flower they did not plant. It was a magic flower. That was when she discovered the magic flower. THE END Surabhi Nevrekar March 18, 2015 The Lightbulb For invention research, I have found facts about the lightbulb. The lightbulb was invented by Joseph Swan, but perfected by Thomas Edison. The lightbulb was patented on January 27, 1880. The lightbulb uses heat caused by an electrical current. When the current passes through a wire, the wire gets so hot it gives light. We need the lightbulb so that we can see. The lightbulb has changed size and shape. We still use the lightbulb today. Typewriter Adam, Eden, Alice and Erica By: Kiana Ascarzadeh & Nivedha Goli Fun Facts A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. A shrimp’s heart is in its head. There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar Almonds are a member of the peach family. An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain. Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur. A dime has 118 ridges around the edge The giant squid has the largest eyes in the world. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear. Page 2 We are studying inventions. Our invention is the typewriter. The inventor of the typewriter was Christopher Latham Sholes. The date the typewriter was patented was June1, 1868. The typewriter was needed because it was harder writing with your hand. The typewriter is a machine that prints letters on a piece of paper. Typewriters are still being used in Asia. The typewriter hasn’t changed. Today we use computers instead of typewriters. Saim’s Chameleon Poem He sits on the tree eating happily. When he’s done he goes to have some fun. He looks for food but then sees a snake. He changes his colors for him to go away. A little while later an explorer comes by and looks at his colors. He says, “Your colors are so beautiful that they’re as bright as a rainbow.” When he heard that he was pleased, so he trotted home eating some peas. When he got home he went to bed. Sweet dreams chameleon, your color is now red. Shahin Kooshiar spent the day as school secretary on Friday, March 6th Day At the Office By Shahin Kooshiar My day at the office was pretty fun. It started with me putting a bunch of stuff in the mailboxes. Then I made copies of things, I helped Ms. Joan with her inbox, and I stapled a bunch of things (about 200 pages!) My favorite thing was shredding things with the shredder. I also got a cookie. I really liked my day! More Fun Facts Like Fingerprints, everyone’s tongue print is different Los Angeles’ full name is “El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula.” Maine is the only state that has a one-syllable name. By Saim Siddiqui A liger As a liger is born blind and scared and crying A bear is born the same they roll and roll until blam! they hit as they grow up as soft as silk and warm together they are brothers as they play together or catch food and fight and hurt as they are still brothers. They grow up until they are old and live a happy life together forever. by: William Poe Dolphin Jumping dolphins in the air, Mother taking care for her young, being aware. There you see a dolphin beneath your feet, and I think that’s pretty neat. Playing and splashing having fun until the sunset is gone. Time to say bye and I will try to see you again But our friendship will never end. Star bright so light I wish upon a star to see my dolphin Friend so we can splash and swim And that we can see each other once again. By: Alonna Ford Did you know? Bamboo makes up about 99% of a Giant Panda’s diet. The Tiger is the largest “big cat” in the world. It can weigh up to 600 pounds Female Elephants are called cows. The Cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world. It can reach speeds of up to 75mph. Snake’s skin is not slimy, but is smooth and dry. Bees are found on every continent except Antarctica. Bees have 2 sets of wings. Page 3 2015 Annual JBMA Student Art Show Please join us Thursday, April 30th 3-7 pm Fine Arts Building For a whopping good time!! Family & Friends Welcome Page 4 Joseph S. Bruno Montessori Academy 5509 Timber Hill Road Birmingham, AL 35242 Phone: 205-995-8709 Email: example: Check out our website at Joseph S. Bruno Montessori Academy Mission Statement The faculty of the Joseph S. Bruno Montessori Academy provides the opportunity for all students to grow to the fullest potential cognitively, socially, emotionally, spiritually, physically and aesthetically. The Joseph S. Bruno Montessori Academy’s Value Statement: Important Dates in April…. Mar. 30—Apr. 6 Spring Break 7 1st Day Back 9 Children’s Theater, Lower Elementary 10:00 9 Dr. Vivian Friedman to speak 7:00 15 Children’s Theater, 5K 9:30 17 Toddler & Preschool Parent/Teacher Confer- We embrace with respect all ences—NO TODDLER OR PRESCHOOL CLASSES students regardless of racial, cultural or religious background, gender or the physically or mentally challenged. We provide each child a foundation for a lifetime of learning. All students will become committed to creating peace, and taking care of the environment in their homes, school, and communities. We foster students' development of positive self-esteem; so they will become competent learners and accept leadership roles in the world of tomorrow. 20—24 SATs, 3rd—8th Grades 27—May 1 Spring Book Fair 28 Children’s Theater, Upper Elementary 10:00 30 Art Show 3:00 pm—7:00 pm
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