The Beauty Industry Report

The Beauty Industry Report Visit
Icon returns to launch Peter Coppola Keratin Concept
formulation fit that philosophy?
strong union, and they fought against allowing
elebrating almost 45 years in the professional
PC: When we were looking to develop a new
men in salons. We were told they would close us
salon industry, Peter Coppola’s career spans
generation of smoothing products, we went
many roles from celebrity stylist to salon owner down if my salon offered men’s cuts, so we hired
through many different formulas within a twoa lawyer and sued for the right to cut men’s hair.
to product developer. With education owning
year span. We tested everything from glycols to
The case went before the New York Supreme
his heart, Peter traveled the world, sharing his
cysteine and everything in between. We wanted
Court, and we won! The next day, the New York
ideas, trends and techniques with hair stylists to
function and performance, but safety was our
enhance their businesses. One significant
Times announced a new term, “unisex.” I went on
first priority.
contribution was bringing the keratin revolution
to open more than 34 salons.
Our goal was to provide smoothing power but
to the industry. Today, his
The next step for me was product
without the harmful toxins of traditional Brazilian
concerns for the safety of hair
development. I educated myself on
formaldehyde treatments or the long multi-step
stylists and their clients have led
ingredients, results and how to help
processes of glycolic treatments. What we
him to develop a new keratin
hair stylists be more successful by
developed to accomplish that is a blend of
smoothing treatment called
increasing their revenues. I worked
carbocysteins and a proprietary blend of high
Peter Coppola Keratin
with Clairol’s Luminize line and later
quality complex amino acids—similar to the type
Concept, which debuted at
ushered in the keratin smoothing
used in high-end skin care products. These amino
Premiere Orlando this past June.
treatment revolution, which during
His new formula eliminates the
the economic downturn was credited acids gently soften the bonds and turn the hair
harmful ingredients found in
with saving many salons from closing. you have into the hair you want. It works from
Peter Coppola’s career
the inside out, removing frizz while keratin and
many keratin treatments, while
spans 45 years in beauty. Today, I am dedicated to offering
ceramides smooth, strengthen, replenish and
giving clients frizz-free hair for more than three
safer alternatives to the popular service.
renew. There is a lot of confusion surrounding
months, providing styling versatility and healthy
BIR: What sets Peter Coppola Keratin Concept
keratin treatments. We wanted to be as
shine. Beauty Industry Report (BIR) recently
apart from the keratin brands on the market?
transparent as possible and give stylists the
PC: Peter Coppola Keratin Concept is
caught up with Peter to learn about the next
centered on a hair refinishing system using keratin power to do these services in a safe and
chapter in his journey.
effective way. That was the goal, and we
and ceramides. The system boosts body, reverses
BIR: Welcome, back, Peter. Please share your
accomplished it.
signs of damage and promotes overall hair
story with our readers.
BIR: Tell me about your retail products.
strength with anti-aging properties. With more
Peter Coppola (PC): Prior to attending beauty
PC: I’ve created two collections of
school, I grew up in Harlem with Italian immigrant than 78.5 million baby boomers and younger
professional products that clients can use at
clients wanting their hair to have a youthful look
parents. As a child, I had three passions:
home. The Legacy Collection cares for all hair
and feel, we want to provide them with a safe
architecture, playing the drums and a love for
types with advanced formulas to smooth,
and effective smoothing treatment.
women. When I was a teenager, I worked at the
protect and revive, while the Blondest
Copacabana nightclub and was exposed to
Collection features color perfecting azulene
fashion and style by the venue’s famous and
to brighten and de-brass color treated or
wealthy clientele. In my neighborhood
non-color treated blondes. The salon costs
across the street from my home, there was a
range from $10 to $30, with most products
beauty shop owned by two pretty girls, who
available in travel sizes, 12-ounce bottles and
captured my interest and fascination. I
back bar liters.
thought after hanging out and having so
BIR: What is the single most compelling
much fun with them, I could make a living
reason for a salon owner or stylist to try
out of that, so I enrolled in beauty school. I
your services and products?
began my career, and in the 1960s, I worked
PC: The Coppola Keratin Smoothing
with some of the industry’s most influential
Peter Coppola Keratin Concept offers two retail collections
—The Legacy Collection and the Blondest Collection.
Treatment is formaldehyde- and aldehydeartists, including as Paul McGregor, Vidal
free. It doesn’t just smooth hair; it safely
We believe that in order for our brand to be
Sassoon and Paul Mitchell.
volumizes and restores its youthful look and
and stay relevant, it must provide something
That, of course, was only the beginning, as I
texture for at least three months. There is no
more than just products and tools. That’s why
dreamt of opening a salon of my own and
down time for the client, as she leaves the salon
Peter Coppola Keratin Concept will give stylists
making an impact in this great profession. Styles
done and ready to shampoo or style as she
more to believe in through sharing inspiration,
were changing, and I wanted to offer the new
education, motivation and encouraging creativity,
Beatles-inspired cut to male clients, but at the
BIR: What type of educational support do you
so that it shows through in their craft.
time, it was illegal for a man to get his hair cut in
provide for stylists?
BIR: How does your smoothing system’s
a beauty salon. At that time, the barbers had a
with direct ship to their clients’ doors from the
selected from cities across the country and
PC: We work with our distributors, hosting indistributor. In our tests, it has increased retail
provided with complimentary services such as
salon classes to demonstrate how the products
sales 30% at the salon level. We have more than
complete hair or wig styling, a keratin treatment
work and train stylists how to use them. Stylists
30 logoed accessories and tools that help salons
who attend these classes are then certified in the to help chemo ravaged regrowth where needed,
brand themselves as Peter Coppola Concept
fashion tips, makeup application, photo sessions,
Coppola Keratin Smoothing Treatment service.
Salons. We came to market with floor and
education and motivation. The ultimate goals of
Our main goal is education, education and
counter displays in four models and sell all our
the partnership are to
education. That is the only
support material, when not included in a deal, at
ensure women feel good
way we can help stylists
cost to encourage branding. We produce all of
about themselves, and to
live their own success
our collateral and educational support for the
help them realize their
salon and consumer in bilingual formats (English
true beauty, in spite of
BIR: Tell me about your
and Spanish) and will produce materials in other
their struggle with a
distribution model.
languages as requested by our distributors.
devastating illness.
PC: Our distribution
BIR: What is your trade show strategy?
We will fund and host
model is to partner with
PC: We launched at Premiere Orlando. Now
four Peter Coppola
the best independent
that we have our distributor partners on board,
beauty distributors in the
Stylist and client safety and simplicity are Survivor Glam Squad
priorities for the Peter Coppola Keratin events per month for all
our strategy has been to support their efforts
country and truly be a
Concept services.
with regional shows and custom produced
women cancer patients,
partner in the process. We
events that drive business to their doors. I still
survivors and in some cases, caregivers, through
have come to market with all aspects of the
love to travel and meet my fellow stylists one
salons that carry the Peter Coppola Keratin
business fully established and thought out. We
on one, and the 200 to 500 stylist events
Concept brand. We will also donate all products
provide our partners with all the tools they need
hosted by our distributors allow me to do that.
for the styling experiences, provide trained
to be successful; from marketing plans, tech
We are developing an exciting stage show for
stylists for any Peter Coppola Keratin Treatments
support, POP/POS materials, education support,
2014 and expect stylists to join us.
and donate a portion of the sales proceeds
support collateral and even a charitable giving
BIR: Tell me about your online marketing,
during the events’ promotional periods to
sales and education initiatives.
Survivor Glam Squad. To provide ongoing
Even though we are a young company, we are
PC: Stylists want education that fits their
support from coast-to-coast for all women, our
not new to the industry. Distributors who have
busy schedules, so we have
distributors and
seen our programs compare us to companies
online education and testing
salons will be
that have been around for decades and are
for certification, are
offered the
excited by our professional execution.
producing an online library of
opportunity to
BIR: What distributors are on board so far?
teaching and motivational
host events.
PC: Paramount Beauty in New York and New
work and will create a howBIR: How can
Jersey; Champion Brothers in Georgia, Alabama,
to and tips area for both our
salons get
Mississippi and the Florida Panhandle; A & A
professional and our
Beauty Supplies in upstate New York; Boston
consumer websites. We are
PC: Once
Beauty/Salon Direct in Massachusetts, Maine,
building a studio salon in our
they have
New Hampshire and Vermont; Total Image
headquarters to launch The
covering Florida; Professional Salon Services in
Peter Coppola developed his keratin- and
ceramide-based collections to make styling easier. Peter Coppola First Chair
certified to use
Connecticut and Rhode Island and Exclusive
online school and will have tracks in English and
our products, we will help them set up their
Salon Products in Oregon, Washington and
Spanish taught in real time with interactive
own events, so they can help cancer survivors in
Idaho. During the first quarter of 2014, we are
software. We plan to launch the school in the
their own communities.
launching 10 new distributors who have
second quarter of 2014.
BIR: How does your company partner with
requested the line. Our products will be available
BIR: What’s next?
both its distributors and salons to help your
coast to coast by our 1-year launch anniversary.
PC: A very busy and productive year touching
BIR: Tell me about your company’s partnership products sell through?
and helping every stylist we meet, a year in
PC: We have come to the market with a full
with Survivor Glam Squad.
which we never stop creating and improving, a
marketing calendar that has exciting promotions
PC: I am so proud to partner with Survivor
year in which a company by a stylist for a stylist
for the distributor, the salon and the client. We
Glam Squad in its effort to empower women
works to improve his industry and a year filled
have a full staff to assist in Web and tech
and girls to feel confident and get back on track
with challenges, innovations and success.
initiatives for the distributor and salons and can
after their cancer treatments. This non-profit
Reach Karen Davidson, CEO, at
target new business opportunities through our
organization provides complete makeovers to
855-4-COPPOLA/855-426-7765 or
social media and Web-based programs.
women who have survived cancer to help them Visit
Additionally, we are involved in an innovative
regain their sense of beauty, self-esteem,
program that will help salons sell retail products
femininity and confidence. The women are