G RAND M ARCH 6:15 PM HIGH SCHOOL MAIN GYMNASIUM Only ticket holders can be in Grand March. D INNER 7:00 PM High School Auxiliary Gym NO food or beverages may be brought into the Prom. NO tobacco use will be allowed by any prom participants regardless of age. Remember, this is a school function. FIVE STAR C ATERING M ENU Buffet meal with cheesy potatoes, bi-color corn, dinner roll, Oreo fluff, asst. cheesecake, and choice of milk, lemonade, slush punch, or water. Roast Beef go on sale at 7:45 a.m. Tuesday, March 10 in Ms. Thompson’s room (#26 in the science wing). They will be available for purchase before and after school Tuesday and Thursdays in Ms. Thompson’s room from March 10th to April 2nd. You MUST purchase a ticket before you can sign up for Grand March. Those who sign up earlier will be earlier in the Grand March order. Dinner Package: $30 per ticket Dinner Package tickets include meal, entertainment and dance. Chicken Breast 8:30 10:00 Dance-only ticket does NOT include meal and entertainment. PM PM -12:30 AM Music by: “Elegant Affairs” Free beverages will be provided courtesy of Post Prom. Whole NewWorld Dance-Only: $20 per ticket Jason Mystic—Hypnotist D ANCE A Or Please make checks payable to “JCC Junior Class” Pork Loin E NTERTAINMENT Tickets If you have any questions, please contact: Jordana Thompson (Jordana.thompson@jccschools.com) The information contained in this pamphlet is also available on the JCC Schools website. JCC Jr/Sr Prom April 11, 2015 V ALET P ARKING 5:00 PM Before Grand March, valet parking is available from 5:00-6:00 p.m. If you use valet parking, you must obtain a parking tag. The tag must be on your keys when you arrive. Valet parking will be available in the lower north parking lot. You may pick up your keys anytime after dinner in the auxiliary gym. P HOTOGRAPHY 5:00 PM by “Fitzloff Photography” Couples at the beginning of Grand March will have pictures taken immediately after walking through. Couples should go directly to the band room after Grand March. Couples late in Grand March should be prepared to have their picture taken before Grand March. Group pictures may be taken before Grand March. Order forms may be picked up from Ms. Thompson the week before prom. Photo Memory Books will be available for purchase for $25 and will include photos of all couples and the night’s events. Please contact Fitzloff Photography with any questions: 507-662-6202 or fitzloffphotography@yahoo.com P OST P ROM 12:30 AM JCC High School Commons After the dance you are allowed to go home to change clothes or you may change at the school. Remember to wear comfortable clothing to fit the night’s high energy activities. Post Prom doors will open at 12:30am. You must be present by 1:15am or you will not be admitted. Park in East lot lower level (by pool). ONLY enter through the main entrance in the lower south lot. All JCC Juniors and Seniors, whether single or with a date are welcome to participate in the Post Prom Activities. You cannot bring a date to Post Prom who was not involved in the other Prom activities. There will be some new and exciting games this year. We will also be having some friendly competitions. Some of the games include: ping pong, Zorb balls, the eliminator, black jack, roulette, cash prize wheel, BINGO, and photo booth for some fun snap chat photos! Food and beverages will be available throughout the post-prom event. Santee Crossing Embers will be opening just for us following Post-prom for a breakfast meal. We encourage all attendees to stay in town for this event rather than going elsewhere! There will be random drawings for Grand Prizes for all JCC Juniors and Seniors who have purchased the Meal/Dance/Entertainment ticket. The Post Prom FEE of $20.00 must be paid by April 1st to: Deb Schuller 1014 Grant Street Jackson, MN 56143 Just a reminder…If you sign up for post prom and do not attend, your parents will be called to let them know. (Continued on next inset page) T UXEDOS Tuxedos can be rented from a variety of locations within the area. For your convenience, tuxedos are available for rental from Strom’s located in downtown Jackson. Set up an appointment by calling the store at 507-847-2110 or texting Steve at 507-841-2260.
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