March/April - Johnson County REMC

March / April
Beyond the flip of a switch
With the mere flip of a
and southern Indiana and
switch, electricity illuminates
southeastern Illinois.
our lives. But have you ever
Power suppliers produce
thought about where your
electricity and send it over high-
power comes from? Most of us
voltage transmission lines to
don’t give it a second thought
our substations. Since G&Ts are
until our service is interrupted.
Johnson County REMC
owned by multiple distribution
Chet Aubin, CEO
cooperatives, operating costs are
provides electricity to approximately 25,000
split among the owners. This process allows
meters. This requires a vast network of
us to purchase power at a lower cost.
equipment and personnel. It all starts at the
Hopefully this peek into the vast
power plant, where electricity is generated.
network that is required to ensure our
Johnson County REMC purchases
members receive safe, reliable, affordable
electricity from Hoosier Energy, REC Inc., a
power gives you a better understanding of
Generation & Transmission
what takes place for you to have lights and
cooperative (G&T) located
power at the flip of a switch.
in Bloomington, Indiana.
The mission of
They are the entity that operates and
Johnson County REMC
maintains power plants throughout
is to provide reliable,
southern Indiana that produce electricity
competitively priced
for purchase at the wholesale level. In the
utility services
to its customers
and the community.
same way that Johnson County REMC is
owned by our members, so too is the G&T
owned by its members — 18 member
distribution cooperatives in central
Annual meeting
celebrates past,
present, future
Linemen gear up
for safety
Candidates for Board
of Directors
Annual meeting celebrates past, present, future
Voting for directors is
an important part of
the day’s business.
Looking back. Honoring how
barrel drawing of coin holders filled
far we’ve come. Seeing where
with $5, $10, $20 and $50 bills. For
we’re headed in the future.
Join us on Saturday, April 25
we are excited
for the annual meeting of our
to bring back
membership, to be held at
The Grascals.
Franklin Community High School.
This group is
As a not-for-profit business
among the
we are required by state statutes to hold
most beloved
an annual meeting of our membership.
and acclaimed
But we like to think of the event as not
only a time to review the business of the
One lucky member
wins a John Deere
riding mower.
bands on
cooperative and hold
bluegrass scene.
the director election,
With their music, they
but a time of member
honor the past and
appreciation as well.
forge into the future,
bringing fresh yet
We start the day
with a full course hot
familiar sounds to the
breakfast and a gift
bluegrass world and
that this year
represents our
theme of Past,
Our meeting
Nashville recording artist The Grascals
will thrill you with their award-winning
and unique bluegrass music.
Present & Future.
wraps up with
exciting drawings
for special prizes that include five $100
We are keeping with tradition
cash awards, iPads, and our grand prize
this year and will have our
drawing of a John Deere riding mower.
Energy safety tip ... During the summer months, set your home’s thermostat
as high as possible, while still maintaining a comfortable environment for your
family. Bumping up the thermostat even two degrees can make a noticeable
difference on your power bill. Investing in a programmable thermostat can lead
to even greater saving. — U.S. Department of Energy
Page 2
Johnson County REMC
Linemen gear up for safety
Can you
These gloves
provide protection
against electrical
a job that
shock and are
requires you
rated at 20,000
to lift heavy
volts. Protective
gloves, usually
and perform
made of leather,
detailed tasks
are worn over the
near deadly
insulated gloves to
high voltage,
Johnson County REMC’s Rick Henson and Kenny
Thompson insulate live lines before working.
protect the rubber
from punctures.
40 feet in the air, and sometimes,
in extreme weather. This is the life
worn at all times to protect linemen from
of a lineman.
blows and falling objects.
These brave men answer when
Hard hat. Insulated hard hats are
Safety toe boots. These
called, but how do they stay safe when
heavy-duty boots offer extra
working in these conditions? Johnson
support - on the job, and when
County REMC linemen are required to
climbing poles. The safety
wear personal protective equipment
toe protects the linemen from
(PPE) when on the job. Let’s look at
potential injury while working.
some of their PPE, which together can
weigh as much as 50 pounds!
wear protective glasses at all times
to protect them from loose debris
Fire resistant (FR) clothing.
Safety glasses. Linemen must
While our linemen do everything
and other hazards.
possible to prevent them, unexpected
fires can happen. FR clothing is
our linemen, be sure to thank him
resistant to flame.
for keeping the lights on. But more
importantly, thank them for the hard —
Insulated gloves. Linemen must
So, the next time you see one of
wear insulated rubber gloves when
and often dangerous — work they do,
working on any type of energized line.
day in and day out.
News & Views
Page 3
Festival guide
Indiana tourism
Johnson County REMC,
in conjunction with our
wholesale power provider
Hoosier Energy, continue
the tradition of offering the
annual Indiana Festival
More than 600 festivals,
craft fairs, holiday shows,
historical re-enactments
and community celebrations
are listed in the 2015
92-page edition.
Copies of this popular
and comprehensive
publication are
available free
of charge from
cooperatives are
committed to the communities we serve. Support for
the Festival Guide is just
one more way we put that
commitment into action.
More information on
the Festival Guide and
other Indiana travel
brochures is available
Candidates for Board
of Directors
As a
of Johnson
annual meeting of the membership
on Saturday, April 25, 2015. See
story on page 2 for information about
REMC you
are part
owner of the cooperative. This gives you
the right to vote for the fellow members
District 2:
District 3:
District 7:
Ron Grose
Steve Shaul
James Halik
Herbert Haggard
that represent you on the board.
The members shown here are
running for election to the board of
directors for Johnson County REMC.
Voting will take place by ballot at the
the annual meeting, and watch your
mailbox in early April for meeting
DON’T attach a generator directly
making sure its exhaust fumes will not
to your home’s electrical system unless
enter your home.
a qualified electrician
DO read
has installed the
the instruction
generator with a
manual before
transfer switch.
using the
DO use
only the cords
For additional
supplied by the
information, or if
manufacturer or
you have specific
grounded, three-
pronged extension
regarding the
DON’T use a generator
indoors. Place your generator outdoors,
News & Views
750 International Drive
Franklin, Indiana 46131
Mailing address
P.O. Box 309
Franklin, Indiana 46131
Office hours
Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
24 hours / 7 days
registration materials.
Generator do’s and don’ts
Johnson County
safe installation and use
of generators, contact Johnson
County REMC or a licensed electrician.
Page 4
Call before you dig
811 or 800-382-5544
Need rates information?
Visit our website or
call for details.