Using Corpora to Teach Discipline-Specific Vocabulary Jenny Kemp SFHEA, University of Leicester BALEAP 2015 Conference (17th-19th April, Leicester) Teaching ESP can be daunting, particularly if the field is unfamiliar. This presentation will demonstrate the value of using existing and purpose-built corpora to assess the lexical needs of international postgraduate Law students and to prepare materials for their vocabulary development. Attendees will take away ideas and materials to adapt for use in their own ESP context. References Biber, D., Conrad, S., and Cortes, V. (2004). ‘If you look at …: Lexical bundles in university teaching and textbooks.’ Applied Linguistics 25 (3), 371-405. Durrant, P. (2014). ‘Discipline and level specificity in university students’ written vocabulary.’ Applied Linguistics, 38(3), 238-256. Hyland, K. (2008). ‘As can be seen: lexical bundles and disciplinary variation.’ English for Specific Purposes, 27, 4-21. Hyland, K. & Tse, P. (2007). ‘Is there an "academic vocabulary"?’ TESOL Quarterly, 41 (2), 235-253. Paribakht , T.S. & Wesche, M. B. (1993). Reading comprehension and second language development in a comprehension-based ESL programme. TESL Canada Journal, 11 (1), 9-27. Websites & Software Antconc BAWE Byu-bnc FLAX Lextutor Wordle Wordtree: - includes BLaRC - includes bnc Law, and BLaRC (British Law Reports). N-gram Phrase Extractor: . Web Vocabprofile: Want to click on the links? A few law-specific resources An electronic copy of this handout is available from BAILII Justice (legal Latin, UK) The Law Dictionary (Black’s Law Dictionary online version) Legum (Legal Latin, US) Clickdocs Cambridge Law Studio Exercises Speak Legal English Translegal Further general info on teaching with concordances McCarthy M & O'Dell F. (2007) From Corpus to Classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Reppen, R. (2010) Using corpora in the language classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sinclair, J. (2004) Corpora in the Classroom Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Tribble, C. & Jones, G. (1997) Concordances in the Classroom. Houston: Athelstan. Dave Lee’s Website: Chris Tribble’s website: LLAS: ICT4LT: elt-resourceful (blog): Scan this QR code for a pdf of my slides! April 2015 JAK N-grams from Jenny Kemp’s mini law report corpus (extracted using the Lextutor N-gram phrase extractor). Concordance output for as (using AntConc) for C. Tomuschat The Legacy of Nuremberg. 2006, 830-844. Jenny Kemp 2015 1 7 8 9 24 25 30 45 51 ar crimes and crimes against humanity. German objections criticizing crimes against peace prosecutors and judges from the four main victorious Powers discredited the proceedings given to ensuring a balanced composition that could not be objected to list of offences under the jurisdiction of the IMT was also denounced . Thus, they lacked any moral legitimacy. Yet, they could not be challenged garding war crimes, Nuremberg introduced no real innovation capable of being denounced rfectly acceptable or a conduct that, although morally reprehensible, was not stigmatized within their borders, the real impact of international law could be dismissed followed the Nuremberg example. It would be particularly difficult to accept states as as as as as as as as as having no legal basis and, therefore, contradicting the principle nullum crimen sine a \x91diktat\x92.6 The critical voices emphasized in particular the lack 7 representing \x91victors\x92 justice\x92. A short time later, at Tokyo, 8 having no solid foundation in international law. The Statute of the IMT 9 accomplices of a regime that had no better moral standing than Nazi 24 violating the proposition nullum crimen sine lege. Likewise, crimes against humani unlawful. However, crimes against humanity have deep roots in the minds of 30 being marginal or even insignificant. Much too often, treaties had been ridiculed defendants in criminal proceedings as well. Essentially, it would not be the 51 1 4 12 15 17 48 22 40 54 63 the international community with a view to avoiding any illegitimate bias. 1. Nuremberg one of its parties, stating that wars are conducted not by states an internationally wrongful act according to the classic scheme of international law viability of this legal deduction. Without a new understanding of international law . At Nuremberg, the German law of the Nazi period played no role today included in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court both nger. Article 7 explicitly provided that the \x91official position of defendants, whether mitted by their fathers and forefathers. 5. Developments after Nuremberg A. Aggression course, it finds itself in a delicate situation. Although the United States as as as as as as as as as a Milestone To indict the leaders of Nazi Germany who had survived 4 abstract entities, but by human beings; therefore, if war was unlawful, prosecution 12 a system of rights and obligations among states. To this very date, 15 the basis of an international order predicated on the key concept of 17 a basis for prosecution. It was international law on which the IMT 48 a war crime and a crime against humanity.12 It is clear that 22 Heads of State or respon- sible officials in government departments, shall not 40 an International Crime The criticisms against the Nuremberg convictions that were based 54 a permanent member of the Security Council did not oppose the referral 63 25 45 21 23 68 92) the German populations not only from the countries where they had lived leadership were held accountable at Nuremberg were at the same time adopted power struggle. It is in particular the Darfur situation, which will serve as as as minorities (Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary), but also from the German territories east 21 an official policy vis-a' -vis the defeated people. It is above 23 a litmus test for the viability of the system of international criminal 68 14 made a dramatic leap, deriving the criminality of aggression from its character as an internationally wrongful act according to the classic scheme of international law 46 60 marginal or even insignificant. Much too often, treaties had been ridiculed just as good reasons militate for an understanding that views the two sentences just as 56 be valid today. In order to clarify the legal position, the practice pieces of papers that could not resist the slightest wind of change. 46 reference to state responsibility in the classic sense, albeit in its most 60 as it has developed since 1946 must be evaluated. As far as judicial pronouncements 18 contribute to strengthening the legitimacy of the trials. Even many Germans who, as a matter of principle, welcomed the trials felt uncomfortable on account of 36 , was criminal in accordance with internal law or national law.17 It seems as if the drafters of this clause had wanted to reject the essence 14 56 18 36 April 2015 JAK 5 6 10 11 13 19 26 27 29 31 32 33 34 37 39 41 42 50 59 German Kaiser, Wilhelm II, is referred to again and again by textbooks reaction to the Nuremberg trial was rather ambivalent or even outright negative, normal ingredients of inter- national customary law, namely practice and opinio juris he Kellogg^Briand Pact of 1928,8 an international instrument which counted Germany t o inter-state relationships, but a totally different thing to acknowledge it 91deportation\x92 to the detriment of a civilian population was recognized both nullum crimen sine lege. Likewise, crimes against humanity could be conceived of ), (2)(d); 8(2)(b)(viii). 13 Generally, the Soviet losses in human lives are estimated that logic to apply, the legislative bodies must have established a conduct such actions in which he participated and that are to be classified reduction. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights still sets forth nullum crimen by law before the offence was committed. This reservation could be interpreted of law in its purest form. However, it could also be seen legal order. Even the UN Charter lists the sovereign equality of states agree to identify certain offences negatively affecting international society as a whole State or respon- sible officials in government departments, shall not be considered , together with the UN Charter, marked the inception of the international community subject to international law. In legal doctrine, authors rightly qualify this status the most perfect manner. The crime of aggression is mentioned in Article 5 as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as giving an account of the slow emergence of international criminal law. But 5 described by Christoph Burchard in his article.5 First of all, it was 6 originally specified in the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice one of its parties, stating that wars are conducted not by states 11 an offence entailing individual criminal responsibility. Most of the rules of internati a war crime and a crime against humanity. However, at the same 19 an amalgamation of the core substance of criminal law to be encountered 26 surpassing 20 million. established in accordance with general principles of internat punishable that beforehand was considered to be either perfectly acceptable or a \x91crimes against humanity\x92 were perfectly lawful. The scope ratione materiae a principle not subject to any restriction. However, the European Convention on the scrupulous adherence to the rule of law in its purest form. 33 an implicit rejection of the Nuremberg principle to the effect that with 34 the first of the fundamental principles governing the mutual relationships among states crimes susceptible of being prosecuted under the principle of universal jurisdiction.22 freeing them from responsibility or mitigating punishment\x92. This proposition has fou a legal concept that is more than an academic construction. As long 42 \x91passive personality\x92 under international law.26 The Charter of the IMT an offence falling within the competence of the ICC. But Article 5(2) makes 59 58 64 16 62 , the practice as it has developed since 1946 must be evaluated. As far treatment of prisoners in the Abu Ghraib prison had come to light. and obligations among states. To this very date, doubts have been voiced other European states. One may safely assume that agreement still exists today as As as as judicial pronouncements are concerned, no one has ever been convicted of aggression 58 far as the composition of the bench is concerned, not only the 64 to the viability of this legal deduction. Without a new understanding of 16 to the necessity of prosecuting persons who are responsible for leading their 62 28 53 61 ing 20 million. established in accordance with general principles of international law opportunity to join the other nations, would not only be politically disastrous, sense, albeit in its most drastic form that entails particularly grave consequences as as as set out in Article 38 of the Statute of the PCIJ. Thus, the 28 shown by the aftermath of the unfortunate Treaty of Versailles. It would they now can be found in the ILC Articles on responsibility of 61 38 47 49 55 20 35 43 2 52 67 tates could agree to identify certain offences negatively affecting international society the integrity of which is essential for the peaceful existence of mankind 92s Draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind25 can hardly dismiss those criticisms \xE7 although they were largely irrelevant inasmuch war crime and a crime against humanity. However, at the same time not committed when Germany ratified the ICCPR that contains the same clause community as a legal concept that is more than an academic construction. cused by the prosecution is possible before the International Criminal Court; prosecutors would be particularly difficult to accept states as defendants in criminal proceedings them three of the permanent members of the Security Council as well as as as as as as As as as as a whole as crimes susceptible of being prosecuted under the principle of 38 a whole.23 Nuremberg translated the core values of the leading states into 47 follows (Article 2(1)): A crime against the peace and security of mankind ent all of the defendants were found guilty on a considerable number of 55 the Statute was drafted, the Allied Powers agreed at Potsdam11 to expel (\ 20 Article 7(2) of the ECHR (Article 15(2) ICCPR), due to the fact that the 35 long as governments were the exclusive masters of all occurrences within their well as the judges of all existing judicial bodies are carefully selected 2 well. Essentially, it would not be the state concerned but its people 52 the five great \x91I\x92s \xE7 India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, 67 10 13 27 29 31 32 37 39 41 50 53 49 43 Sample task: in accordance with as to whether Use phrases from the box (right) to complete these concordance lines from the BAWE corpus. There are two extra. in the case of with a view to in the course of with regard to 1 2 3 4 can be held jointly liable for torts committed by employees ' xxxx employment,' serves to illustrate some of the salient points or failing to pay attention, should be raised at the time and xxxx the proceedings if they were to form the basis of any complaint the Act as a consumer, as she "...neither makes the contract xxxx business nor holds herself out as doing so." Slowe and Wheezy report and considers the companies performance over that period, yyyy determining whether the accounts give a true and fair view, Majesty's courts to recast settlements from time to time, merely yyyy tax avoidance even if they had the power to do so which, in the most rigorous requirements of international legal norms yyyy exposing the violations of, and gaps in relation to, existing as it appears on the deed that consigns the property to them, zzzz the Land Registration Act 1925, in order to bind purchasers v. Palmer [1972] 1 W.L.R. 1286 at 1289. </p><p> which if made zzzz section 53(1)(b) of the Law of Property Act would provide a necessitates an exploration of the rules of natural justice zzzz Lord Diplock's direction in the aforementioned GCHQ case. 1936] 3 All E.R. 483 </p><p> However, Lord Denning's reasoning nnnn Errington v. Errington and Woods initiated the development Notably, Denning's argument is well reiterated, and developed, nnnn Binions v. Evans. Here, Mrs. Evans entered into an agreement advocacy efforts to incorporate the concerns of all women. As nnnn the Land Act Co-ownership clause, the committee rightly accused April 2015 JAK
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