CompIMAGE’10 International Symposium on Computational Modeling of Objects Represented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications Adam’s Mark Hotel, Richardson Room, Buffalo, NY, USA May 5-7, 2010 Adams’ Mark Hotel, Third Floor The symposium will be held in Richardson Room. The banquet will be in Wright Room. Scientific Program Tuesday, May 4th 18:00-19:30 Registration Wednesday, May 5th 08:00-8:30 Registration 08:30-10:00 Opening Session Chair: Valentin E. Brimkov 08:40-09:00 Opening Addresses Kevin J. Railey, Interim Provost SUNY Buffalo State College Mark W. Severson, Dean of the School of Natural and Social Sciences at SUNY Buffalo State College 09:00-10:00 Opening Talk by Chandrajit L. Bajaj, University of Texas at Austin Title: Spatially Realistic Multi-scale Modeling from Electron Microscopy 10:00-10:30 Coffee Break & Picture 10:30-12:30 Theoretical Foundations of Image Analysis and Processing Chair: Peter Balazs 10:30-10:50 Curvature Estimation for Discrete Curves Based on Auto-adaptive Masks of Convolution Christophe Fiorio, Christian Mercat, Frederic Rieux 10:50-11:10 An Algorithm to Decompose n-Dimensional Rotations into Planar Rotations Aurelie Richard, Laurent Fuchs, Sylvain Charneau 11:10-11:30 Tile Pasting Systems for Tessellation and Tiling Patterns T. Robinson, S. Jebasingh, Atulya K. Nagar, K.G. Subramanian 11:30-11:50 Collage of Iso-Picture Languages and P Systems S. Annadurai, V.R. Dare, T. Kalyani, D.G. Thomas 11:50-12:10 Online Tessellation Automaton Recognizing Various Classes of Convex Polyominoes H. Geetha, D.G. Thomas, T. Kalyani 12:10-12:30 Polyoisominoes Mary Jemima Samuel, V.R. Dare, T. Kalyani 12:30-14:00 Lunch (on your own) and preparation for the symposium tour 14:00-20:00 Niagara Falls Tour Thursday, May 6th 08:10-8:30 Registration 08:30-9:30 Keynote: Dinggang Shen, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill Title: Computational Methods for Quantitative Analysis of Brain Diseases 09:30-10:50 Methods and Applications. Medical Imaging, Bioimaging, Biometrics, and Imaging in Material Sciences Chair: Joao Manuel R. S. Tavares 09:30-09:50 Surface-based Imaging Methods for High-resolution Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging David Ress, Sankari Dhandapani, Sucharit Katyal, Clint Greene, Chandra Bajaj 09:50-10:10 Direction-Dependency of a Binary Tomographic Reconstruction Algorithm Laszlo Varga, Peter Balazs, Antal Nagy 10:10-10:30 Surface Reconstruction with an Interactive Modification of Point Normals Taku Itoh 10:30-10:50 Surface Finish Control in Machining Processes using Haralick Descriptors and Neuronal Networks Enrique Alegre, Rocio Alaiz-Rodrıguez, Joaquın Barreiro, Eduardo Fidalgo, Laura Fernandez 10:50-11:10 Coffee Break 11:10-12:30 Theoretical Foundations of Image Analysis and Processing Chair: Kalman Palagyi 11:10-11:30 Generalized Perpendicular Bisector and Circumcenter Marc Rodrıguez, Sere Abdoulaye, Gaelle Largeteau-Skapin, Eric Andres 11:30-11:50 Digital Stars and Visibility of Digital Objects Valentin E. Brimkov, Reneta P. Barneva 11:50-12:10 Omega-arithmetization of Ellipses Agathe Chollet, Guy Wallet, Eric Andres, Laurent Fuchs, Gaelle LargeteauSkapin, Aurelie Richard 12:10-12:30 Connectedness of Offset Digitizations in Higher Dimensions Valentin E. Brimkov 12:30-13:30 Lunch (on your own) 13:30-14:30 Keynote: Yongjie Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg Title: Image-Based Geometric Modeling and Mesh Generation of Heterogeneous Domains for Computational Mechanics 14:30-15:50 Methods and Applications. Medical Imaging, Bioimaging, Biometrics, and Imaging in Material Sciences Chair: Renato Natal Jorge 14:30-14:50 Compact Binary Patterns (CBP) with Multiple Patch Classifiers for Fast and Accurate Face Recognition Hieu V. Nguyen, Li Bai 14:50-15:10 Fast Automatic Microstructural Segmentation of Ferrous Alloy Samples using Optimum-Path Forest Joao Paulo Papa, Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque, Alexandre Xavier Falcao, Joao Manuel R.S. Tavares 15:10-15:30 Numerical Simulations of Hypoeutectoid Steels under Loading Conditions, based on Image Processing and Digital Material Representation Lukasz Rauch, Lukasz Madej, Bogdan Pawlowski 15:30-15:50 Customizable Visualization on Demand for Hierarchically Organized Information in Biochemical Networks Peter Droste, Eric von Lieres, Wolfgang Wiechert, Katharina Noh 15:50-16:10 Coffee Break 16:10-17:30 Image Reconstruction, Computed Tomography, and Other Applications Chair: David Ress 16:10-16:30 Graph-Theoretic Image Alignment using Topological Features Waleed Mohamed, A. Ben Hamza, Khaled Gharaibeh 16:30-16:50 On the Effects of Normalization in Adaptive MRF Hierarchies Albert Y. C. Chen, Jason J. Corso 16:50-17:10 Short communication: The Generalized Orientation Field Transform Kristian Sandberg 17:10-17:30 Short communication: Applications of Visual Data Processing to Chemistry Research Natalie Nazarenko 17:30-18:00 Movie “Herbert Hauptman: Portrait of a Laureate” 19:00-21:30 Wright Room Banquet Recognitions: Dennis K. Ponton, President SUNY Buffalo State College Dennis L. Hefner, President SUNY Fredonia Keynote: Venu Govindaraju, University at Buffalo Title: Biometrics and Security Friday, May 7th 08:10-8:30 Registration 08:30-9:30 Keynote: Sargur Srihari, University at Buffalo Title: Computational Forensics 09:30-10:50 Image Reconstruction, Computed Tomography, and Other Applications Chair: Khalid Siddiqui 09:30-09:50 Topology Preserving Parallel Smoothing for 3D Binary Images Gabor Nemeth, Peter Kardos, Kalman Palagyi 09:50-10:10 Coding a Simulation Model of the 3D Structure of Paper Eduardo L. T. Conceicao, Joana M.R. Curto, Rogerio M. S. Simoes, Antonio A. T.G. Portugal 10:10-10:30 Crowd Behavior Surveillance Using Bhattacharyya Distance Metric Md. Haidar Sharif, Sahin Uyaver, Chabane Djeraba 10:30-10:50 A New Method for Generation of Three-Dimensional Cubes R. Arumugham, K. Thirusangu, D.G. Thomas 10:50-11:10 Coffee Break 11:10-13:20 Special Track on Object Modeling, Algorithms, and Applications Chair: A. Ben Hamza 11:10-11:30 Evaluation of New Character Segmentation Approach for Offline Cursive Handwriting Recognition in the State of Art Amjad Rehman, Tanzila Saba, Dzulkifli Mohamed, Ghazali Sulong 11:30-11:50 Non-Linear Least Square Optimization of Intracellular Action Potential Model Using a Series of Modified Gamma Distribution Functions GyuTae Kim, Mohammed Ferdjallah 11:50-12:10 Recognizable Polyhexes Languages and their Acceptors H. Geetha, J.D. Emerald, D.G. Thomas, and T. Kalyani 12:10-12:30 Two Metrology Applications in Medical Imaging Thierry Brouard 12:30-12:50 Matched Chaotic Maps Watermarking and Authentication Mohamed Rizk Mohamed Rizk, Said Esmail El Khamy, Amira El Sayed Youssef 12:50-13:10 Using Turning Functions to Refine Shapes Carlos Frederico de Sa Volotao, Rafael Duarte Coelho dos Santos, Luciano Vieira Dutra, and Guaraci Jose Erthal 13:10-13:20 Closing 13:20-14:30 Lunch (on your own) and preparation for walking tour 14:30-16:30 Buffalo Walking Tour Keynote Talks Spatially Realistic Multi-scale Modeling from Electron Microscopy Wednesday, May 5, 9:00-10:00 AM Chandrajit L. Bajaj Center for Computational Visualization, Department of Computer Sciences, Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, University of Texas at Austin Bio-sketch: Chandrajit L. Bajaj is the director of the Center for Computational Visualization, in the Institute for Computational and Engineering Sciences (ICES) and a Professor of Computer Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin. Bajaj holds the Computational Applied Mathematics Chair in Visualization. He is also an affiliate faculty member of Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, and also a member of the Institutes of Cell and Molecular Biology, and Neurosciences, the Center for Learning and Memory, and the Center for Perceptual Systems. He is an author and editor of over 300 publications, including 225 papers, 25 book chapters, and 1 book and 3 edited volumes. He is on the editorial boards for the International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, the ACM Transactions on Graphics, the ACM Computing Surveys, the SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, and the International Journal for Computational Vision and Biomechanics. He is on numerous national and international conference committees, and has served as a scientific consultant to national labs and industry. He is also a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and fellow of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM). Abstract: Human functional processes are mediated through complicated biochemical and biophysical interactions amongst proteins, nucleic acids, and other biomolecules. Comprehensive models and analysis of these interactions, at multiple scales, provide important clues for developing therapeutic interventions related to infections and disease. In this two part talk I shall first describe a combination of image processing, and computational geometry algorithms to efficiently construct adaptive, multi-resolution structure models of target proteins, nucleic acids that are culpable in the spread of viral infections (e.g. HIV). Next, I shall describe how the multiresolution structure models are utilized to develop a hierarchy of biophysical models of molecular-molecular (recognition) interaction. Furthermore, I shall describe a fast algorithm based on non-uniform FFT for estimation of multi-resolution molecular solvation energetics, while indicating the need for faster computations of multiscale protein binding energetics, essential for drug screening and discovery. This is joint work with members of UT- computational visualization center, and ICES, as well as collaborators at UCSD, the National Cancer Institute, and the Scripps Research Institute. Biometrics and Security Thursday, May 6, 8:30-9:30 PM Venu Govindaraju Department of Computer Science and Engineering University at Buffalo Biosketch: Prof. Govindaraju is a UB Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at State University of New York, Buffalo. He received his B-Tech (Honors) from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, and his PhD. from SUNYBuffalo. Prof. Govindaraju has authored more than 300 scientific papers and supervised the dissertation of 20 doctoral students. His seminal work in handwriting recognition was at the core of the first handwritten address interpretation system used by the US Postal Service. Prof. Govindaraju is the founding director of the Center for Unified Biometrics and Sensors. He has won several awards for his scholarship, including the ICDAR Young Investigator Award (2001), the MIT Global Technovator Award (2004), the HP Open Innovation Award (2008, 2009), and the IEEE Technical Achievement Award (2010) . He is a fellow of the IEEE, ACM, IAPR. Abstract: Transforming raw biometric data pertaining to the identity of human subjects (face, voice, gait, etc.) into a form that is suitable for information retrieval remains a challenging open problem, spanning many research areas including video and audio processing, computer vision, spatiotemporal reasoning, and information retrieval. Towards this end, we have developed a new paradigm called evolutionary identification. That is, the evidence of identity of individuals accrues, or evolves, over the course of events as they get captured on various biometric devices at different locations. This is in contrast to object recognition paradigms to date where the input signal must be classified (even if only a soft decision is made) immediately upon its acquisition. Furthermore, unlike earlier approaches to the problem of tracking people, we will not require a complete coverage of the monitored space by massive numbers of sensing devices; rather, we explore the more realistic scenario where biometric capture devices are placed only at certain zones, such as hallways, rooms, entrances, etc. The talk will conclude with a brief overview of the challenges with biometric systems that must be met before it gains broad based citizen acceptance. Computational Methods for Quantitative Analysis of Brain Diseases Thursday, May 6, 8:30-9:30 AM Prof. Dinggang Shen Department of Radiology, BRIC, and Computer Science University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, USA Bio-sketch: Prof. Shen received all of his degrees from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Before joining UNC-CH, he worked as a faculty member in the University of Pennsylvanian and the Johns Hopkins University. His research interests include medical image analysis, computer vision, and patter recognition. With his colleagues, Prof. Shen has developed many innovative and practical methods for deformable segmentation (AFDM), registration (HAMMER, CLASSIC, ORBIT, RABBIT, TIMER), and neuroimage classification (COMPARE and STEP). These methods have been applied for diagnosis of brain diseases (e.g., AD, MCI, and schizophrenia), cardiac disease, prostate cancer, and breast cancer. He has published over 200 papers in the international journals and conference proceedings. Currently, he is a director for the Image Display, Enhancement, and Analysis (IDEA) Lab in the Department of Radiology, and also a director of medical image analysis core in the Biomedical Research Imaging Center (BRIC) at UNC-CH. Abstract: This talk will summarize our work on analysis of MR brain images. Our main research goal is to develop automated image analysis methods for precisely quantifying subtle and complex structural/ functional changes in the brains, to be used for early detection of brain diseases, such as Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Accordingly, we developed a 3D brain registration method, called HAMMER, which has been successfully applied to many large clinical research studies and clinical trials involving more than 8,000 MR brain images. In order to measure the tiny longitudinal brain changes, i.e., due to AD, we also have developed a 4D (3 spatial dimensions + 1 temporal dimension) brain registration algorithm and obtained more accurate measurement results, compared to those by 3D registration algorithm. In addition, we have developed multivariate analysis methods, based on support vector machine, to jointly consider all structural/functional changes for determining the group difference between brains, due to diseases, aging, or development. This method has been used for classifying schizophrenia patients from normal controls, and for lie detection based on the functional MR images. Details of these 3D and 4D registration algorithms and nonlinear brain analysis methods will be discussed in this talk. Some new applications, i.e., in early brain development from two weeks to 1 year old and 2 year old, will be also presented. Computational Forensics Friday, May 7, 8:30-9:30 AM Prof. Sargur (Hari) N. Srihari Department of Computer Science and Engineering University at Buffalo Bio-sketch: Prof. Sargur Srihari received a B.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics from the Bangalore University (National College) in 1967, a B.E. in Electrical Communication Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 1970, and a Ph.D. in Computer and Information Science from the Ohio State University, Columbus in 1976. Prof. Srihari is a SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. With support from the United States Postal Service for over 20 years, he founded CEDAR, the Center of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition, in 1991, which had a major impact on the development of various aspects of the field. Research at CEDAR led to a new thread of work leading to the first large-scale handwritten address interpretation systems deployed by the IRS and by the USPS. Prof. Srihari's handwriting recognition work led to the first handwritten address interpretation system ever used by post offices in the world. The software developed by his research team was deployed on a national scale by the United States Postal Service, which was later extended to UK-Royal Mail and Australia Post. Prof. Srihari's work on computational forensics has had an impact both on the courts and on the software tools used by forensic scientists. His studies on individuality measurement is widely cited in the context of forensic testimony. His work also led to a software system in use by forensic document examiners worldwide. His most recent work is on probabilistic characterization of fingerprint evidence. Prof. Srihari is an author of over 300 research papers, of which 65 are in journals (including one in the first issue of IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence) and 6 patents. He has edited three books, served as principal advisor to 34 doctoral students and served as general chair of several conferences/workshops, including a recent one defining the field of computational forensics. Prof. Srihari's honors include: Fellow of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineers (IETE, India) in 1992, Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 1995, Fellow of the International Association for Pattern Recognition in 1996 and distinguished alumnus of the Ohio State University College of Engineering in 1999. Abstract: Forensic analysis has as its objective whether observed evidence arises from the same source as of a known. Computational forensics is analogous to similar efforts in other scientific disciplines, e.g., computational geometry, computational vision, computational biology, computational chemistry, etc., where human-based approaches to convert data to knowledge are translated into algorithms and software. Computational forensics can play a role in overcoming several shortcomings of the forensic sciences which have received much recent public attention and criticism. The presentation gives an ontology of forensics distinguishing the terms digital forensics, classical forensics and computational forensics. Three main research topics of computational forensics which span several sub-disciplines are: (i) the individuality problem, which is the quantification of the “degree” of uniqueness provided by a modality or evidence, (ii) the search problem, which is to narrow-down possibilities in a database using evidence as query, and (iii) the comparison problem, which involves determining the degree of match between the evidence and known while considering possible variability within the known. Statistical approaches to solving each of these problems will be described. The solutions are illustrated with examples from DNA, finger-prints, shoe-prints, handwriting and signatures. Image-Based Geometric Modeling and Mesh Generation of Heterogeneous Domains for Computational Mechanics Thursday, May 6, 1:30-2:30 PM Prof. Yongjie (Jessica) Zhang Director of Computational Biomodeling Laboratory Department of Mechanical Engineering Carnegie Mellon University, USA Bio-sketch: Prof. Zhang received her B.Eng. in Automotive Engineering (1996) and M.Eng. in Engineering Mechanics (1999), all from Tsinghua University, China; M.Eng. in Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics (2002) and Ph.D. in Computational Engineering and Sciences (2005) from the University of Texas at Austin. She is the director of Computational Biomodeling Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University. Her research interests include Computational Geometry, Mesh Generation, Computer Graphics, Visualization, Finite Element Method, Isogeometric Analysis and their applications in Computational Biomedicine, Computational Biology and Engineering. Prof. Zhang has developed many novel meshing techniques for quality 2D and 3D finite element mesh generation, which have been used in a lot of applications at various scales. She has published about 50 papers in the international journals and conference proceedings. Abstract: With finite element method and scanning technology seeing increased use in active research areas such as biomechanics, there is an emerging need for quality mesh generation of the spatially realistic domains that are being studied. In images obtained from various scanning techniques like CT/MRI, the domain of focus often possesses heterogeneous materials and/or functionally different properties. For example, the MRI brain data is segmented into 48 subareas, with each colored area demarked as possessing specific characteristic functionality. In finite element analysis, these heterogeneous materials are grouped into separate material regions with individual physical/chemical attributes or material coefficients. For each of the partitioned material regions, high fidelity geometric models and quality meshes are needed, with meshes conforming at the material boundaries. Although there have been tremendous progresses in the area of surface reconstruction and 3D geometric modeling, it still remains a challenge to generate desirable models for such complicated domains. I will present details of meshing pipelines, especially octree-based algorithms to extract adaptive and quality 2D (triangular or quadrilateral) and 3D (tetrahedral or hexahedral) meshes of volumetric domains, conforming to boundaries defined as level sets of a scalar function on the domain. Guaranteed-quality all-quad meshing, feature preservation, and automatic meshing for multi-material domains will be discussed. Besides piecewise linear element meshes, a skeletonbased sweeping method is developed to construct hexahedral solid NURBS for blood vessels from imaging data, then a wavelets-based scheme is used to simplify and fair the NURBS surface with continuity preservation, especially at the interface shared by multiple patches. The constructed solid NURBS have been successfully used in isogeometric analysis of blood flow. In this talk, I will additionally present two main applications of our meshing schemes: patientspecific geometric modeling from CT/MRI data, and implicit solvation models of biomolecular structures for multi-scale models for the Neuro-Muscular Junction synaptic system at both molecular and cellular scales. Sponsors
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