D’’sb Contact the Council Jewish Representative Council of Greater Manchester and Region Tel/Fax: 0161 720 8721 E-mail: office@jewishmanchester.org ON THE WEB AT www.jewishmanchester.org Providing a quick and easy-to-use guide to your communal organisations Communal Diary! Contact us by phone, fax or e-mail to add your event to the Check the Communal Diary before arranging your event to reduce clashes with other functions, and we will publicise your event to all our delegates and their organisations. Issue 28 Spring 2015 The Omer 5775 Representative Council Initiative gets 135,000 to protect Shechita On February 12, Sharon Bannister, President of The Jewish Representative Council of Greater Manchester & Region became aware of a House of Commons debate scheduled for February 23 in Westminster Hall to consider an e-petition to “End non-stun slaughter to promote animal welfare”. This petition was started by Sally scientific evidence showing around required 10 months 100,000 to gather signatures. the Our facebook and emails and the great of religion in Britain. care about animal welfare and the response of the Jewish and Muslim freedom of religious practice. communities and our friends. What was most gratifying was required website of the pre-eminent animal promoted by the BVA. It had taken how the strength of feeling shown than the 100,000 signatures. welfare That same evening Sharon and Council Vice-President, Jonny academic, Sally Burnells started in petition April to 2014 ban marketing the some and more Jewish and and so many others others who truly was received Council ban. It was signed by Jews, Muslims properly. It included a link to the when practised targeted the and others who care about freedom had ( B VA ) , is excellent Muslim Jewish Forum, along with and Association suffering between to days had overtaken the petition to religious of due Representative minimisation slaughter was in 9 days, not months, and after 10 Veterinary British survey cooperation Strategy the the petition reached the 100,000 target Burnell, Director of Policy, Media & at 135,000 signatures. The success of through Having achieved this amazing impact, the Council hopes that the Dr through the petition was strength of feeling the petition has Temple Grandin. It also reflected in the debate in demonstrated will cause the BVA made Westminster Hall, and FSA to focus on improving their clear that Wineberg, rang Mohammed Amin, abattoirs frequently fail where it was referred to monitoring of slaughterhouses and the Muslim Co-Chair of the Muslim to several wider treatment of animals, rather Jewish animal Forum Manchester, to of Greater suggest a joint petition supporting the protection of religious slaughter in the UK and effectively stun e f f e c t i v e l y, thereby causing suffering. dissemination agreed. Jonny prepared the draft, Mancunians, Amin finalised and uploaded it onto petition the picked e-petitions by was up and Jewish epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions. The petition emphasised shared the very MP, to practices communities. We the our know two that appalling of Parliament and its institutions will be the more difficult but hope that it will incidence and improved European have contributed to some extent. If you want to help further this, or monitoring by the Food other, Safety Agency. the attack of influencing for organisations at Hollobone continuing who took on board the need the live religious quickly Muslim was than stuns national also p r o p o s e r, failed by It debates the website and by 8am on February 13 petition the times. seemed to influence the Philip Starting from initial EU. Without any hesitation, Amin G o v e r n m e n t s the campaigns, contact us and As the closing date widely approached, the petition office@jewishmanchester.org had call us on 0161 720 8721 among Jews, Muslims The petition topped the Governments e-petition list in March 2015 received over e m a i l by a t or Awesome Advocacy The Representative Council, in partnership with the ZCC and Stand With Us, held a hugely successful Israel Advocacy Event with Neil Lazarus of Awesome Seminars in March. The previous evening, Neil had Israel activists. Neil kept the updated an audience of over 70 at audience totally engrossed with his South Manchester Synagogue on different the latest situation in minds Israel. At the tactics to and using opened more their effective Bnei Akiva Bayit, he challenged the methods next generation of Israel advocates any current situation between Israel to and the Palestinians rethink their approach to campaigning. discussion regarding Neil's book, 'The New Five Rules Neils initial gambit was to play devils of throwing anti- read for anyone getting involved in participants and this work and if you go to his page at giving them little time to gather their www.awesomeseminars.weebly.com thoughts. you can join on of his online webinars. Israel advocate, of Effective Israel Advocacy' is a must rhetoric at As the evening progressed, he ran through a range of communication strategies for methods engaging with and anti- Contact zcc.man@zen.co.uk to get more involved as part of a new advocacy group. Sir Richard Leese spoke at the December meeting of the Jewish Representative Council, a month after the historic announcement of devolution to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority. THE COUNCIL'S ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Sunday May 10th 2015 10.15am Guest Speaker: VOLVED WITH ET IN OUR G N A WO C R U O Chief Inspector Umer Khan Officer with responsibility for Cohesion at Greater Manchester Police K Y Neil Lazarus speaking to a rapt group of seminar participants For venue details, contact office@jewishmanchester.org l0 16 1 r e C al 720 8721 or ema il rg ter.o s e h c office@jewishman t nq oe ui The whole community is invited to attend 2 A Bishop for all The new Bishop of Manchester, The Rt Rev David Walker, shares his thoughts on his return to our City and relationships with our community. Returning to Manchester in late of all backgrounds were able to visit 2013, to take up my post as its new the death camp of Auschwitz and to bishop, has brought a very welcome share their stories with their fellow return to living in a place in which the students Jewish community plays a visible representatives and significant part. I'm grateful to certainly the something of the individual impact Representative Council for quickly making my wife Sue and of myself feel welcome. community back helped Shoah, home. me but That understand nothing could to have fully prepared me to realise homes and community events soon what it meant in terms of a whole showed community. that good Visits the and relationships have been built up and sustained between the Council and my predecessors. My first to Israel, in time that the six million who were almost were not unimaginable just an number of November 2014, took advantage of individuals but the greater part of an the direct flights that now operate entire between Manchester and Tel Aviv. It grandchildren will remain one of the highlights of escaped my life to date. I had seen pictures of survivors, as will be their children many of the places we visited before, and grandchildren yet unborn. yet it was surprisingly moving to be people. or for the London most significant events in my religious tradition. One of the The children of those survived and who are also It was an extraordinary privilege able to touch the locations of some of me to attend a ceremony r e c e n t l y, most emotionally "Righteous among the who had hidden and protected Jews during the Holocaust. Not least, I gather there day and night, knowing was struck by the enormous efforts that I was also praying alongside still those who have come to that holy those deserving to receive it, even spot 70 years after their bravery. over two thousand being undertaken to It has also been a privilege to I prayed were the same stones that stand alongside Jewish and other were faith touched by those great leaders, in response to the teachers and holy ones, Christian Paris massacre and for Holocaust and names Memorial Day. We are stronger as have travelled down the intervening faith communities, and Manchester centuries and still inspire us today. is stronger as a city, when we unite alike, whose The mixture of joy and tension around the core values that different religious traditions all seek I witnessed first hand, brought home to express, and work for the peace, to constant wellbeing and flourishing of both our proximity and fear of antisemitism own people and all those who we that is as much a part of modern live among. something as range, the 'simulation' Claytonbrook. a The group were shown the firing the Unit, armoury room, range Whittle- Head of Firearms Training and expertise. They reflect the variety of for communities Johnson. within a particular advice with from them, Critical when incidents. dealing For the GMP The Inspector visit headed experience by the a IAGs are made up of people with of up with and and Sergeant David meeting for the extended group at North Manchester Headquarters Inspector during Alan Police which Kelly Chief made a presentation on 'Stop and Search'. Shaun Chief Inspector Patrick McKelvey explained, The visit to group gained a detailed The Firearms Training Unit by the understanding of the very intensive North training allowed process and had the Manchester them to IAG gain members a greater Jewish community, this is incredibly opportunity to handle different guns understanding important to ensure we can respond (after strict safety procedures) and Firearms officer in policing and the to issues affecting our community. learn in what circumstances they (or professional manner in which they Several tasers) would be used. are deployed. The members asked Jewish Representative Council members serve on IAGs, with Executive members Filis This visit dealt with the decisions that have to be made in split am Tony Walker serving on the one for in to preparing those involved. This involvement North Manchester. was understanding. the regular IAG role of which was the purpose of the visit. I seconds and the training that goes by the lots of very challenging questions, Rosenberg, Barbara Goldstone and followed of very pleased and with their their greater of it the has been for As Bishop of Manchester, part of countless generations; and is part of my role is to stand up for all those Manchester as much as the Middle who would place faith at the heart of East. both private and civic life. In my In my time as a bishop in Dudley second year I feel I am getting to I was privileged to work with a local know you all a little better, I hope that MP, Ian Austin, whose father is a will allow me to better discharge the holocaust responsibilities to which I have been survivor. Ian worked tirelessly to see that schoolchildren in conjunction with 'Victours‘ cordially invite you to our that is the Jerusalem of today, which life at identify years. The stones I was touching as Jewish held Nations" and pray alongside the crowds who me was Training where at the Western Wall in Jerusalem Jewish session Firearms Ambassador Daniel Taub presented awards to the descendants of those well The in charged experiences was to stand for Chief Inspector Patrick McKelvey reently arranged for several members of the North Manchester IAG (Independent Advisory Group) to attend a familiarisation session in order for the group to understand some of the aspects of the training of armed police, writes Barbara Goldstone. area, so that the Police can request It came home to me for the first exterminated trip Training to Fire Beth Shalom called. June 28th 2015 8.30am prompt - 7:00 p.m. Cost £20 (pre-payable) includes transport and entrance The Bishop on a visit to King David High School earlier this school year Ensuring Education Barbara D Goldstone, Education Committee Chairman, reports on recent developments. This past few months, due to the Tr o j a n Horse Birmingham, intensified schools. situation OFSTED their visits to area we are looking to address in through our work on local SACREs has (Standing Advisory Committee on faith Religious Education). Their main concern is the We have representation on law and attitudes in modern Britain SACREs today. Manchester Local Authority areas: Unfortunately, our own faith schools have s u ff e r e d some backlash due to their own religious curriculum, and we are working with our colleagues at the Board of Deputies to address some of the concerns about religious sensitivity. We are also concerned by the fact that many people, ignorant of our religious into schools practices, are going talking about the Jewish religion. We seek to ensure that those going in to schools are appropriately qualified and competent to do so. Greater Bury: Mrs Barbara Goldstone Please bring packed lunch, or a vegetarian lunch can be provided for a further £8.50 which must be pre booked th Please R.S.V.P. by June 14 to office@jewishmanchester.org Tel No: 0161 720 8721 Bolton: Mrs Hilary Lewis Oldham: Mr Marcus Irving Keller Rochdale: Rabbi Tony Walker in partnership with Stockport: Carole Weinberg Trafford: Mrs Sandra Stewart Salford: Mr Alex Klein Manchester: Rev. David Braunold Tameside: Mr Michael Lowe Wigan: Rabbi Arnold Saunders Macclesfield: Mr Frank Vigon Anyone wishing to discuss matters of religious education, or should contact the Chair or ViceChair of the Education Committee, particularly at senior levels, we have Barbara D Goldstone and Jeremy seen Michelson large religious ten education, a in all Coach will leave from a North Manchester venue get involved in our education work, Due to the lack of specialised teachers ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! in Places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment decrease in those taking the subject. This is another respectively, Council office. via the RepPresents can be downloaded from www.jewishmanchester.org/RepPresents where you can also find up-to-date articles on the Council’s work 3 Salford Interfaith From the President debates the future ‘FAITH, Fervour and Fanaticism: the next generation’ was the intriguing topic under discussion at the Salford Interfaith Network (IFN) annual meeting at Pendleton Gateway on February 19th, writes Judith Hayman. Chair of Manchester Council of Christians and Representative Jews Council and Friend of the Community 2014, Revd Canon Steve Williams, said: Good fervour proud of being fundamentalist in one sense as I need passion and fervour to pass on faith to my congregants. Salford City College tutor and embraces G-d in the other person Chaplain, whilst bad fervour is when you only When see G-d in yourself. G-d is bigger fanaticism? than us. Islam was a moderate religion and Tu r n i n g from fervour to that Imran Kotwal, does the love He asked: turn to explained Prophet that preached n o t e d : moderation. He said that the notion Fundamentalism is something we that not enough was being done to see in people other than ourselves. stop f a n a t i c i s m h e fanaticism in mainstream quoted mosques was wrong. He said most theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, who Muslims were radicalised through rose to prominence in the 1930s as the internet and foreign influences. a vociferous opponent to Nazism. He did not witness radicalisation in Niebuhr said: A tendency to claim the G-d as an ally for our partisan values community in his town, Bolton. Revd and Williams ends is the source religious fanaticism. saw the humour of all Rev Williams of the older 25,000 strong Muslim The meeting was convened by Salford IFN Council chairman past and President Rep Barbara generation speaking for the younger Goldstone. The aim of the IFN is to when build he quoted theologian John friendship, goodwill and Courtney Murray who said: I dont understanding between people of know different what Ive said until I understand what youve heard. Rev Williams spoke of the part between Christians and dialogue on Salford his Christian Higher Arnold Saunders Crumpsall and and IFN beliefs, Muslims, Jews action. member through Founder Irfan Syed spoke of a sports initiative involving motivation to embrace the other. Rabbi and especially the Tiaze community in France had influencing faiths of Higher Broughton Synagogue said: I am Israeli teenagers visiting Salford. He said: People do not appreciate There are many trials and tribulations of being the President in 2015 writes Sharon Bannister. that the need for such measures Being President of The Jewish one: ceremonial and administrative. quickly vanishes It and function h o n o u r, delight a and an very a The role of President is a dual Manchester is as is wrong in this instance. Representative Council of Greater Region although realist, my head insists that my heart is the Presidents to be representative of occasionally a duty to be borne with Manchester and fortitude! Community, to ceremonial the visible the Greater Region attend Jewish external I have talked before about my events where invitations have been illustrious predecessors and I am extended, to host events of our own, sure that they in their time must to be seen in the wider community, have felt just as proud and pleased to participate in Civil events and to to have been chosen as President, ensure whilst represented. enduring some of the experience. from During the nearly 100 years of the C o u n c i l s Community existence, has thrived our and that as This Jews we are in the Diplomatic Service may be not be anything beyond possibility except that to prizegiving lighting candles Holocaust ceremonies, at Day, at International meeting with continues to expand its H e b r e w, which activities. The Bogdanov lectures on Reprsentative the can Holocaust Gaster and project the are Moses just two examples; and a visit to the Centres website is recommended. persuade As regards appears numbers of reasons University, is impeded by hope those and the others involved to reconsider. Negatively, the Centre, like the rest the we Council to of be students, a decline Jewish unknown. there in students, On the the for other administrative decisions which help hand, there seems currently to be neither teaching nor research. A key no problem of anti-semitism, though example of such a decision is the it is always necessary to be vigilant. well requires of gigantic knowledge, skill, faith leaders, mayors and visiting wisdom and not least time, none of continues to be highly valued by dignitaries which National and Local Governments, speaker at one of our communal civil and religious organisations and organisations AGMs. In addition the the wider community too. We can job entails being a member of the in rightly hold our heads high in any Board of Deputies of British Jews inability company and my experiences as and delegates to vote on Constitutional President have not only confirmed Council. this but respect astonished shown and me by warmth also the There with workings to the being Jewish the main Leadership is of also the the internal Council explained in the job interview! As I write this Presidents piece the aftermath change, are to I of the attract am Councils sufficient saddened that the sterling efforts of many people over and the past two years have not yet seen which I have been received at every Community, monthly real change in the way we run the event and function I have attended meetings of the full Council plus the Council. The need for change was in my capacity as President. Executive chairing the plus the first suggested 15 years ago so I meetings plus suppose that the fact that we now global discussions with local and national have firm proposals ready for a full antisemitism has sadly continued. politicians, council officials, police, Council The highly visible presence of police other fielding achievement. I hope that we may around our schools and institutions, Press enquiries and all the other quickly find some way around the supplementing our own volunteers questions impasse and that the Council can is both a comfort and a frightening thrown your way. Since the RepPresents, last the edition rise in of development. It is my fervent wish Honorary meetings Officers communal and leaders, queries that get Put all that together and a career Israel until they visit it. one to end the teaching of modern all experience, oratory ability, patience, The news from Manchester University is both positive and negative, reports Harry Lesser. Positively, the Centre for Jewish it measures the News from Campus Studies do vote smoothly on move is some towards kind our of next 100 years. own volunteers is both a comfort and a frightening development. It is my fervent wish that the need for such measures quickly vanishes although as a realist, my head insists that my heart is wrong in this instance. The role of President is a dual one: ceremonial and administrative. It is the President’s ceremonial function to be the visible representative of the COMMUNITY SHERMAN LECTURE 2015 th Sunday, 26 April at 7.30pm Professor Amy-Jill Levine Speaking of the Middle East: Jews and Christians in Dialogue and Dispute at the Manchester Jewish Museum This is a FREE event. For more information see www.manchesterjewishstudies.org 4 Get the Vote Out GENERAL ELECTION 2015 CHEADLE CONSTITUENCY HUSTINGS Monday 27th April The Council is working in partnership with several organisations to ensure our community has every opportunity to quiz candidates in the forthcoming General Election. Three major former parties MPs will be at from the the first You are invited to a local hustings for the Cheadle Parliamentary Constituency. All seven declared candidates have confirmed their attendance We hope you will join us to discuss and explore key issues with the candidates Yeshurun Synagogue, Coniston Road, Cheadle event on Monday 20th April along with a representative of the 7.30pm to 9.30pm Matthew Torbitt Mark Hunter Helen Bashford Independent Liberal Democrats Independence from Europe Shaun Hopkins Martin Miller Drew Carswell UKIP Labour Party The Above and Beyond Party new Party on the block, UKIP. Ivan Lewis is looking to retain his seat and, possibly, become a Minister in a Labour-led Government. Meanwhile Conservative Graham Party is Bradys looking to return to power, but the Chair of the 1922 Committee has shown no sign Mary Robinson of Conservative Party wanting a Government post. Liberal Democrat Andrew Stunell, a former Minister in the Coalition If you wish to submit a question to be put to the candidates, please email jonny@fn4m.org 3 or 4 questions will be asked from those submitted and then questions will be taken from the floor Government, will not be returning to parliament as he is retiring from the Commons. Looking to upstage them all will be Ian Henderson, who is hoping handful for the Chair, our that own Jonny Wineberg. a UKIP become an surge MP. will see These hm We hope that as many special, North West hustings will be chaired of by Angela Epstein, who is not known possible will turn out for for being short of an opinion herself! these events and ensure A week after these hustings, the our that community issues as important to Representative Council will partner both our, and the wider, with community are addressed one of Synagogues, our affiliated Yeshurun, and two by candidates. We also local interfaith groups, to host a local hope that everyone able hustings seven will use their vote wisely declared candidates for the seat will on May 7th and encourage be participating, which should be a others to do so. for Cheadle. All Winners of our Annual Community Challenge Quiz were Outreach, seen here receiving their trophy from Council President, Sharon Bannister FREE training for Faith and small voluntary organisations Faith Network 4 Manchester is holding several training sessions in the next 2 months Please visit us at www.fn4m.org/content/training for more information. Community Engagement Improving the say local people and organisations have in services Wednesday 22nd April 2015, 6.30pm-9.30pm Activity Planning Increasing capacity and capability to plan and deliver effectively Wednesday 29th April 2015, 6.30pm-9.30pm Supervising and Appraising Increasing effectiveness of performance management and support Wednesday 6th May, 1.00pm-4.30pm Group and Team Work Learn how to use effective team working skills Tuesday 12th May, 6.30pm- 9.30pm Introduction to Fundraising Maximising chances of eliciting support from grant making bodies Wednesday 20th May 2015, 11am-4.30pm All sessions at Manchester Multifaith Centre 77 Thompson St, Manchester M4 5FY
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