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FREE SERVICES Blood pressurecheek, first Monday of each month, 10 a.m. to noon, and second Friday of each month, 10:30 a.m. to noon, South Lyon Center for Active Adults. Members free, non-members $1. For more information call the Center at 573-8175. Blood pressure and cholesterol screenings, Washtenaw County Health Department, first Monday of every month, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. For information, call 1-800-4492127. HIV/AIDS testing Wednesdays, 6-9 p.m., Community Family Health Center, 1230 N. Maple Rd., Ann Arbor. Call 734-5729355 or 734-998-6117. Immunizations offered through Oakland County Health~Division. 1010 E. West Maple Rd., Walled Lake. Mondays, noon-7:30 p.m.. and Tuesdays-Fridays. 8:30 a.nl.-4:30 p.m. Call 248-9263300. - - Mammograms, breast exams. pelvic exams and pap tests are free through the Title XV program br women over age 40 who qualify financially. Call the Oakland County Breast and Cervical Screening Center for details at 810-424-7100. Well child clinics are held by Oakland County Health Division at 14 locations throughout the county. For an appointment, call the Walled Lake office, 248-9263000. WIC, immunizations and reproductive health offered through Livingston County Health Department, 2300 E. Grand River Rd., Howell, Wednesday evenings. Call 517-546-9850 for information. GRIEF SUPPORT Grief Support meets the first Thursday of each month, from 67:30 p.m.. at the Salem-South Lyon District Library, 9800 Pontiac Trail. The groups are free of charge and are sponsored by Phillips Funeral Home and the library. Reservations are not required, walk-in basis. For additiohal information, contact Phillips Funeral Home at 43716 16. HOLISTIC South Lyon Family Pharmacy is proud to present Dr. Richard Ng. Dr. Ng will be speaking at the pharmacy on Wednesday, March 22, at 7 p.m.. on the benefits of Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy as well as the ~enefits of proper diet. Dr. Ng is a physician at the Center for Holistic Medicine in Southfield. •Cost is $15 per person. Please call the South Lyon Family Pharmacy at 248-437-6225 to rpserve your spot. Seating is limited to the first 30 people. _________________________ ___________________________ Providence Park Medical Cenler. 47601 Grand River Ave. in Braces replace animal innards! (NAPSI)-It used to take guts to straighten teeth-literally. Archeologists have discovered strips of animal innard on the front teeth of mummified ancients, apparently to close gaps. What a difference a few millennia can make. Today’s orthodontics is positively “space age.” State-of-the-art braces feature arch wires and brackets adapted from NASA technology. Orthodontic treatment is more comfortable than even a decade ago, so much so that patients look forward to getting wired! Nearly 4.5 million people in the United States and Canada are in the care of an orthodontist and looking forward to a healthy, beautiful smile that’s good for life, S Why is orthodontics important? Without treatment, orthodontic problems may lead to tooth decay, gum disease, hone destruction and trouble with chewing and digestion. A “bad bite” canbe a factor in tooth loss and chipped teeth. Orthodontics can have psychological benefits,. too-boosting a person’s self-image as the teeth, jaws and lips Novi, offers an in-house health education library that is now open to the public. Hours are Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Call 248-380-4110 for more details. MEN’S SUPPORT A men’,s therapy/support group meets on Wednesdays at 710 E. Grand River, Brighton. Call Bob Wehrwein, M.A.L.P.C., at 810-227-0361 for directions. $10 fee per meeting. STOP SMOKING Assessment and introduction for people who wish to stop smoking. Meetings by appointment. Call Pat Harris at 734712-4141. SUPPORT GROUPS Addiction Support Group, Thursdays, 7:30-9 p.m., Green Oak Free Methodist Church. Call become properly aligned. S When should my child first see an orthodoptist? , The American Associatiofi of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends that every child get an orthodontic screening no later than age 7. Even if a problem is detected, immediate treatment may not be recommended. Chances are, the orthodontist will want to check on your child from time to time. That way, the orthodontist can inform parents of the ideal time to begin treatment. - . • Is it ever too late for a person to get braces? Healthy teeth can be moved at almost any age. An orthodontist can improve the smile of practically anyone-in fact, orthodontists regularly treat patients in their SOs, 60s and older! . . • What makes an orthodontist different from a dentist? Orthodontists are specialists in the diagno- Al-Anon, every Monday. 7:30 p.m., St. Pat’s Fellowship Hall, 5671 Whitmore Lake Rd., Whitmore Lake. Alcoholics Anonymous: Mondays, 8 p.m., and Saturdays, 10 a.m., First United Methodist Church, 640 S. Lafayette St. Non-smoking meetings. 437-0760. Wednesdays, 11 a.m., First Presbyterian Church of South Lyon, 205 E. Lake St. Non-smoking meeting. Call Don and Kathy, 437-4733. Thursdays, 7:30 p.m., First Baptist Church, 60820 Marjorie Ann, at Pontiac Trail. Call Jeff at 437-9499. CODA, a program for codependents, 7 p.m., Mondays, Brighton Hospital. For information, call 810-227-1211. sis, prevention and treatment of dental and facial irregularities. They are uniquely qualifled to correct “bad bites? The American Dental Association requires orthodontists to have at least two years of post-doctoral, advanced specialty training in orthodontics in an accredited.program, after graduation from dental school. . S What aboutcosts? You may be surprised to discover that orthodontics is less expensive than. you thought. An AAO member will be happy to discuss fees and offer payment plans to help meet individual financial needs. In addition. many dental insurance plans now include orthodontic benefits. It’s important to keep in mind, of course, the lifetime of benefits that orthodontics provides. . S Who can recommend an orthodontist? Ask your family dentist to recommend an orthodontisL You can also find the name of AAO members in your area on the Internet at www.braces.org. See yourself getting your vision checked this week March 5-1 1 is Save Your Vision Week and a perfect time to schedule overdue eye and vision examinations. “So many people suffer needlessly from untreated vision conditions and diseases of the eye,” sald Dr. Gregory B. Ferman, president of Michigan Optometric Association. “Save Your Vision Week is a national reminder to make eye examinations a priority for everyone in the family.” The Michigan Optometric Association recommends the following eye examination schedule: however, Dr. Ferman notes that some people may need more frequent exams if they have or at risk of developing certain eye health or vision conditions: A Course in Miracles spiritual support/study groups now meeting weekly in South Lyon. Ongoing: Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m.: Wednesdays. 1-3 p.m.: or Fridays, 4-6 p.m. No charge, all welcome. For more information,~~eontactKerry. Russell at 248~42OQ903 3 - • Infants by six months of age • Preschoolers by age three • School children before first grade and every 2 years thereafter • Adults 19-40 Every 2-3 years •. Adults41-60 Every 2 years • Adults 61 and older Every year - - - - - Contribute to the American Red Cross + American Red Cross Help Can’t Wait Michigan Streams and Lakes 1-800-HELP NOW Get Ready for Fishing Season! Stream ATTENTI. ADVERTISERSPUMP UP YOUR SALES ! WE WANT TO It’s that time of year when everyone starts focusing on getting in better shape. To help you reach those readers, advertise your health-related products or service in our next advertising supplement, Health & Fitness publishing Wednesday, March 22 and Thursday, March 23. From exercise equipment, to health care practices, your ad will be noticed by over 100,000 readers of the Milford ‘limes, the Times, South Lyon Herald, Northville Record, Novi News, Brighton Argus,. or Livingston County Press. Pump up your sales! Call the office nearest you for more advertising information. South Lyon Herald (248) 437-2011 Northville Record (248) 349-1700 . Novi News Milford Times Livingston County Press Brighton Argus HS TowN ‘C Newspapers MAP (248) 349-1700 (248) 685-1509 (517) 548-2000 (517) 227-01 Michigan ~Vhyevery fisherman and boater needs this map It is estimated that 10% of all the fishermen catch 90% àf the fish. Regardless of which group you fall ‘mto...there’s a sure way to up your odds...simply try new fishing waters. Fish where few fisherman ever fish. ~yr Michigan is loaded with great fishing waters... many of ui’ t~it. ;~i~’i them overlooked. From the AuSable River to all of the Great Lakes tributaries to the Pere Marquette River.,.thousands of The recently published STREAM miles ofstreams, lakes and rivers are now easy-to-locate on MAP OF MICHIGAN resembles another map--known to Penniylvania one map. Professor l*igbee’s Stream Map of anglers as the “Lost Stream Map?’ The “Stream Map of Pennsylvania” Michigan is the first and only highly f T was completed in 1965 after a thirty- dethiled map ofits kind. This new 4 foot by ( “~ R year effort b~Howard Higbee, a former 4 foot color map shows virtually all of the .hmtun Penn State Professor. Professor Highee succeeded in creat- 35,000 miles of Michigan streams & lakes. - .1 ~Y4rA~~ ‘~ ‘ “ ing amap of the highest detail possible...a map that shows evesy stream and lake. He painttakingly plotted by hand, the location of 45,000 miles of streams onto a 3 x 5 foot map. The map sold extremely well-- until it was lost several years after it first appeared in print. Incredibly, the printer entrusted with the original drawing abd printing platds, declared bankruptcy, then carelessly hauled Higbee’s 30 years of work to a landfill, The few remaining dog-eared copies became a prized fisherman’s possession. Professor Higbee was offered $400 for one of his last maps. And state agencies were forced to keep their copies under lock and key. Experts told Professor Highee that reprints were impossible, because the maps were printed in non-photographic blue. Then, in 1991, at the age of9l, Howard Higbee’s dream came true. Computers made it possible to reprint the map. Holding an updated map, Howard said, “I never thought I’d live to see this day?’ Then, by combining Professor Highee’s knowledge with computer technology--the STREAM MAP OF MICHIGAN was created. ‘ STREAMS RAVE REVIEWS “It is amazingly detailed and names some creeks in the Mohawk Valley that can’t even be found on topographic maps.” John Pitarres OBSERVER-DISPATCH-Utica “Ifyou’re looking for the most definitive maps ever created depicting every single creet river; stream, pond and lake...then “Professor Higbee’s Stream Maps” are without question thefinest. Howard Brant THE NEWARK STAR-LEDGER -. “It is in showing where to find out-of-the-way trout streams that makes the map such a treasure to thefis/aennan. Joe Gordon TRIBUNE-DEMOCRATJohnstown FREE LOCATION GUIDEBOOK INCLUDED Pinpoint the bestfishing in Michigan with this valuable40 page guide. Easily locate over 5,000 streams and lakes shown on the “Stream Map.” Your map and guidebook will take you to the top 443 fishing waters--select watersfor 14 species qfgaanefish, lOB ER YOUR COLOR STREAM MAPi~ lAvailable rolled or folded. ALSO AVAILABLE in hea~’gauge I LIFETIME GUARANTEED, glass-like clear-lamination, write- 1 lot wipe-off surface, with brass eyelettes Iler easy hanging. I Sen&_4FTsy4rTnoswmap~s~ga~essaap~tars24saet I Send_4Frby4EumIasIED Send...,.~4FTby4FFOttEtai4~ pestagaMtskxpaidal$24.liea mapls)postagetttIaxpahtitItIsw. I Chtch ~rnoneyosder eratesed $ SHIPPED PHIORIYMAlt I Make Check Payaue to HomeTown Newspapers 1 I I I I I__Mastercard __.Xisa..,_piscover,AE CaIl’24.HowtA-Day I ICredit Card Orders 1800-7874288— Dept. HT-CC I .- Gard# ______________________ Exp. Date jSi~nature IName IAddress . IC~ty__________________ State _____-Zip___ I I I I I.. Mail Completed Coupon with Paymentto: HOME1OWN NEWSPAPERS, AiTh: STREAM MAPS 323 EAST GRMJD RIVER, HOWELL, Ml 48843 I I I I I I I -
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