VOLUME 31, NUMBER 4 PHYSICAL REVIEW A APRIL 1985 Scaling in a ballistic aggregation Shoudan Liang and Leo model P. Kadanoff The James Franck Institute and Enrico Fermi Institute, The University Chicago, illinois 60637 (Received 13 November 1984) of Chicago, 5640 South Ellis Avenue, An aggregate is formed by a kinetic process in which particles move in parallel straight lines and stick to a structure at the point of first contact. The corresponding structure looks like a fan. Two different scaling regions are investigated: one in the body of the fan and the other in the fuzzy region near its edges. Recently, considerable work' has been devoted to a kinetic process called diffusion-limited or aggregation, DLA. To model the process, one places a random walker in the neighborhood of an aggregate, then lets it walk until it hits. Then it sticks and the aggregate grows by one unit. Simple as it is, the model is capa'ble of describing some quite complicated spatial structures obtained by a dynamic random growth process from an experiment. Because of its nonequilibrium nature, DLA is beyond the scope of application of conventional statistical mechanics. For this reason, it still evades complete theoretical understanding. DLA is only one among a large class of models of nonequilibrium aggregation. What are the general properties of these models? With this question in mind, we studied another such model, what we call the ballistic driven aggregation (BDA) model, due originally to Void and In this model, particles are only allowed to Sutherland. move along straight lines un'til they hit the aggregate, and stick. Randomness is introduced via a probabalistic choice of the lines. Physically, this model may serve as an approximation to deposition processes in the extreme high vacuum limit in which particles move toward a substrate in straight lines. The model exhibits interesting behaviors of various kinds. Previous workers ' have observed fractal effect analogous to, but different from, that of DLA. We report, in this note, a scaling behavior not unlike what one may see in a phase transition system. In this paper, we concentrate upon the situation in which all the lines are parallel so that the particles "rain" in only from one direction (visualize this as downward motion). In this case, we can simulate the system with a very efficient computer algorithm. Since we only need to keep track of the height of the top-most particle on each line where particles move, computer memory space is not a problem in constructing very large clusters. In fact, it is possible to construct clusters of 10 million occupants with moderate computer time. The rules of the model are very simple: Imagine an aggregate lying between xi and x, . Choose, at random, a value of x between xI+1 and x, — 1. A particle with this value of x moves from oo. It oo toward y= — sticks at the first site which has an occupied neighbor, otherwise it disappears. Then another particle is shot in, and so on. If one begins with an aggregate which contains y=+ 31 a single point, the outcome of this process is a fanlike structure (Fig. I), which has a high density in the center and a bunch of long holes near the edges. To describe the "fan, one uses polar coordinates (r, 8), in which the initial point lies at r =0 and 0=0 corresponds to the y direction. The lattice can be conveniently divided into bins according to r and L9. In each bin, we measure the average density defined as the ratio of the occupied sites to the available lattice sites. Figure 2 shows the average density as a function of the angle for several radii. The density varies smoothly at small angle, and then it drops sharply to zero. The transition gets steeper when the radius approaches infinity. Call the angle at which this transition occurs 0, . Then one can divide the fan into three regions, depending upon whether 8 &8„~8 8~ &8, . In the first re+ oo the density approaches a constant. What gion, as r — this means is that the fan structure has a trivial fractal dimension, which equals the dimensionality of the space. Nevertheless, the approach to the constant density is very slow and takes a scale invariant form " ~ ~ ~ =8„or ~ FICx. 1. An example of fanlike structure generated by BDA model from a single seed. There are about 4)&10 particles in this fan. The particles are rained from above. In the central part, the particles are distributed almost uniformly. There are not many of the big holes which are necessary for generating a nontrivial fractal dimension. Very long diagonal holes sometimes develop along the edge of the fan causing large density fluctuation. 2628 1985 The American Physical Society SCALING IN A BALLISTIC AGGREGATION MODEL 31 (1 p(r) I Ooo 00 0 Q~agq~&& Qgg 000 QgiIg 0 0 4a 0.4— op 4go 0 p Q ao go 4 radius o radius 0 radius p, =p„+Ar A, and P are constants which may depend on the angle. Here P is a nontrivial correction to fractal dimension. The form (1) has been previously used by several other authors to analyze BDA in various different geometries. To analyze the data, we averaged the density over sec8 — tions (radius & r, 8 & angle & 8+). If 8+ is small, this section density also obeys Eq. (1). We show in Fig. 3 the density observed in our numerical simulations for the particular sector in which 8+ —+10'. The data can be fit with Eq. (1) over three decades. For this section P=0.66+0.04. Gur simulation suggests but does not 7500 750 75 oo o 0 0.3— 2629 ~ e o 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 no 40 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 0 0 00 op 0 I 0 40 30 20 10 I P oonnn 50 r o o60 0 Q 0.32— angle (degrees) density as a function of angle at three different Notice the transition to zero density becomes sharper when the radius gets larger. At small angle, the density is higher for small radii than large ones. The r =75 line is obtained by averaging over 2X10 clusters, and the line with r =750 is the result of 2)&10 repetitions. The last line, radius 7500, is based on the data of 200 realizations of clusters of 10 million occupants. In each case, we extend the run sufficiently to obtain a complete fan, so when more particles are added in, the density at the radius used here will not be changed. FIG. 2. The radii. + + 200 x 600 o 2000 4 6000 0 9b' @+ 0.24— 4 40 0 4 4 O. 1 X 0 X X 0 4 x 0 X 0 0.08— x 4 0 4 X 0 + X a + X 0 + I +++4-i 40 30 25 45 50 angle 0 0 0 r 0 x 0 0 o + p o 60 + 200 n 4. o x+ pa 0 X x o oa 0 0 Og 00 4 6000 4 x 0 X 0 n 0 0 + x0 4 0 0 +o +O CA C: 00 600 o 2000 0 +'k QP Xo 0 00X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SP 0 g3 ~0 a g 0' FIG. 3. Sector d (r) vs r. The plot shows ln-ln scales. The sector is d is a parameter adjusted to make the fit linear. The slope, which is the same as P in Eq. (1), 0. 66 while d =0.463. In this plot, the data for different is — regions are taken from the clusters of different sizes, with more realizations for the smaller size clusters. density Ad = d (r) — d „and r on —10 &0&10'. The constant I -60 -100 -20 renarmalized FIG. 4.' 20 60 100 angle 0„ for five values of r. (b) (a) Density vs angle near Scaling function in Eq. {2). The scaled density r"p(r, O) is plot8, ). The r values for ted against the renormalized angle r (8 — this plot are the same as that used in (a). Here, @=0. 1, v=0. 46, and 0, =32. 0. 2630 SHOUDAN LIANG AND LEO P. KADANOFF prove that as 8 increases P increases also. When our work is taken in conjunction with the analysis of Meakin, one can see quite strong evidence that P is nonuniversal. Meakin considered a starting configuration in which all sites on the line y =0 were initially occupied. Then he fit the density as a function of height, h, to ~ ~ p(r) =p„+Ar Then, he found P=0. 78. When he changed the model by allowing the particles to stick to next nearest neighbors he found f3=0. 96. Clearly these are different answers from our P value. The conclusion is that the value of P is nonuniversal. In the transition region near the edges of the fan, the density goes quickly to zero, as 0 exceeds a critical value, 8, . Figure 4(a) suggests that 8, is about 32' and that near 8, there is a fairly large range over which p is linear in 8. can be The information in the region compressed into a scaling function of the form 8~8„r~ao p(r, 8)=r t'H(r"(8 8, )) . — (2) in Fig. 4(b) which We plot r"p(r, 8) versus r~(8 8, ) — x ~. shows that the function H(x)'is linear for small This linearity allows us to determine the v — p to be 0. 33+0.05. %'e determine the exponent p by using the fact that at the critical point 8=8„p(r,8, ) is proportionThis gives 8, =32.0+0.5, and @=0.1+0.05. al to r Now we can see two different scaling behaviors, one for 8~ &8, and the other for 8=8, . The latter behavior is 31 probably dominated by very long thin holes near the edges. These holes are quite apparent in Fig. 1. They are produced by two regions which grow diagonally outward almost in parallel, with the bottom region sticking out just further than the top one. Between these two growing layers, a hole develops. The correction to scaling and the P value are harder to understand. Perhaps the correction and its nonuniversality of P are due to the variation in the angle between the normal to the surface and the y axis. Call this angle P. We studied growth of surfaces held at an average angle P away from the horizontal. We found that this offset in angle tended to produce a surface with a few very large steps in height which then moved across the sample. The surface looks like a staircase with the steps traveling from the high end to the lower one as the cluster grows. This effect does lower the density because, when the jumps travel, an empty region will be left behind. The big long shape holes near the edges of the fan (Fig. 1) not only cause the decrease in density but also increase fiuctuations. Let Xb;„bethe number of occupied sites in a bin. The data indicate that (Nb;„— Nb;„) is proportional to Xbj„The proportionality constant is around 1 in the center of the fan and is around the order of one hundred near the edges. This is why we could not determine the angular dependence of P. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ~ ". ~ T. A. Witten and L. M. Sander, Phys. Rev. Lett. 47, 1400 (1981); Phys. Rev. B 27, 5686 (1983). P. Meakin, Phys. Rev. A 27, 604 (1983); 27, 1495 (1983); Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 1119 {1983). M. T. Void, J. Colloid. Sci. 18, 684 (1963). 4D. N. Sutherland, J. Colloid. Sci. 22, 300 (1966); 25, 373 (1967). We .would like to thank D. Bensimon, C. Tang, B. Shraiman, and P. Meakin for helpful discussions. This research was supported by U. S. Department of Energy Grant No. DESG0284ER45144 and made use of the Central Computational Facility of the University of Chicago, Materials Research Laboratory. 5D. Bensimon, 238 (1984). B. Shraiman, and S. Liang, Phys. Lett. 102A, D. Bensimon, B. Shraiman, and L. P. Kadanoff, of D. P. Lan- in Kinetics Aggregation and Gelation, edited by F. Family and dau (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1984), p. 75. 7P. Meakin (private communication).
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