Jhamtse Gatsal Children’s Community Volunteer Application personal information Name Education / Career When you join us at Jhamtse Gatsal, you expect to be: First Middle Last Date of Birth mm a current student vacation dd yyyy Country of Birth Nationality of Passport on a gap year career break other: What is the highest level of education you have completed? ie. high school, undergraduate, graduate degree, etc. What area(s) did you focus on during your education? Contact information Email Address Parent’s Email, if under 18 Skills & Experience What language(s) are you fluent in? Home or Permanent Address Address City or Town State or Province Zip or Postal Code What language(s) are you learning? Country Please list any current or past certifications, with dates: Phone Number (include country code) mobile? Please use the second page, if needed. Alt Phone Number (include country code) Please list any subjects you would be comfortable teaching to children or adults: mobile? Will you be traveling with any other Jhamtse volunteers? Name Relation to You Name Relation to You Please use the second page, if needed. Please list any other skills or past experience that you have that may serve well within the community: Please list any additional on the second page. Your Stay Please use the second page, if needed. Duration of stay (months): 3 months 6 months 1 year Reference other: Preferred start date: mm dd Earliest possible start date: mm dd Please send us two written references via email to volunteer@jhamtse.org yyyy yyyy Latest possible leave date: mm dd How did you learn about volunteering at Jhamtse Gatsal? yyyy Any special work or accomodation preferences? Kindly send this form by email to Adam Johnson, Volunteer Program Coordinator, at volunteer@jhamtse.org On this page, please write a short letter explaining why you want to volunteer at Jhamtse Gatsal Children’s Community. Also please outline a project or plan that you will deliver during your stay. You may also use this space to list any additional information that didn’t fit on the first page. Kindly send this form by email to Adam Johnson, Volunteer Program Coordinator, at volunteer@jhamtse.org
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