2015-2016 Hawkette Dance Team Tryout Packet Tryout Dates Tuesday, May 5 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Main Gym Wednesday, May 6 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Main Gym Thursday, May 7 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Main Gym New team members will be notified by phone call no later than 10pm on Thursday night (no call by this time indicates not on team) If you have any questions please contact: Coach Adler Varsity Team Coach Jacquelineadler5@gmail.com Dancers, make sure you read through this packet carefully and don’t forget to have your parents sign the last page. Good Luck! Dear Dance Team Candidates and Parents, My name is Jackie Adler and I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to be returning as the Varsity Dance Team coach for another year. This past year has been a great adventure and the Hawkettes accomplished many of the goals I set for them. I am looking forward to continuing the tradition of teamwork, dedication, spirit, and fun at Johnsburg. This year’s tryouts will be held on May 5, 6, and 7 in the Main Gym. During tryouts you will learn a hip-hop routine and a sideline routine. During the tryout, you will be asked to perform these routines as well as a toe touch, a pirouette (single, double, or triple), a sequence of kicks, splits, and any other cool trick or skill that you want to show the judges! This includes any tumbling tricks, special dance moves, hip hop tricks/stalls, etc. If you are unsure how to do any of these skills, don’t worry! We will have clinics during the first two days of tryouts to show you the basics of these skills and get you prepared for the actual tryout. In order to audition on the final day, you must come to each day of tryouts. You must arrive promptly at 6:00 p.m. with proper dance attire. This means wearing proper clothing (nonrestrictive attire), proper shoes (wearing only socks will not be permitted), no jewelry, and your hair should be tied back. On the actual day of tryouts (May 7), you will be randomly placed into groups of three or four. If you have a serious time conflict with any of these dates, please contact the coach as soon as possible. It is very important for any dance team candidate and their families to know that two things come before anything else when being on the Hawkette Dance Team: strong academics and a positive attitude. Any Hawkette that is failing a class at any time during the year will be restricted from practicing and participating in games/competitions until the grade is raised. I am a teacher and I place a very heavy importance on learning. Poms, although a wonderful way to have fun and meet new people, should not get in the way of your academics. Also, this team will only succeed if each dancer maintains mutual respect for one another. Positive attitudes and open minds are expected 100% of the time. If we can keep this in mind, I believe we can have an incredibly successful season! It’s an exciting time to be a Hawkette dancer! The team has made a name for its self by winning many regular season competitions and competing at State for the past 3 seasons. I would love nothing more than to keep this amazing streak going and in order to do that I need all of you to come to try outs and show me what you’ve got! Parent involvement also rates very high on my list of importance. There will be a parent/dancer meeting shortly following tryouts. Date and time will be announced when the squad is chosen. I am ecstatic to meet you all! See you at tryouts! Warmest Regards, Coach Adler Financial Commitments Please be aware that the winter competitive dance season can be an expensive sport. The JHS Dance Team is funded through parent contributions and fundraising. There are initial costs associated with making the dance team and it is each dance team member’s responsibility for these costs. Please note that these items are MANDATORY and are required for participation on the dance team. These items include fees for camp, cost of apparel (camp, shoes, etc.), A more detailed list will be given to squad members once the team has been chosen. Practice Commitments Poms is one of the longest-running sports. Our season begins with May try-outs and ends in early March. It is stongly recommended that each member of the team participate throughout the year and not only for football season. Summer Season: Team members are required to attend all summer camps (always in June), choreography and practices. These are mandatory dates and are not an option. If you have a job, you will need to adjust your work schedule accordingly and make sure to give your boss a calendar of your dance schedule. A detailed calendar will be provided once the team has been chosen. These practices will consist of conditioning and learning routines for the upcoming season. Football Season: Football season begins in August. Hawkettes are required to attend and perform at every home game. Practices during football season will be 3 days per week this year and run from 3:30-5:30 and consist of conditioning and the learning of new routines. Conditioning will become a bigger part of football season practices in preparation for the upcoming competition season. Competition/Basketball Season: This season begins on November 1st and ends in early March. Practices will go to 4 days per week. There are 1-2 games per week and attendance at all games and competitions is mandatory. This season, although exciting and rewarding, can also be stressful at times. Dedication and positive attitudes are needed in order to make this busy time of year run smoothly! Something new this year: an informal try-out of current team members will occur by November 1 in order to set the team who will be on the competition floor. Once this try-out has occurred there will not be any major changes to the competition team. There may be set alternates if necessary. Academic Commitment It is of great importance that our team demonstrates leadership inside the classroom, as we consistently try to keep a team GPA above a 3.0. In order to participate in practice and games, you must meet eligibility requirements. If you are in danger of failing, please talk to me or your teacher as soon as possible and we will work together to help you succeed. If a Hawkette is failing a class, she will not be allowed to practice or perform until that grade is brought up to a passing grade. Grades should never suffer because of participation in poms. Johnsburg Reputation If you are chosen to be a part of the Hawkette family, you are expected to carry yourself maturely and responsibly in and out of school. When you put on your uniform you are not only representing yourself, but also your teammates and your school. That means respecting school/athletic officials or any adult related to JHS, etc. This also extends to appropriate use of social media as well (no inappropriate pics, trash-talking, etc). Remember that to be a Hawkette means to be a leader in the Johnsburg (Please attach a recent p hoto of yourself here) community. Try-Out Application 2015-2016 Name _________________________________ Current Grade: 8 9 10 11 Current Campus Attending: or Middle School: ______________________________ Address _____________________________ City __________________ Zip _________ Students Cell _______________________ Home Phone _________________________ School ID # ________________________ Date of Birth __________________________ EMAIL _________________________________________________________________ Please list any current or past injuries and/or health conditions _____________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Uniform & Apparel T-Shirt Size XS S M L XL Sweatshirt Size XS S M L XL Pant Size XS S M L XL Short Size XS S M L XL Tank Top XS S M L XL Shoe Size ___________ Parent Contact Names _____________________________________ Phone Number _______________ EMAIL ________________________________________________________________ Emergency contact & number if parent is not available____________________________ Hawkette Bio Please list or describe any previous dance experience you may have. If none, list other team/group activities and how that experience would help you as a member of this team. I am interested in the following types of dance routines: (please check) _______Jazz _______Hip-Hop _______Lyrical _______Pom _______Kick _______Theatrical Why would you like to be a JHS Dancer and what qualities do you have to offer the program? In addition to positive qualities/strengths, list one weakness/area to improve this year. The Hawkettes strive to step up their game every year. In your opinion, what does a team need to do to be the best? If you’re a returning candidate, what would make the team even better this year? From time to time coaches and teammates might get frustrated. You will need to be able to take constructive criticism from them and learn from your mistakes. How would you handle a teammate getting upset or having an attitude with you or the team? Try-Out Schedule and Information Sheet Tuesday, May 5 6:00pm-8:00pm Main Gym - Clinic Wednesday, May 6 6:00pm-8:00pm Main Gym – Clinic Thursday, May 7 6:00pm-8:00pm Main Gym – Actual Tryout You will be taught/judged on the following: • 1 Hip-Hop Dance (Last 3 eight-counts will be yours to choreograph-your chance to impress the judges with choreo, tricks, showmanship) • 1 Sideline Routine • Toe Touch (height, straight legs, pointed toes) • Splits • Pirouettes (single, double, triple… whatever you feel comfortable doing) • Series of Kicks • Hip Hop Tricks or other tricks like tumbling (If you know any!) • Motions (sharpness, strength, correct positioning of arms/fists) • Appearance, sportsmanship, energy, and facial expressions • 1-2 Teacher Recommendations/Grades • Hawkette Bio Responses • Final Tryouts will be in groups of 3 or 4 randomly selected by the coach. Expectations: 1. You are required to attend ALL clinics in order to participate in the final tryout. 2. This is a CLOSED tryout. No families, parents, friends or visitors allowed! 3. All participants are expected to be prompt and dressed appropriately. 4. Absolutely NO jewelry, jeans, baggy clothes, food, candy or gum allowed! 5. NO CELL PHONES!! No exceptions! You will be dismissed otherwise. 6. Please bring a water or Gatorade to drink. We’ll be working hard! 7. Be respectful of your peers and elders! 8. NO ATTITUDES will be tolerated whatsoever! 9. BE ON TIME. Once the doors are closed you will not be allowed in the gym. What to wear to tryouts: 1. You are required to wear non-restrictive clothes. Black pants and a solid color shirt/tank top are a safe choice. 3. HAIR must be neat and pulled up and off the shoulders and the face. 4. NO jewelry is to be worn at any time! We don’t want anyone getting hurt! ***Tryout packet must be signed and turned in at the beginning of the first tryout date on May 5 or you will not be allowed to tryout.** TEACHER RECOMMENDATION FORM * To be completed by a current teacher* Dance Team Candidate Name: ______________________________________________ Teacher:___________________ Class:__________________ Campus:______________ The above student is trying out for the Johnsburg Hawkettes Competitive Dance Team. This team has grade, attitude, and attendance requirements for all squad members. Please honestly fill out this evaluation, as your comments will be considered and will be part of the candidate’s total score. This is a confidential evaluation! Dancers trying out will not see the evaluation. Please place this form in poms mailbox (JHS front office) by May 5. Rating Scale: 5-Excellent 4-Good 3-Average 2-Fair 1-Poor 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Dependable & Responsible Attitude & Disposition Attendance Ability to work well in groups with students Behavior in classroom Respect towards peers and adults __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Has this student ever needed to be disciplined by you? If so, what was the offense? How well do you think this student would represent Johnsburg High School? Any additional comments or concerns about this student? Current Grade___________ Number of Absences ____________ Date_____________ Teacher Signature___________________________ Print _______________________ TEACHER RECOMMENDATION FORM * To be completed by a current teacher* Dance Team Candidate Name: ______________________________________________ Teacher:___________________ Class:__________________ Campus:______________ The above student is trying out for the Johnsburg Hawkettes Competitive Dance Team. This team has grade, attitude, and attendance requirements for all squad members. Please honestly fill out this evaluation, as your comments will be considered and will be part of the candidate’s total score. This is a confidential evaluation! Dancers trying out will not see the evaluation. Please place this form in poms mailbox (JHS front office) by May 5. Rating Scale: 5-Excellent 4-Good 3-Average 2-Fair 1-Poor 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Dependable & Responsible Attitude & Disposition Attendance Ability to work well in groups with students Behavior in classroom Respect towards peers and adults __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Has this student ever needed to be disciplined by you? If so, what was the offense? How well do you think this student would represent Johnsburg High School? Any additional comments or concerns about this student? Current Grade___________ Number of Absences ____________ Date_____________ Teacher Signature___________________________ Print _______________________ Hawkette Agreement If I, _________________________________, am chosen as a Hawkette for Johnsburg High School, I agree to abide by the rules and policies set forth in the Johnsburg Hawkette Tryout packet. I have read these policies and realize that if I fail to maintain these rules, I may be removed from the squad. I recognize the time commitment and dedication required and will participate to the best of my abilities at all time. I agree to participate with the utmost integrity and safety and will represent Johnsburg High School in a positive way both on and off the field. Signature: Cell Phone: ( _________ ) Parent Permission I, , parent/guardian of ______________________, have read and understand the rules and policies that will govern my daughter if she is chosen as a Hawkette for Johnsburg High School. I understand that poms is considered a varsity sport and attendance is required at all practices, games, and special events. I recognize the time commitment required by participation in poms and understand that my child’s academics should not suffer due to participation in poms. I give consent for my daughter to tryout for poms at Johnsburg High School and recognize her responsibilities as a leader at the school. I understand that, if chosen, my student will be required to pay for various parts of her uniform. Signature: Home Phone: ( _______ ) Cell Phone: ( ) _______ Parent Email: ________________________________________________
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