JILL WITTROCK Center for Social and Behavioral Research University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614 http://www.jillwittrock.com phone: (319) 273-2105 fax: (319) 273-3104 email: jill.wittrock@uni.edu PRESENT APPOINTMENT University of Northern Iowa, May 2015-present ▪ Assistant Director, Center for Social and Behavioral Research ▪ Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science PREVIOUS APPOINTMENTS University of Michigan, April 2010-April 2015 ▪ Research area specialist senior (promoted Nov. 2012), Center for Political Studies ▪ Projects: Constituency-Level Elections Archive (CLEA), Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models (EITM), Social and Economic Survey Research Institute, Qatar University (SESRI) University of Exeter , September 2009—June 2010 ▪ Lecturer (Assistant Professor), Department of Politics ▪ Member, CEMaP and Centre for European Governance University of Oxford , May 2008—March 2010 ▪ PIREDEU (FP7) Research Associate, Department of Politics & International Relations ▪ EUREQUAL (FP6) Dissemination Manager, Department of Politics & International Relations ▪ Politics Instructor, Regent’s Park College and Department of Politics & International Relations GENERAL RESEARCH & TEACHING INTERESTS Research interests: interviewer effects, cross-cultural equivalence of sensitive questions, instrument validation in cross-cultural contexts, survey and experimental methodology Teaching interests: survey design, mixed methods, comparative politics EDUCATION University of Michigan, Program in Survey Methodology Certificate, 2014 University of Iowa , Department of Political Science, Ph.D. 2008, M.A., 2004 Creighton University, Department of Political Science, M.A. 2003, B.A., 2001 PUBLICATIONS Peer reviewed articles 2014 “Gender Prespecified Sampling for Cost Control.” (with Kien Trung Le, Abdoulaye Diop, Darwish Al-Emadi, and Elmogiera Elewad) International Journal of Public Opinion Research Online first. March 12, 2014 2013 “Listening to the Government: How Information Shapes Responsibility Attributions.” (with Sara Binzer Hobolt and James Tilley) Political Behavior 35(1): 153-174. 1 2011 “The Second-Order Election Model Revisited: An Experimental Test of Vote Choices in European Parliament Elections.” (with Sara Binzer Hobolt) Electoral Studies 30(1): 29-40. 2008 “The Impact of the Australian Ballot on Member Behavior in the U.S. House.” (with Peverill Squire, Stephen C. Nemeth, Howard Sanborn, and Brian DiSarro). Political Research Quarterly 61(3): 434-444. 2007 “Experimenting with French Election Rules: Initial Results.” (with Michael S. Lewis-Beck) French Politics 5(11): 106-117. 2005 “Presidentialism and the Effect of Electoral Law in Post-Communist Systems: Regime Type Matters.” (with Terry D. Clark) Comparative Political Studies 38(2): 171-188. Book chapters 2013 “The Salience of Issues in Different Communities in Qatar” (with Michael W. Traugott, Amina Ahmed Albloshi, Fatimah Ali Al-Khaldi, Kaltham Khalifa Al-Suwaidi, and Sara Ali Zikri). In Patricia Moy (ed.) Communication and Communit y. ICA 2012 Conference Theme Session. New York: Hampton Press. 2010 “French Double Ballot Effects: American Experiments” (with Michael S. Lewis-Beck). In Bernard Dolez, Bernard Grofman and Annie Laurent (eds.) In Situ and Laboratory Experiments on Electoral Law Reform: French Presidential Elections New York: Springer. Non-peer reviewed articles 2015 Qatar Education Study 2012: Facilities Report (with Darwish Al-Emadi, et. al.) Executive Summary Report, Social & Economic Survey Research Institute, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar. 2013 Qatar Education Study 2012: Curriculum Report (with Darwish Al-Emadi, et. al.) Executive Summary Report, Social & Economic Survey Research Institute, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar. Qatar Education Study 2012: Students’ Motivation and Parental Participation Report (with Darwish Al-Emadi, et. al.) Executive Summary Report, Social & Economic Survey Research Institute, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar. 2012 From Fareej to Metropolis: A Social Capital Survey of Qatar (with Darwish Al-Emadi, et. al.). Executive Summary Report, Social & Economic Survey Research Institute, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar. Annual Omnibus Survey: A Survey of Life in Qatar 2012 (with Darwish Al-Emadi, et. al.) Executive Summary Report, Social & Economic Survey Research Institute, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar. 2011 Education in Qatar: Parent Satisfaction, Tutoring Demand, School Choice and Coed Schooling (with Darwish Al-Emadi and Kien Trung Le). Executive Summary Report, Social & Economic Survey Research Institute, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar. 2 Annual Omnibus Survey: A Survey of Life in Qatar 2011 (with Darwish Al-Emadi, et. al.) Executive Summary Report, Social & Economic Survey Research Institute, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar. 2010 “Education in Qatar” (with Darwish Al-Emadi). First Annual Omnibus Survey: A Survey of Life in Qatar. Executive Summary Report, Social & Economic Survey Research Institute, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar. 2009 “PIREDEU” (with Mark Franklin and Sara Hobolt). APSA-CP Newsletter vol 20, #2 (Summer). Social Inequality and Its Consequences in Central and Eastern Europe: Some Preliminary Findings (editor with Stephen Whitefield). Executive report available at http://eurequal.politics.ox.ac.uk/news/EUREQUAL_rt_report_270709.pdf 2008 “What is PIREDEU?” (with Mark Franklin and Sara Hobolt). EU Political Economy Newsletter 11(Fall): 3-5. Works in progress “Exploring the Antecedents of Trust in the Arab World: The Case of Qatar.” With Ashley Jardina, Mark Tessler, and Abdoulaye Diop. (Under review) “Handling Sensitive Social Topics in Surveys Conducted in the Arab Gulf.” With Hanan Abdul-Rahim and M. Nizam Khan. (Revising) “Interviewer Effects in the Arab World: Evidence from Qatar.” With Justin Gengler. (NPRP grant and series of working papers) “Interview Privacy in a Nationally-Representative Survey of Ever-Married Women in Qatar.” With M. Nizam Khan and Linda Kimmel. (Working Paper) “Proxy (Mis)Reporting of Parental Education and Implications for Measurement Error.” With Brian Hunscher, Linda Kimmel and Kien Trung Le. (Working paper) PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS (Last five years) 2015 “Interviewer Effects in the Arab World: Evidence from Qatar.” (With Justin Gengler and Kien Trung Le) Presented at the WAPOR Regional Conference, Doha, Qatar (March 7-9). “Factors Influencing the Accuracy of Student Reports of Family Background: Evidence from the 2012 Qatar Education Study.” (With Brian Hunscher and Linda Kimmel) Presented at the WAPOR Regional Conference, Doha, Qatar (March 7-9). 2014 “Factors influencing the Accuracy of Student Reports of Family Background: Evidence from the 2012 Qatar Education Study.” (With Brian Hunscher, Linda Kimmel, and Kien Trung Le). Presented at the 2014 Annual MAPOR Conference, Chicago, IL (November 21-22). “Interview Privacy in a Nationally-Representative Survey of Women in Qatar.” (with M. Nizam Khan) CSDI Workshop, NORC, Bethesda, MD (March 28) 3 2013 “Interviewer Effects in the Arab World.” (With Justin Gengler) Program in Survey Methodology Brown Bag Seminar, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (December 9). 2012 “Gender Pre-Specified Sampling for Cost Control.” (with Kien Trung Le, Abdoulaye Diop, th and Darwish Alemadi) AAPOR 67 Annual Conference, Orlando, FL (May 17-20) “Agenda Setting in Qatar.” (with Michael W. Traugott, Amina Albloshi, Sara Zikri, and th Kaltham Khalifa Al-Suwaidi) AAPOR 67 Annual Conference, Orlando, FL (May 17-20) “The Development of Trust in an Arab Nation.” (with Ashley E. Jardina, Mark Tessler and th Abdoulaye Diop). MPSA 70 Annual Conference, Chicago, IL (April 13). 2011 “Agenda-Setting in Qatar” (with Michael Traugott, Amina Ahmed Albloshi, Kaltham Khalifa th Al-Suwaidi, Fatimah Al-Khaldi, and Sara Zikri). MAPOR 36 Annual Conference, Chicago, IL (Nov. 18-19). “Interviewer Effects in the Arab World: Evidence from Qatar.” (with Justin Gengler) th WAPOR 64 Annual Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Sept. 21-23). “Political Attitude Research in the Middle East: Past Challenges, Recent Developments and th Emerging Opportunities.” (With Mark Tessler) AAPOR 66 Annual conference, Phoenix, AZ (May 12-15). 2010 “Cross-Validating Survey Measures: The EES and CSES Datasets.” PIREDEU Final User Community Conference, Brussels, Belgium (November 18-19). EXTERNAL GRANTS AND INTERNAL AWARDS (since 2008) 2014 “Improving Survey Quality in Qatar: Evaluating Interviewers’ Role in Establishing Interview Privacy and Its Effect on Survey Response.” Lead PI: Zeina Mneimneh (University of Michigan). National Priority Research Program, Qatar National Research Fund. Status: th Resubmitted to the NPRP 8 cycle. 2013 “Improving Survey Quality in Qatar: Evaluating Interviewers’ Role in Establishing Interview Privacy and Its Effect on Survey Response.” Lead PI: Zeina Mneimneh (University of Michigan). National Priority Research Program, Qatar National Research Fund. Status: declined. 2012 “Improving Survey Reliability in Qatar: Assessing the Impact of Interviewer Nationality on Qatari Respondents.” Lead PI: Kien Trung Le (Qatar University). National Priority Research Program, Qatar National Research Fund. Status: awarded. 2011 “Explaining Support for Niche Parties in the EU: Evidence from Sub-National and SupraNational Elections.” Lead PI: Allen Hicken (University of Michigan). The Center for European Studies-European Union Center, University of Michigan. Status: awarded. 2009 “Voting Behavior in Multilevel Elections: Experimental Evidence.” Lead PI: Sara Hobolt (University of Oxford). John Fell Fund Award, University of Oxford. Status: awarded. “Voting Behavior after Electoral Reform: Evidence from Laboratory Experiments.” Lead PI: Jill Wittrock. British Academy Small Research Grant. Status: declined. 4 2008 “The Impact of Media Framing in Multilevel Elections: Experimental Evidence.” Lead PI: Sara Hobolt. British Academy Small Research Grant. Status: declined. SELECTED FELLOWSHIPS, AWARDS AND GRANTS (2003-2008) 2008 Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, National Science Foundation, Methodology, Measurement and Statistics Program (SES-0752659: February 1, 2008 to February 1, 2009). Research grant. Lille University of Health and Law. Lille, France. Graduate and Professional Student Government Grant. University of Iowa. 2007 Ballard/Seashore Dissertation Fellowship. Graduate College, University of Iowa. Academic year. T. Anne Cleary International Dissertation Research Fellowship. University of Iowa. DAAD Research Fellowship. German Academic Exchange Service. ZDEMO Fellowship. Center for the Study of Democracy, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Germany. 2005 Warren E. Miller Scholarship. ICPSR Summer Program, University of Michigan. 2004 Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship. Russian. University of Iowa. 2003 Laurence Fairall Scholarship. University of Iowa. Academic years 2003-2008. UNIVERSITY TEACHING EXPERIENCE ▪ University of Exeter: Electoral Politics (UG), Comparing Democracies (UG), Communicating Europe: Public Opinion and the Media (G) ▪ University of Oxford: Comparative Government, British Politics, American Politics (UG), Western European Politics (UG), German Politics (UG), Experimental Methods (G) OTHER TEACHING EXPERIENCE ▪ SESRI short course lecturer (various methodology topics), 2010-present ▪ CLEA new user instructor, 2011-present ▪ CSES workshop instructor, 2010 ▪ PIREDEU workshop instructor, 2008-2009 ▪ Teaching Assistant, University of Iowa, 2005-2007 (American Foreign Policy, the Presidency, Politics of Russia and the Former Soviet Republics) PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ▪ ISR Director’s Advisory Committee on Diversity (DACD), 2011-2014 ▪ ELECDEM secondment supervisor, 2010-2013. ▪ Reviewer for American Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies , European Journal of Political Research, Electoral Studies , International Journal of Public Opinion Research , Political Behavior , Political Research Quarterly 5 ▪ Associate Member, Centre for Research Methods in the Social Sciences (ReMiSS). University of Oxford, 2008-2010. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT University of Michigan ▪ Human Resource Development ▪ PEERRS Certification ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods , 2005 & 2006 ▪ Courses: MLE for GLM, Regression Analysis II, Advanced MLE for GLM, Categorical Data Analysis COMPUTER SKILLS ▪ Proficient: Stata, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat ▪ Intermediate: SPSS, Qualtrics ▪ Basic: R, ArcGIS PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS ▪ American Association for Public Opinion Research ▪ American Political Science Association ▪ European Election Studies Association ▪ Midwest Political Science Association ▪ World Association for Public Opinion Research 6
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