Summer Cyber Academy APPLICATION FOR GRADUATE VISITING NON-DEGREE STUDENTS Apply for Summer Cyber Courses Course and Instructor Summer Session Dates Class Time Tuition for Credit Course Tuition for Non-Credit Course** CRJ 727 Cybercriminology with Prof Maras May 27-July 20 Mon and Weds, 6:158:15PM $1155 NY residents $2130 non-residents $595 CRJ/FCM 753 Investigating Cybercrime with Prof Maras May 27-July 20 Tues and Thurs, 6:158:15PM $1155 NY residents $2130 non-residents $595 July 27-August 12 Mon/Tues/Weds, 6:009:45PM $1155 NY residents $2130 non-residents $595 June 6, 13, 20, 27 Saturday, 10am-4pm $495 June 7, 14, 21, 28 Sunday, 10am-4pm $495 FCM 803* Cyber Forensics Software and Tools with Prof Wong Introduction to Coding with Python** with Prof Ahmad CISSP-Prep** with Prof Ahmad How to Apply and Enroll The Summer Cyber Academy offers both courses for credit and non-credit to visiting non-degree students and current John Jay students: Do you want to take courses for credit? If you wish to take courses for credit, use this form to apply through the Office of Graduate Admissions. Do you want to take courses as Continuing Education? If you wish to take only the Python and/or CISSP professional education courses, you do not need to submit this form. Instead you may apply directly through the Division of Professional Studies here: Do you hold a J.D. or other advanced degree (e.g., MBA, MS, PhD) and want to take the graduate courses as non-credit Continuing Education courses? If so, you need to submit this form to the Office of Graduate Admissions which will clear you to register for these courses at reduced tuition via the Division of Professional Studies. John Jay Summer Cyber Academy Application for Visiting Non-Degree Students Requirements to Enroll for Graduate Courses Visiting Non-degree Students: Current Graduate/Professional Students. If you are currently a graduate or professional student (e.g., law or MBA) from another institution you are welcome to take Summer Cyber Academy graduate courses for credit. Be sure to check with your adviser, however, if you want them to count toward your home program degree requirements. Non-CUNY Graduate/Professional Student Applicants. If you are currently a student at another institution, you need to submit a transcript from there to show you are currently enrolled in a graduate or professional program, Current CUNY Graduate Student Applicants. If you are a CUNY graduate student at another CUNY campus you can register for John Jay courses as a non-degree student. However, if you wish to be assured the courses will count toward your degree requirements please apply for an ePermit and check with your adviser. Advanced Degree Applicants. If you have an advanced degrees (e.g., JD, MA, MS, MPA, MBA, PhD) you may take any of the three graduate courses either on a non-credit basis at a reduced tuition or for credit at the regular tuition rate. In either case, you need to submit proof of your degree by either presenting a transcript from the institution from which you received your advanced degree or an otherwise valid indication of your degree (e.g., NY Bar membership). Bachelor's Degree Applicants. If you are a not currently enrolled as a graduate student you are welcome to enroll in Academy graduate courses for credit. You need to submit a transcript that shows your degree completion. International Applicants. If you are an International student you may apply to enroll in Academy courses for credit if you are currently enrolled in a graduate program in the U.S. or have an advanced degree. You need to submit a transcript documenting either your current matriculation status or advanced degree. John Jay graduate students: Students from any graduate program are welcome to enroll in Summer Cyber Academy graduate courses through CUNYfirst. Depending upon your program, you may need to obtain permission to do so both from the D4CS program director ( and your own program director if you wish to have the courses count as electives toward your degree requirements. Admissions Procedures Application Fee. The fee for non-degree applicants to take graduate courses for credit is $65. Complete Application Required. Application for admission will not be considered unless all application procedures listed have been completed. Notice of Acceptance. Applications will be evaluated by the Office of Admissions and applicants will be notified if they can enroll at the College as a non-degree student with instructions on how to register. Deadline for Applications. You may apply up until two weeks before a course begins, so long as a seat is available and you provide required documents and pay all fees before classes begin. Health Clearance. All students must comply with New York State Public Health Laws. This law requires that all, born on or after January 1, 1957, provide proof of immunization for measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) if enrolling in six or more credits a term. This does not apply to students taking courses for non-credit. Please have the Immunization Form completed and sent to the Admissions office as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please call the Health Office at (212) 237-8052; e-mail at Non-Discriminatory Admissions Statement The City University does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, creed, color, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran’s status, and alienage or citizenship status. Please type or print in all of Part I, II, and III. John Jay Summer Cyber Academy Application for Visiting Non-Degree Students Part I: Your Enrollment Plans Please indicate which Summer Cyber Academy graduate course(s) or other courses you plan to take. {NOTE: You are free to take other courses but may have to apply separately to do so. } Will take for credit Course Will take for non-credit CRJ 727 Cybercriminology CRJ/FCM 753 Investigating Cybercrime FCM 803 Cyber Forensics Software and Tools Introduction to Coding with Python N.A. CISSP-Prep N.A. Part II: Personal Information Please circle one: Mr. Ms. Mrs. First Name: _____________________________ Last Name: _____________________________________ Date of Birth: ____/___ _/_________ Email Address: ___________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________________ State: ________ Zip: _____________________ Social Security #: _____ –_____ –______ (Optional)* *If you do not wish to submit your social security number, a unique identifying number will be assigned to your file. This will not affect your admission status. Telephone: (_____) _______-_____________ 1. Length of time residing in New York State: ________ years and _______ months. 2. Are you U.S. citizen? Yes No If no, Country of Citizenship: ________________________ Country of Birth: _____________________ U.S. Permanent Resident: _____________________ ____________________________ Alien Registration (I551) Card # Date Obtained (MM/YY) Temporary Visa: ______________ ++_______________ ______________________ Type of Visa Date Obtai_ned (MM/YY) Exp. Date (MM/YY) Other (please specify): __________________________________________________ Please proceed to Part III on next page. John Jay Summer Cyber Academy Application for Visiting Non-Degree Students Part III: Educational Experience You must be a college graduate or have an advanced degree to attend Summer Cyber Academy graduate courses for credit. Please indicate all the institutions of higher education from which you have earned a degree or where you are currently enrolled as a graduate or professional student: Name of Institution State Degree From To earned or mm/yyyy mm/yyyy pursued Year degree earned/ anticipated Program of study/major If you are not currently a graduate student or do not hold an advanced degree, did you have an overall undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or better? Yes No Have you ever attended John Jay College of Criminal Justice? Yes No Attestation I hereby certify that all of the information in this application is accurate and complete. I realize that the failure to file the appropriate application may affect my admission status. I understand that all the information contained in this application will be treated confidentially and will be used for institutional purposes only. Applicant Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Completed application and fee (check or money order) should be sent to: John Jay College of Criminal Justice Office of Graduate Admissions, L.64.00NB 524 West 59th Street New York, NY 10019 For Office Use Only Approved/Reviewed by: ____________________ Application Fee: Yes Date: ____________ No Comment:______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
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