Pirate Pages GCCS JJ Legoland April 2015 September 2004 Pirate Pages Dear Families, Welcome back to school! I hope everyone had a nice spring break. Our second round of ISTEP multiple choice testing will begin April 27th for students in grades 3, 4, and 5. We have organized a spirit week leading up to this round which will also be part of our PTO sponsored Walk A Thon on April 24th. More information will be coming home soon! Congratulations to Angela Smith and Amy Guernsey for being nominated by our staff for our 2015 Champions for Children celebration. Each Greater Clark County School nominates two staff members as representatives. We are fortunate to have these outstanding educators in our building! Adrienne Bach Teacher Requests 2015-2016 As this school year approaches the end, we are already making plans for Fall 2015. During our grade level meetings, we will begin creating class lists for students for next year. We review progress, assessment data, individual learning styles, student personalities, etc., when determining how to divide the students into groups. This is a lengthy, in depth process to provide the best placement for each student. We will only consider requests based on educational needs provided by the parent. Please remember that requests are only requests. It does not guarantee you will receive the teacher requested. Also, we will have teachers changing grade levels, so the teacher you request may not be in the grade level of your child. If you have a valid request, you may come by the school office and complete a request form. Request forms will be available April 13th and the deadline for requests is Friday, May 13th. Requests will not be considered by email, letters or phone calls. Only the request forms completed in the office will be April 7th PTO Meeting 6:30 p.m. April 8th 4th Grade Field Trip Squire Boone April 9th Sports and Group pictures April 13th Blue Apple Players Assembly April 14th 3rd Grade Ag Day April 15th 2nd Grade Field Trip April 17th Charlotte’s Web CHS 9:30 Grades 3-5 1:00 Grades K-2 April 20th CMS Band visit 11:30 April 24th WalkAThon utilized. Camp Kindergarten 2015-2016 Kindergarten Students April 14th 9:30 a.m. Camp Kindergarten is a fun and informative way for students and parents to get a jump start on preparing to enter Kindergarten! REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED Please call the Jonathan Jennings office to register: 256-7284 Please pass the word along to anyone who will have a child in kindergarten next year! Just a friendly reminder that you can register your students for the 2015-2016 school on-line now. Please go to gcs.k12.in.us and click on the short cut for Current Student Registration. If you have a child entering kindergarten please go to the short cut, New Student Registration. Page 2 Www.gcs.k12.in.us/jjes Pirate Pages March Perfect Attendance Caleb Aaron, Eli Adams, Neveah Ahlers, Hussein Almosawi, Caitlyn Ashby, Sean Ashby, Luke Bach, Steven Bates, Jaelinn Beckort, Taylor Bethards, Brooklyn Blaydes, Brandon Bond, Terrence Bonner, Rachel Booth, Alexis Boyd, Rhiana Brading, Jessica Burchett, Jesse Burke-Garcia, Taylor Burnett, James Burnett, Chandler Caldwell, Izzy Campbell, Sammi Canter, Cody Carey, Katie Case, Joseph Cedano, Morgan Childers, Gage Childers, Nicholas Cockerell, Cohen Cooley, Summer Cooley, Eli Cooley, Douglas Coursey, Makenna Curtis, Bryce David, Camryn Davis, Trista Dean, Jason Doty, Brenna Doty, Stephen Dumeyer, Ashton Easterday, Natalie Eickholtz, Olivia Elder, Mason Farmer, Chipper Fellows, Kyley Fetz, Lucy Fletcher, Blake Fraley, Dylan French, Ivan Garcia, Christina Gill, Lillian Gillespie, Michael Gnadinger,Connor Graham, Kendra Grayson, Robert Gullion, Victoria Gutierrez, Erika Gutierrez, Cristal Guzman, Luke Hammond, Kay-Lee Harris, Logan Hart, Lilyan Hatfield, Angelle Hebert, Tammy Hebert, Jaelyn Hernandez, Ethan Herrold, Aubri Hetz, Zander Hetz, Marty Hodge, Shelby Hodges, Gabby Hooker, Keele Horton, Madison Hutt, Levi Johnson, Emily Johnson, Brooke Jones, Luke Jones, Abigail Keltner, Micah Keltner, Anneiah King, Kaylee Kirchgessner, Peyton Knoebel, Emily Kratz, Abigail Lawton, Alexis Lawton, Cooper Lee, Tyler Lewis, Bryson Love, Sean Malott, Jonathan Marquez Avila, Noah Matthews, Emily Mattingly, Taylor May, Mattie May, Kelsey McAdams, Kaylie McAdams, Emma McCutcheon, Makayla McElroy, Carli McKannan, Hailey Metzger, Emily Miller, Aurora Mitchum-Helms, Kaleb Mohr, Mariano Montelongo, Miranda Moore, William Mulvaney, Kendall Mulvaney, Milly Munoz, Savanna Neal, Kandon Oakley, Mason Oakley, Parker Odle, Brodie Orcutt, Kelly Orcutt, Brian Orcutt, Brayan Ordorica-Guzman, Collin Parish, Hailee Pate, Braeden Pearson, Jennifer Peek, Amaya Perry, Kenneth Perry, Jackson Pfister, Natalia Pulido Laguna, Anthony Pulido Laguna, Grace Quiggins, Patrick Ralston, Jonathan Ramirez, Luna Ramirez, Mariah Rawson, Braelyn Reed, Connor Roberts, Danielle Roberts, Gabriel Rodriguez, Jonathan RomeroGalvan, Trevor Rothbauer, Amaya Sanchez, Jaqeline Sanchez, Amelia Sanchez, Alex Sanchez, Michael Sanchez-Singer, Seigun Schnepp, Karenna Schnepp, Alessandra Schoenbachler, Kendall Scott, Kaiden Sharp, Jackson Shearer, Kaelyn Shearer, Summer Shepherd, Sam Short, Audrey Slay, Jaydon Small, Chloe Smalley, Savanna Smith, Sophia Smith, Julia Smith, Nathan Smith, Kynady Sparrow, Gloria Spencer, Sarah Stepp, Aiden Stewart(2nd grade), Lilly Stine, Isabella Stites, Dakota Storie, Thomas Tevis-Stanton, Brayden Tevis-Stanton, Cody Tharp, Elizabeth Tibbs, Brooklyn Tibbs, Ava Tilford, Cole Tincher, Garrett Titzer, Kaeden Townsend, Ethan Vaughn, Maci Vaughn, Jesus Velazquez Sanchez, Bailey Viars, Leah Walden, Tia Walker, Tom Warring, Rachel Watson, Kelsey Whalen, Jesse Wheeler, Brooklyn White, Alex White, Jacob Whitten, Kyleigh Wiggins, Shadelyn Wilder, Buddy Wixon, Lillian Wolff, Ricky Yates ISTEP Spirit Week April 20th-Favorite Team Apparel April 21st-Crazy Hair Day April 22nd-Pajama Day April 23rd-Mix Match Day April 24th-Hat Day Students may donate $1.00 each day to our Walk A Thon. Focus Targeted According to Indiana’s approved Elementary and Secondary Education Act Flexibility Waiver, each school and Local Educational Agency (LEA) must demonstrate adequate annual progress on each measurable objective for each metric (i.e., Annual Assemssment Proficiency, Annual Collage and Career Readiness, (CCR), and Annual Graduation Goal. Title I schools that do not meet expectations for one or more particular subgroups are identified as Focus Targeted Schools. At this time, Jonathan Jennings has received an “A” letter grade ranking for three years in a row. We will be considered a focus targeted school based on our 2013-2014 subgroup performance in two areas: English for our Hispanic subgroup and Math for our White subgroup requirement for passing rate in Hispanic English subgroup was 76% and our subgroup passed at 72%. Our AMO requirement for our White Math subgroup was 89% and we passed at 87%. Our AMO requirement for passing rate in Hispanic English subgroup was 76% and our subgroup passed at 72%. Our AMO requirement for our White Math subgroup was 89% and we passed at 87%. Attention Transfer Students Any student who DOES NOT live in the Jonathan Jennings school district MUST fill out a transfer request EVERY YEAR. Transfers will no longer be automatic from year to year due to class sizes, and of course, students who live in the actual school district will receive priority. Please fill out your transfer request as soon as possible as we will actually go by the date the transfer was filled out in determining what transfer students can be accepted. We wish we could take all students who want to go to Jonathan Jennings, but we have to maintain proper ratios for our students and teachers. Transfer request forms are available in the office.
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