2nd ONTARIO DISTRICT MASTER Sir Knight Joe Mathews VOLUME 23 Newsletter NUMBER 3 Faithful Navigator: Worthy Friar: Faithful Captain: Faithful Pilot: Faithful Comptroller: Faithful Scribe: Faithful Purser: Bingo Chair: EXECUTIVE Greg Belanger gregbelanger@rogers.com Rev. John Keates Robert Richard George Watson georgekofc@live.com Yves Laferriere Ross Armstrong Robert Griffin Faithful Inner Sentinel: Faithful Outer Sentinel: Trustee (1 Yr.): Trustee (2 Yrs.): Trustee (3 Yrs.): Faithful Admiral: Worthy Commander: Assistant Commander: Assistant Commander: Web: http://www.jjmurphyassembly.com MARCH /APRIL 2015 Kenneth Crickard Raymond Haggan Henri Bazinet John Dinis Dave McErlean Paul Rozario P.F.N. & D.M. Willy Sivret wsivret@hotmail.com Yves Laferriere Archie de Ridder for more than 35 days now. The forecast says we will have some respite as we approach near normal temps – above zero for sure – for the next few days. Perhaps by the time of our next meeting on March 22nd spring will have sprung! We can only hope. GENERAL BUSINESS MEETING Sunday March 22nd 2015 - 4 p.m. Agenda: Business Meeting 4:30 Pot-luck supper to follow Location: 1626 Hall, 93 Berczy Street FAITHFUL NAVIGATOR’S MESSAGE HAPPY 30th ANNIVERSARY Yes, on March 16th it will have been 30 years since a group of Knights came together to establish J.J. Murphy Assembly! The new assembly included the following councils, 1626 Barrie, 4120 Tottenham, 4915 Bradford, 5957 Richmond Hill & 6519 Aurora. The Faithful Navigator for the inaugural term was Sir Knight Michael Murphy, son of our name sake J.J. Murphy. I have the privilege to be the 18th in the line of Sir Sir Knights & Ladies, GLORY TO OUR SAVIOUR THE RISEN LORD Easter Sunday is April 5 ! As I write this the temperature is still well th below normal, in fact it is still below zero, 1 Knights who have guided our Assembly through the years. Many changes during our 30 years – Sir Knights have come & gone, some simply moved as life required and too many have gone to be with Our Lord. So too K of C Councils have come & gone – currently our Assembly includes Councils 1626 Barrie, 10370 St. John Vianney, 13390 Holy Spirit & 4915 Holy Martyrs of Japan. We have 120 members in good standing. us a family life to attend to. S K Randall also helped with the development and operation of our Assembly’s website http://www.jjmurphyassembly.com. Thank you S K Randall for your faithful service as web & newsletter editor for J.J. Murphy. So I am making the attempt to write this newsletter, which will be an abbreviated version, but none the less will at least re-establish communication with our Sir Knights & Ladies. However I remain hopeful that a volunteer will come forward to take over this post so that the newsletter can once again be a regular, monthly communiqué. If you are willing to take on the news letter please call me at (705) 725-1599. Sir Knight Archie de Ridder is going to try his hand as editor for our website. S K Randall will provide advice to S K Archie for a while. FOUNDERS DAY Sunday, March 29th marks 133 years since the K of C was chartered in the state of Connecticut in 1882. Our Order was founded by the Venerable Father Michael McGivney. Blue Mass. Our plan to have a Blue Mass in June 2015 to celebrate and honour the sacrifices and service of the men and women in Simcoe County (and beyond) who keep us safe, will have to be delayed for 1 year. Sir Knight Don Pipe has been working with a number of organizations to pull together a Blue Mass. Given the difficulties he faced with planning and organizing, including getting a suitable venue, 2016 seems to be a better choice. So S K Don will soldier on with our plans and he may be contacting you for assistance. Please, if asked, contribute your time to this worthy activity. I wish to express our gratitude to Father Boniface Perri, Pastor, Holy Martyrs of Japan Parish, in Bradford. Father Boniface has served our Assembly as Faithful Friar and he is now stepping down from this position to better meet the pastoral needs of his parish community. Many thanks to Father Boniface. Vivat Jesus Greg Belanger F.N. COMMANDERS REPORT You have not seen a newsletter since September of last year. Sir Knight Randall Pineault was serving as our editor but he went and got himself elected Grand Knight of Holy Spirit Council 13390. S K Randall also has a business to run and like the rest of Sir Knights; another year has come and gone, we have had a very busy 2014. Our Assembly has reported to Supreme some 655 man hours for Honour Guard duty. 2 There have been some good times with our Honor Guards as well as some sad ones with the passing of Sir Knights. I would like to thank each of you Sir Knights for your dedication to the Knights of Columbus. We anticipate another busy year for 2015 with a few upcoming Honor Guards. See the list below. having drill competition for the upcoming master’s meeting that will eventually be part of the Honor Guard for the 2016 Supreme Convention which will be in Toronto. I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you so we can do our Assembly proud. If I haven’t called you yet feel free to contact me at wsivret@hotmail.com and I can add you to the team. Honour Guard’s have been requested for the following dates: April 12, Divine Mercy Sunday starting at 3:00 pm at St. Patrick’s church, Stayner. There will be a mass after Divine Mercy & a pot luck supper. Saturday, April 25th, 5:00 PM mass at St. John Vianney in Barrie, special mass to mark the closing of the parish Jubilee Year. Thomas Cardinal Collins will preside. K of C State Convention April 24th to 26th at the International Plaza Hotel on Dixon Road, Etobicoke Ontario. The schedule for Honour Guards at the State Convention is: Colour Guard for Memorial Mass (5:00 PM on Friday April 24th) Colour Guard for Adoration Chapel (opens at 6 PM on April 24th) Colour Guard for Convention Mass (5:00 PM on Saturday April 25th) Ushers needed for the collections at both Masses Thank you God Bless Faithful Commander Willy Sivret GOOD OF THE ORDER Bob Waring, Isabelle Casey, Fr. Bennett, Karl Filo, Deacon Dave Whall, Marcel Brisson COMING EVENTS 4th Degree Exemplification: Saturday, June 6th 2015, at Saints Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church, 231 Milner Ave., Scarborough. Registration 10:45 till 12:00 noon. Please Note: This will be the only 4th Degree Exemplification to be held in 2015. 2nd Ontario District Drill Competition: Saturday, May 23rd, 2015 (location to be announced) evaluation & certification of Colour Guard Teams. I A am still looking for volunteers to form a colour party for our assembly. Some of you have already been contacted we still have more phone calls to make. We are looking to put a few people together for a drill team and a color guard. We will be 3 4 CELEBRATIONS Over the past few months we have not published the many celebrations of our Sir Knights and Ladies. Following is a list of those special occasions from October last year to April 2015. OCTOBER 2014 Wedding Anniversaries S K John & Lady Margaret Poirier S K John & Lady Hazel Murphy S K Fred & Lady Hazel Hawrish S K Michael MacIntyre & Lady Gemma Nicholson S K Alvin & Lady Carol Belanger S K William & Lady Heather Dzula S K David & Lady Christine Ross S K Cameron & Lady Fatima Burton 59th 56th 50th 37th 36th 30th 23rd 19th Birthdays S K Frank Light S K Peter Mackenzie S K David Macdonell S K Rev. Anthony Werunga S K Bob Griffin S K Rev. Ronald Calhoun S K James MacDonald S K Robert Ben S K Rev, Joseph Chuong Pham S K Robert Waring S K Rev. Jose Koluthara Lady Maureen McDonald Lady Rita Whall Lady Evelyn Gervais Lady Agnes Watson Lady Carol Belanger Lady Christine Keates Lady Heather Dzula Lady Yvonne Rozario Lady Mary Watts NOVEMBER 2014 Wedding Anniversaries 58th 54th 51st S K Karl & Lady Ann Margaret Filo S K Robert & Lady Shirley Richard S K Greg & Lady Joan Belanger 5 S K David & Lady Laura Macdonell November 2014 (continued) 50th S K Guy & Lady Norma Deshaises S K Harry & Lady Anita McConnell S K Thomas & Lady Betty Hargreaves 46th 45th 12th Birthdays S K Leo Fortin S K Ross Armstrong S K Alvin Belanger S K Ken Crickard S K James Carmichael S K Archie De Gaust S K Robert Lewis S K Deacon Dominic Sasco S K Robert Glen S K rev. Roger Cyr Lady Stella Karas Lady Lori Rose Lady Jennifer Courvette Lady Betty Wademan Lady Margaret Glen Lady Marie Novaco Lady Michelle Smith Lady Ann Margaret Filo DECEMBER 2014 Wedding Anniversaries 53rd 50th 48th 42nd 30th S K Francisco & Lady Celinda Canas-Silva S K Adrien & Lady Evelyn Gervais S K Gerard & Lady June Robinson S K Robert & Lady Margaret Glenn S K Peter & Lady Katharine Kooi Birthdays S K Russell Cadeau S K Guy Deshaises S K Deacon David Whall S K Peter Kooi S K Gerard Robinson S K Michael MacIntyre S K Rev. James Mclenaghen S K Deacon David Langley S K Keith Binns Lady Nicole Fullerton Lady Fatima Burton Lady Hazel Hawrish Lady Christine Ross Lady Joan Muir Lady betty Haregreaves 6 JANUARY 2015 Wedding Anniversaries 47th 34th 26th 3rd S K Grant & Lady Cheryl Arnold S K Dave & Lady Gail McErlean S K Yvon & Lady Karen LeBlanc S K Diego & Lady Angela Spano Birthdays S K Charles Wademan S K Yves Blais S K Paul Rozario S K Ray Haggan S K Les Watts S K Rev. Biju Kannampuzha S K Dave McErlean Lady Joan Belanger Lady Line Crickard Lady Jeannine Bazinet Lady Debra Pipe Lady Gemma Nicholson Lady Anne MacDonald Lady Kata Demeter Lady Renate Couturier FEBRUARY 2015 Wedding Anniversaries 61st 50th 35th 18th 15th S K Russell & Lady Joan Brophy S K Mel & Lady Nicole Fullerton S K Deacon Stephen & Lady Anna Booth S K Randall Pineault & Lady Gwen Deluce S K Yves & Lady Pauline Laferriere Birthdays S K Karl Filo S K David Medeiros S K Adrien Lemieux S K Cyrille Courvette S K Mel Fullerton S K Francisco Canas-Silva S K George Demeter S K Ainsley Alvis S K Peter Kearns Lady Gisele Fiolleau Lady Joan Brophy Lady Iris Alvis 7 MARCH 2015 Wedding Anniversaries 47th 46th 31st S K Ray & Lady Renate Couturier S K Deacon William & Lady Sandra Plaus S K John & Lady Christine Keates Birthdays S K Ted Karas S K Wilifrid Rose S K Guy Hachey S K Rev. Tadeusz Walczyk S K Deacon William Plaus S K Carlos Olivers Lady Anna Booth Lady Francesca Mendecino Lady Kelly Doran Lady Sandra Plaus Lady Mary Anne Collingbourne Lady Lindal Selent Lewis APRIL 2015 Wedding Anniversaries 68th (wow!) 58th 56th S K Francis & Lady Theresa Light S K James & Lady Anne MacDonald S K Ted & Lady Stella Karas Birthdays S K William Parent S K Grant Arnold S K Allan Tromblay S K Don Pipe S K Rev. Derek Ali S K Thomas Hargreaves S K Alphonse Duguay S K Ray Couturier Lady Pauline Laferriere Lady Rolande Richardson 8
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