APPLICATION FOR ROSENBERG INTERNSHIP PROGRAM CONTACT INFORMATION 1. Name (first, middle, last)_______________________________________ 2. Date of birth (month/day/year) __________________________________ 3. Current Mailing address: _________________________________ _________________________________ 4. Cell phone number: __________________________________ 5. Email address: ___________________________________ 6. Home address (permanent): ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 7. Home telephone number: ___________________________________ EDUCATION 8. Are you currently enrolled and in good standing at an accredited undergraduate or graduate program? ___________ If so, please provide the name of the institution, its address, your major and current GPA. Please attach a copy of your most recent transcript, as well as a list of courses you are currently taking. 9. Undergraduate Education: Please list all institutions attended, with the current and most recent first. Please provide the name of the institution, its address, your major and GPA, and the dates you were enrolled there. Use additional sheets if necessary. 10. Expected date of Graduation:______________________ 11. Post-graduate education or plans (if applicable): 12. High School Education: Please provide the name of your high school, its address, and the dates you were enrolled there: INTERNSHIP INFORMATION 13. Organization where you will intern: a. Address: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ b. Website address for organization: _____________________ c. Contact information for internship supervision at organization: 14. Dates of your internship: __________________________________ 15. Attach a brief (1-3 page) statement regarding your internship, how it will advance your knowledge of matters directly related to the Foundation’s mission, how you will use that knowledge gained to impact others, and how you anticipate sharing what you’ve learned through this experience with others, both in the short-term and long-term. 16. Attach a detailed budget, including living and transportation expenses, if applicable. OTHER INFORMATION Citizenship: U.S. ___ U.S. Permanent Resident visa ___ Other: __________________________________________ Please indicate if you are related to any member of the Board of the Justus & Karin Rosenberg Foundation, any member of its staff, or any substantial contributor to the Foundation: YES________ NO __________ How did you learn about the Rosenberg Internship program? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ REPRESENTATIONS The Foundation views it as a critical component of its own mission and of the value of this Program to enhance collaboration among the diverse groups working to reduce antisemitism and to share information, experience and ideas that will lead to the development of knowledge and best practices that will limit the growth of hatred and antisemitism. Accordingly, as a condition of your participation in the Program, we require your commitment to: 1. share your experiences with the Program and what you have learned with students who participate in this program in subsequent years, both in an informal (one on one meetings and through email and phone conversations) and formal (participation in presentations and panels) setting. 2. submit, within three months of the completion of your internship, a writing (1250 words minimum) developed under the supervision of the Foundation’s Executive Director, that either a) describes the work undertaken during the internship and how it contributes to the field, or b) based on work undertaken during the internship, makes a contribution to the literature in the field (such as an analysis with policy recommendations) By signing below, I certify that all of the information I have presented herein is true and correct, and I agree to the representations above. _____________________________ Name printed ___________________________ Date _____________________________ Signature COMPLETED APPLICATIONS CAN BE EMAILED TO KEN@JKRFOUNDATION.ORG, OR MAILED TO THE FOUNDATION AT POST OFFICE BOX 170, BROOKLYN NY 11218
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