Training Biblical Entrepreneurs Worldwide

Entrepreneurial Empowerment
Entrepreneurial Growth
Entrepreneurial Success
Presented by
Min. James L. Standfield
“The Authority On Biblical Entrepreneurship”
Speaker • Author • Trainer • Entrepreneur
Training Biblical Entrepreneurs Worldwide
Why Churches Need Our Help
To let Christian Business Owners know that they are Called, Anointed & Appointed
for their assignment.
To remind Christian Business Owners that they are responsible for
financing the Kingdom Of God and supporting the Pastor's vision.
To encourage Christian Business Owners to bring their businesses under
the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
To inform Christian Business Owners that the only way to succeed in
business is by using Biblical Principles.
To hold Christian Business Owners accountable to God and The Church.
To educate Christian Business Owners about their role in the
This tour encompasses all the above areas. It is designed to support, strengthen and inspire
Christian Business Owners all over the world.
Training Biblical Entrepreneurs Worldwide •
Business Owners Need Information
“You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is
He who gives you power to get wealth, that He
may confirm His covenant that He swore to your
fathers, as it is this day.”
- Deuteronomy 8:18
Business Owners are God's chosen and gifted people who must use their profits to advance the Kingdom
Of God so that His covenant can be established in the earth, for it is God who has given them the power
to get the wealth.
Training Biblical Entrepreneurs Worldwide •
The Answer
Powerful, life changing, interactive workshops that focuses strictly on
Biblical Entrepreneurial Development.
Our Offer
Powerful half-day, one-day, two-day "Believer's In Business" workshops in churches
to empower, encourage, build-up and equip Christian Business Owners with the
Biblical Teaching that is necessry to help them fulfill their God-given assignment.
The Outcome
1. Stabilization of Businesses. 2. Increased giving by Business Owners.
3. Increased number of Business Owners. 4. New job creation.
5. Decreased financial stress in the home.
To provide powerful PowerPoint presentations, handouts and questionnaires that
are designed to ensure that each business owner receives a world-class learning
Min. James L. Standfield, President/CEO of The Entrepreneurial Spirit Training, an
institute that empowers business owners using biblical principles. For more than 10
years, The Entrepreneurial Spirit Training Institute has mentored and educated over
hundreds of Christian Business Owners.
Training Biblical Entrepreneurs Worldwide •
Workshop Topics I
The Entrepreneurial Mindset
Workshop 1
Workshop 2
In Romans 12:2, Paul tells us “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind.” In this powerful 1 ½ hr workshop, Min. James will walk you through
the characteristics of an entrepreneurial mindset that supersedes and overrides
the world system.
The Entrepreneur & The Word
In this 1 ½ hr workshop, Min. James teaches the impact, the importance, the strength and the
power of God’s Word to the Entrepreneur. Attendees come away with a renewed outlook at God’s
Word for their spirit and for their business.
The Entrepreneur & Vision/Goals
Workshop 3
All Entrepreneurs must have a vision from God for their business. This powerful 1 ½ hr workshop will teach the Entrepreneur the importance of having a vision for their business and the
importance of setting business goals.
Workshop 4
This powerful 1 ½ hr workshop is designed to introduce the attendee to time management principles and tools that assist in making maximum use of time. The attendee will walk away learning how to prioritize God’s way.
Workshop 5
The Entrepreneur & Time Management
The Entrepreneur & Sales
Nothing happens until someone sells something! This insightful 1 ½ hr workshop teaches the
attendee the key ingredients that drive every sale, the secrets of great customer service, the key
to successful prospecting and the importance of building trust with your customer.
Training Biblical Entrepreneurs Worldwide •
Workshop Topics II
Workshop 6
The Entrepreneur & Marketing
The right marketing program is imperative for any business to achieve success. In this solid
1 ½ hr workshop, Min. James will teach the 7 P’s of marketing and the strategies that will help
set your company apart from your competitors.
Called, Appointed & Anointed
Workshop 7
“For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable”. Knowing and living out God’s call on the
Entrepreneur’s life is essential to being who God meant you to be. In this 1 ½ workshop, the
attendee will walk away knowing that they have been Called, Appointed & Anointed
for their assignment.
The Entrepreneur & Money
Workshop 8
Workshop 9
God has prospered individuals by making them millionaires in order that the money be used to
meet the needs of His people. Some examples of people in the bible being prosperous are
Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, David and Solomon. In this powerful 1 ½ hr workshop,
Min. James will reinforce the importance of making money and the role that money plays
in building God’s Kingdom.
The Entrepreneur & Faith
God’s word is filled with principles, laws, commandments, and stories that unlock the mysteries
to obtaining your own mountain-moving faith. In this 1 ½ hr intensive workshop, Min. James
will give you the tools, techniques, principles and laws for building your faith for your business.
How To Start & Succeed In Business
Workshop 10
This 1-day workshop is designed to give new business owners the tools they need to not only get
started in business, but also to succeed in business. Workshop topics are: 1. Why go into business? 2. Start-up Basics 3. Goal Setting 4. Time Management
5. Sales & Marketing and more.
Training Biblical Entrepreneurs Worldwide •
Min. James Impact
Founder/President of "The Entrepreneurial Spirit
Training Institute", an organization that empowers business
owners using biblical principles.
Founder/President of "The Entrepreneurial Spirit Online
Training Program". (8 Powerful Entrepreneurial Modules)
Over 10 years of mentoring/educating hundreds of Christian
business owners through The Entrepreneurial Spirit
Training Institute.
Author of "God, You Said......Reminding God of His Word
On Your Entrepreneurial Journey".
Achieved $1.1 Million in sales his first year in business.
13 years of business experience.
12 years of Biblical Entrepreneurial Teaching.
Certified Entrepreneurial Trainer.
Popular conference speaker.
Training Biblical Entrepreneurs Worldwide •
Who Should Attend?
• Entrepreneurs
• Business Owners
• Independent Consultants
• Aspiring Entrepreneurs
• Business Leaders
• Visionaries
• Bishops
• Pastors
• Elders
• Church Administrators
• Ministry Leaders
Why They Attend:
To capture knowledge, strength, wisdom, direction, advice,
encouragement and mentorship
Training Biblical Entrepreneurs Worldwide •
What You Will Receive At Workshop
Available To Each Attendee:
1. A Certificate Of Completion.
2. Powerpoint Presentation Notes.
(Optional/Small Fee Associated)
3. Student Workbooks/Handouts.
(Optional/Small Fee Associated)
4. JLS Ministries Top 30 Entrepreneurial Scriptures.
5. JLS Ministries Daily Confessions.
6. On-going support and access to Min. James and
his team for one year.
Training Biblical Entrepreneurs Worldwide •
“You have been a source of blessing to me. Thank you very much.” --- Edwina Uzzua
“Thanks for my new beginning, you’re the best and will always be blessed.” --- Angela Gordon
“Thanks for your drive, zeal, commitment, concern & teachings. Your labor was not in vain, truly you have bless me
to move out and take what is already mine in faith. May God Bless Always!” --- E. Best
“Thank you and thank God for you and your gifts & talents. I’ve learned so much and will try to put it into action.”
--- Janice Atkins
“Thank you for putting your time & effort into guiding this class to become powerful and spirit filled Christian
Entrepreneurs.” --- Aisha Lord
“Min. Standfield, I really enjoyed your class. Whatever you teach is anointed to grow.” --- Keisha Knight
“Thank you, you are amazing in Christ, powerful and strong. You have imparted much in my life.” --- Renai Epps
“Min. Standfield, thank you for your motivation, your energy and your spirit. I enjoyed your class The Entrepreneur
& The Word. Continue to bless others and God will continue to bless you and your family.” --- Fay Bester
“Your class has been a blessing for me. Your teaching of the Word has inspired me and has given me a clearer vision
of what God can do for me and my Real Estate business. Thank you, and God Bless you.” --- Denise Dimares
“Dear Min. James, thank you so much for helping me get to the next level in my quest and journey to Assisted
Living.” --- Edythe Massey Cleveland
Training Biblical Entrepreneurs Worldwide •
Training Biblical Entrepreneurs Worldwide
If you have any questions regarding our high-powered seminars, workshops, programs, classes, products
or services, feel free to contact us at the number below.
JLS Ministries
17207 Longleaf Drive
Bowie, MD 20716
877.639.5254 (o)
We look forward to imparting biblical entrepreneurial principles to your church, business ministry, club or organization.