1st Call for papers - for JLSP no.3 (March 2016) Fields of the journal: modern languages multidisciplinary studies Journal of Languages for Specific Purposes (JLSP) ISSN print 2359 – 9103; ISSN online 2359 – 8921; ISSN-L 2359 – 8921 The Journal of Languages for Specific Purposes (JLSP) is edited by the Research Group for Communication in Business and Foreign Languages (CCCALS) within the Research Centre for Competitiveness and Sustainable Development (CCCDD) and the Department of International Business, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Oradea. Frequency: yearly Sections Editor in Chief Associate Editor Publication date: March Language Studies Dr. Ioana Claudia HOREA Dr. Andrea HAMBURG Submission of articles: Continuous. Submission deadline for the issue of 2016: November 10th, 2015! Applied Modern Languages Teaching Languages for Specific Purposes Professional Communication The Journal of Languages for Specific Purposes (JLSP) publishes studies on Applied Modern Languages (English, French, German and Italian) and Language teaching at academic levels of specialization for various professions or fields of activity. JLSP is included in Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory EBSCO’s Education Source database University of Oradea - Romania Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB) Scientific Board Scipio Dr. Mary RISNER Google Scholars University of Florida - Gainesville, Florida - USA WorldCat Dr. Deb REISINGER The Linguist List Duke University - Durham - USA Advanced Science Index Dr. Rafał Szubert Scientific Indexing Services University of Wroclaw – Poland The studies are double-blind peer reviewed and fall into one of the following categories: state-of-art articles, methodological studies, conceptual articles, original research reports, case studies, book reviews. The languages of the papers are – according to the object of each study – English, French, German or Italian. The recommended length for a study is between 8 and 10 pages, though longer contributions can be accepted if justified. The instructions for authors provide the template format that shall be used for editing the papers for submission. Please submit your articles by sending them to contact@jlsp.steconomiceuoradea.ro Visit our site: http://jlsp.steconomiceuoradea.ro/
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