Iranian Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ideas Original article Application of garlic organosulfur compounds in prevention of cyclosporine A-induced hepatotoxicity Yadollah Shakiba 1*, 2, Ali Mostafaie 2, Delnia Arshadi 2 and Behnam Sabayan 3 Address: 1 Department of Immunology, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Medical Biology Research Center, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran. 3 Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Student Research Center, Zand Avenue, Central Building, Shiraz, Fars 2 Corresponding author: Yadollah Shakiba (MD), Medical Biology Research Center, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran E-mail: Telefax: +98-831-4276471 Postal zip code: 6714869914 Received: 23 Oct 2008 Accepted: 21 Dec 2008 Published: 3 Jan 2009 Iran J Med Hypotheses Ideas, 2009, 3:3 © 2009 Yadollah Shakiba, Ali Mostafaie, Delnia Arshadi and Behnam Sabayan; licensee Tehran Univ. Med. Sci. Abstract Cyclosporine A (CsA) is a powerful immunosuppressant drug most widely used in management of organ transplantation and autoimmune diseases. However, in therapeutic doses CsA induces several side effects including renal and liver toxicity. CsA induced hepatotoxicity usually occurs in the first 90 post-transplant days and can limit its therapeutic use. Cumulative data showed that oxidative stress induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS) over production and compromised antioxidant capacity play an important role in the development of hepatotoxicity in CsA treated patients. CsA induced oxidative stress decreases hepatocyte reduced glutathione (GSH) and impairs the function of its related enzymes. Consequently any mechanism which removes ROS or prevents hepatic GSH depletion or induce production of GSH dependent enzymes may provide protection for hepatotoxicity in CsA-treated patient. Garlic organosulfur compounds have been reported that enhance cellular antioxidant activity by radical scavenging abilities and augmentation of endogenous antioxidants via prevention of GSH depletion and increasing of GSH dependent enzymes activity and their gene expression. Based on these facts we propose the hypothesis that garlic organosulfur compounds can prevent CsA hepatotoxicity. Before clinical use further investigations in animal models are needed. Keywords Cyclosporine,Hepatotoxicity,Garlic, Oxidative stress Introduction Cyclosporine A (CsA), a fungal polypeptide, was first identified in 1976 as a novel antibiotic. CsA is now marked as a frequently used immunosuppressive agent in transplant medicine to prevent graft rejection. CsA significantly improves graft survival following renal, cardiac, pancreatic, bone marrow and liver transplantation (1). In fact, after introducing cyclosporine to Irn J Med Hypotheses Ideas 2009, 3:3 Yadollah Shakiba, Ali Mostafaie, Delnia Arshadi and Behnam Sabayan transplant medicine, survival of transplanted organs increased considerably to more than 80% at 2 years post transplantation. Today, a large number of transplanted patients receive cyclosporine as a crucial immunosuppressant drug (2). In addition this drug is used in the treatment of wide spectrum of autoimmune diseases such as uveitis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, nephritic syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease and primary biliary cirrhosis (1). However CsA has also side effects including renal, hepatic, cardiac and neural toxicity, among which, hepatotoxicity is also one of the most disquieting side effects. It has been reported that impaired hepatic function occurs in 20 to 50% of CsA treated patients (2). Cholestasis, hyperbilirubinemia, hypoproteinemia, increased alkaline phosphatase, elevated transaminases, inhibition of protein synthesis and disturbed lipid secretion in both human and experimental animals was found to characterize CsA-induced hepatotoxicity (3). Hepatotoxicity usually occurs in the first 90 posttransplant days and can limit CsA clinical application (4). Discussion The Hypotheses Although the exact mechanism of CsAinduced hepatotoxicity is not completely understood, numerous current findings suggest that oxidative stress mechanism playing an important role in its pathology. CsA therapy induces overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in hepatocytes and lowers their antioxidant capacity. Based on this fact, we herein offer a hypothesis that ingestion of potentially antioxidant garlic organosulfur compounds may be useful in prevention of CsA-induced hepatotoxicity. Evaluation of the hypotheses To test this hypothesis we offer following methods: 1- Oral or intraperitoneal administration of garlic organosulfur compounds to animals before and during of treatment with CsA and evaluation of oxidative stress markers in their serum and liver tissue in comparison to control group. 2- Simultaneous addition of garlic organosulfur compounds and CsA to cultured rat hepatocytes and evaluation of toxicity and lipid peroxidation in comparison to addition of CsA in control plates. 3- Moreover since garlic is a safe food for human and in normal doses has no toxicity, it is possible that we test this hypothesis in cyclosporine treated patients. CsA and oxidative stress in hepatocytes As noted above, the mechanism underlying CsA hepatotoxicity is not completely cleared but cumulative data showed that oxidative stress plays an important role in its toxicity. For example Wolf et al. reported that in primary rat hepatocyte culture, CsA increases reactive oxygen species (ROS) and malondialdehyde (MDA) production that are hallmarks of oxidative stress (5). In other research it has been showed that oral administration of CsA to rabbit increases MDA level and catalase (CAT) activity in liver preparations of rabbits. Increased CAT activity is a compensatory mechanism against high hydrogen peroxide production and confirms CsA induced oxidative stress in hepatocytes (6). Cell membrane is one of the most susceptible sites to ROS. Free radicals react with polyunsaturated fatty acids and form lipid peroxides. Damage to Cell membrane via lipid peroxidation can impair its fluidity and elasticity permanently which can lead to rupture of the cell (7). New findings revealed that GSH depletion is another important mechanism of CsA hepatotoxicity. GSH is an important cellular antioxidant defense system against free radical overproduction and decreasing of its cellular concentration impairs cellular defense against oxidative stress (8). The depletion of GSH in the hepatocytes makes them susceptible to the oxidative stress. In previous researches it has been reported that CsA ingestion leads to a meaningful decrease in hepatic reduced glutathione GSH content. For example, Jimenez et al. found that total amount of hepatocytes glutathione significantly decreased in rats treated with CsA. In addition they notified that CsA increases oxidized glutathione concentrations which can modulate the activity of various regulatory enzymes and might be a cause of the impaired hepatocellular functions induced by CsA (9). In another study Inselmann et al. reported that CsA-induced hepatotoxicity was exacerbated by glutathione depletion (10). Based on these data we can imagine that any mechanism which removes ROS production and GSH depletion or induces production of GSH dependent enzymes may be useful for protection of hepatotoxicity in CsAtreated patients. The CsA oxidative stress mechanism in hepatocytes confirmed by other studies that showed antioxidant can prevent CsA-induced hepatotoxicity. Numerous studies obviously showed that antioxidants such as α-tocopherol, vitamin C and E, taurine, N-acetylcysteine and melatonin can protect hepatocytes against CsA toxicity in rat hepatocyte cultures (11-16). Page 2 of 4 (page number not for citation purposes) Irn J Med Hypotheses Ideas 2009, 3:3 Yadollah Shakiba, Ali Mostafaie, Delnia Arshadi and Behnam Sabayan Garlic organosulfur compounds and antioxidant properties The postulated role of garlic organosulfur compounds in prevention of CsA hepatotoxicity can be explained by 1) their ability in free radical scavenging 2) prevention of hepatocyte GSH depletion. The role of garlic organosulfur compounds in free radical scavenging has been investigated by numerous investigations. Several studies obviously showed antioxidant activity of garlic compositions against oxidative stress in tissues (17-19). Allicin is a major component of garlic organosulfurs and its antioxidant properties confirmed by many investigations (17-19). In addition to allicin other garlic organosulfurs like alliin, allyl cysteine, allyl disulfide, represent antioxidant properties and can neutralize several types of ROS (20). Moreover garlic organosulfurs absorb from gastrointestinal system to circulation and can effect on body organs effectively. The bioavailability of these organosulfurs can be estimated by assaying expiration allyl methyl sulfide content (21). Many previous researches and investigations showed that garlic organosulfur compounds prevent hepatotoxicity induced by isoniazid and rifampicin (22), galactosamine/endotoxin (23), Carbon tetrachloride (24) and naphthalene (25) in hepatocyte. The mechanism of induced liver toxicity by these drugs is similar. All of them induce oxidative stress in hepatocytes. Augmentation of glutathione and its related enzymes, cellular antioxidant defense systems, is another major mechanism of garlic organosulfur hepatoprotection. Garlic prevents cells against GSH depletion and activates GSH dependent enzymes gene expression (26-29). As mentioned above, nephrotoxicity is another major adverse effect of CsA. It has been reported that CsA induces renal and liver toxicity by a similar mechanism. CsA induced renal damage is accompanied by increase in reactive oxygen species, lipid peroxidation and decrease in expression and activity of antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase (30-31). Some recent investigations indicated that garlic organosulfurs attenuate CsA nephrotoxicity and protect renal tubules from CsA induced oxidative stress (32). In a recent study Durak et al. reported that orally ingestion of garlic decreases MDA production in kidney of cyclosporine treated rats by antioxidant activities (33). In an interesting clinical study jabbari et al. reported that garlic ingestion decreases cyclosporine induced oxidative stress in renal transplanted patients (34). As we know in comparision to other antioxidant agents, garlic is a safe, available, popular food and in normal doses has no side effect in almost all of people. Moreover garlic is a chip food and can be cost effective antioxidant agent for patients. We think that after confirming this hypothesis by in vitro and in view studies, garlic can be used widely in cyclosporine treated patients as a part of their food regime and can help them to tolerate therapeutic doses of cyclosporine. Conclusion Taken together, these data indicate the pivotal role of oxidative stress in CsA hepatotoxicity. Consequently any mechanisms which decrease oxidative stress may limit the hepatotoxicity associated with CsA. Therefore, we hypothesized that garlic organosulfur may be effective in CsAinduced hepatotoxicity treatment. Clinical investigation on animal models can give us more clear clues in this regard. References 1. Mascarell L, Truffa-Bachi P. New aspects of cyclosporine A mode of action: from gene silencing to gene up-regulation. Mini Rev Med Chem 2003; 3(3):205-214. 2. Deters M, Strubelt O, Younes M. Reevaluation of cyclosporine induced hepatotoxicity in the isolated perfused rat liver. Toxicology 1997; 123(3):197-206. 3. Rezzani R. 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