1 Journal J of Managgement Syystems ISSN #104 1-2808 A Publiccation off the Assoociation of Managgement ____________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________________________________ SMALL S AN ND MEDIUM SIZED ENTER RPRISE P PERFORM MANCE FOLLOWING AN INITIA AL PUBLIC OFFER RING: CO ONSEQUE ENCES O OF BOA ARD OF DIRECTO D OR GOVERNANCE E AND STOCK OW WNERSHIP P John. A. A Pearce II, Villanova Un niversity, Vil lanova, Pen nnsylvania, U USA Shawn D. Howton, Villanova Un niversity, Villlanova, Pen nnsylvania, U USA Shelly W. W Howton, Villanova Un niversity, Vil lanova, Pen nnsylvania, U USA AB BSTRACT E Entrepreneurship, strate egic management and finance lite eratures all support the e theory tha at a firm u undertakes an a initial pub blic offering (IPO) ( to prov vide liquidityy for its owne ers and fund ds for its gro owth. Yet, ffinancial perfformance in the years im mmediately following f an IPO is commonly disap ppointing. Th he factors that make a private firm m attractive to t public inv vestors are e evidently no ot the same that enable e a newly p public comp pany to perfform well fin nancially. Th he wide-ran nging search h for variables that can n reliably fforetell the success s of a firm after its IPO has produced mixed resu ults. Howeve er, there ha ave been e encouraging findings th hat point to the importa ance of a fiirm’s corporrate governa ance structu ure. This investigation n builds on n prior res search to study s the IPO-governance-performance rela ationship. S Specifically, it investigattes the relattionship bettween CEO survival and firm perfo ormance thro ough the IPO period, including cases c when the CEO is also the Founder off the firm a and cases w when the F Founder- CE EO has bee en replaced by a Succ cessor-CEO. The study also gives special atte ention to cchanges in a company y’s Boards of Directorrs’ size, co omposition, and stock ownership and the a associated financial f perrformance of o the firms. Empirical test resultss reveal sign nificant perfformance cconsequence es of chan nges in the governanc ce and own nership by 116 small and mediu um sized e enterprises (SME) ( that underwent u th he IPO proce ess. K Keywords: Initial pub blic offering (IPO), CEO O continuity, Founder su urvival, Small and mediu um sized enterprise es (SME), Corporate gov vernance THE REALITY R OF POST-IP PO CORPO ORATE PER RFORMANCE mor for open ning day shares of Initial Public Offferings (IPO Os) belies a problematic longerInvestor clam d growing bo ody of evide ence shows that IPOs siignificantly u underperform m in their term reality. A large and m markets for the t first three to five yea ars after going public (c .f., Durukan, 2002; Bhabra & Pettw wat, 2003; 2003). Alth D Daily, Certo,, Dalton & Roengpitya, R hough the ssearch for ca auses of this propensitty toward b below average financial performanc ce by new public p firms has produce ed an intrigu uing array o of culprits Journal off Managementt Systems, Vool. 25, Numbeer 1, 2015
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