NAME:______________________________________ P EA K PARENT(s) NAME:___________________________ ____________________________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________ P ER FOR M AN CE CITY/STATE:____________________, __________ VO LL EYBA LL PHONE #:___________________________________ Joliet, Montana EMERGENCY PHONE:______________________ AGE: _______________________________________ ENTERING GRADE:_________________________ Shirt Size (adult): XS S M L XL JOLIET ELEMENTARY & JUNIOR HIGH CLINIC Please send in registration fee and form to the address below. You will receive an email confirming I have received your information. Fee deadline is May 15th. If it is past the deadline, the price changes and there is no guarantee on PeakPerformance shirt after camp ends. It will be mailed to your coach at a later date. In the event of a cancellation, 50% of the clinic fee will be refunded. If a medical and or family emergency arises you will receive 100% refund. PLEASE complete form above & mail in your check payable to: JODI ALEXANDER 511 Carriage Circle Billings, MT 59102 (website) (406) 696-7410 Cut here, complete and mail in. Thank You EMAIL:_____________________________________ JODI ALEXANDER 511 Carriage Circle, Billings MT 59102 (website) (email) (406) 696-7410 If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call. E L E M E N TA R Y & J U N I O R H I G H PEAK PERFORMANCE CLINIC Jodi My name is Jodi Alexander and I am passionate about young women becoming confident through volleyball. I played collegiately and started coaching in 1995. Seeing how coaches made a positive or negative impact on athletes lives was a driving force behind my wanting to be a positive model for every girl I come into contact. Volleyball is only a small piece of the picture. Healthy eating, strength training, building mental toughness and becoming a positive leader for their teammates are just a few ways to train a peak performer. I want to make an impact on your child’s life. Through my experiences on the court, my in-depth knowledge of volleyball and my intense passion for creating the all-around athlete, my ultimate goal is to make positive difference in not only how your daughter plays volleyball but also in increasing her positive attitude toward self and teammates. Client Testimonials “I have been playing volleyball now for 6 years but the true exchange of volleyball being a sport to a passion came to me after playing for Jodi. This coach is who showed me how great the sport was and gave me the push and the love for the game. “ MRH “Ms. Alexander is able to bring out the very best in a team by not only building their level of skill, but also their character and integrity. She has high expectations, but also understands grace and sincerity. She allows players to learn from their mistakes, move on and become better players because of it. And most importantly, she believes in the potential of our daughters.” HP “Since you’ve been my coach, I have a much more positive attitude and I’m tougher mentally. I could not have imagined a better person to be my coach and mentor. I appreciate all the sacrifices you’ve made and for believing in me. “TH 3-DAY PEA K PERFO RMANCE CLI NIC — JOLI E T, MT — PASSING - SETTING - SERVING - SERVE RECEIVE - DEFENSE POSITIONING - OFFENSIVE TOOLS — Peak performance camps are a great way to enhance skills with other athletes who have equal passion for improving their skills and gaining confidence by developing a greater understanding for volleyball. Working closely with your High School Head coach, I will customize a camp just for your team of athletes. ELEMENTARY & JUNIOR HIGH CLINIC $90/ATHLETE ** Registration postmarked after May 15TH….cost will be $105 Elementary — Entering grades 4th — 6th Junior High — Entering grades 7th — 8th We will have 2 courts so I am limiting the clinic to 12 athletes per court. The 3 days will consist of one three hour session per day. The first two hours will be skill development and the last hour is all competition. The competition will be different each day. Volleyball skills at the Elementary level are pretty new so we will stick to keeping it simple, yet challenging. At the Junior High level we will be focusing on doing the little things extremely well. As they improve daily I will have a mixture of drills in order to challenge them to grow mentally and physically. This focused approach at both levels gives the athlete a competitive edge and will build a solid foundation that will follow them into their next season. I understand that no two athletes are alike, some athletes are more visual and others respond well to specific explanations. I accommodate all the different learning curves. Clinic Dates: June 9 — 11th [1st day check in will be 20 minutes before camp begins] Clinic Times: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Location: Joliet High School Peak Performance shirt for every camper. Helping coach are a few varsity High School volleyball players. This will help maximize the reps your daughter deserves through out the 3 days of camp. I am honored to have these young woman closely assisting me. They are also saving money to attend camp(s) out of state to improve their skills for the future Joliet High School season! The girls are very volleyball savvy and will undoubtedly help improve your daughters skills while attending camp.
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