Suite 8, Rectory House Thame Road, Haddenham Buckinghamshire HP17 8DA Tel: 01844 291384 Fax: 01844 299003 email: John Clegg & Co CHARTERED SURVEYORS & FORESTRY AGENTS JANET’S WOOD Morpeth, Northumberland 3.2 Hectares / 7.8 Acres An attractive young woodland set in lovely countryside and offering scope for long-term enjoyment and timber production FREEHOLD FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY Offers in Excess of £30,000 JANET’S WOOD Morpeth 4 miles Newcastle 18 miles (all distances are approximate) Berwick 45 miles DIRECTIONS From the village of Hebron, take the minor road past the telephone box and signed to Tritlington. This road turns northwards from the village. After 500 yards, the entrance track is on the right (grid ref NZ195902) and shown as point A1 on the sale plan. Follow this road for about 150m to point A2. Proceed a further 100m to point B and turn sharp right to head southwards towards the woodlands lying east of Hebron village. It is about 1km to the top of Janet’s Wood, shown at point D. The track continues for a short distance to point E where there is a gate into the woodland. OS 1:50,000 Map 81 Ref NZ196892. Nearest post code NE61 3LA. TAXATION After two years ownership, commercially managed woods qualify for 100% relief from Inheritance Tax. Timber sales are free of all Income Tax and do not attract Capital Gains Tax. In certain circumstances it is possible to roll-over Capital Gains into the proportion of the purchase price attributable to the value of the land. VIEWING Viewing is possible without appointment at any time during daylight hours so long as prospective purchasers are in possession of a set of these sale particulars. Please be aware of hazards within the woodland when viewing. MINERAL RIGHTS These are reserved by a former owner. DESCRIPTION Janet’s Wood forms part of a larger area that was established in the mid-1990s as a farm woodland scheme. The woodlands are now well established and comprise a mixture of Scots pine with Japanese larch, interspersed with a selection of broadleaves including oak, ash and sycamore. It is now at a stage where selective thinning to favour the best stems would be beneficial. RIGHTS OF WAY The woodland is sold with the benefit of rights of access over the route A1-A2-B-D-E at all times and for all purposes with maintenance according to user. The boundaries are well fenced against stock and the western edge of the woodland is sheltered by a robust hawthorn hedge. There is a delightful viewpoint at the southern extremity, looking out over farmland to the south and west. The public footpath which follows the access road does not appear to be in heavy use and the woodland offers considerable privacy and scope for enjoyment. SPORTING RIGHTS The sporting rights are owned and included in the sale. It is intended that the buyer will be expected to allow a covenant which prevents exercise of the sporting rights whilst at the same time allowing control of woodland pests. FENCING There are no known fencing liabilities. RIGHTS AND EASEMENTS The woodland is sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights, including rights of way, whether public or private, light, support, drainage, water, gas and electricity supplies and any other easements. WAYLEAVES The woodland is sold subject to all existing wayleaves and purchasers will be deemed to have satisfied themselves as to the routes thereof. JANET’S WOOD PLANS AND AREAS These are based on the Ordnance Survey and are for reference only. The purchaser shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to their accuracy and any error or misstatement shall not annul the sale or entitle any party to compensation in respect thereof. METHOD OF SALE Janet’s Wood is offered for sale by Private Treaty. Prospective purchasers should register their interest with the Selling Agents to whom offers should be submitted. Please contact our Haddenham office on 01844 291384. TENURE AND POSSESSION Freehold. Vacant possession will be given on completion. OFFERS OVER £30,000 ARE INVITED IMPORTANT NOTICE John Clegg & Co LLP for themselves and for the vendors of this property, whose agents they are, give notice that: (1) These particulars do not constitute nor constitute any part of an offer of a contract (2) All statements contained in these particulars as to the property are made without responsibility on the part of John Clegg & Co LLP or the vendor. (3) None of the statements contained in these particulars as to this property are to be relied on as statements or representations of fact. (4) Any intending purchaser must satisfy himself by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these particulars. (5) The vendor does not make or give, and neither John Clegg & Co LLP nor any person in their employment has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty in relation to this property. Particulars prepared April 2015. Photographs May 2013. John Clegg & Co LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in Scotland (No. SO302718) whose registered office is at 2 Rutland Square, Edinburgh, EH12AS. JANET’S WOOD John Clegg & Co CHARTERED SURVEYORS & FORESTRY AGENTS England: 01844 291384 Scotland: 0131 2298800 Wales: 01600 730735 Not To Scale Suite 8, Rectory House Thame Road Haddenham, Bucks HP17 8DA N This plan is only for the guidance of intending purchasers. Although believed to be correct, its accuracy is not guaranteed and does not form part of any contract. Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationary Office, Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence No. 100023148 Produced by Pear Technology Services Ltd.
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